Not bad
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An easy relaxing watch, some of the dialog left much to be desired, thier relationship could have been better constructed. Or simply make less of a relationship and just make it more about the beauty of that trail. Although they did highlight some of it they really didn't do much justice to how amazing that part of the US really is. Having personally sat on top of one of the Shenandoah peaks it really is awe inspiring and in the film there is just one moment of appreciation for the landscape that was notable and the rest is them managing each others personality. And this is a very stupid complaint but for Gods sake let that hair go gray, it looked absurd seeing this clearly aged man coloring his hair his signature red color. Give it a rest and go natural like the landscape they were traversing. And annoying still was some of the set was clearly greenscreened in places and it stuck out like a sore thumb. One bright moment was Kristen Schaal and they made her an annoying mental case instead of creating a nice charachter to ineract with. And the rude reaction he had to the guy asking him about his gear, like he couldn't have a simple conversation with someone in this, the only "normal" character was the motel owner they tried to create some sexual chemistry with but I didn't buy that for a minute, just a waste of film. Would have made an interesting film if he actually did cheat on his wife, would have been some fascinating turn in the narative. Instead they created some degenerate encounter with som random obese woman that lead to some stupid hick showdown that went nowhere. Just really sloppy storytelling. Why the alcoholic part, like that has to be in everything, like that's the only vise that exists. I thought it would be funny if he confronted him about the bottle and Nick Nolte pulled out some heroine or crack and said that the booze was the least of his worries. They really could have created something intersting to watch or made a travel brochure style film for the Appalachian trail but it was a watered down snoozer and I honestly didn't mind it in the end. It's a relaxing watch, just a really disposable story they could have made far more interesting with some effort or fresh eyed creativity.
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