
6 Reviews
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Interesting, but ultimately manipulative
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This review is aimed at those who have seen the film . Moore ostensibly begins this doc with the question 'why us?' As in 'why are Americans so prone to gun violence?' This is an important and valid question and For about half the film, Moore respects this question but then things go downhill.

Moore can't help himself, answering his own question and vilifiying the NRA. The scene with Heston is cringeworthy, with Moore asking Heston to apologize to a picture of a little girl that was gunned down. Shallow, manipulative and opportunistic. Besides, if the question of 'why we are violent?' is admittedly not answered in the doc, then why is Heston responsible? And if Moore is killing Heston for visiting Colorado after Columbine, why does Manson get a pass for doing the same thing ? Probably Because Moore is seduced by how articulate and intelligent Manson is. I love Marilyn Manson and I don't hold him accountable for Columbine but the truth is that his lyrics at the time were violent and angry and the boys were big fans of his. It is insincere to imply that 2 16 year old boys would have been more inspired by what the president is doing than a rock star. I think if we are going to ask why are we more violent, then we must consider that Manson's Lyrics and pop culture may actually be part of the problem. Not convenient and does not fit Moore's agenda but an honest, unbiased exploration of the problem would not have dismissed that point of view IMO.

6/10. Worth a watch but make up your own mind.
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Thin hagiography
16 May 2018
I'll keep this review short. The first 2 episodes were solid and informative. The second 2 dragged and ultimately this could have easily been condensed into 3 episodes. Great footage and Bobby seemed like a good man and a genuine and great leader, but the anecdotes and interviews from the cast were very bland and offered little insight.
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LA 92 (2017)
2 wrongs don't make a right
27 April 2018
I will choose a different angle for my review. First off, this documentary was brilliant. The footage is astounding and the editing is flawless. Major props to the subtle but powerful score. My one major issue is this.

The Rodney King beaters were disgusting. Not only for their crimes but their smugness during the trial. The footage was awful and exposed a larger cultural departmental problem. Racial tensions were already bubbling and that verdict blew the lid open. We see the Black Caucus, black leaders, LA's mayor, numerous politicians all denounce the police's actions and their displeasure with the verdict..and then come the riots...

I have yet to see one piece of work condemn the looters, murderers and criminals that took to the streets of LA. This was not Maxine Waters or truly oppressed folks. These were savages. And we only hear a half hearted speech from the LA mayor about how nobody wants violence. Where was the outrage from these public figures and condemnation for these heinous acts? What the Korean store owners went through was nothing short of hate crimes. You could tell that the older folks in LA wanted no part of these riots. One of The most heartbreaking parts of this doc was the older store owner pleading to the streets about how he grew up in the ghetto too and wondering why they looted and destroyed his store.

Now, this documentary made a point to let the footage speak for itself but I can't help but get the feeling that it implies the same point that every other LA riots doc does. That the riots were somehow justified. And that is a grossly irresponsible point of view in my opinion.

With that said, this is an amazing work. Highly reccomended.
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28 November 2017
After hearing a lot of praise and having been fond of the cast, I thought this would be a slam dunk for me, but I left disappointed. I will keep this review concise and sweet.

The acting is above average and the main players especially have solid roles that they make the most of. Unfortunately,one of the main problems to me was the sheer loathsomeness of every character, McDormand's included. I'm all for dark comedies, gritty film making and art that explores the dark side of life, but the interactions that the characters have in this film are downright unpleasant. One scene after another. There is also a heavy racist undertone in the film, as well as stereotypes of southern life, crooked cops and racist hillbillies. The few black characters in the movie are portrayed as straight laced and well adjusted, at times saviors, while the crazy deranged white folks engage in all kinds of derelict behavior. 6/10
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The most profound piece of film I have seen in years
21 October 2017
I love documentaries, I'm incredibly interested in wars and I'm biased towards Ken Burns' Docs. So I may be skewed in that regard when I say that The Vietnam War was the most moving thing I have seen on my television set in years, maybe decades. It is an investment. 10 episodes, most of them 2 hours long, at times admittedly redundant, but packed with incredible insight, astounding footage, and all kinds of juicy political revelations. I have heard some criticisms that this documentary leans favorably towards Communism and does not celebrate American soldiers enough. I would beg of anybody to watch this to put aside their political views when watching this beautiful documentary. Many times during my viewings, I thought I had a firm stance on something that occurred during the war and then somebody would come on and share their view on the subject. Immediately, my view was shaken, if not changed altogether. I can't say that the film looks favorably or unfavorably on any particular political party or 'side' if you will. All I can tell you is that everybody, from VietCong farmer, anti-war protesters, prisoners of wars to ambassadors all have plenty of screen time to share their perspective. And in a nutshell, that's what blew me away about this documentary. The different perspectives that arose. I am only convinced of one thing after seeing this documentary, there simply is no answers on this war. And certainly no obvious truths. War is complex, war is hell, war wounds and war heals. You can go into this thing looking to vilify Nixon, slander the VietCong, lambaste antiwar protesters, but I assure you you will walk away having learnt something and fostered a new outlook. Incredibly highly recommended but this is not popcorn and beer viewing. Serious, graphic and powerful stuff. Amazing.
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The Big Short (2015)
The Strongest Film of 2015
19 January 2017
The Big Short was not a film I loved the first time I watched it. The characters were on the surface unlikable, the content was not particularly thrilling and the directorial and editing choices in this movie were somewhat unconventional. But upon a second and third viewing, I realized that quite simply, this thing is a masterpiece. The actors involved all put in superb performances, thought I am not as keen on Steve Carell's role as others may be. Gosling, Bale, Pitt, and a slew of lesser known names bring their A game. The director, Adam Mckay, is able to make finance, banking and intricacies of Wall Street scamming not just accessible but damn interesting. The movie moves at a brisk pace, with lots of flashy cameos, sharp inter cuts and snippets of financial education delivered in memorable and clever ways. When you realize that the story revolves around a recent chapter in American history that many are still somewhat ignorant to, the film is elevated to greatness. Highly recommended and strong replay value.
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