
30 Reviews
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The Switch (I) (2010)
I'll save u the time wasted watching this
13 May 2024
As much as I love both of these actors this falls flat. It had so much potential to be really funny & really good. I can't explain how I felt about Jason's character bc he's so hateable. He's depressive & pessimistic in general. I know it's just a movie, but it's hard to get into it when first of all it's slow moving & I don't feel pity for his character whatsoever. Not only that, but it's very predictable and hardly any comedy. I don't even think I laughed at all. It should have been more of like a drama or something. She's done so many way better rom-coms; just go with it, the break up, one of those instead, even if you've seen them before.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Pay attention, and it's outstanding
5 May 2024
I think people are not brushing up on history if they think this film is boring. You must pay attention, and must have some knowledge of this actual story or WW2 in general. I admit, the scene switching was confusing at first but definitely a unique perspective. WW2 was a very confusing and scary time for people, and security was key. That's the point. At this time, no one trusted ANYONE. Matt Damon is outstanding, as well as Murphy. Actually, even the smaller parts were amazing...if you don't like science, history, or military films than don't bother. Nolans intense scenes and music fit the film. People have to understand the capacity of this before watching it, that's why it's so loud and lengthy. When a subject is interesting to someone, it's not hard to sit through such a long film. It deserved the recognition. Lol but side note....hilarious that Sean Avery makes an appearance in this.
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Fool's Gold (I) (2008)
Glad I didn't waste $ on this
18 February 2024
Since these 2 were in how to lose a guy in 10 days, I figured that they would have been good. I was wrong. Yeah, sure it's a fun adventure type movie, but it is unbelievably slow. Legit it couldn't even hold my attention for 30 mins. Not To mention I didn't understand a word that Donald Sutherland said almost the entire movie. The girl that played Sutherlands daughter was bad acting as well. Another negative is that it is so long. It's bad enough when there's a movie that's really good- you can sit through it, but when it's something that's moving this slow it's really hard not to turn off. If you like to just play movies when you're doing household chores. I would suggest this one but other than that, no. Glad it was free on TV and I didn't pay for it.
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Pretty Smart (2021)
Dear Netflix, just don't.
28 August 2023
Netflix should just stick to stand up series and other documentaries, because anything supposed to be funny by them is not.. . There's a reason why this show made it on the list of watchmojo's worst Netflix shows. Do you like watching Hannah Montana or That's so raven? Good, because you'll like this grown up version of it. Seriously, I thought that I was watching a Disney show and that was just 10 minutes of this. It's cliche, over produced, misses the mark on any comedy, has a that 70s show canned humor feel and is a complete waste of time. I feel like there's so many platforms for series and TV nowadays that they're actually running out of ideas. YIKES.
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Capone (2020)
Not a run of the mill mob movie
23 July 2023
I think people were expecting a "typical mob" film.....this is not it. It's to document his illness, and last year of his life. If you are looking for the guns, murder, violence, action or drug Lords, this ain't it kids. I think it's interesting because not a lot of movies portray the "boring" lives of these type of people they just focus on the crime, jail, and various other hurdles of this type of person. Tom Hardy is pretty made up in terms of costume makeup and he does a pretty good job with speaking kind of sounds like James gandolfini, so I think he did a pretty good job. If you need action, pick another film....if you want a more relaxed or quiet evening, try this one. Especially if you like Tom Hardy.
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I think we're running out of horror film ideas
29 April 2023
This movie is weird. It's kinda shot Good, in terms of lower budget film making, but the main guy character is terrible at acting. Plus.. the concept of someone living in a jack in the box is ridiculous. I've never even seen the "first" one, but I don't want to now. It's also very sloooow moving. Living in a manor with no internet, phone, or house a 9pm curfew, weirdo jack in the box clown killer thing, a dying bedridden woman, you see where this is going. The answer is nowhere. It's a shame because with better acting, a not so predictable storyline & faster movement would have made this halfway watchable.
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Section 8 (II) (2022)
a hard pass
5 February 2023
Yikes. I didn't even watch the first 20 mins before I dipped out on this movie. The dialogue, acting, storyline....just no. Usually I give things a chance but I couldn't even get into this a half hour. I mean the storyline is wacko like are you trying to do a family movie because I don't think it's working out very well. So either one of two things have a family-based movie or feel good movie whatever you want to call it or an action one, not both. The dialogue is probably the worst part of it......just seems like the script was written by someone in Jr high. Skip this and pick basically anything else.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Save like 2hrs & 18mns of your life
1 December 2022
First one was ok, so this one was bound to be, right??

No. Other than the gore factor, the movie drags out. Think The Shining, only 10000000x more bloody scenes. Sorta falls flat. Unrealistic scenes as well (OK I KNOW its just a movie)...but like, a person getting extremities cut off and their face ripped open but they still aren't dead? I also think that theres a whole lot of suspense without it leading up to anything if that makes sense. The dream scenes are confusing. Its just an all over mess.

One other stupid thing that bothered me was the setting. Its dark, looks like its supposed to be in the late 70s (again, Shining). Just weird all the way around. We did not finish it.
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Watch if you are extremely bored
19 September 2022
If you want to listen to a bunch of girls in their early 20's complain about why they're not married yet, then this show is for you. Well, with the exception of a few guys. The one girl is literally like 23 & complaining because she's not engaged yet. I cant understand why this is a show. A lot of men run so far away from these sort of situations because a person cannot pressure someone into marrying just to be married. I just want to scream at the TV, so I can't watch it. I have to mention that the idea is pretty stupid too, considering that they separate and "date" another person for a certain period of time....its just a dumb idea.
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Entertainment for the quirky
20 August 2022
Dont listen to the reviews that say this show is "boring" or "pointless". I turned it on to watch on a whim and I'm glad I did, because it's hilarious. If you have a dry sense of humor and like food, theres a good chance you will like it. Not just the dry humor, but the camaraderie between the two guys takes me back to college years.
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Not necessarily a disaster
22 June 2022
Most of these reviews seem like this is the worst thing they have seen..... you mean to tell me that this is worse than movies like Bucky Larson or the ultra famous bombs like The Room or Trolls 2?? I mean it's no masterpiece for sure & quite boring but at least there are features that make this film different from some low budget film. (The filming style, locations of filming, etc.) There also isn't a lot of dialogue which is frustrating, IF you would like to follow along. A lot of these reviews are over exaggerated. I can name 5 films off the top of my head that are WAY worse ( Superbabies 2, anyone?) Anyway, if ur looking for hot people with minimal clothing or background noise, dont overcomplicate things. If you dont like a movie within the first 30 mins, just turn it off.
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One Last Shot (1998)
What is this?
20 June 2022
Thought this may be interesting by the cover on Netflix. You know the old school like rescue 911 or UM reenactments? Its that, for 30 mins & in black &white. Use your judgment! Lol just kidding, its awful.
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Chris Distefano: Speshy Weshy (2022 TV Special)
Wasn't my fav
24 May 2022
Its ok. I usually think he's hilarious but the whole "I married a latina" schtick is a lil annoying. Some of its funny but it gets kinda old when "typical white ____ " makes its way into every part. The whole thing basically was that context. I call this. "casual viewing" bc its something I'd leave on TV while I'm folding laundry.
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Butchers (2020)
what? like what am I watching?
25 February 2022
Oh where do I begin.... # 1: whatever "accent" the one character is trying to do, its not good. Like, at all.

#2: well, actually...none of the acting is good.

#3: storyline is unoriginal #4: it plays as slow as molasses #5: its confusing I could go on, but do you want to even try watching it?
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I'm not sure what I watched?
20 February 2022
Not sure if this was supposed to be : a comedy, western, drama, action?? Its got a good acting crew but it was silly. The use of reggae music for that time period I thought was pretty quirky and I liked it...but he vernacular thing was quite strange, being the modern language used in really serious scenes which made it almost comical. Think if you watched Next Friday but they had western clothes on. I dont know, maybe its supposed to be that way, I'm confused all the way around. Weird. Plus it was wayyyyy too long.
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
awful writing
19 February 2022
I can't get past the laugh tracks or the jokes (if that's what you want to call them)... I couldn't even sit through one episode let alone the whole season. I don't know how they got such a talented actress like Kathy Bates to do this show. I didn't laugh one's terrible.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Listen to the good reviews!
7 October 2021
Ok, mother talked about this show every time we were on the phone so I finally gave in. I was like "yea, ma - I'll watch it". Apparently I was cynical. This show is fantastic. Murphy is outstanding in it, the plot, filming angles, soundtrack, wardrobe, just everything is so good! Give yourself the first 2 episodes and guarantee you'll be hooked. Its easily one of my top 10 shows.
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just.. don' it
10 September 2021
I always wondered why I never watched this movie. Now I know why. Sweet mother of god this would be entertaining to a bunch of 8 yr olds.....but adults? If you like watching those ridiculous old 3 stooges and you consider that to be funny, you'd sure like this over-the-top slapstick one! Seriously it was painful. We didn't finish watching it.
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Bad Trip (2021)
oh my god!!! must see entertainment!
27 August 2021
At first it started out slow and I didn't think I would like it but by 25 mins in, I laughed as hard as when I saw the grandpa movie w Johnny Knoxville. Its worth watching, especially if u like Tiffany Haddish.
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Why all the hate for this? Don't be swayed.
22 August 2021
I don't know who's reviewing this movie but they must be a bunch of uptight, judgmental, people who never had to struggle or live in a neighborhood that's dangerous-or know someone who's been addicted. I found this documentary interesting. Did the family have drug or other probs w/ the law? Of course they did. Some of these reviews were saying about the mom "not being a good person".... I found that quite stupid. This woman's daughter was murdered. Her brother watched her die. She takes the initiative to investigate since she felt the police weren't sufficient. Anyone who has a child knows the instinct when one of their children is hurt- the mama bear won't rest. If you like TV shows like The First 48 you will probably like this. Don't be distracted by the bad reviews.
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Holy bad movie
13 July 2021
Turned it off. Other than Jack & Jill, this is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. I dont even think an 11 yr old boy would think its funny. Oof.
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365 Days (2020)
Dont let the bad reviews discourage you
29 May 2021
After debating to watch this or not, I decided to give it a try. I mean, I liked 50's a fun, fantasy type movie that you can escape in for 1.5-2 hours & not have to worry about anything else. I think that's the point why these movies are popular. The main character is very, very attractive, and its nice to see movies catering to women, or anyone appreciating a mans body. Think about it- how many times have you seen an almost naked woman in a movie? So, I just love when these movies come out & men are so salty about it like, OK every other movie has women everywhere & there's like 4 movies with man being exposed.

Its worth a watch.
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uhhh...yea...hard pass
18 May 2021
I love history. This show is like watching a fourth grade play. My lord i saw a review saying it was so cringy they were looking for thier toes and I thought what they said was animated and exaggerated.

I couldn't even sit through 10 mins. And yes, I too am looking for my toes. Oof.
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Give it a try
12 February 2021
Im really not sure why other reviews say "this isnt a real portrayal of pole dancing".... Um, it's not supposed to? Its a documentary, and i think it is worth watching. As a woman who sees a therapist...from this viewpoint: the classes werent just about the dance, but freeing. if i took a class like this a number of yrs ago & there was a group that would provide emotional support, i would have looked into therapy a lot sooner. I think it gives an interesting point of view of women empowerment through dance.
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Tom Segura: Ball Hog (2020 TV Special)
Doesn't disappoint
25 October 2020
I love Tom Segura. This new special is so unapologetically funny, as in, hes not PC and he really doesn't care- But thats the beauty of comedy. If you have never seen him before, you could start here or a few specials back...all of them are full of laughs. His comedy is full of life. Hes one with, for me, is up there with my favorites such as Bill Burr or Dave Chappelle.
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