
10 Reviews
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Beautiful and extremely hollow
30 April 2020
Gretel & Hansel, a moody adaptation of the Grimm Brothers fairytale, looks incredible but proves itself to be a remarkably superficial affair. The setting is confusing ( why does Gretel speak in a modern American west coast accent while everybody else speaks in variances of old English?) and the story ambles around. There's this inner monologue from Gretel that sounds like voice over from an insurance commercial and there's pretty awful stilted performances from Sophie Lillis and Samuel Leakey throughout.

Not all is bad - Alice Krige as the witch is delightful and the music is wicked. Production design and cinematography are masterful and are evocative of The Witch or The Village but lack the authority of those films. With tepid dialogue, weak story and pandering themes, Gretel & Hansel would be better served as a short film or a multimedia art piece in a gallery than a 87 minute narrative film. Check out Hansel and Gretel (1987) instead.
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Envoy (2014)
Admirable work
2 September 2019
There are few shorts films that can, in under ten minutes, elicit both a feeling of novelty and inventiveness at the same time. "Envoy" does just that. It's a simple story that details the relationship between a boy and the thing he found in a cornfield. The VFX and production values are off the charts and the film entire is evocative of early Shyamalan or Spielberg. What makes this film compelling is what it doesn't tell or show you; the mystery in the field, the photographs on the table, the story of the boy's parents. Unfortunately it's also what makes the film a little thin. The story isn't entirely original and the nine minute runtime is far too short for any sort of investment. Still, it's a laudable effort to craft such an engaging film with such limited resources.
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Good looking but nothing great
31 March 2019
This film follows a little English girl who's life is riddled with bullying, domestic abuse and poverty (there are a lot of uncanny similarities with the film "Fish Tank"). Reeling from the death of a close family member, the little girl confides in old American Western serial dramas where her imagination is free to grow, that is until she finds an old revolver in a cardboard box. The short looks like a million dollars with excellent production values and a great cast but the story drains into the most lazy of endings. There's nothing clever here, no great statement is made despite the directors "gotcha" ending that was supposed to be powerful but just comes across as gimmicky, cynical and gratuitous. 4 stars for the production values.
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Hyperlight (2018)
Atmospheric, tense and entertaining
9 February 2019
"Hyperlight" is one of the better Sci-fi shorts i've seen. Its a chamber piece that really demands alot from the two actors who really deliver. The film asks alot of questions and the mystery keeps you on your toes throughout the short running time. My only complaint is that the first ten minutes or so are a little slow going.
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Terrible "Movie"
5 December 2018
This may be the worst movie I've ever seen. I wasn't expecting much but it's like breaking into a bag of cheap potato chips and discovering stale air and no chips. There's no story in this "movie", nothing is funny, nothing is scary (unless bad acting keeps you up at night), the lead just runs around and says "Hello? Hello?", screams and then falls into a deep sleep. The end involves a lame joke in poor taste. It's waste of time and I'd like to say a waste of talent but there was none.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Excellent Sci-fi film with existential themes
4 December 2018
I always enjoy intelligent Science Fiction and we've really been treated by a good smattering of one's in recent years such as Arrival and Ex Machina and now "Annihilation". This is a smart Lovecraftian film that really moves beyond the standard tropes of the genre. Really makes you think. It's well acted with a very original story though I did think the characters were a bit boring. The visual effects were BREATHTAKING and the thoughtful pacing deliberately moved at a slow burn to a mind bending climax. If you are into thought provoking science fiction like "Solaris", "Stalker" or "Interstellar" than this is the film for you. Highly recommended.
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Orca Park (2011)
Surprisingly good and very entertaining
4 December 2018
I rented this because I'm a giant Sturgill Simpson fan and will watch and listen to anything the man is involved in. Sturgill is incredible here in his debut acting appearance. His performance is better than a lot of Hollywood actors and he plays a villain perfectly. The movie itself is actually surprisingly good for a no budget independent film. The two leads are pretty decent actors and the writing is very funny at times and it made me think about why I was laughing at what was said. 7/10
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20 Matches (2016)
Simple and horrifying
6 November 2018
A haunting story told by a woman who can only light her face with a box of twenty matches turns horrifying when she finally reveals the nature of her situation. Few, VERY few, horror films can capture immediacy and terror in such a simple uncomplicated way. This short film is deeply unsettling and has stayed with me YEARS after I have seen it.
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One Dollar (2018)
Intriguing and well paced
6 November 2018
I really enjoyed this show as I found it well written with some great characters to follow. The pacing and mystery reminds me of Twin Peaks and Sturgill Simpson as furniture thief Ken Fry is awesome! I will say that the series lulls at points and the lead actor who works at the factory is pretty weak. However it's strength is it's pacing, intrigue and ensemble cast. Worth a watch
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
Star Wars for babies
6 November 2018
After the excellent Clone Wars ( both 2D and 3D ) and the good at time Rebels we are now given this chew toy as a followup. What a disappointment. Star Wars has always been for kids but has held an appeal for adults of all ages due to its interesting story and content. This..... this makes Jar Jar Binks and the ill fated Star Wars: Detours look like a masterpiece
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