
9 Reviews
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Quite overrated.
28 November 2018
Good film.I feel like something is missing ,the beginning is very promising and both Gaga and Cooper did great job i mean you feel the chemistry between them but as i said is quite overrated.Romance slowly fades and then all you got is drama but the kind of too much drama,melodrama i would say is the perfect word to describe this movie. felt boring?NO definetely not but it fails to meet you expectations and mine were high due to all this advertise but lets be fair this happens with every movie the industry advertise this much. Very touching story,great perfomances from both parts but something is lacking in the development of their characters.THE SONG was absolutely powerful ,Cooper was surprisingly captivative as a singer and Gaga really did her best as an actor. As a conclusion,i recommend this movie but dont expect much...just a good movie ,nothing special.
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Papillon (I) (2017)
24 November 2018
Is kinda hard to make a remake cause like it or not people always gonna compare it to the original film.The original movie filmed at 1973 so a lot of people might have not seen the original one but either way the movie was really good.Great performances,especially Charlie.I really enjoyed it, people might disagree with me but i think this one was more pleasant and fresh im not saying it was better but i dont feel like i have to compare them,both have been brilliantly done.Definitely will recommend this one over the old one to the younger audience.
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Pan (2015)
It was fantastic side of the story.
14 November 2016
I find the movie quiet awesome.The script,the cast everything was good..I don't understand the bad rating and the awful reviews.The movie was really interesting,they showed us a whole other story..they showed us how everything begins.I loved the movie ,it was really smart,everything in place ...i was intrigued by the fact that Hook was nice person ,i found it amazing ...and some reviewers are so stupid to judge that fact ..they've been expecting just to see what the already knew ..just Peter Pan and his fight against Hook but no small minded people NO.The movie was prequel (if you don't know what that means.. Google it).So explain to me why some of you wondering where Wendy was?Why Hook and Peter were friends?Why Hook has his hand? Wtf people? ITS THE BEGINNING!!!!!!! Get a moment to realize that and then watch the movie.It was fantastic side of the story I've couldn't imagined being better.Some parts were very intelligent .At the beginning of the movie, the prologue and at the end the dialogue between the two stars Peter and Hook.Great job.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Boring.Waste of time
9 November 2016
The movie was a disaster,such a disappointment for me .I was expecting something really good and different but nothing...nothing interesting or worthy enough to make the audience happy.I was disappointed by the fact that the cast was so good, with well known actors so i had expectations that the movie was gonna be great .It was boring and not funny at all.At the beginning i was patient and wait till something happens,i mean's George Clooney ,Scarlet Johansson,Channing Tatum,Jonah Hill,Ralph Fiennes it can't be awful! But I really felt like it was a waste of time.The movie has no plot to speak of and I don't understand some reviewers who reviewed the movie with 7,8 or 9 maybe they don't have sense of humor and unlike me they have not expecting it to be a satiric romp through the halls of 50's Hollywood.Ending was weak too.
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Mr. Church (2016)
A wonderful drama masterpiece
8 November 2016
The movie was so great. What a touching story!Everything in place ,so many emotions and tears.I've enjoyed every minute.A beautiful story of a man and a girl who became family and partners for life.The love,trust and feelings they've developed during the years are almost unbelievable .As i said before so many emotions,Eddie Murphy was awesome,a great actor with an amazing talent it feels so good to watch him on screen again after years.This movie is a must see,I definitely recommend this wonderful drama masterpiece .Mr.Church is a unique story about friendship and a family bond that lasts forever ,it's worth seeing cause movies like Mr.Church are hard to find these days.The script is well written,there's no plot,just a drama movie
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The Duel (I) (2016)
A pleasant western film.Nice plot,good cast
1 November 2016
Good cast,nice and interesting script but something's missing I don't know what exactly. Bad rating from the majority of the subscribers but I wasn't feel right the 2..4 or phrases like"waste of time" No it wasn't so bad ...but i agree that it's not a film for all.(I've read some reviews).A pleasant western film with quite fascinating plot.I'm not so much into the western films but I've enjoyed this one wasn't captivating or something like that ,but not boring either.Everything was in place,every piece of the puzzle,the plot was there,the actors was there ,the action was there but something was missing.The whole movie was good though(6.7/10) even if I wanted,basically I needed a different ending .So,as a conclusion i want to say that the movie is worth seeing and enjoyable.Both Hemsworth and Harrelson were great and made the movie better .
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Marauders (2016)
Not bad at all.Watchable
28 October 2016
Not clear 7 ,maybe 6.8 but definitely not 5.4 Why so many bad reviews? Some 2...4 really guys? Come on ,what expectations somebody has from an action movie?The movie was good with a really nice plot. Watchable,not boring .A movie with a deeper purpose and good,interesting background story.Reviews are to help somebody to decide if it's worth seeing or not,some reviewers believe that a good review is some bad comments.Everyone had their opinion of course but 2 or 4 are for movies with no interest,awful plot and bad acting.This one wasn't any of these.I liked the idea of a higher purpose behind the script ,it had you thinking what happened?why?who? And that was interesting,there's not extremely plot just an action movie with smart scenario ,nothing unique or one of its kind.When I first saw 5.4 rate and 2...4 reviews I was like there's NO WAY to watch this.But i luckily i did and I'm glad that i did cause it was worth it.Give it a chance isn't that bad!!
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Amazing.Totally worth seeing
22 October 2016
Amazing. Totally worth seeing. The plot evolves smoothly in complete harmony between drama and biography. the script follows the struggle and the difficulties of black people when slavery was something normal for rich people in that generation and the story of one revolutionist who united them all and make them fight for their rights and their freedom.Back when racism and violence ruled the whole world.The author lays bare before our eyes the truth and speaks honestly without restrictions about our hero (who is well played by Matthew McConaughey) and his journey.I liked ,basically i loved the movie but i was quite disappointed at the end ...i was expecting something else I guess,a completely other ending ,something like a conclusion not something so abruptness
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Adventure,action and romance.
22 October 2016
When I decided to watch Tarzan at cinemas I hadn't any expectations that is gonna be something huge and great as it was.It had everything that one movie of this kind must had adventure,action and romance.I was surprised. I was expecting some common story ,only action but it was more than that ,I really enjoyed the whole movie.Some reviewers described the movie as horrible,waste of time but I think they're wrong cause you don't have to expect something special .Tarzan isn't about mind games and mystery.Tarzan is a fictional Disney character it is what it is ,Why someone expects an extremely interesting plot? This is unfair. They've done great job with the script and the actors.Alexander was the perfect match for this role.
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