
109 Reviews
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NewsRadio: Movie Star (1996)
Season 3, Episode 8
A favorite
22 June 2024
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Has to be up there as one of my favorite episodes from this series, just the line "you gotta be the most fascinating son of $!#@% I ever met" stuck out to me as just this perfect moment where James Caan is enamored by the weirdness of Matthew. And followed up with the annoyance of Bill not getting his ego stroked.

There have been a few other episodes where the character Matthew gets to shine, like the one where he's given candy so Mr James can decide if he buys stock in a company or something like that, that was another standout moment for that character. I'm not a fan of celebrity cameos as they're usually so distracting from the rest of the show, but this one was done really well and does not feel out of place as a story-line for this show.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
One of those shows that has truly stood the test of time.
7 June 2024
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Had this in my watch queue for years and finally got around to starting it. I probably should have watched it a long time ago. I haven't even finished the first season and I love seeing this again after so many years. Great characters, really good writing. Very well done acting all around. On top of that you have the occasional beautiful Alaskan landscape. When this first aired my family were regular viewers and I don't recall missing much if any of this series back then but it really feels very fresh watching it all over again. Maybe due to be largely disappointed with most of what's being produced now. A lot of what's on is either too safe or way the F out there that I can't relate to much of it at all. This is nice to have a touch of nostalgia for the bits I do recall and some fondness for the overall production even when it seams like I never seen some of it before and I might have actually missed an episode or two back then so either way it's been nice watching this show. One thing my girlfriend noted was that it reminded her of Doc Martin and to be honest I didn't even see the connection but after some thought, there are some parallels and the small town charm and weirdness is in both of these shows. One big contrast and why I like this show a bit more is that although the doctor in this is self centered and at times rude he does seam to have genuine honest care of his patients. Doc Martin on the other hand has complete and utter contempt for his and sees them like parasites on the face of the earth and an annoyance to him. There is arrogance and entitlement in this character but certainly a human with a heart underneath all of it.

One thing that I noticed is how quickly this show tackled some really dark content early on and confronted and bridged cultural disparity in the writing.

Down to brass tacks as one might say, this show is simply good entertainment. I don't think I can come up with too many more examples of other shows in this caliber. It really stands on it's own.
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29 May 2024
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The dialogue was so horrible and stupid and unbelievably bad it was shut off very quickly. How can someone write this and actually think this sounded good? On top of that the whole smug female "bad-a$$" character just wasn't working on me for a minute. We started watching this and it was a cringe-fest from the first scene and I was just hoping for it to just move on to another scene as soon as possible. But it went on and on with non-sense d!@% swinging without any introduction to who these people even are, there was no character buildup to back up this ego-fest. Just nonstop ping-pong ball busting that just didn't make any sense from the perspective of someone just coming into the scene. It was clear these people didn't like each other and the mob of confident one liner nobodies was just a flurry of sound and I didn't care about any of them, like who's side am I supposed to be on? "Those who wish me dead?" Maybe these people deserve it for all I know at that point in the movie. And right when I was feeling like I had enough and just before I was going to ask her if we should find something else to watch, my girlfriend is like, "can we turn this off". I couldn't stop the movie fast enough. So relieved not to have to listen to another second of this garbage.
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I really liked this one
15 May 2024
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I normally don't like this type of movie but it was well played and had a good deal of unexpected funny bits. I like that there was a bunch of subtle humor thrown in there. It wasn't just in there to try and make you laugh so it felt more organic. It was also rather well paced, slower bits were appropriate and there wasn't much wasted as far as story telling, so it was a well put together narrative. They made this woman likable even though she was doing a rather immoral and deceptive job. The naive young man character was actually really well played and they did a really good job putting together this very unlikely bond. In parts it did have a bit of a sitcom vibe to it that seamed a bit amateurish but it really worked here to keep the content light, because this story is really dark in a sense on both sides of the awkward friendship that gets formed.
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Not bad
14 May 2024
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An easy relaxing watch, some of the dialog left much to be desired, thier relationship could have been better constructed. Or simply make less of a relationship and just make it more about the beauty of that trail. Although they did highlight some of it they really didn't do much justice to how amazing that part of the US really is. Having personally sat on top of one of the Shenandoah peaks it really is awe inspiring and in the film there is just one moment of appreciation for the landscape that was notable and the rest is them managing each others personality. And this is a very stupid complaint but for Gods sake let that hair go gray, it looked absurd seeing this clearly aged man coloring his hair his signature red color. Give it a rest and go natural like the landscape they were traversing. And annoying still was some of the set was clearly greenscreened in places and it stuck out like a sore thumb. One bright moment was Kristen Schaal and they made her an annoying mental case instead of creating a nice charachter to ineract with. And the rude reaction he had to the guy asking him about his gear, like he couldn't have a simple conversation with someone in this, the only "normal" character was the motel owner they tried to create some sexual chemistry with but I didn't buy that for a minute, just a waste of film. Would have made an interesting film if he actually did cheat on his wife, would have been some fascinating turn in the narative. Instead they created some degenerate encounter with som random obese woman that lead to some stupid hick showdown that went nowhere. Just really sloppy storytelling. Why the alcoholic part, like that has to be in everything, like that's the only vise that exists. I thought it would be funny if he confronted him about the bottle and Nick Nolte pulled out some heroine or crack and said that the booze was the least of his worries. They really could have created something intersting to watch or made a travel brochure style film for the Appalachian trail but it was a watered down snoozer and I honestly didn't mind it in the end. It's a relaxing watch, just a really disposable story they could have made far more interesting with some effort or fresh eyed creativity.
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The Martian (2015)
Not horrible but there's so much better sci-fi to watch
8 May 2024
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I'd recommend watching "Moon"(2009) with Sam Rockwell, they did a much better job with the drama of isolation and has a much better story-line than this thing here. This film has so many cringy moments it's embarrassing. So much of it is just unrealistic. And the absurd ego of the main character. Let's see how clever he is....proceeds to use duct tape. WOW, That was Amazing! Lets pat you on the back for coming up with such a genius plan. And then the idiotic idea that these people are going to do some ridiculous rescue. Hey! "That decision will drain our resources and we'll all die." LETS DO IT!

They should have made this a comedy where he uses a case of tape to make it back home. The end of the movie it's revealed the whole thing was an infomercial for tape.

Honestly, give me a break, I"m so glad I didn't see this when it first came out.
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Really liked it for the most part and was a rather touching story.
5 May 2024
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I like to dig deep into stories especially when they claim they are based on real life events. This one was no exception and sometimes finding out details change my opinion, but this one, even though parts were exaggerated, for the most part fact checks on this story are very good. The one point that bothered me most is the exaggerated story of the Harvard students. I didn't sit right when watching it and the kid acting like a mafia tough guy just didn't work on me, it seamed so phony. And as I had read it was exaggerated and didn't happen that way, and it wasn't even Harvard so I don't know why they didn't just make up some University or include the fact that there were multiple groups doing the exact same thing, I guess it would detract from the feel-good story they were focusing on I guess, but I don't see how it would have hurt just to keep it more true to life as for the most part the scenes were pretty much the same thing over and over and I did get a bit bored with it. But the payoff was really a touching ending and it is really an interesting story that's hard to believe was able to go on for so long before it finally ended. Only other flaw was how hyper focused they were on Cranston's character as being some sort of socially stunted genius trapped in a world of mathematics was way overblown. When he was just a man trained in mathematics who did simple calculations like many others had done, just few were bold enough to actually believe the numbers were truly correct, I mean really it can't be true, it's a lottery organized by professionals, why would they allow such a system to exist, you're trained by logic to realize lotteries are not a way to double your money, and they aren't. This one just happened to be flawed in it's execution and a few groups found this out and took advantage of it. The only surprising thing is that it was allowed to go on for so long. All of that aside, they did a pretty good job creating a likable cast of characters and stayed true enough to the actual story to make the overall experience enjoyable for me.
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Still Open All Hours (2013–2019)
Have loved a lot of David Jason over the years, but boy was this a letdown
2 May 2024
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I had wanted to watch this series for a long time but couldn't find it online, finally got subscription service and can watch the whole series and it turns out to be a lot of wasted air-time. The premise is fine if they wanted to do just a 1-off nod to the original series, but to stretch out some of these story-line premises that just didn't land the first time I can't believe they carried along for multiple episodes. The writing on this was just plain bad, plus throw in there an unbelievably unrealistic laugh track it's just unpleasant to watch for the most part. I got through 2 series/seasons or whatever it's called in the UK and I'm ready to tap out on this one. Would have been funner and more realistic if Granville got to have his dream-shop and turned the store into something that he would have liked and the only problem was that his store was cursed by the ghost of Arkwright, maybe he would open "Granvilles Charity Shop" to thumb his nose at his predecessor, instead he is Arkwright reborn so there isn't really a nemesis, just the unrealistically age-gaped son and father dynamic that should have been worn out and easily resolved in the story. They could have made the son a greedy money grubbing financially focused youth who Granville has to combat like he did Arkwright. And that damn register gag, give that a rest. EVERY EPISODE?! Give it a nod and move on. Make some modern tech for the shop to be possessed or something. I like David Jason and watched a lot of his content, so if I watch anymore I'd watch for his sake. The rest of the cast just don't add much to the show, just a bunch of watchers with unbelievably naive and one dimensional personalities. And the episode where a guy gets handcuffed to a giant flower was so embarrassingly bad, "oh where's the key" that line I was waiting for long before he even put the cuff on him. Give me a break. Maybe the series gets better, but I am absolutely surprised it went as long as it did.
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Make it at Market (2023– )
Excellent well put together show
22 April 2024
One of those things I would have wished was available when I was much younger but showing that all ages can really give it a go at something they have a passion for is truly inspiring. I think I like that it has no competitive aspect to it, it's simply practical advise and quality mentoring with people who are already successful at their craft. This type of programming really is a public service in many ways as it's a way out and up for many people who may not know what direction to take and having sound and clear advise not only for the participants but also for the viewer. Really a gem of a show for this type of content. They deserve more accolades for creating this program.
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Not as great as I'd have hoped it would be.
16 April 2024
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Although I think it's essential viewing for any fan of the series, it just wasn't as put together as I'd have liked it to be just far too strange in parts to make it feel in cannon with the rest of the series. A lot goes on but just way too wild and unrealistic . It really went big for some scenes and some of it was just stupidly overblown to be remotely believable. And any sentimental sendoff that was intended goes completely out the window based on how truly unreal some of the story was. I think they made a cartoonish character go completely off the rails while the rest of the cast just hardly had any part in this. I just didn't see why they couldn't write more of the student's life into this show. Just basically one student gets a partial share in the lead and it wasn't much to write about. It was just one enormous ego that overwhelms the entire feature that grows to an epic level of grandiosity where I would think it would just pop at the end and we'd see he was just dreaming in a chair in the teacher's lounge. That's pretty much how it should have ended, but it doesn't, we're supposed to believe this actually happened? It's still not a bad watch, it just wasn't what I had expected it to be considering this was going to be a one-off chance with no other hope for a sequel. For me it was a feeling like, this is your one shot at this whole thing and it was in the end a massive wet fart. Funny, but embarrassing.
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Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
I found this to be excruciating to watch at times
15 April 2024
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This was terribly overly drawn out melowdramatic babblefest. The nonsense dialogue was eyeroll worthy plus the moments of dead space in scenes are like waiting for a colonoscapy. I just wanted the scenes done and over with, good story telling clearly states the intention and feelings of the characters and moves the narative along, but for some reason they think it's high art to draw out already fully expressed sentiment. It really feels like there simply wasn't enough content and there was a need to stretch out scenes to make a viable series. The concepts and ideas in the story aren't original or groundbreaking, so what really is being offered here? I heard commentary on this show stating they are "respecting the viewer" in regards to how they are not being too blatant with the stories information, essentially allowing the viewer to fill in the blanks so they don't make you feel like an idiot for pointing out the obvious I guess. But what respect do they have for a viewers precious time? This doesn't have to be stretched out into a multi-part series, there is no need for it other than that's just the trend now of content now, it's common practice to chop up and stretch out a story so they hope to be labeled as "bingable". This simply wasn't worth sitting through for me. And should have been a fully digestable movie in one go or a two part production at best.
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Danger 5 (2011–2015)
One of my all-time flavorites
7 April 2024
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Still has to be one of my all-time favorite series of all time in time. This time I thought I would finally add this to my list of reviews listed here on the famous interweb website called international movie database as it is a base for data to exist in the space of the interwebnet. There are a lot of movies on this base of data that are worthwhile watching with your eyes, but this one you can even hear with your ears if you really wanted to experience it with audio sensory human bits, I recommend this series for the audio visual community, I have not tried tasting it, but I am sure it would be quite flavorful as well.
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Starts with debaucher and ends with debauchery...
22 March 2024
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Has a really strange message, and in the end it was just a very long advertisement. Because these people go from celebration to lamentation to "hey, it's a new generation of freaks". It was very detailed and if you are into this scene then it is certainly a must see. But if not than it's like watching someone else's vacation pictures. For me it was a perfect example of learning from the past so you don't repeat your mistakes. But the message at the end is ill received. This was an organically formed celebration that grew to an unmanageable spectacle. Let the youth create their own thing and grow a more homogeneous celebration of youth and liberation than just tacking your old dirty underwear to their flag. In the end the message was that this thing fell apart because of the degrading treatment of women. Yet read the lyrics of the top hip-hop rap songs and you'll see that nothing has changed and surely these are going to be the same top-billed performers at these new events. You end up getting what you preach and this thing died because as they said it grew into a beast that needed to be destroyed. Why resurrect a defeated monster?
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I got through it, but
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Man was this poorly written, I got about 4 laughs out of it, and laugh is exaggerating quite a bit. I've never seen anything with John Cena in it before but I will have to give him credit, he really was the highlight of this movie, the rest had after-school special personas for the most part, they all just blended together into unimportant disposable side-story roles. They could have just picked one of them and this would have been like a "What about Bob" movie where they could have just had one main character with this train-wreck pest who somehow saves the day like a Forest Gump character and it would have been so much better, so much cleaner and less cluttered with very minor side stories. This didn't need to have 3 friends. Just one kid who messes up and makes up an imaginary friend. So there is nothing wrong with the premise, just overly complex and uninspiring relationships between them all or in some instances weak bonds that don't seam realistically connected. I felt like making it through this movie is about as much as I can say for it. I got to the end and didn't feel all that inspired by any of it, should have gone full goofball comedy instead of trying to create this hollow feeling unrealistic heartwarming tale. It just didn't connect on any level. Like I said John Cena was the highlight and an example of what the rest of this should have been like, just stupid silly and it would have been more fun to watch. But they tried too hard to make more of it than it was.
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It had a few moments
17 March 2024
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Some of it is alright, but it's another case of characters being far to far fetched to be believable. A lot of the performances are just meh, nothing remarkable about anything or anyone in the entire production. The love story and buddy film all tied into it doesn't really payoff in the end it's just not remotely believable. Might be funnier if he really never got his happy ending and ended up just as much a loser as his psychotic pet idiot. It was more a frustration to watch than comedic. I got just as annoyed for the main character as he was and it was just one predictable fail after another as it was simply the premise so there were no surprises really. Just annoying that every character had to have some sort of one-upsmanship as far as being bizarre and weird even the artist character who was his rival was just so stupidly over the top it didn't have any believability and then you have the only two straight characters in a love story and they just end up feeling completely out of place. Then all the idiots how they were intentionally written to play off of each other in the finale so their unique quirks didn't seam all that strange but finally coming together in a rather sloppy climax, seeing how they were pieced together to fit a dramatic ending didn't feel all that well done. As far as production goes though this was a really well made movie just content wasn't worth the effort that was put into making it.
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Paint (II) (2023)
This was a pretty low effort production
17 March 2024
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Using the life of Bob Ross as the loose backdrop of this production just doesn't do anything for the story they were trying to tell here. And the characterizations are so dumbed down it's hard to believe the performances at all. I think it would be really funny if they did a mockery of Bob Ross with an actually funny premise but there wasn't anything here that made me laugh all that much. A man who has relationship difficulties and is dealing with fame and trying to keep his ego intact doesn't appeal to me, they make the relationship aspect of this film so bizarre and unrealistic it doesn't scan well. It's just dumb and filmed in an unnecessarily erratic fashion. Why not try harder to create realistic characters and just tell a solid story with some comedic gags thrown in. It was from the perspective of someone who truly hates the idea of what Bob Ross genuinely achieved.
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I like it, but there is just something about it that just doesn't play right
2 March 2024
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I think what gets me is that it's full out bizarre in some respects and then really amazingly well stylized for it's time-period. I think the really strange stuff just saps all the atmosphere out of the show and is in the end pointless to be set in any particular time period when it's so profoundly slapstick and goofy and yet have grotesque and blatantly violent and grim. For me there just isn't a balance that plays well all the time. The setup and delivery just threw me out of the narrative. This show I think would have been far better if it was played more straight without so blatantly throwing in so many gags and odd characters with completely unbelievable personas. Then there would be a better flow to the story telling. I liked it, but it feels a bit exhausting to watch. You have so many competing personas on the screen, the desperate girl who's fighting for women's liberties, the eager yet daft partner, the corrupt but competent detective, and the endlessly pursuant rival. It's a lot to cram into these rather short episodes. On top of all these conflicting characters you have a story narrative to follow. I would have liked if it was stretched out a bit to allow the characters to breath a bit and you can get familiar with them. Beyond that, it's still a really well done production, just wish it wasn't so compact.
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Jigen Daisuke (2023)
I really enjoyed this, even with some criticisms.
1 March 2024
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Starting out the first few minutes I wasn't so sure what I was in for, but was intrigued. The story progression is a bit drawn out, this could have been edited for a really compact short film and kept all the story elements and action and still fit in a tidy comic book style story telling. This really tries to give the main charachter a heart and it doesn't translate all that well, clearly they mean for it to have a touching emotional bond type of character interaction but it still feels like in the end this guy has the task of finding a home for a lost dog rather than a psychologically damaged child. They should have downplayed the childs trauma so his sometimes calous interactions aren't so unappealing or made him more emotionally complex. Or better yet get rid of that story arc altogether.

Some action sequences are really well thought out and unique, and others seam padded for lack of creativity and just for filler.

One thing that was impressive was the production value, so much grand scenery and complex atmosphere, it was really well planed in some areas. So whomever was the team on this I can hope to see more by them as a lot of this was really well done.

Another thing is how he was going to great lengths to get this gun repaired, and you would think a person who was so particular about his weapon, he would have this same character trait about other things in his life, they really could have explained this obsession by making a bigger deal out of other choices he makes. It just got boring having this gun be the focus of the story and when he finds this supposed master of the craft it becomes a quest that just stagnates.

Still with the things I criticise, it was an enjoyable watch, and maybe these flaws helped, because overly polished filmes don't allow for faults, and these things give the film some charachter, giving a chance for lowered expectations to really enjoy the highlight of this production.
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What an irritating filming gimmick
22 February 2024
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The last movie I watched that was remotely similar was Phone Booth in 2002. It was an unusual concept at the time and I sat through the whole thing, but I would never watch it twice. You get what I would call scene fatigue watching the same type of shot over and over and over again with added drama and intensity and it's just not an enjoyable watch. See it for the experience if you've never seen anything like it before but for me it was just not worth reliving this type of filming technique. I would have given them credit if they managed to improve on such a concept but very early on in this film I got the same sense that this was going to be a tedious watch and had to leave the room while my girlfriend decided to finish it. I came back in the room a bit later and even she had to fast-forward through a portion of it. And for a moment I'm watching it in fast forward and can really appreciate the scenery, it's a beautiful trail they found for this setting and it's ruined by endless phone calls and drama. To give the viewer a break they could have had another perspective to give some relief, it just never came and I didn't want to wait for the conclusion. My final critique was the misdirection in the story telling. It just wasn't believable, I picked up on it immediately and I found that to be the biggest reason for my low rating. Give your viewer more respect and just tell a straight forward story, I would have found it far more interesting if this was indeed her son who was the perpetrator and not a victim. It's this false heroism that makes movies like this so phony, all her panting and panic and desperate attempt to saver her child when what would you write if this was her own monster child who did this, what kind of sympathy could you evoke for her if it was indeed her own child responsible for such horror. That would take some creative deep diving into the psyche of the human condition.
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Bad Education (2012–2024)
I'm still rating this high for the first 3 seasons
20 February 2024
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Although it wasn't a perfect 3 season run it had some of the funniest bits that are uniquely Jack Whitehall and he pulls them off really the only way he can. The adult who refuses to mature is a classic archetype and from his standup it really seams like this is his genuine personality and it's fun but like the show illustrated it's largely perceived as pitiful behavior by one's peers and his self aware comedy style just adds layers to this type of character. I was really eager to watch the remaining seasons and couldn't find them so I subbed to Britbox and I felt like I wasted my money because this show was the reason I signed up and boy was the fourth season a letdown. Not only did Jack Whitehall not follow through with the rest of the series but the format just wasn't even close to what the former show was. It originally was quite central to one character and the rest of the cast went along for the ride. These new episodes should have just been spin-offs by a different name as they didn't feel anything like the initial concept. It was far more "brutal" as in there was no one to lift the mood. It was divided into two separate personalities of which neither felt like they had any comedic anchor. Just the head master who was the butt of the jokes, who offered no levity just scowling and reprimand. Just relentless and not enjoyable to watch. The heartfelt ending of the third season should have been the closed door on this series. If they wanted to spin off, just do it that way, this wasn't "Bad Education" it was just "Bad, Really Really Bad". I won't even include the 4th and 5th seasons in my rating as they just don't feel like the same show.
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A very well done drama, performed effortlessly by the cast, but...
12 February 2024
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I found this to be a very well done drama, I had a period where I enjoyed this genre more but it's easy to feel melancholy and worn out during many of these types of stories. This one had a really good in-depth character analysis. And the cast performed effortlessly in their roles, even the minor roles were well thought out, but...

Some faults I found, one was the music, there was the country twang that followed through most of the movie, and it was a little too obviously placed in places to speak for the scene when it just didn't have to be there. It stuck out like a sore thumb and it bothered me a bit while watching it. I thought it would have been more interesting if he had randomly heard some classical music playing from a distant unspecified location and the character would be irritated and triggered. It would have told much more about him that would have been revealed as you go along in the story.

Also I'm not sure what you're supposed to feel for this character in the end. I laughed at the last scene, although maybe it wasn't meant to be funny but I found it humorous. I felt a bit of disgust for him and no real sympathy. Spoiled by his upbringing and never really knowing what or who he really wants. Maybe a bit of sorrow for the fact he was a prisoner to his talent who in my mind, if he was someone who broke free, as clearly he had, he should be happy, but he wasn't. I guess the fact he could never be satisfied made me feel unsatisfied as well, there really was no payoff in the end.

I just saw this again recently as my girlfriend brought it home from the library and I kept thinking "did I see this?" I wasn't sure until some key scenes sparked my recall. I must have seen this at least twice before. And this brings me to my final point, this was a largely forgettable film and my analysis is only possible because of my very recent viewing of it. It just doesn't have that lasting impression that some dramas can give you. Although well done and very good performances all around, I just can't give it all that high of a rating.
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Night Court (2023– )
I like it, it still has a bit of that 80's charm
7 February 2024
The "feel" of the show has some of that 80's charm and it's largely being carried by John Larroquette the rest of the cast are falling into their roles, the more I watch it's becoming familiar and I've found myself enjoying it. It's a turn your brain off kind of program and so was the original. Just some goofy fun with some gags here and there and a sometimes touching lesson-in-life mellow-drama. They really have to tone down the laughtrack, it's horrendous for some parts, just glaringly obvious and distracting at times. I think the original had live studio audiences, but I'm sure they used a "laugh" "applause" sign system in that too. So it's not unexpected it's just poorly done in this series at times. I genuinely would like if they had the guts to actually do this show before a live studio audience, something like this would probably be popular and a local attraction for tourists to see an actual production this day and age of overly produced content. Why not let crappy jokes fail and let an audience be genuine for a change.

I just looked it up and apparently this IS filmed before a live audience. It really doesn't show at times and in editing they definitely turn up the laughs. Nice to see they went for it, I'd probably enjoy sitting in on a filming session and being a part of that crowd. Those days of Cheers and Taxi and a myriad of others back then is pretty much over, so nice they are at least giving this a try. Hope they just let it be, if material stinks, leave it in, it offers a bit of charm, even keep in the groans from the audience if it's truly bad. Honestly is not a common commodity and this show if it does it right will stick out from the rest.

SECOND SEASON: Have to make an edit to my rating, I just got into the second season and just a few episodes in and the laugh track is intolerable. It's basically the laziest job of hitting a button every time there is a break in dialog. It takes all the soul out of the show and it's completely unnecessary, whoever produced/edited this ruined whatever chance they had with this show.
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Saints Row (2022 Video Game)
This does not feel like a complete game.
3 February 2024
I got really bored playing this after just a few sessions. I had no interest in playing the main missions they just didn't appeal to me. Wasn't likeing the story arc, if you can call it that, it's not really feeling like a story anyways that's really going anywhere and the only character that's got much of a personality just plane sucks as a character and don't have any desire to see anymore dialog from her. At first I would say I enjoyed about the first couple hours of gameplay, but mostly playing with the character creation which isn't all that enjoyable to navagate, it's really confusing at times switching between menus and the menus go 3 maybe for levels deep sometimes. They could have got rid of the color swatches and just had the color wheel instead, a lot faster as I'm constantly adding colors just to get a better tone of the colors in the swatch. It's still a good character customization but I'm not going to play a game just for that, and they put a lot of effort into it so much so they have a separate app just for this part of the game. Overall what it comes down to and this is what made me think it deserves such a low score is that so many of the missions after just one go, I didn't want to do them again and you look at the map it's the same stuff on every single section of the entire map, some new ones pop up but once I've played them in one region, there is no reason to do the same thing somewhere else. Another thing that absolutely sucks is the vehicle control, it feels so awkward from the camera controls to just handling, you hardly feel like you're in control and when you steer you oversteer very easily and it's just a pain to drive around the map and take corners accurately, it's not fun to navigate and go places in this game. I've got maybe 10% completion and I'm feeling like I'm done, I don't want to play anymore.

One of the fastest modes of transport I found that was easy to drive was a jetski, but there is so little in the environment I felt very alone in this game, very little to do in such a large space. I was looking around and thinking, where are all the boats docked. I couldn't even find one yet there were sailboats on the water and a random encounter with another jetski. And when you hit the map boarder there is this annoying 10 second timer telling you to turn around, talk about an immersion breaking game feature. This just made me feel that this game obviously was incomplete when released and it will never be finished or realized to a degree that this could have been. I just had the feeling that whoever made this game, didn't play it. So why should I.

Putting so much work into non-critical gameplay is such a waste, and clearly it was meant to sell skins and cosmetics as this is advertised on the splash screen. Well you got to have a good playable game for people to care about stuff like that and this isn't all that playable at least not for any length of time.

I could go on and on about what I don't like but it's just not worth the time.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019 Video Game)
This is kind of what was promised at the beginning of the Video Game motion capture inception.
1 February 2024
At the beginning of video games using motion capture and qualified actors to play parts, it was predicted that in the future video games would be like playable movies. That promise has far from been delivered with shooters still mostly dominating top-lists. And a serial game like Mafia failed to follow through with it's gripping and well integrated story telling by largely abandoning it's story arc in it's 3rd release. And Grand Theft Auto has done a good job making lore and crossing over it's story to subsequent games but it's still under the hood a shooter most of all with a story tied into it. So where other games have left off with this difficult to pull off Game/Movie mashup, this game has so far made a great effort toward producing a playable story/film. It was from the beginning of game-play that the scenes were clearly scripted and blocked for the scenery, impressively constructed sets are clearly well thought out and organized to fit a narrative. Everything you see is intentional, but not in the sense that it feels rigid. It has really well though out game-play interaction. So although the idea of grabbing a controller and being in control of a movie hasn't happened or may never come to full realization, this game really has done a great job of providing an enjoyable and immersive experience.
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Really enjoyed seeing Kevin James again in Standup.
31 January 2024
I thought this was great, really enjoyed seeing Kevin James doing Standup again after so many years. I think the last one I saw was "Sweat the Small Stuff" and I loved that. Interesting that this was presented as a Series format as "Episode 1", so curious to know what the following content is supposed to be like, more standup or something in sketch format? Either way I'm interested and will look for the next release. I've watched a bit of his sitcom and he's good in that, but I am not really much of a fan of the show, what I saw of it is really good but never really went out of my way to watch it. So I'm happy to see he put this out because I've liked a handful of his movies but always remembered I liked him best in his standup routines. He's got a style that's uniquely him, it's a very illustrative expressive approach that a few comedians have done in the past, he picked out a good deal of perfectly relatable material that worked for me. And he's very close to my generation so I get a lot of his material. He got a good deal of laughs out of me and boy has that been a long time since it's happened watching a standup routine, so big gratitude for him putting this out there.
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