
23 Reviews
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The Big C (2010–2013)
Ploughing Through All Those Episodes
23 September 2024
At times it was a hard chore yet there was something about the series that kept me going back for more.

I have always liked Laura Linley, although most of her work has been in the lower grade of movie.

In the BIG C she was firmly established as the self-centred kind of person where everything was about her. The multiple expression of love for others never really lasted past the utterance of the phrases expressing love and there was always her concern about what others thought.

I liked the feature which included people like Susan Sarandon, Alan Alda, Hugh Darcy, and they lifted the quality of the show. Sarandon was particularly effective, which is no surprise.

One of the worst aspects of the show was the appalling ending, where the main character just gives up the ghost with not one word of summary, but just a middle class nothingness.

I also loathed the black woman, NOT BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK, OR FAT, but because she just didn't fit into the narrative in any way.

Why did I binge watch the whole thing?

I have NO idea.
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25 August 2024
I started watching this on a wet and windy Sunday afternoon just to pass the time. WOW did I get a shock when I realised that I had been so absorbed that I had seen the whole thing.

I don't know why it's categorised as a DOCUMENTARY and assume this is why there is no cast list or reader views etc.

I got totally involved and salute the direction, the script, the music and of course the actors.

Somewhere the point was made that of course there were no actual people and all personnel were actors.

I totally overlooked all of that and believed I was watching the real events being filmed as they happened.

Naive? Sure but I am at times a nasty piece of work who sniffed out pretences but nothing was further from my mind in this case.

I urge you to watch it: it's on STAN.
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Ladies in Black (2024– )
Doesn't Miss a Trick
16 July 2024
If, perchance, you are counting up the cliches. Other than that is is graced,for the most part, with haughty looking ugly women who are acting badly, at least in this dog.

Which is why you wonder about Miranda Otto, who at times is sublime and all other times at least watchable.

I always wonder why at least SOME of the vast team involved don't NOTICE that they are clipping through the entrails of a dead dog and DO SOMETHING about it!

I've just sat through 2 episodes of this and THATS IT NO MORE.

Australia HAS produced some superb movies and series. Sadly, ladies in Black is certainly not one of them.
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Poor Old Effort
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The lead female actor, Robyn Malcolm, didn't handle the poor script well and overacted. Awful.

Peter Mullen was better but again the script wasn't much use.

The arc of the story line was fine except it was dripping with stuff that's been done before and it was difficult to share off the boredom at times.

WHAT a surprise that Wifey WAS right all along and Hubby did molest the boy. Shock, horror and who'd have ever thunk it??

I always worry about these films as to whether SOMEONE outside those people who have a close involvement with the manufacture of the film actually reviews and assesses it a couple of times on the way through the process???
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25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because Shalene Woodley was the star, and she made the most of the poor material she had to work with.

The whole plot headed you towards someone dying and it was a not-clever little tweak to have Plastic Augustus do it unconvincingly.

I haven't read the book that sprouted this stuff but I hope it was better than this film.

At one stage I was bored and looked up how long there was still to run. It was another HOUR, so the whole thing was over 2 hours long.

One of the main difficulties I had was the twittishness of the Dern character. Usually she is excellent but I think in this she just couldn't work out what to do with her clumsy cliche script and nothing much direction.

I did finish the thing.

I thought the reappearance of the Houten character at the funeral was a very clumsy device that just didn't work.

Maybe a 2 not a 4.
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2 May 2024
I only watched this series as I was sitting at home in the rain and I was a bit bored.

Thank god I did as it engaged through every minute as a beautiful and haunting piece of art and searingly honest in its meticulous presentation.

I was born in 1941 and obviously only a baby during the time of Auschwitz but somehow the series attached me from that shared time.

I read a stunning review by Chris Jones which says everything I wanted to say but in a much better way. Here is part of his review but I strongly recommend you read his whole review.

REVIEW: Come with me on a journey through history, where THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ charts a course through the shadows and lights of human resilience. This series captures the full spectrum of emotions in the life of Lali Sokolov, a man whose scars from the past are as profound as his victories over them. Everything about this series will make you think and feel, making you question how so many people had the incredible strength to overcome and persevere.

We're introduced to a young Lali, played by Jonah Hauer-King, who arrives at Auschwitz and is immediately handed the grave responsibility of tattooing prisoners with a permanent reminder of what has become one of the most disheartening "memories" in world history. This role tests every fiber of his moral being. Amid this darkness, he encounters Gita, whose role is filled with strength and grace by Anna Próchniak. Their love story blossoms under the strict and menacing gaze of Nazi officer Stefan Baretzki, chillingly portrayed by Jonas Nay.

The series doesn't just linger in the past; it also explores Lali's later years. Harvey Keitel takes on the role, bringing a layered and poignant performance as he decides to open up about his torturous past to Heather Morris, a character given depth by Melanie Lynskey's portrayal. This framing adds a reflective dimension to the series, making the audience ponder the enduring effects of Lali's traumatic experiences. The journey from the past to the present is a powerful way to show this trip through time and the scars left on a human soul.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Words from a Latecomer
20 April 2024
I've only just found this series and instantly fell in love with Emily vanKamp, and then the series as a whole. I've watched 23 or so episodes and still look forward to whatever's next.

I've read many of the reviews and as one usually does, agree with what many people are saying and not others.

I'm finding all the acting to be convincing so that I believe the characters and don't regard them as actors playing characters. Sure there are som bungles in continuity, and a couple of people (Aiden) seem to have suddenly got involved with very little introduction.

My only exception to all this is MADELINE STOWE who I can't stand as she either just can't act, or at least can't cope with this role. She has very few responses available and literally no nuance at at.

And, yes, I've read a couple of very positive comments about her, but for me - NO.

Apart from that I love the show and will follow vanKamp in whatever else I can find on the streaming scene.
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Ripley (2024)
MartianTom is the winner!
15 April 2024
I've read through a great many of the reader reviews as well as material from newspapers etc but I thought MartianToms 10/10 was the best.

He didn't, lime most of the others, try to dissect this series or wish it had been in colour, or the actors had been younger, but rather just expressed his joy at the work itself.

So thank you, MartianTom, you added to my enjoyment of the series.

I also followed it up by then watching the Matt Damon/Jude Law version and loved it for its differences and style.

Let's NOT be so critical of everything all the time.

For me this was sublime. I'm an Andrew Scott fan for a while and have appreciated the integrity with which he invests his work.
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Three Women (2023– )
14 April 2024
I thought this was going to be OK, and have been a Sharlene Woodley fan for some time but this turned into repetitive dross at about episode 3.

This one happens to be about women, but there are many examples featuring similarly up themselves men.

And, no, I can't recall the names.

In the case of "Three Women" we have the supposed author rushing about supposedly collecting important details of the lives of various women to put into a book she's writing.

Then one after one they are dragged out. Take Lina. She marries a guy and cranks out two kids with him. Then she fixates on the fact that he doesn't like kissing? Maybe should have checked this out before she started breeding?

Oh, and then when she stats enthusiastically buffing Aiden, a school mate, and of course that's perfect, she finds him backing off after a while and thinks it's because he was upset with her about a school time incident.

She finds out he can't even remember the incident so then it's THAT which stresses her out.

And it's THAT which persuaded me to turn the bloody thing off except for fast forwarding a couple of bits more.

I'll be very careful about Woodley next time.
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Population: 11 (2024– )
Great Fun from Start to Finish
14 March 2024
I was very nervous when I saw another Australian TV offering listed for streaming.

So I watched Ep 1 waiting for it to dribble into dross like so many of recent Australian offerings.

But it made me binge watch the whole series at one sitting and I totally enjoyed it!

It's not perfect and there are some elements which are a bit hard to take but it's script is tight and oft times humourous, balance by a team of actors each of whom know what they are doing, and get on and do it.

It's hard to pick out any one actor who stands out but the American actor Ben Feldman is excellent in his role and the script uses his American origins to good effect.

So thank you all, people, for providing me with a very entertaining night in front of the Telly.
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Pieces (V) (2022)
I have now watched this extraordinary movie several times
13 March 2024
From the beginning I have been drawn back to this excellent movie on a number of occasions and am very glad that it is so easily accessible on BINGE.

Five times in fact, to a point where I feel I "know" the characters. Not the actors, they have disappeared into the fabric of the piece, but the complexity of the characters.

I would like to see a wide distribution as this movie addresses a range of mental health issues and although it doesn't claim to "cure" anything, it acknowledges that issues do exist and that maybe the person next door or in the shop or wherever, may well benefit from YOUR unprying understanding.

Each time I watch I feel a greater understanding and I thank every person connected with this production.

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Murder Call (1997–2000)
7 March 2024
Bakerr51 was spot on with his review. I've seen a lot of Australian TV recently and it's all SO BAD AND BORING. MURDER CALL follows the pattern with a touch of sexual innuendo, lots of mortuary shots, negative remarks about the police.

, and "witty" remarks.

Nobody moves normally as it all looks so staged.

I watched 3 episodes, then luckily fell asleep.

I don't know why we seem SO self conscious when we make these things, but I would be happier if we just relied on British tales, but I guess that's not going to happen.

I can't imagine anyone associated with this dross actually feeling proud of the product.
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2 March 2024
O dear me, another Australian so-so TV series that treads the well worn paths of countless American and British predecessors with no trace of originality.

Actors like La Paglia, Karvan, Gibney show acting competence but not much more due to the limited script, poor character development and just lack of care.

Minutes in we had La Paglia, fresh back from a stint in the US, shouting about "them b----do upstairs" and their tendency to be uncooperative. WHAT great revelations!

I wonder what these actors think when they watch this stuff later? I have a great deal of sympathy and respect for the acting profession, but they don't have much choice except to engage with this dross if that's all we have. AND they have to earn a living.

I'm off to bed!
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Mother and Son (2023– )
O God it's BAD
29 September 2023
It's not worth the bother of trying to write an insightful review as there's nothing in it to get deep and caring about.

We feel a new appreciation of Ruth Cracknell and Gary McDonald when this thing is viewed. I think Denise Scott is a fine comedian but she's hopelessly out of her depth here.

Another issue is that it adds to the list of other ABC disasters, including the senseless "C*R*A*C*K*E*D" or whatever it's called and "Wild Fires" , another drone which is a surprise because the usually magnetic Marta Dusseldorp was the main actor in every episode, not the you'll brobably get past Ep 1.
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C*A*U*G*H*T (2023– )
This is simply awful
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first two episodes by flicking through in case this dog ist some point might wag it's tale and show it was worth bothering with,

It wasn't. The storyline was, I think, something about the four Aussie boofheads deleting a no doubt vitally dangerous file.

There was one closeup of a mobile showing what button that had to be pressed to do the deleting? Really???

The cliches continued with one of the dulls suggesting - after they were captured in another cliche - that they made a video showing their capture but in which they would insert messages the world would see about the awful plight of the unseen populace.

How am I going, have I said enough?

No, because what on earth were Sean Penn and Matthew Fox doing on the cast list?
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Insomnia (2002)
Fry The Critics
10 September 2023
Clearly the fame of Pacino has blinded most of the critics and reviewers to a kind of reverent, hushed approach to this movie so that the cliches and average performances of so many of the cast are brushed over.

It was actually boring in much of it and includes one simply ludicrous scene where Pacino chases Williams over rooftops etc, finishing up with a race across floating logs. Really??

Maybe this replaced the otherwise obligatory car chase.

Instead of the usual conflicted cop who's been dismissed but HAS to come back to fix something only HE can do, this time we find that the Pacino character has dark misdeeds in his past which are threatened by imminent discovery by as desk-bound man called WARFIELD.

I've never been taken in by Pacino and can only attribute his fame to the Hollywood public relations industry with its overactive promotions section.
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44 Inch Chest (2009)
Days of the past
27 August 2023
What a tense classic! These days movies are mostly non-stop action with fast cars and blazing guns. Story development is often very thin as is character development.

But people flock to them in droves so the movie houses are happy and keep churning out more and more of them.

I 44Inch Chest isn't anything like that and I can understand some of the negative reviews.

I loved the whole thing and REALLY felt the dilemma the main character had to suffer even though, as we discovered late in the film, that his behaviour triggered the mind of the 21 year wife to get out.

All of the acting was superb, which is expected of the group of actors, but the script and direction tied them together with their different personalities affecting a well done change of mind and release of LOVERBOY.

What a relief!
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Roxanne (1987)
So stupid and boring
6 August 2023
I'm not much of a Steve Martin fan as he is basically a bad actor who relies on not-funny jokes and rushing about.

On the other hand I am a "Cyrano de Bergerac" fan and even liked the Depardiue version as there was SOME romance in it.

Not so Roxanne, where there was no trace at all, the spaces filled with slamming doors and irrelevant firemen.

And when Roxanne the woman finally gets around to telling the fool she loves him..........

I worry about the habit movie makers have in putting "stars" in films and then building a promotional campaign around that so people go in their droves and come to accept that dross like this one is good, so go to more of the same.

It's a downward spiral wit ART totally left out.
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Tár (2022)
TAR was very well named
30 July 2023
I put off watching this movie because the excessive hype signalled wariness!

And I'm happy to admit I've never been a fan of Cate Blanchett, but have considered her always competent .

So the many reviews frothing and squeaking about her performance in 'Tar' left me feeling incredulous yet again. None actually said WHY they thought she was so marvellous. I guess the marketing once again convinced the gullible .

As for the movie itself: as many other low-scorers said, it seemed all over the place with issues and people introduced but not followed up.

I thought the music was OK, and was impressed that the Mahler was used instead of an easier composer's .

I would have had more of music and less of the interminable credits and the looong stage interview .

Not a complete flop, but close.

I envied those who suggested Tilda Swinton!
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Bay of Fires (2023– )
Thank God for the low score reviews
29 July 2023
I was reading through the reader reviews and marvelling at the high scores of many of them.

Then I read the actual reviews and realised I must have watched a completely different show.

I don't know how that happened as the "Bay of Fires" episode I watched was based on a weak plot and every cliche in TV land.

And bad acting!

Even Marta Düsseldorf , often outstanding but at least usually at least reliable, seemed to flounder.

All the actors seemed to have this false approach where their intentions far exceeded their abilities. One of the worst was the badly-written real estate agent, who I kept wishing would get shot or something .

The state of the house with its rotting floorboards was merely ludicrous.

I thought I'd better watch Ep2 in case I'd got it all wrong, but had to give up and turn it off.
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Soulmates: Little Adventures (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
What Are They All On?
5 April 2021
I found this episode to be consistent in quality and development to the earlier episodes: that is, an examination of the different pathways to love and all the difficulties that entails. The acting was fine, as was the character development, allowing us to see the actuality of actually making a change and seeing how it did or did not work.
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Butt Boy (2019)
16 May 2020
This poorly made movie simply does not have the power to overcome the basic idiotic limitations of its adolescent metaphor. And I paid to see it. Damn!
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W1A (2014–2024)
Clever and fast-paced but repetitive
4 March 2019
This approach to bureaucracy has been done and done - this is good fun and the overall production enhanced by actors such as Bonneville and the rest. One thing that drags it way down for me is the appalling and loud inter-scene music and (often) the over-speedy and gaudy scene change visuals.
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