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Futurama: Parasites Regained (2023)
Season 11, Episode 4
We can see you, and you're as fake as all hell...
17 August 2023
The 'person' who gave this episode a 2\10 score is emblematic of the problems with the ratings system of this site.

It's 'their' only review, and the account was set up on the day of the review.

Is no-one moderating this site at all?!

I guess that's what happens when you put the robots in charge... Anyway, a fun episode with some fantastically subtle jokes- the race-swapped Nibbler one which pokes fun at the current situation in Hollywood being a particular favourite.

I was worried that the move to Hulu might unduly affect the writing quality of the show, but so far, it's been much better than I expected, and my hopes are high for the rest of the season.

A back to form 8\10 🍄
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Faster (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
WipEout in a galaxy far, far away...
22 January 2023
If I were the owners of the now defunct game developer Psygnosis, I would've raised my eyebrows at the podracing sequence in Ep1, but with this episode, id've been ringing my lawyers!

If Ep1 paid homage to the PlayStation series WipEout, then this was a blatant rip-off.

Anti-grav racing through tunnels and over jumps- check.

Anti-grav racing while shooting the competition- check.

Anti-grav racing to a techno-beat soundtrack- check.

It couldn't have been more obvious if the villain's racer was named Feisar!

Still.., as filler episodes go, it wasn't too bad, and it's made me nostalgic enough to dig out my Ps3 and indulge in some high speed carnage myself.

A retro-gaming 6/10.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Justice (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Enough with the lore breaking already...
28 October 2022
Utter garbage.

This is the second episode I've watched, and probably the last.

The only reason I gave it two stars was because the model of Qui-Gon looked good, but the voice acting for him was atrocious.

And speaking of voice acting, the person voicing Dooku sounded like someone doing a bad impression of Alan Rickman doing a bad impression of Christopher Lee, it really was THAT bad.

And as for lore breaking- even during the Separatist War, no one, and I mean no one- not even the Jedi- had any inclination whatsoever that Dooku was Sith, yet here he is using Force Chokes on people IN FRONT OF QUI-GON, who says nothing about it at all!

This show- especially after the crap that was the first episode, is utter $hite, and the sooner Disney stop forcing this garbage onto their already dwindling fanbase, the better.

Only access media shills and Disney employees would rate this trash higher than a truly worthwhile 2/10.

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Exception (2022– )
Truly remarkable.
25 October 2022
Having just binged this in its entirety (the ONLY way to watch it!), I must say that it is truly remarkable.

Conceptually brilliant, philosophically akin to Ghost in The Shell, dealing as it does with the nature of consciousness, our perception of our own existence and identity, and what it means to be truly human, with a story that plays out somewhere between John Carpenter's 'The Thing' and an Agatha Christie whodunnit, right up until the final (double!) episode, where it becomes both a race against time, and a battle for survival.

The artwork is visually stunning, with a vibrant colour palate, the soundtrack is perfectly fitting with its ethereal qualities, and its excellent voice cast (English dub) adds depth and humanness to each of the characters.

A tremendous achievement, and a real treat for all true anime fans, and fans of high concept science fiction in general.

Just one thing before I go- to the absolutely idiotic person who rated this 1/10 after only watching the first ten minutes, because they 'didn't like the frame rate'- people like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a keyboard, much less be allowed to rate something you neither watched nor understood.

A breathtaking 10/10 🍄
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Day Shift (2022)
Looks like fun's back on the menu boys...!
22 October 2022
Grab some garlic flavoured popcorn, switch off your brain, and enjoy the ride.

With some great comedic turns from Dave Franco, Scott Adkins, the fantastic Pete Stormare, and the legendary Snoop Dogg, if you don't laugh at this, then you're already (un)dead.

Jamie Foxx shows yet again that he has remarkable comic timing, and the sight of the Oscar winner in an old ladies dress was just the beginning.

Throw in some great action set-pieces, and it's well worth a couple of hours of your time, so ignore the low scores posted by people over analysing it- Roger Ebert's dead, so god knows who they're trying to impress- grab some popcorn and just enjoy the ride!

If there's a part two..?

I'd be up for watching it.... A fun 8/10.

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Catwoman (2011)
As good as it gets....
19 October 2022
One of the best comic book adaptations I've ever seen- simply because it was made before Hollywood turned every female lead into a dull mary-sue.

And a mary-sue Catwoman ain't!

Sure, she kicks ass, but more importantly, she also gets her ass kicked too.

A great little self-contained story, filled with action, drama, humour, and the kind of writing that modern "writers" could- and SHOULD- learn a thing or two from.

The animation is slick, with Catwoman showing some great moves in the fight scenes, the voice acting is spot on, and there's not a second of fat or padding to be found- something sorely lacking in this day and age.

A well deserved 9/10.

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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
A step in the right direction.
7 October 2022
Likeable enough- once you get past Marvel's usual insistence of making their female leads unlikeable, and having hundred pound women beat up and toss around three hundred pound men.

The black and white colour scheme of the majority of the film, mixed with the brilliant score give it a real Saturday morning swashbuckling adventure feel, and the there were obvious nods to the werewolf movies of old, like Lon Chaney Jr old.

The highlight was seeing Man-Thing realised in colour- he looked fantastic!

If it gets turned into a series, then I'd watch it, as it's INFINITELY better than the She-Hulk dumpster fire, and probably the best thing to come out of Marvel Studios since phase three ended- certainly on the small screen.

Worth its 7/10.

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The Orville: Midnight Blue (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Best. Episode. Ever.
21 July 2022
Rena Owen and Dolly Parton, together on-screen- two absolute legends. It doesn't get better than this.... And doesn't Dolly still look fab-u-lous!!

A fantastic 10/10 🍄
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Season two fixes all the problems with season one.
24 May 2022
A lot of people complained about the animation style of season one, and to be fair, it WAS a little clunky, but the characters' look was more true to the original manga than even the first movie. The second season fixes this by giving it a more cell-shaded look.

The story has been ramped up to eleven, with much more drama, intrigue, and finally showing off the detective skills of Section Nine.

No longer are they just 'thugs for hire', but genuinely clever people who act as a unit, and pool their knowledge towards finding a solution, and it's this working together dynamic that makes the series.

Oh, and the 'will they, won't they' love interest between Batou and Prin is priceless, and a breath of fresh air for the whole of the show.

A much improved 9/10 all round... 🍄
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No one asked for this.
24 May 2022
I watched this movie as a kind of catch-up before I watched SAC_2045 season two, and I shouldn't have bothered.

The editing is atrocious, and completely destroys the narrative- so much- that I had to watch the original season one all over again just for everything to make sense.

Much as I love GITS, this had nothing to add to the story- in fact, it detracts from the storyline of the whole saga.

A cash grab, pure and simple.


An average 6/10 🍄
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Mike Myers and Jennifer Saunders?! What's not to like!!
10 May 2022
If Netflix made more un-woke programmes like this, maybe they wouldn't be going broke... Silly, irreverent, and juvenile, like a nineties comedy. It pokes fun at everybody and everything without being offensive (although, judging by the low score here, it seems like they managed to upset at least some humourless flakes).

Mike Myers is back, and dafter than ever!

A very goofy 9/10... 🍄
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
"there are good deaths, and there are bad deaths".
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me, one of the stand-out actors of this show has been Michael Mando, and his performance as Nacho has been riveting- you literally cannot take your eyes off him whenever he's on screen.

His quietly intense portrayal of what- we all knew- would be a doomed character, has been nothing short of brilliant.

If he doesn't win the Emmy for Best Supporting Actor, then there really is no justice in the world, and I for one hope he goes on to bigger and better things- I shall certainly be watching anything else he appears in, regardless of the genre or role.

An almost perfect episode, from the writing and acting, to the cinematography and editing, it had tension and drama in spades, and if the rest of this season is only half as good, then Better Call Saul will be one of the few spinoff shows in history that surpasses its originator.

Adios Nacho, a via con dios.... A gut-punching 10/10 🍄
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
There's a New Boss in town...
29 December 2021
Believe the hype.

It's only thirty five minutes long, but Rodriguez, Filoni, and Favreau make sure you get your money's worth.

AND you get to find out how the Fett Man escapes the Sarlacc pit... The Force is strong with this one.

A Boss 9/10.

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Crossing Swords (2020–2021)
Well 'executed' comedy.
20 December 2021
Absolutely hilarious, and gloriously offensive, which means it probably won't be enjoyable to the under 25's and their easily upsettable 'feelings'.

The voice actors are brilliant, and really nail their parts (I love you Tara Strong!!), and the animators have created something unique (BETTER than Robot Chicken, which is a high recommendation in itself).

It's rude, it's crude, and it's a perfect antidote to the tame, preachy crap that passes for TV these days. It's got all the puppet gore and nudity of the fantastic 'Team America', and the same 'poke fun at everyone and everything' sensibilities in spades.

Each episode is better than the last, and if the writers can keep it up, then they've got themselves a real hit on their hands.

A riotous 9/10 🍄
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Dreck.
10 December 2021
Season one- kind of OK.

Season two- saved by Captain Pike.

Season three- everyone's crying.

Season four- completely unwatchable.

In the future, white men are extinct- straight white men should i say.

Star Trek for the #metoo generation.


Hopefully, Strange New Worlds will be different, and hopefully, we'll be able to hear some semblance of Gene Roddenbury's original vision, instead of this over-politicised garbage.

An unworthy of the name 3/10.

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Cowboy Bebop: Binary Two-Step (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
'Binary' is such a loaded word these days.
8 December 2021
I imagine quite a lot of people have been disappointed with the pointless inclusion of Faye's love interest, and I have to say, I agree with them.

It isn't the fact that it was a lesbian love interest, but the fact that it felt forced, contrived, a pointless box-ticking exercise- hell, even both actresses looked uncomfortable and there CERTAINLY wasn't any chemistry between them.

I have absolutely no problem with LGBTQ characters in films and TV shows- one of my favourite characters in this adaptation is Gren, the Maitre De at Ana's, who is nothing like the original character, but he has some killer lines, steals every scene he's in, and reminds me a lot of a young Marc Almond. The thing is, his character feels organic, natural, not someone who's a shoe-in to make sure everyone's represented, whereas Faye's 'girlfriend' (who disappeared and hasn't been seen since) felt exactly that.

Credit your audience with at least a modicum of intelligence, or trust me, you WILL lose them.

A series low of 4/10.

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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
Where can I buy a Jigglo..?
4 December 2021
Just goes to show after the lame Marvel Studios stuff on Disney (Loki, Falcon & the Winter Soldier, and the fun but woker that woke Hawkeye) that it was a shame Marvel Television got swallowed up, and Hulu is a better company to produce their shows with stuff like M. O. D. O. K and Hit Monkey- shows that don't push a certain political agenda down its audience's throat, and credits them with a modicum of intelligence.

Lot of people hating this, but for all the wrong reasons.

Well, let them stick with the kiddie stuff on Disney, and leave the adult stuff to the rest of us.

A politics free 9/10.

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Hatton Garden 2045
28 November 2021
A great stand alone episode, with real drama and emotion.

Batou showing his softer side, albeit with a bit of cunning and malice when he's sticking it to 'the man', and sticking up for the 'little guy' A heart warming 9/10.

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The X-Files: Dreamland II (1998)
Season 6, Episode 5
Best body-swap comedy since 'Big'.
26 November 2021
A fantastic episode, with everyone playing their parts beautifully.

Mike McKean steals the show as Morris Fletcher, and I'm glad he became a recurring character, he makes comedy look effortless, but the REAL scene stealer was Julia Vera, who slipped into the role of a 'Maverick' hotshot fly-boy like a well worn glove.

A brilliant 9/10 🍄
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Cowboy Bebop: Blue Crow Waltz (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
A better episode than the score here would suggest.
21 November 2021
One of the few episodes that was actually better than the anime, as it fleshed out the story of Fearless, Vicious, and Julia.

Lots of drama, very little action or humour, and was very grown up compared to the cartoon vibe of the rest of the series.

A mature 8/10.

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Cowboy Bebop: Galileo Hustle (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
A condensed version of the original, and better for it too!
21 November 2021
A fun episode, and a great way of getting to Faye's backstory that was less convoluted than the anime.

The ending was brilliant, and the video was almost word for word from the anime, which should keep the fanboys happy, but probably not.

Turns out Faye was Greta Thunberg when she was a kid, who'da thought it... A nostalgic 8/10.

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Cowboy Bebop: Supernova Symphony (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
The New Radical!
21 November 2021
A great ending to a great first series. Alex Hassell totally stole the show as Vicious, a top notch cartoon villain if ever there was one, and for a classically trained Shakespearean actor, this absolutely showed his versatility.

A slight departure from the anime, and an even bigger one from the manga, which will have the stroppy fanboys voting outta their a$$es.

The final two minutes were what most people were waiting for, and Eden Perkins was fantastically spot on with her portrayal of everyone's favourite hacker extraordainare! The voice, the mannerisms, the look, everything, was all we could wish for.

Ignore the haters and the low score, you can't please everyone, especially prissy little fanboys, who've probably already got a campaign going on at netflix to cancel the series.

A well deserved 9/10 🍄
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Cowboy Bebop: Sad Clown A-Go-Go (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
I've seen things you., people.., wouldn't believe...
21 November 2021
This was one episode I didn't think they'd be able to pull off. A flying psycho-clown?! Ain't gonna happen.

But boy, did they nail it!

Seriously, whoever's doing the casting for this show deserves an Emmy- seeing Pierre La Fou onscreen, in real life, gave me shivers - he's EXACTLY as he appears in the anime, and the guy playing him was just born to play the role.

Good to see the humour's back after a couple of 'story' episodes too!

A solid 8/10.

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Cowboy Bebop: Darkside Tango (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Bebop Noir.
20 November 2021
Without a doubt, the first five minutes was the best shot for shot remake of a comic book since Sin City.

Channeling the great noir detectives like Sam Spade, Mike Hammer, and Lazlo Woodbine, Mustafa Shakir shows off his acting chops down to the nines, with trenchcoats, fedora, and spats.

John Cho and Daniella Pineda are really starting to nail their characters down pat, and honestly, any Cowboy Bebop fan who hasn't started to get on board with this as it is so far, isn't really a fan.

A definite 8/10!

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Cowboy Bebop: Callisto Soul (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
It's starting to come together...
20 November 2021
A great adaptation of one of my favourite episodes from the original anime, and one where Daniella Pineda really shines as Faye.

All credit must surely go to whoever cast Adrienne Barbeau as Momma Murdock. That was an inspired choice, and they couldn't have got any one better.

Four episodes in, and it's coming along nicely, so ignore the hate, and just enjoy the ride... A fun 8/10.

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