
39 Reviews
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Imaginur (2022)
Mind blowing and I can't hold my tears
1 March 2023
So proud to know Malaysia has produce such a good movie. The love and virtue show by the movie character is beautiful and brilliant. The plot is impeccable, delicate and thoughtful. The acting is first class. Please support this movie, such a masterpiece.

So proud to know Malaysia has produce such a good movie. The love and virtue show by the movie character is beautiful and brilliant. The plot is impeccable, delicate and thoughtful. The acting is first class. Please support this movie, such a masterpiece.

So proud to know Malaysia has produce such a good movie. The love and virtue show by the movie character is beautiful and brilliant. The plot is impeccable, delicate and thoughtful. The acting is first class. Please support this movie, such a masterpiece.
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Loving Adults (2022)
I can't ignore the loophole
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How could Christian know to rent a van to kill his wife but still send his car to auto wash after murdered a person? How could Leonara went to Xenia house and kill her? And she jump out from the window in hotel too? Does the alibi she made still valid? How they dispose the changes bedsheet? And how they return to hotel? Through the window again? Without anyone notice? To me is a bit ridiculous.

Also how come they plan to cremate the body in front of everyone? This is just too risky.

Anyway this is still a good movie to kill time. Go ahead if you can ignore the loophole and enjoy. I can only give 5/10.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
James Wan nailed it again
1 October 2021
Superb camera work and cinematography. It has been quite some time since a last decent horror movie. This masterpiece has a good balance of action, horror and thriller. Mystery and unpredictable.

With compeling and intriguing plot as foundation, the movie reveal the story piece by piece. The plot might have lope hole, but it is very close to perfect, every clue given was just making perfect sense, the unpredictable twist really make up the flaw.

From the camera work you can tell this is James Wan's work. Remind me one of his work Insidious. Also let me think of Glass from M Night Shyamalan. The eerie sound effect and creepy atmosphere is impeccable. This movie indeed define the meaning of keep the audience on the edge of their seat.

With no cheap jump scare or dump decision by protagonist, Malignant defeat all the horror film that released in 2021 easily. Do yourself a favor, don't miss it out.
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Shallow storyline
11 September 2021
The plot is shallow and empty, but it is good to kill time. Should give more scene for Emily. What a waste.
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The Meg (2018)
This is how this movie made
5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's produce a shark movie that can attract mass audience and make money. We need to have some gimmick, it can't be typical shark movie. So this shark need to be very intelligent, fierce and invincible. Also we have plot where a shark kill dozens of people in a way that not convincing at all.

Since we want a movie that suit mass audience, sure we need more asian. And we got it. Oh wait we need some warm and sweet moment too, let get another cute child to the movie. What? You mean put a child into the plot is somewhat far-fetched? I don't care. Just make it.

A shark alone is not impressing enough, let add more content. Give me some helicopter crash, submarine explosion and whatever you name it. This is how The Meg made.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Read the 1-2 stars review
20 June 2021
The bad review here literally epitomize what in my mind after watching the movie. The 5 stars was given on the ground of courtesy. Nonsense but okay to kill time. You can watch it just don't particular on the detail, a bit illogical though.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Is everyone think the plot is implausible or just me
20 June 2021
I'm an asian adult who being raised up in a typical asian family and culture. That why I'm not sure if it is normal for teenager to mingle with stranger adult? For me, we just won't. Due to generation gap and also the ingrain sense of respecting the elder, we will not mingle with any adult the way movie manifested when we were young, so throw a party in a stranger house? Nope. The school bullying in our region is not that serious and intense as well, so I can't relate. Anyhow I felt so sorry for Ma for what she experienced, it is so traumatic and definitely will causing irreparable damage to someone mentally and physically. This is a good movie to kill time, but still far from define as a good horror movie.
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Out Of Focus
20 June 2021
After read the review only I know the movie was actually based on a book. That explain it. Many scene in the movie seem like too fragmental to piece together. Too much to tell but too rush to comb through the detail, end up everything found so confusing. I believe it was a good plot which suppose involve many unpredictable twist and manipulation but eventually went south due to lack of story and character development. But the acting of protagonist is good, I can felt the panic, helpless and sorrow she expressed. And the cinematography work is superb. If you intended to spend some good movie time with your love but don't want to burn your mind too hard, here you go.
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Metamorphosis (2019)
This movie is super underated
7 June 2021
This is one of the best exorcism movie I have ever watched. No cheap jump scare no nonsense talk not even 1 minutes of unnecessary plot. Completed and compelling. Surpassed a lot of big budget horror crab. You shouldn't miss it.
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Nomadland (2020)
If you don't have a home why should you need a house
18 May 2021
I'm not sure if I get the hidden meessage from the movie. The movie pace is extremely slow and the line seem ordinary. But the beautiful and stellar scene did made me felt peaceful and how insignificant human could be.

I wish everyone can not only afford a house but a home. That's the place we can settle down, so for our heart.
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The Grudge (2019)
Can you believe a curse can bring from one place to another
5 May 2021
I can't believe anyway. If it is a remark, it fail in every aspect. If it is a sequel, it didn't make it too. Too lame. Superficial script with cheap and awful jump scare.
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Very promising movie
25 April 2021
Whatever genre you ask for. Thriller, dark comedy and romantic. It has all these elements. Everything is in a good balance.

The screenplay is powerful and delicate. So much effort was put on the line. The character developlment is mature enough for the audience to feel the sense of attachment. The casts were just superb.

The movie provoke me to think a lot after it is end. When something bad happened to someone with bad reputation, can we see the event impartially? Or we will downplay the unfortunate event just like everyone did? This movie is a masterpiece and gonna cling on my mind for some time.
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It is an average film, if not below it
25 April 2021
I wish someone can explain every single unbelievable plot hole in the movie for me. Some of the decision that the protagonist made is not making sense at all. She is reckless. But seem like everyone include the authority is okay with this. Is it really the true heroism we should promote? The purpose of the shooting event is not mention at all. Is it because they are being bullied before? Or they need more attention? The character development for both protagonist and villain is weak.
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Alone (V) (2020)
No surprise, but good for killing time
21 February 2021
The main killer for this kind of thriller is the leading role always making stupid decision, and unfortunately this movie is one of them. The plot is too weak, I can't accept someone keep hunting another for no reason. And the hide and seek game is too much. It is good for killing time, but it is far from calling as a good movie.
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Morgan (2016)
Big idea but shallow way of story telling
2 January 2021
Black technology is always my favourite genre. And AI related story definetely gonna be a hype for the coming years.

I would say the framework of Morgan is good, but the way they execute the idea is shallow. The bonding between the research team and Morgan is weak, what is the meaning of special? Why Morgan is special? How special she could be? No. We don't know, so we the audience cannot feel resonate.

The story development in first 30 minutes is good, subtle and fine, but the following hour is going south, directionless and clueless, too much fight scene too little proper interaction. It is a great waste for such a good idea. The idea could outwit many commercial big film, but end up as a mediocre.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Keep everything small for a bigger thing
30 December 2020
Obviously Palm Spring is a small budget movie, the story evolve between several character, who keep relive the same day over and over again. As they try to keep everything simple and focus, we the audience can literally develop a very good bonding with the character, the dialogue is comfortable to deal with, no cliche no empty rhetoric. It is a heartening rom-com with perfect sci-fic genre. Please give it a try.
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Looper (2012)
The story and character development is...
12 December 2020
We have seen so many good idea bad execution kinda movie. And this movie just make everything well in balance. This is so important for the plot and character development to be in the subtle way, because it could build the sense of connection between the character and audience. I think Looper make it. Forget about the so called plot hole, I have seen so many movie in my life that I can't even count it, that is no perfect plot. I would say this movie's script is near to impeccable. Don't be so picky, just because it didn't follow the rule you set, doesn't mean it is bad.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
You have no idea who you had pissed off
21 November 2020
The plot is kinda unconvincing as the villain is too strong until causing so many death and accident. But I do enjoy the movie so much, literally keep me on edge of the seat. Very good movie to kill time.

Lesson learn today, if a conflict can resolve by saying sorry, just say it, never let the issue escalate until totally out of control. And mind you driving etiquette.
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Antebellum (2020)
You are taking this movie too serious, aren't you
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As an asian who stay in multiracial country, Malaysia, I think I can review the movie impartially as black or white to me is the same.

The story structure of the movie is rigid, which comprises three different part. The black slavery in plantation, the origin of the protagonist, and how she fight and escape. The story come out in a justifiable way, step by step reveal the whole story behind, which also make every twist become mind-blwoing. It did surprised me.

And I do appreciate every scene in movie, visually breathtaking. Even under such a bright tune, with beautiful vintage vibe, you can still feel the tense, fear and hopeless which the character express, of course the acting is satisfy too. The camera move is superb, make the movie to another level. The soundtrack or bgm, even the way they dress is just impeccable.

Antebellum is one of the top 10 in 2020 to me. Don't take everything too serious, try to tolerate the loop hole, it still consider a above average movie.
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Source Code (2011)
A decent sci-fic action film
10 November 2020
Solid movie with mind blowing story which make you keep guessing and focusing along the movie. It surpassed a lot of big budget film even in 2020. Very impressing.
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Extinction (2018)
Those characters always making stupid decision kinda movie
7 November 2020
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Nothing new about the story, straightforward and easy to disgest type of movie. The line is so awkward, no one will talk this way in real life. Every move of the protagonist and co-star is clueless, that youngest child is just nothing but annoying. Thansk for torture me for 90 minutes. At least I know how worst a movie can go to.
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Hustlers (2019)
Definitely more than a mediocre
10 October 2020
Superb script with good acting. The movie is good. The strip dance is marvellous. I do appreciate the effort all the girls made. Definetely more than a mediocre.
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Time Lapse (2014)
After read the good reviews, I doubt if we are watching the same movie
24 September 2020
The movie is a mediocre, if not below average. Why everyone said their acting is good?The acting is just embarrasing, and the story is thin like paper. But it could be due to budget restrain, anyhow 5 is the best I could give
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Brightburn (2019)
Male version of Carrier
10 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As if I'm watching a male version of Carrier, a boy who discover his supernatural power and revealed his unusually origin, and decide to punish people who hurt or go against him. The gore element is good, but the story lack of development, same for the character. The protagonist's emotion toward other is not well develop, so the audience may feel somewhat bewilder. Trust the other review, they get the point. It is something new, and I like the way they didn't sugarcoat the story, no good ending, no illogical handout, raw and fresh. Worth to watch.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
No cheap jump scare, erm, at least they're not cheap
24 August 2020
My friend once told me, what spoil a horror movie is cheap jump scare, I do agree with him. In sinister, you won't find this, at least they're not cheap. The plot is very straight forward, this is the way a horror movie should be. The vibe is good, very tense and scary. The acting is excellent, you can literally feel the overwhelming sense of stress and nervous. This is the real genre of horror movie, suppassed most of the mainstream.
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