
5 Reviews
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Crossing the Lighthouse (1999 TV Movie)
Katty Loisel's characters in this film.
12 June 2007
I am puzzled by the casting of Katty Loisel in this film. Is she supposed to be a boy all through the film? Some way into the film, Yann seemed to change sex and was wearing a skirt. In the scene, the person I assume was supposed to be Marie takes off the skirt, hands it to one of the two people standing next to her, and walks off looking like a boy again. What is going on here? The film is in french and doesn't have sub-titles. For a person who doesn't speak fluent French, it is rather awkward. Some words I can translate, but not all of them. Can someone please explain whether this is supposed to be a girlish boy, a boyish girl or something else?
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It's Your Move (1984–1985)
David Garrison and Jason Bateman are an equal match.
4 June 2007
I think that the producers of !It's Your Move" are missing out on a great opportunity because it is still not available on DVD. If it was to be released in this format, then I would certainly buy it. Another character not very often mentioned was the janitor of the flats where they all lived. Ernie Sabella played this man, Mr Donatelli, (I think that was his name) a most revolting person who hated Mathew Burton intensely. Every time they could, they exchanged insults at an alarming rate. "So that the flies can shower" was only one of the jibes from Burton to Donatelli. This sequence still makes me laugh when ever I think about it. As everyone else says, (well, most people) it is a pity that it is no longer shown. Rather strange when other shows get constant re-runs and do not have such biting humour. I would give this show full marks, even though it first aired such a long time ago.
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Wah-Wah (2005)
This film is not only a piece of history, but it is also a personal story of one man's life and is full of fun and sadness. A truly down-to-earth film of outstanding merit.
28 October 2006
Like all films, if there is a good script and storyline, then the film will work. This film certainly had it all and the cast is outstanding. Just when it seems to be settling down in a particular direction, it changes tack but doesn't loose it's grip on the audience attention. Gabriel Byrne, being the lead role, gave an outstanding performance and did not pull any punches in the many demanding sequences in the film. Nicholas Hoult certainly showed that he can do serious acting and delivered everything that was asked of him. In fact, he excelled himself and, given the chance, he can become a really polished performer, not that he needs much more polish. Julie Walters is another of my personal favourites and, once again, she came up with the goods. This film is in my "Highly recommended" category and will, I think, please nearly everyone. There is fun, sadness and is thought provoking, touching on every single emotion anyone can react to.
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Not the best of films that I have seen recently.
19 May 2006
Watching this film in the cinema was certainly more interesting than watching paint dry, but not much. I don't mind swearing when it "fits the plot". Bad language in the right place can add to the effect, but in The Weather Man, it seemed to me that the F word was used just for the sake of it. There was a terrible waste of food in this film, too. All the fast food (in more ways than one)being thrown from cars was littering in the extreme. How come the passing car drivers weren't pulled over for littering, or better still, Nicholas Cage's character for depositing litter on the pavement, sorry, sidewalk, because he was the last person to have any contact with said food? I don't mean to be unkind to Nicholas Hoult, but he should have kept his shirt on, although I know this was part of the plot to illustrate his coach's unhealthy interest in the boy. For the girls, this would have been the only real excitement in this film had young Hoult been the possessor of a bod worth looking at. It looks as though he could do with a few bench press and sit up exercises. Someone of his age should show more tendency towards a six-pack rather than that of a bay window tummy.
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These are my thoughts about J T Leroy's story.
6 February 2006
Having read the book, I don't' think anyone would have dared to put in this film all that was in the book. If the book is a true depiction of what J T Leroy's mother did to him, then it is a wonder that she was not locked up and the key thrown away. All that I can hope is that this story is a work of fiction by someone with a very odd but vivid imagination. Some of the things that she does to this child would not be done by anyone in their right mind. I think that the film makers have gone as far as they dared in showing what they did without falling foul of the law. What they did show in the film was true to the book, but some of the scenes were a bit confusing to say the least. In one scene, do we assume that the man is looking at the boy, but fantasising that he is looking at the woman? The book doesn't make this clear either. What they did show is truly beyond belief that anyone would do this to a child. I don't think that I should comment any further than I have already. If you want to know what else went on, then if you haven't already done so, buy the book but be prepared to have your senses assaulted even further. Most of the reports have covered everything pretty well, so there is no point in repeating what has already been said.
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