
11 Reviews
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The Main Issue Is MIA
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a series of flashbacks, the principle issues of Jean Simmon's character emerge - Her husband (John Forsythe) has had at least one affair (in Reno) and his active displays of affection are only perfunctory at best in recent years . . . Like many of the other married women in this film, Simmons is bored as she tries to kill time & wrestle with her deep sadness.

Simmons tries to end her life after finding out her husband is away on an affair - It becomes clear that this event has caused her to become a heavy drinker and pill popper - Simmons should have left her husband and found a purpose for her life with study/work - She finally does this at the end of the film and seems far more fulfilled

Those who have reviewed this film without mentioning the affair, or it's impact on Simmons, are not really understanding the character's torment

The ending makes a great deal of sense but I would have liked a little more detail -- The song 'What are you doing the rest of your life' is really the driver of this film - What will she do 12 months after the affair, her suicide attempt, pill popping, increasing alcoholism and obvious depression? I just wish this area had more detail and that the husband's contribution to his wife's unhappiness was brought out more.
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The Roof (1956)
Realism of Post War Italy - Deeply Moving
17 June 2023
Now available on YouTube, this movie is a gem of realism with a story line that is deeply moving and at times frustrating. It shows the hardships of a very young couple who decide to marry before they have secured a home. . . . The acting and realistic scenes from the major characters and sub plots is very engaging.

As the couple strive to find a home they are helped by many who are also living in poverty. . . The acting shows off Vittorio De Sica's direction beautifully as one is drawn into the lives of the married couple early on. . . . In the end, the couple move forward with the help of many, showing that although they have major financial hurdles, they enjoy a wealth of deeply moving relationships with many who were living in similar circumstances. . . I highly recommend this film.
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Elvis (2022)
An Elvis Film About Colonel Tom Parker
24 March 2023
This is not really a film about Elvis, it is a reflection of scattered thought bubbles in Baz Luhrmann's mind that that seeks to showoff his editing and stylistic gymnastics. As a consequence, the film is a mess. There is no effort to showcase the vocal range of Elvis, or to do justice to all the hard work required on the road to stardom - Instead, this is an invention that barely scratches the surface of it's namesake character. In truth, it is really a bio about Colonel Tom Parker After 1 hour, I have had enough and am amazed I have continued watching - I feel so sorry for the family and fans that this mess was created.

I was looking forward to watching this, now I can't wait to turn it off - Dreadful film.
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Black Sheep Squadron (1976–1978)
A Tale of 2 Shows - Series 1 & Series 2
6 February 2022
Pretty much everyone knows from a scant review of the real Squadron 214 under the leadership of Greg "Pappy" Boyington that attention to accuracy was not a major feature of this television series. . . With that said, Series 1 was an enjoyable show that highlighted aerial combat & camaraderie across a number of Pacific Islands in WWII

Robert Conrad was an excellent choice as Pappy Boyington, as were all the other cast choice for series 1 . . . Sadly, Series 2 lost it's way as it sought to replicate a No of other popular series of the time, including Charlie's Angels . . suddenly several of the original cast members disappeared without explanation, scantily clad nurses became a more prominent element of the series, new cast members with little personality appeared and attention to details such as fashions & hairstyles became even more problematic with every cast member looking as though they were in the late 1970s rather than the 1940s

Because of the way BBBS lost it's way, I have combined scores for Series 1 & 2 to arrive at an average of 7/10 . . . (Series 1: 9/10 and Series 2: 5/10 . . . Total: 14/20=7/10)

On a personal note, I really enjoyed BBBS when it aired in my home country, Australia, in the 1970s. I was very young & greatly enjoyed the series. . . For some reason, I cannot recall Series 2 being aired at the time . . . Probably as the Channel airing the series could see what a train wreck the second series was & chose not to air it.

May I offer my thanks to all the military who patrolled the Pacific during WWII, including Squadron 214 of the Marines. We owe you so much!!
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Black Sheep Squadron: Forbidden Fruit (1978)
Season 2, Episode 7
Misguided Change of Direction for Black Sheep Series
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In episode 7 (series 2) Baa Baa Black Sheep made a series of major cast & plot changes that destroyed the previous tenor of the series. All of the changes are corny and it is little wonder that the series lasted only until episode 13 before being pulled.

What a shame as series 1 was excellent and mostly stuck to the formular of a group of misfits who form the impressive 214 in the Pacific. The storylines were based mostly on WW11 & the camaraderie of the 214. . . . From S2 Ep7 onwards the series attempted to emulate Charlies Angels & base attempts to steer the series into a form of soap opera . . . In re-watching this series, I do not recall these episodes being aired in my country (Australia)

Also worth commenting are the fashions (including skimpy clothes for the nurses) and hairstyles that are clearly from the 1970s rather than the 1940s. These also denigrate the series & render it as something that in series 7 ended up changing direction from a classy series to a bottom of the barrel series of corny stories with little of substances.

If I were to rate series 1 it would be 9/10. From episode 7 of series 2 I am being extremely generous by rating it 6/10

If you are new to this series, make sure you watch series 1. It's a rare gem. Sadly, it lost it's way in series 2.
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Life Feels like a Dream
27 January 2022
I have watched 'The Inner Light' about 5-6 times now, & it's subtext that every life is like a dream is not lost on me . . . The story invites us to go beyond the obvious superficial elements of Picard's displacement & to consider that we all her for a short time.

Speaking of this, then if even a fraction of credible Near Death Experiences are accurate, then our life here will be reviewed when we return home. . . And then, all that will have been important was how often we chose to be kind, generous, caring, helpful, loving etc. . . In relation to Picard's choices, he chose to be a good husband, father & citizen . . . And as he noted to his offspring, we must remember to cherish the present moment, for there is no guarantee of the future

A brilliant story of our own dream states on Earth until we return home. Kudos to the writers of this amazing episode of TNG!!
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Surprising Gem
28 April 2021
This pre Star Trek role for Shattner show showcases him in a more favourable light & with a wider acting range. . . The program was one of the footsteps that led to Law & Order, & attempted to show the grit of crime with it's use of unusual outside camera angles.

The style of this show was ahead of its time. While it is a shame it was not renewed after 13 episodes, it's demise allowed Shattner to sign on as Captain Kirk, a role that was much loved.
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Hollywood (2020)
It's Fantasy Land
7 March 2021
Netflix needs to STOP the way it re-writes history and damages well known books & franchises by imposing it's own preferred outcomes. In doing this, it negates historical truth, distorts well known story lines and denies the hard worn victories of those who suffered over the decades to change injustice.

I simply cannot watch any more of these Fantasies, including; Hollywood, Star Trek: Discovery, Rebecca, Bridgeton etc. These productions are incredibly disrespectful and outrageous. . . Instead of this cancel culture madness, why not create new productions? . . . when will someone stand up and say "No more"!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
Goodbye, we can no longer suffer this rubbish any longer
22 February 2021
My husband and I have had enough after watching a few episodes of series 3. This show is closer to Star Wars than Star Trek, has poor character development, no semblance to Federation Codes of conduct, improbable story lines and a host of unlikeable characters, chief of whom is the Whispering Queen & Warrior of the Universe, Michael Burnham.

As bad as all the above is, the heavy handed attempts to brainwash, a common Netflix hidden agenda item, has reached impossible to watch proportions. According to the makers of this show, a military bridge cannot be trusted to properly function without excessive female decision-making, at times female mutinies, constant displays of emotions, lack of confidence among key bridge staff and a complete suffocation of military protocols.

It's bad enough that the series is poorly written with haphazard writing that sanctifies inaccurate continuity & a deviation so far south of the Star Trek brand that one is left wondering if perhaps this is a parody series.

Whatever STD is, it is a train wreck for Trekkies and most persons who love the Sci-Fi genre. Goodbye, we can no longer suffer this rubbish any longer.
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Christmas in Rome (2019 TV Movie)
Below Average
10 December 2020
Having being to Rome many times I was sorry to note how few scenes were actually filmed there. As per the credits, this would have been better titled; "Christmas in Bucharest". . . As for the script, this was poor & the acting stiff. So many things did not make sense. An example is when the couple leave to attend a dinner empty handed, yet they are thanked for bringing 2 panettones!! There are a few scenes filmed in Rome, but not enough to satisfy. I was hoping for a much better film and would have forgiven the issues with the plot and acting if the film had actually been shot in Rome.
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Inferno (I) (2016)
Implausible & Silly
26 July 2018
Despite amazing scenery, the plot is so implausible that the more the film unfolds, the more it ironically descends into Dante's depiction of hell. . . Major plot twists are poorly explained at best, and at worst are awkward and ill-fitting and in satisfying thriller.

The entire need for Langdon (Tom Hanks) seems pointless and silly. Meanwhile, the attempt to release a virus to reduce the world's population seems pointless when the chief beneficiary commits suicide.

Langdon's love interest sub plot also sinks with lack of credibility or authenticity. . . The entire film looks like an early draft that was never given the much needed rewrites to bring the plot up to the same high level as the impressive scenery and beautiful filming.

My 3/10 is solely to give credit to the scenery and filming. If you feel inclined to watch this . . Suggest you tape this from free to air TV so that you can fast forward or end the misery that accumulates with each passing minute, without having lost any pecuniary asset other than your time.
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