
22 Reviews
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1917 (2019)
Brilliantly Intense
20 January 2020
For such a simple film, it's quite intense. Between the writing, acting, and directing, it was hauntingly terrifying to see on the big screen. It's shot in the style to make it all look like one scene, which only adds to the intensity because you feel like you're right there with the soldiers. A gunshot goes off and you nearly jump out of your seat, half-expecting it to be you that was shot. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to watch it a second time because of that intensity, though. It was brilliantly made, but intense enough that I can't recommend it to just any fan of war films. It may touch a little close to home for some, and that's something very important to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to watch it.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
What Could've Been
3 November 2019
I'm trying to give this show a chance. Four episodes in, and it's trying my patience. Between the flat acting, nonsensical writing, boring characters and laughable action sequences, I'm just having a hard time with it. The best characters are the main villain Alice, who's just hamming up the screen whenever she's on and adding some life to this dead show walking, and Luke Fox, who actually seems to think for himself and not with a political agenda or plot stupidity most of the time. I've seen better writing and acting on adult websites than half of what this show has to offer, which is just sad. Our main character doesn't grab my attention unless she's doing something like letting an elevator fall forty or fifty stories without checking to see if anyone was inside, or letting the villain just walk away because she's trying to give them a chance to be better after literally killing dozens of people!

Doesn't sound very heroic, does it?

I'm going to keep trying to watch it, mostly for the Crisis event this year, but I'd say to skip this one if you have the option, and only watch the episodes that have major screentime (half or more) devoted to the big crossover events. I hope it gets better in the second half of the season, but at this point, I'd give more credit to Batman and Robin than this trainwreck of a show.
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Chronicle (2012)
What Found Footage Should Be
18 August 2019
I don't like found-footage style films. I find that far too often there's no explanation for the camera to be there, let alone be rolling, it's shaking worse than a twig in a hurricane, and the acting is often sub-par.

Chronicle is a different story.

Right off the bat, there's a reason for the camera. People don't ignore it or treat it as normal, and it adds a certain realism to events in the film. On top of that, the way the camera-work is done throughout the film feels real without giving me motion sickness. Add the fantastic acting and you've got yourself a brilliant character piece. Don't get me wrong, the story isn't exactly groundbreaking, but it is interesting enough and a much more realistic take on how people would likely act if given superpowers. The characters and setting just feel so real that the found-footage style actually works in the film's favor.

Overall, I can't recommend this movie enough. There are a few nitpicks I have about it, but for the most part, this is one of the best found-footage films I've ever seen, and it gives me hope for the genre.
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The Lion King (1994)
What Animation should Strive to be
11 July 2019
I loved this movie as a kid. I watched it plenty of times, and enjoyed it every single one of those. Now, over time, a lot of entertainment aimed at kids loses some of it's value. In many cases, it can ruin the experience if you go back and re-watch it as an adult.

The Lion King is not like those. The Lion King is just as good as when I was a kid, and that's not just with nostalgia glasses on. Sure, the story's been done before, and it does share some striking similarities to a much older anime, but it still holds my attention and provides great character moments. This movie, if released for the first time today as is, would likely still be one of the best movies of all time.
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Episodes Should be Longer
29 June 2019
For the most part, the stories in this anthology series are pretty simple. Many have been done before, and a handful do seem to share certain traits. The animation quality, while mostly different from short to short, is spectacular throughout. This show also isn't afraid of showing nudity or gore, which does turn some people away. If you have a weak stomach or you're looking for something more family-friendly, steer clear.

The worst part about the series is how a lot of the stories just need more time. There were a handful that were fantastic, but would've been near-perfect if they'd had another twenty minutes or more to develop the characters and flesh out the stories. The short length also hurts the pacing for a few episodes, with everything moving so fast there's not enough time to really feel the atmosphere that the episode is going for. As a result, those episodes feel more like introductions to larger standalone series than one-off episodes in an anthology, and I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse.

No matter what, though, this is a great show. Not perfect, but still a great time if you're looking for something different from the norm.
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Love, Death & Robots: Sonnie's Edge (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
More Subtle than it Appears
29 June 2019
This episode was fantastic. The story is something we've seen a thousand times before and there isn't exactly a lot of time for the characters to develop in a 17 minute short, but everything else about it is brilliant. The animation, the sound design, the fight choreography, and the overall design and tone of the world almost gave me chills. Plus, it commits to its story and twists, even if said twists are pretty easy to see coming.

However, some people seem to be missing out on the more subtle aspects of this episode. Before writing this review, I took a look at some of the negative reviews, and while some are valid, mostly complaining about the standard story, others seem to be missing a few pieces. For example, the exposition that might seem a little clunky at first actually fits a lot better when looking at it like a psychological ploy. It may not seem like it's asking questions, but when you look a little deeper, you find a question about how people view other people and even the world around them. It's a lot more thought provoking when you give it some extra thought, and I have to give it credit for being subtle in such an environment.

The only reason this isn't getting a full ten-star review is because the story was a little flat. There was only so much that could be done in 17 minutes, and it shows. Plus, the characters need more fleshing out, but that's just another part that fell victim to the short runtime. I think it would do much better if given the chance to fully flesh out some of its themes and ideas.
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WTF 101 (2019– )
WTF 101 is a Very Appropriate Title
24 June 2019
It's very educational for specific topics, and it can be pretty entertaining. The biggest problem is how almost all of the humor is shock humor, and the whole show relies on that very aspect. Although it does remind me a bit of a very different show from my childhood. Professor Foxtrot seems almost like Ms. Frizzle if she'd gone completely crazy and covered high school detention. If your stomach can handle how graphic it gets, it's a solid show. It's entertaining enough to rate higher than average, and the characters can be fun, but it's not much more than you'd expect from College Humor.
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Not Perfect, but Close
20 May 2019
This movie isn't for everyone. Unlike Infinity War, this movie is much more character-driven than previous installments. The story, while a little messy, still came together in a way that made sense to me. The time travel was different from what we all know, and it's explained rather clearly in the film in a way that makes sense. The main story, while a little messy, was also pretty strong and held up on the screen.

After the masterpiece that was Infinity War, Endgame had a lot to live up to. AT the same time, it couldn't be just like Infinity War without potentially losing the major emotional moments that have been built up to for 11 years. The slower pacing works in the film's favor, making every beat hit home and keeping me invested as it filled out its three-hour runtime.

In the end, the film works for the most part. There are a few missteps and a few oddities in the film, but unless you get hung up over time travel or don't like superhero movies, you'll probably enjoy this movie to great extent.
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Needed a Better Writer
19 February 2019
This could've been good. Hell, this could've been great. But instead, with the politically-charged writing and poor characters, this movie failed to impress. The CGI was solid, and the performances were great, but it all fell apart in the script. The only character that felt like an actual Ghostbuster was Kate McKinnon's character, Jillian Holtzmann. Sure, she was over-the-top at times and she might've seemed a bit... absent-minded, but she was a solid character that was fun to watch on screen. I can only hope she can get on board with the next entry in the franchise. Of course, this movie saved itself with the third act. I was going to give it a much lower rating with the poor jokes and slow pacing, but the third act was genuinely entertaining. It wasn't enough to make this more than an average film, but it does keep it from being a truly bad one. Overall, it doesn't ruin the franchise, but it'll be forgotten in a relatively short time.
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The Editing is Murder
29 January 2019
This movie could've been good. Hell, it could've been great. The acting was solid, the writing was perfectly fine, and the CGI was fairly convincing (what you could make out, at least). The biggest problem is how the film can't seem to go ten seconds without cutting to a different angle. Even with dialogue, the cuts are abrupt and fast, making it feel like a fight and artificially increasing the pace of the film instead of relying on good writing and acting to do so. On top of that, it makes the whole thing almost painful to watch.

If time had been taken in the editing to have longer shots and better action, with a little improvement on the writing, too, this could've actually been a solid movie. As it is, the editing just ruins it, and the writing, acting, and soundtrack isn't near enough to save it.
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Next Gen (I) (2018)
Pretty Much what You'd Expect
7 January 2019
This movie was good. Not great, not bad, just... good. The animation was fantastic and the voice acting was pretty good, but the story was fairly standard. If you're expecting big twists and turns, I'd say to moderate your expectations. Pretty much every major plot point is easy to figure out within the first five minutes. The real selling point is the main character, Mai, who's much more complex than I expected from a Netflix film. Overall, it was what I expected story-wise, but it had a nice touch with Mai. Definitely better than average, and something I'd recommend if you've got a couple of hours to kill.
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Oculus (2013)
Mind-Bending and Original
13 November 2018
This is not a mindless horror flick. This is not a slasher gore-fest. This is not a mes of jumpscares and poor choices. No, Oculus is the kind of horror movie that many others should strive to be. Between the atmosphere, the acting, the sound design, and the overall writing, this is a near-perfect horror film for those who enjoy a slower paced but intense movie. The characters act like real people, showing confusion and fear, and asking questions along the way.

Now many people will complain about plot holes and unanswered questions, but if you pay attention, especially in the beginning, most of them are cleared up. The one involving the last failsafe is somewhat well-founded, but even that one isn't big enough to ruin the rest of the film, even if it does make a major twist somewhat predictable.

The best part, though, is the way you get to feel how the characters themselves feel as events escalate. You feel the increasing sense of dread, the increasing blur between perception and reality. And the way it shows both the events from the past and the events of the present works brilliantly for this film.

The only reason I'm not giving this film a perfect score is because I did see the biggest twist coming because of something that would've taken a minor change to hide better. Other than that, this is one of the most original horror films of the modern day, and with the way characters will ask questions and mostly act like real people put this high on my list.
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Venom (2018)
Not the Movie for Critics
12 October 2018
This was not spectacular. It wasn't some new brilliant film or an Oscar nominee. This wasn't the amazing Venom film that it could've been.

That being said, it was still a pretty fun movie. It may not have had the best script, but it was still done fairly well. It would've been better if the studio had gone all-in on Venom with an R-rating, but it was surprisingly well done for PG-13 Venom. A lot of the comedy landed, even when it was unintentional, and led to a very enjoyable film.

This movie may not have been what so many fans wanted, but it was a good step towards it. I hope for a sequel to build on it (and maybe an R-rating) and look forward to seeing where this goes.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Almost Perfect
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There were a few mistakes in this movie. For example, when the bag gets caught on a nail in the stairs, I would think the mother would just go back down a step, move the bag, and avoid pulling up the nail in the first place. I know that's what I do when something I'm carrying gets caught. That way, I don't make a hazard.

The next flaw is the placement of the house. This is a common complaint, because living next to the waterfall we see later would make more sense. After all, it would make it a lot easier to live, with sound being blocked by the volume of the waterfall, and it would make having a baby a lot safer.

My final complaint has to do with the monster's weakness. How has nobody figured out sensitive hearing means sound IS the weakness. It might track by sound, but it's like with other animals. They have better hearing than us humans, and as such, feel pain when they hear certain frequencies, e.g. a dog whistle. The same concept can be used here with a single logical step that any scientist working on fighting these things would've tried. There would be sonic cannons or something like that because someone with the resources would've figured it out and built something.

Everything else is absolutely fantastic. The family relations, the mostly realistic decisions (yes, even some stupid ones), and the tone and story direction were great.

Now, there are some who wonder how a shotgun can take out one of the monsters, yet these things have been able to survive military assaults and bombings. These people seem to forget that the thing had just opened up its head (with the hearing organs) after having taken a sonic beating. There was no armor covering it, leaving it vulnerable. It was shown very clearly in the film, and yet people still see this as a plot hole.

Overall, this film was fantastic. Of the three main complaints I have, only the third one really bothered me. The first could be explained away with different habits, and the second could just have to do with the difficulty of trying to make a living place next to a waterfall in order to live safely. I still loved this film, and look forward to seeing similar content (but no sequels) in the future.
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Ben 10 (2016–2021)
Not a Complete Waste of Time
1 May 2018
This reboot was done poorly. The animation was a huge downgrade, the characters weren't very well done, the stories were generic (with one exception), and the comedy mostly doesn't land. On top of that, the dialogue is standard at best, giving very little insight to the characters we're watching. The voice acting is perfectly fine, but that's all it is. In the end, this show fell short of the legacy left behind by the previous series. That's not say it's all bad. Some of the updates are nice, like the inclusion of modern technology, and the introduction of Vilgax and the bounty hunters was clever. But this show simply doesn't have enough running for it. It's better than Teen Titans Go (as little as that says), and makes for perfectly good background noise. But if you're looking for a good reboot of a beloved show, I'd say to look somewhere else.
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It Stands on its Own
1 April 2018
In most of the negative reviews, I have seen complaints of "it wasn't like the book, so I'm giving it one star." Then there are the complaints about the visuals that were supposed to look like graphics in a video game, the acting that was actually quite good, the story that was admittedly fairly standard, the plot holes that are seen mostly to those who don't think about how long it's been happening in the world of the movie,and lack of emotion being portrayed when the only thing that could've made it more obvious would be a blinking neon sign saying "I'M FEELING THINGS!" This is not to say the movie was perfect. It has its flaws, but most of them are minor. And if time is given to think about the story for a few minutes, many of those flaws can be easily explained. This is not the book. Anyone expecting this to be a translation from page to screen will be sorely disappointed and angry. But this movie still holds its own and can stand on its own feet. It may not be the book that so many fell in love with, but it's a good retelling of the general story for a more general audience. It just works.
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Fun, but Could Use some more Substance
16 October 2017
This movie had a solid idea, some solid acting, and a good story. The acting is OK, and the direction is good enough, but overall, it's nothing great. It all just comes together in a rather predictable movie, albeit a fun one. I found it to be entertaining enough, though I would've enjoyed it more had this movie had some better writing. A lot of the jokes didn't seem to land the way they seemed to be intended for, and the pacing could definitely use some work.

Overall, this movie is entertaining, but not meant to be watched with active thinking. Maybe some good background noise, or if you need to kill a couple of hours, but not something I'm likely to go back to watch.
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RWBY: Volume 3 (2016 Video)
Easily the Best so Far
8 October 2017
Wow. Just, wow. This volume was spectacular. Let me start off with the technical aspects. The animation is another improvement over the previous volumes, and looks very smooth. The fight choreography was also fantastic, and the writing took a boost as well. The only aspect that I didn't really like was the introduction, but that's just because I feel like that was a small step back from what we've been getting. As for the story, it was awesome! Like I mentioned, the writing got a boost. The story here focuses on the culmination of the previous two volumes, and what a spectacle it is. The way the characters work off of each other and how the villains come together just works. And then there's the ending to the volume. It left me with on the edge of my seat and with huge anticipation for the next volume. There simply are not enough good things I can say about this volume.
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RWBY: Volume 4 (2017 Video)
A Step Back
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After the intensity and level of the previous volume, this one was a little disappointing. A lot has changed, and with the deaths of last volume, that was entirely expected. With everything going on, it just makes sense in how the characters took the turns that they did. Weiss, Ruby, and Blake all had strong stories (especially Weiss), but Yang's story felt a little weak. I'm not saying it was bad, but given everything that happened, and how little time is spent with her, that story just feels like it's missing something. Then there's the new villains. Most of them we still don't really know a lot about, but Tyrian gets some good screen time. He's a strong enough villain, especially as we watch his already damaged mental state worsen towards the end, but I almost feel like he was trying be a copy of a familiar Dark Knight villain. Oh, and there's Salem. She's intimidating, and obviously has some serious power, but I don't feel like she's a solid character yet. She's just there. Overall, this feels like too much story, though. We get a lot of exposition, and plenty of world-building, but with only 12 episodes, it felt a little too much. On top of that, the pacing took a hit. For a 2-hour volume, it felt a little longer. However, the backstory for Ren and Nora was great, and overall, the volume was good. I wouldn't say it's bad, and I wouldn't say it's the worst of the series so far, but it's definitely a step back from what made Volume 3 so great.
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RWBY: Volume 2 (2014 Video)
Better than the First
8 October 2017
I really liked how this volume expanded on what Volume 1 built, and how it helped things along. The animation improved, and overall, it's still a fun show that's well-written and has good characters. There are moments where it could be better, but I find those to be nit-picks. Nothing is perfect, but this is definitely getting close. I'd recommend watching it as soon as you can.
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Best One Yet, in My Opinion
1 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To start, let's stick with spoiler free. It was a great movie with solid characters and character development. The story was fairly standard, but still entertaining. There were a few moments of clunky exposition or unneeded repetition, but nothing that really killed the movie. Music-wise, there weren't any songs that I would say were bad, but I've already forgotten one out of the five songs, with two of them stuck in my head because they were so good.

Now comes the spoiler part. You have been warned.

The start of this movie was perfect for Twilight's character arc, with a nightmare being the first scene. The way this is carried throughout the movie was surprisingly well done, giving this version of Twilight a bit of a redemption arc. I know it was already done in the last movie, but this one solidifies her reasoning and gives a strong "Jekyll and Hyde" feel between Twilight and Midnight. I personally loved this part of the story, partially because it gave a fantastic, yet far too short song from her. As to the overall story of the movie, it's pretty much the girls dealing with magic when they weren't expecting to. However, towards the end, it transitions into a superhero movie, which I wasn't entirely expecting. Along with that, this entry of the Equestria Girls series gives a red herring, pointing you towards one of the new characters, and explaining their motivations, when it's really someone else. Well done, movie. Bonus points for that.

But now I have to address the elephant in the room: the romance subplot. Now, I'm not a fan of the way this subplot found its way into the first two movies. It was clunky, and didn't really fit into the overall story much. That along with the painful lack of character from Flash Sentry made those parts irritating to me. I liked the step away from it in Friendship Games, instead focusing more on the characters and story, but Hasbro or DHX or at least one of the other studios involved in this one thought it would be a good idea to put not one, but two romance subplots in here.

My thoughts on this choice? It actually worked. It surprised me when the main one actually tied into the story in a way that made sense and wasn't just to put one in there. Plus, that one didn't involve Flash, and instead took to someone that had a solid, albeit simple character. The second one felt a little more forced, but still fit in there fairly well. This one actually involved what seemed to be an attempt at rekindling a relationship between Flash and Sunset Shimmer, and while it only really had a couple of moments, it wasn't too bad. I was actually surprised at how well it was handled.

The way I see it, with the villain, she's more of an antagonist, as she's actually trying really hard to do good, but ends up taking it too far.

No, I'm not going to say who she is. This review may have spoilers, but I'm leaving that for you to figure out.

But what about the side characters? The other six main characters? Don't they play a role in this? Yes. Yes, they do. However, I'd say for this one, most of the Mane Six's counterparts take a backseat in this movie. The biggest focus is on Twilight and her inner struggles, and Sunset who's trying to help her. And while the other five definitely play a strong role, and show their growth over the previous films, their parts are smaller than I had expected going in.

Now onto the new magic that was shown in the previews. Well, I was a little underwhelmed with this part. All seven of our main characters end up with new abilities because of magic gems hidden in a stone cave in the middle of the camp. But while these abilities fit nicely with personalities of these characters, I feel as though there wasn't as much creativity as there could've been in the execution of this plot point.

The ending of this movie was fairly solid, too, as we see most of the conflicts resolved. But a question is brought up that leads to a scene that I hope will inspire similar movies to this one in the future, as we find out that there could be more than just this one random magical hot-spot. I personally think that would fill out a handful of extra movies with the proper pacing, or just one if they throw good pacing out the window and rush everything. But it was a good setup for future entries into this franchise, or possibly even a show continuing the adventures of our protagonists as they learn to be superheroes.

However, with all this praise, there are some things that drop my rating of this movie. Some of the dialogue doesn't really work for what they were going for, and there's a lot of repeated phrases, acting like we forgot something or just worded awkwardly in the context of the movie. A couple of parts stand out as odd or out-of-place, but nothing too bad. The lack of character exploration with a few of the new characters also applies to this, as the two most prominent of the new characters have fairly simple stories. The solo song from Twilight around the middle also should've been a good minute or two longer. What was there was great, but it felt like it was just getting started. That along with the completely forgettable intro makes me wonder why a couple of scenes that felt more forced were kept while other parts that could've enhanced the tone were either left out or cut.

Overall, a great movie, and the best one in the franchise so far.
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Deadpool (2016)
A fun movie, unless you hate the style of character and a simple story.
12 June 2016
So, I took a look at the reviews and I found something. Most of the low ratings are complaining about Deadpool talking too much, the lack of using the budget to put more X-Men in the film, and the clichéd and predictable plot. Well, I have one thing to say to all of those people: read a Deadpool comic. His character is supposed to be talking all the time, making fourth wall jokes, and overall, being as raunchy and inappropriate as he can. That's his character, and it was pulled off perfectly. The plot was simple, but that was the point. It wasn't supposed to be this deep, thought-provoking movie. This was supposed to be a fun rendition of the Merc with a Mouth. And with the action in this film, it was a great one. This movie was a fun ride with plenty of jokes, and a few somber moments sprinkled in there. But if you don't like raunchy humor at all, if you're not a fan of the main character not believing there even is a fourth wall, if you don't like the way the character is supposed to be or a simple and fun movie, then this isn't for you. Otherwise, buy this movie, because you will love it.
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