
13 Reviews
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Dredd (2012)
Detailed and realistic
8 September 2012
I rate this a 10, it's not THE best film of all time but it was solid entertainment that was true to it's source, the setting isn't in a glossed super tech future or absurdly over populated slums. Instead we get a complex structure, a blend between 'old earth' and mega city one. In short mega city 1 is a mess.

They made the dredd costumes look practical and effective, with casting very strong, especially lenda's role of Ma-ma who is a truly terrifying character and yet convincing as a leader.

Characters play perspective of the setting, Dredd is pretty much the unforgiving force of law whilst Anderson shows us the other side, the emotional harm that the law dishes out.

The film lacks humour, it's cold, gritty and almost terribly real of human evil and of gang culture, but it never strays from it's main source.

The real question can they make this into a effective series? Death, or the exaggerated mutants won't fit in this down to earth take on this, but it is very good.
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Who allowed money to be wasted on this?
26 August 2012
This was a terrible movie from the word go, I went with a friend to see what it's all about and though the cinema was respectfully packed, it dwindled to almost complete 0. Only did it get an empty attendance when me and my friend left, giving up after 20 minutes. The sordid jokes, vomit etc, are reserved for sites like YouTube where frankly the style of quality of comedy in some self made videos are far superior to this.

It's not the first time that a British comedian has tried to make a movie about themselves but even Russell brand and 'boart' made their movie projects with some wit and writing that doesn't rely on running dead jokes and gags. For a movie it appears insultingly cheap from set, prop to cast.

And to show how desperate this movie is, they have a PR agency giving it a 'wonderful' review under the account 'thefleece2' It really is a sign of desperation or of bad ego to have your own team to self-review and exaggerate the quality of your own product.

What I don't understand is how money gets wasted on projects like this.

This is a strong contender for worst British film for this year and perhaps one of the worst of the year entirely.
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Green Lantern (2011)
This had promise
30 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Green Lantern seems to the underdog to Superman and Batman franchise, there is a lot going for it considering how much into sci-fi it delves into but it has always stuttered in its progress (though not as bad as Wonder woman that seems to be the most outdated of all DC characters) Green Lantern has had more success with animation, mainly with the justice league but comic sales it hasn't been the best seller, and now it has done surprisingly poor on the movie frontline.

The problem isn't the budget of the film, the special effects is quite impressive but that the directing and general acting is just bad, with a mashed up plot that does the same mistake that spider-man 3 did which was to throw in too much too soon.

The story of Hal getting the ring isn't the muddle but the completely unnecessary plot points that tag along with it such as Hector Hammond examining alien body to bad guy with super telekentic powers. What makes this even more laughable is this character is beaten, slammed into objects, even having a gas canister slam into his back and yet is able to get himself a Stephen-hawkings like chair to plan his next scheme. It begs the question how he could even flee if he is depicted as immobile the next scene?

I'm sure Ryan Reynolds is a good actor but Hal was just a complete jerk, with gags thrown at the movie-goer at every possible second to show that their trying to be witty? Ryan's guesswork on the lantern's mantra was nothing short of cringeful. The writing is weak though, the idea of making Ryan depict Hal as smug brat flying a plane looked utterly unrealistic in regards to keeping things within acceptable context.

Same with his co-pilot carol who starts as strong woman to someone who needs Hal in her life. And whatever happened to the three guys hal beat up (one flying through a wall), never mentioned at all. A superhero movie has to be consistent with a hero's flaws, his mistakes etc, to turn a blind eye to Hal forcing everyone out of a job because of his ego, smacking people into a wall or delaying saving a city because he wanted to hug his gf has him turned out to be a self centred jerk.

Amazingly Sinstero wasn't all that impressive either, there is little character development other then that he is never happy or impressed. There is a plus, the CGI is amazing, some of the acting is good but the direction and story telling is just shallow, if DC makes a sequel of this then their taking a gamble, they should just put this to one side and move on.
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Officially the worst game movie or any movie
17 November 2011
Let me put this into perspective.

The Battle of Los Angelas (The mockbuster) was awful but had some fun lines and sfx to appease a bit.

Battlefield earth was awful but it had John travolta

And street fighter 94 was actually fun, heck even super mario had a budget to give some value.

This film rivals of the Legend of chun Li, it has such a bad plot but its almost as if the writers from stepbrothers (will farrel movie) tried doing suspense. It matches and (god forbid) actually betters Mortal kombat Armageddon in terms of so bad its not funny.

Put it simply this is the movie that made Uwe Boll despised amongst the gaming community and its not worth seeing the movie for that reason. I have watched this on DVD by the cheap from the public library. It will be returned first thing tomorrow.

Simply put the film as every review has stated involves some 20 somethings who miss a boat to a rave at a hard to get Island and decide to fork out $1000 for the trip to AND back. However this isn't the absurd part, the absurd part occurs before that scene where literally 3 minutes into the film we have a character who narrates saying who has survived the ordeal (that we are yet to see)

Its the same narrator who repeats the obvious such as when the group miss the boat, he mentions it again to the viewer (in a more dramatic fashion but in a clichéd sense)

If the fast forward button was not invented I would had packed the DVD away at this point, storytelling is dead and we spend 15minutes watching this group pay for the absurd trip, and walk round topless. (Even that isn't much of a selling point)

In lazy fashion the film 'reveals' the terrifying secrets of the Island...via a video camera showing the 'rave' disturbed by the undead. I can pick at how well handled the camera is during the filming of supposed massacre but even this old technique that has never been perfected since the Blair witch project adds dread or feels in any way original, and nor does it explain how the zombies can be so clean in their kills. They kill, eat and spill blood on the rave and when the group arrive all they find is one bloody T-short, even then they think its just a prank.

Regarding zombies, their full of contradictions. We see them swim, sneak around in the bushes in very fast and swift movement, run and are quite agile acting not quite like zombies. Even for the zombie fan there is no gore, one or two zombies even have no make-up on! It's even more astounding that 'sega' uses old house of the dead shoot em up clips from the game on the basis it acts as a homage or adds something to the movie.

The music is awful, sounding out of place and the budget is basically rubber suited maskmen. I dislike Anderson's take on resident evil but it is at least entertain and has some good moments.

The acting is terrible with the most boring story they could offer, characters pop out of nowhere without sense, cgi is just a clip from the first house of the dead game (and that is not a compliment) the direction for these characters is non paced and non existent. Even the eye candy dries up very quickly in this film.

This is the 'plan 9 from outer space' for video game movies. it really is that bad. How Uwe boll or his friends have jobs in the film industry (or got their qualifications) I do not know but this is truly dire.

ONLY watch if you have a fast forward button but even as you fast forward you'll find nothing worth watching.
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One of the most striking documentaries seen
11 September 2011
I remember 9/11, in the UK I just finished college and was getting the bus when some people were saying they got text messages from other friends telling them someone attacked the twin towers. When i got home I found my younger brother glued to the TV telling me one of the towers were burning away, I saw it and I was in disbelief.

In the same way this is how the documentary starts with a surprise on seeing the tower on fire, nobody knowing of yet how it hit at the time. That was at 8:46am people just got up to leave home, and on the other side of the Atlantic I was on my way back home.

The style of the program is cameras from camermen on the ground as well as civilian footage, the reactions of anger, fear and more all seen and absorbed to this footage.

Then you see the fires, the jumpers, the second crash, the fall of the tower, the dust, the second collapse and a final dust sweeping over new york.

What was perhaps the greatest shock was seeing the full devastation the dust brought, covering all streets in dirty brown dust, water is dirty, windows smashed and an entire scenery which bears no resemblance to the New York we all know and love. To be there at time must had been terrifying, and no Hollywood film could replicate the fear the events brought as shown from eyes of ordinary people.

This film serves just as much an educational purpose as it does retelling the events.
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ThunderCats (2011–2012)
Amazingly detailed
22 August 2011
I remember seeing the original series whilst young and young enough to have a memory of everyone having the thundercats bag, the lunch boxes, the toy swords and if it was more fun to watch then He-Man. Thundercats was big and whilst not new in regards to formula it was a different take on the series given it barely included any humans (with exception to Mumm-Ra who i think was human) with striking character designs and a cool sword chant Thundercats was a shining example of a cartoon made marketable.

Looking at Thundercats (185) via youtube and DVD's you see how dated it has become, the writing unbearable sometimes but still the masculine design of Lion-O, Mumm-Ra and the ancient spirits of evil servant 'Pyron' Both have good designs that could be tuned into any show today.

Nonetheless the idea to make a remake was based on the idea that at the core there was a lot the original show could have offered still and this is what the remake does. It goes further much further into detail.

Thundera is now a Kingdom but the cats have lost the moral good to become more muddled, there is genuine rivalry, even dislike between lion-O and Tygra, Lion-O's father prides on posture and is essentially all pride. Other characters have been polished up quite well including the Lizards who are now a race with a strong background.

And cheetah, er wow, she's not bad looking (I'm I confessing to furry here?!)

The voice acting is strong as is the flow of animation. The show reinvents itself whilst being clever with its source material, the writing is very good also.

This series has a great start and will surely have a great run as well. I can see kids who were my age when I first saw the original series be taken in by this as well.

All together now. THUNDERCATS! HO!
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Entertaining yet showing an accurate insight into the earlier days of the game.
28 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How accurate the film is in regards of the characters id not really important, not when a film like this effectively shows the footballing culture of the 60's and 70's but of the tenuous relationship between chairman and manager. As much as its about Brian clough it is also about the football at that time and for better or worse, the footage of Leeds gives those who have been born and bred in the premier league a perfect insight into the over physical sport.

The film's strength is to suck us into this strange footballing world, the demands and politics, some of it is still reoccurring in the currant football league such as the demand of promotion, nature of spending etc and the collision of egos. This is something no football film has caught and it is captured here, we do not see a one sided show of Brian Clough but of the consequences of his actions, sometimes we marvel the arrogance as it fixes the problems, but some show a folly display.

Even if some of these events were not true it was still a great film, and the film focuses on the pressure and demands of the game which is the best way to do it really because why show the recreation of football on the pitch it does not have the same rallying cheer as it does to seeing it when it matters to you.

Football has no predicted ending, movies (to an extent) do and that is why it decides to minimise any recreational football by the actors. It does show key moments but only with the documentary footage and the footage speaks for itself and makes you understand why many had such a hate to Leeds.

And the film doesn't show the folly of arrogance in a clichéd or politically correct way, clough is not seen to rethink by the poor kid or friend but by his enemies who put it straight to him. And his enemies are not 'Leeds' but those who refuse to buckle under his demands, including his friends which is perhaps the greatest irony of it. However the success and failure that swaps between don and Clough lies in the ability for either to change their ways.

In the end one learns that his own way is not the right way and a reunion with a friend brings out the best of a man who goes onto to become England's best manager. The other who leaves Leeds with so much success and has successfully crossed swords with clough is 'dammed' by his arrogance or the unwillingness to change it. His ending embraces shame and humiliation.

It is without question the best football/soccer game to date highlighting rivalry, ego's, a game where football was poor and how arrogance whilst charismatic can become self destructive.
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Legion of Super Heroes (2006–2008)
DC animation at its worst
31 July 2008
I could never understand it, what went wrong? What did Batman: TAS and Justice League/unlimited both have in common? A respective display of teamwork, good dialogue and visual display of characters that made the show look it was aiming to reach more than just children. Both of the two shows excelled in art and a respectable script. The legion of super heroes is a blatant attempt to cash in on the teen Titans. And I only liked that show because at the start of the season its episodes were telling but it went downhill, all too willing to settle for melodramatic one shot story episodes in later seasons. It was still good though, Slade helped add the serious tone and each character actually had character development.

The legion of superheroes falls flat for two key reasons: The first is that the legion was poorly depicted in JLU anyway and that many like me expected supergirl to appear in the legion series as to continue from the JLU.

The second, that with other then the name of bouncing boy being really lame, it's not really about the legion but a shameless hero worship and let's all relay on superman/teen or whatever. There is no real foe or a villain worthy enough to be superman's rival, given superman: TAS and JLU gave us darkseid, one can only imagine who could fill the next big villain boots. Answer? No one.

The animation is awful, whatever happened to shows that made decent attempts in detailed drawings? Surely the legion has more talented heroes then the names already given, a lot of the characters are very generic, no defining element? Thin bodied and all big heads? That's the art style as a whole with powers and such that you would have already seen it all before and kids would have as well. Again it doesn't help when it's all about superman, if DC wants to expand with their media then they have to do more, not just focus on lesser characters but give those the characters the decent animation drawings, plot and script they need.
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The Happening (2008)
What happens is it fails
14 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was the first time I ever walked out during a movie, I was literally disgusted with the script, the characters and the plot. Its hard to believe the characters are so shallow, so uninteresting. It's even hard to believe that Mark Wahlberg was once nominated for an Oscar. I don't think actors just turn bad which is why again this failure of a film rests on M. Night Shyamalan (MNS) Apparently I was told that Mark's character was imitating childish behaviour. Untrue, everyone in the film has half panics to something that should terrify them, his teaching as a tutor is laughable. I have met some pretty weak willed people but even they know when to put their foot down or speak of said jargon in a downsized and professional manner. And that's just him, don't get me started on the military guy or his wife and that dam caller subplot.

It was interesting till people suddenly stood still, walking backwards and then committing suicide, it was actually funny in the unintentional sense. I don't laugh during suicide but when you see one person drop and someone is in despair only to see another and another, I just end up laughing and had a image of someone singing its raining men. For some reason MNS feels its best to show a guy who activated a lawn mower and let it run him down. Apparently I'm meant to be horrified but that's the failure of these deaths. They lack the horror of it as so many of these people are doing it with great self awareness, of their own accord rather then forced.

It all looked too self controlled. Fine if they shut down having a seizure or a fit (as the infection messes with the chemicals in the brain) then that's different because as soon as people start showing a tendency to walk back and speak gibberish means you immediately made them retarded into doing anything practical.

Or for that matter let's see people actually panicking, actually challenging the rail officers who do not know about the other train stations. They make us assume everyone is dead but how do they know if they can't get in contact in the first place? We don't see them making any efforts into contacts, not even informing the passengers. A builder saw his mates die, a woman saw her friend and everyone kill themselves yet aren't affected, so why leave the city? Or what about when our heroes escape in the countryside, on every other road, everyone is dead but not the road they are on? Plants and trees are everywhere, yes all green inflicts a nasty chemical that kills everyone but them as it comes in small waves. Would you believe it, this tutor who deals with students and stress uses MATHS to calm someone who just saw a mass suicide by hanging? Yes MATHS. For crying out he's a tutor dealing with kids, give him some social skills! In that time we have the wife of mark's character being upset and for no real reason, none at all but hides away some caller (if this was MNS trying to be clever in his cameo then it wasn't, though I walked out later on so I will never know) the reason for the secrecy? Its a very trivial one I can assure you.

One of the worst examples of continuity in the film was when our hero and his followers decide to split up and run in the direction of the wind to avoid the lethal touch. (It seemed odd that in a countryside that it would come from ONE direction and that this was the same attack that didn't kill everyone who first witnessed it.) Anyway from that attack, we never see the people who followed him and instead we get two overweight teens following them nor does anyone care. (You knew by gut instinct they were going to be killed off) then followed by some idiotic dialogue in a house and mark's character tries to make a laugh of drama in talking to a tree that was plastic that was just bad, bad enough to make me walk out.

I couldn't stand it, this was one of the worst films I've seen, even worse than ultraviolet because films like them always had some cgi here and there and some action. This was terrible because MNS ruins his own work by sloppy directing, storytelling and a really stupid sub plot regarding a cell phone that I knew from my gut feelings was him being a caller. Half of the dialogue consisted of a draft version of a wiki understanding of science and with no good references or able to break down the jargon to an audience who weren't fluent with biology.

I have a simpler proposal, why not simply make plant life give out C02, a reversal of nature's cycle. Not some chemical compound that was deliver via telepathy or whatever. I think more would have come out if the idea was a simpler and perhaps more disturbing one such as the decreasing supply of oxygen and rise of C02. Which is the flaw of the story, the idea stems from a unrealistic source, the characters in turn are poorly drawn out to react, the sense of danger, threat of the unknown, what it was we provoked was never felt because each scene was self defeating, nobody reacted as if in danger, nobody tried or even cared to understand or react to this except just follow the science guy.

To those who believe this film was good, that's your view but don't think those who don't like it are those who know nothing of cinema. When I got back I watched an older but more superior film of suspense by Hitchcock called Rebecca. If you truly have seen a 'intelligent' film then you'll know that this one falls short.
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Babylon 5: Deathwalker (1994)
Season 1, Episode 9
Interesting Episode
28 December 2007
The episode has best of both worlds, humour regarding Tira winters tagging with the cryptic speaking kosh and drama regarding the arrival of the infamous 'Deathwalker' Sarah Douglas plays the character 'Deathwalker' very well, the character is arrogant, clever and very evil. I feel it was a wasted idea that rather then have the doomed spin off series 'crusade' they should had made a prequel series about the Dilgar war. In terms of background history regarding earth, the dilgar is essential and this episode helps give you the info in the form of the tyrant 'Deathwalker' The moral arguments is an interesting one but furthermore, the reasons why this woman chooses shelter with the humans (the race that defeated the dilgar) was perfect and cruel in irony and of her twisted humour.

I feel it was a shame that a attempt in creating a prequel regarding the Dilgar was never made as 'Death walker' has all the traits for a classic scfi villain.

Good episode.
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Eragon (2006)
Fantasy Films are in danger of becoming LOTR wannabes
16 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say this was horrible and diabolical. Yes it's PG and from a kid's perspective they may enjoy it but you can save yourself time, misery and money in renting classic children/family adventures and purchase dark crystal, Dragonslayer or return to OZ, both well made, intelligent and original at the same time. These films will reward your child with creativity, Eragon doesn't.

First off it's not the CGI that's the problem, the dragon and the magic were reasonable well done, no one could hope it would match LOTR standards but the story is empty of character and has no logic, if anything must show the flaw of the book as it is based on it after all.

Edward Speleers does his best to play Eragon, in giving him a character but Eragon in the end is nothing more then a pitiful weak country boy with Hollywood styled hair and perfectly white teeth (remarkable considering there's no showers or dentist. The character is rushed a to b while incredibly mastering elvish magic that dragon riders (or he) can somehow suddenly master (It's only explained in two sentences) Which goes on to do healing and unlocking doors which makes you go 'eh?' the development of his character is wasted even more by a pointless five minute friendly fight with his cousin/brother Roran (I say brother/cousin because his relation is only mentioned once and he does nothing else then spar) apparently it's character excuse but in truth it was a cheap way to build emotional grief later on in that Roran has to leave and has to join the army (by force because you know the king wants conscripted recruits because it's...evil) And to add more not also is Roran never seen again but Eragon only has a two minute grief over his slained uncle and never talks about him or thinks of him throughout the film. His uncle is just forgotten.

Jeremy Irons does well as brom, the slightly not quite there wise man who under no surprise was a former dragon rider, but the way he is to be in the film is flawed, he appears to be smart but has a smart alec go at the soldiers (who are in black to remind you their EVIL) who could and for some reason don't kill him yet tells eragon not to endanger himself?! And this character also amazingly jumps in to save Eragon from a blade, sacrificing himself, how he followed eragon so closely is never revealed.

Arya is a horribly done character, a very typical 'I can fight but I'm a damsel overall and second best to my future husband, I mean ERAGON) while her appearance borders on literal sexual attraction to our hero. While John Malkovich as the 'evil king' was utterly laughable, he stays in one cold place uttering crap about why he should be feared (if he got out more or used that dragon of his at the final battle then just showing he had one then we could buy why he should be a bad guy.

If you are looking for elves or dwarfs in the hero ranks then be disappointed, I mean even Arya is apparently an elf but there is no distinctive features of her. The Urgals are just bald big ex soccer hooligans in face paint. There is also a character called a-JIHAD (In caps just to show how lame it is, is it even meant to be an attempt of an Arabic name?) Robert Carlyle as Durza is the most illogical character and the plot hole itself, forget why both the good guys and the bad guys never organise themselves, forget why eragon's dragon thinks it's good to fly through a dense forest, forget that using magic to kill is wrong but incinerating an entire army is fine (does eragon even think Roran was in the invading forces that he destroyed? of course not! We're not to even think about it for their EVIL!) Forget why Durza never calls the local troops garrisoned at the eragon's home to go there and kill the boy, it would be quicker then sending in the 'ninja freaks' Forget it all and consider this. Durza is powerful and set things alight, wood, land, everything except...people? Why? that doesn't make sense, how can we not be set alight by his powers? He has telekinesis, fire, he's hard to kill…in fact WHY should he even take orders from his king? Why is he not the one in charge? When you realise that and the number of LOTR ripped off screen shots (that are too many to ignore) then you realise just how poor this film is and you'll come to note the other errors as well.

Christopher Paolini surely cannot see this as good, for the good of his novel success he must stop the writers from making a sequel otherwise no one would read his books.
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Tenchi Muyo! (1992–2005)
Good but could have been better
16 November 2006
I have to say first off i'm glad they did something different, one part that had annoyed me with tenchi universe was reintroducing the characters all over again (If your new to the series it's not so bad but if you seen OVA then universe, or the other way etc) then you would want the series to move on a bit.

I think why people liked OVA so much is that a lot more time was spent on it then this, however they neglect to take in the fact that OVA is the original and therefore the most important one so it could never be matched as the OVA was still going at the time of this series (it took eight years to complete OVA 3 which was released last year) However while Tokyo has weaker animation it is at least 'orignal' and not a complete rehash like universe. And in universe, the highlight of it was the superb Nagi.

In Tokyo while animation is not high quality I wouldn't say it's strictly poor, only Ayeka and Tenchi look slightly different and Ryoko is taken far more seriously, you can claim this is because their a tad older now. The plot isn't perfect but try watching OVA 3 where Tenchi looks weird, Ryoko is ugly and no sense of the plot whatsoever! However Tokyo has the advantage of Yugi as a villain, Yugi is both powerful and genuinely mysterious. Her eyes are to be frank are quite intimidating to a degree. Its also strange in seeing Katshibso no longer Yosho but fun at the same time to see him flawed.

Its wacky humour but there is still some good dialogue, creative foes, a better Ryoko and a slightly more cocky Ayeka. (I kid not) The bad is it relies on filler episodes a lot but at the same time if your living under rent (like me) then watching 'money money money' is an excellent parody of that situation we all have to endure.

OVA will always have some advantages ie: everyone enjoys the whole Ryoko/washu as the 'mom daughter' relationship with of course Kagato. Universe had a more powerful version of Azaka and Kamadike, ryoko/ayeka flashback view as kids and Nagi as a character that translates to cool. And Tokyo has originality, a better Ryoko and better filler episodes, only there are too much of them. And that is my only argument.

Certinely not perfect but still watchable.
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Best animation of the 90's
1 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was brilliant series, i can barely it remember it myself given how long ago it was on but it was focused, action, sharp and sometimes dark. Each character was fleshed out including Long John Silver who was a guy to hate and like. But to me it was the first time it produced a strong heroine called Jane. Espacilly on the last episode: One for all.

*possible spoilers but then this series finished long ago* The best episode was by far the last over several reasons: Long John Silver never turns out to be the real threat! He dies! (And not by the heroes who are held by him) but by the rat like creature that was allied with Silver since season 1.

The seadog captain also dies by the rat creature.

The rat creature even defeats Jim Hawkins, all is lost till Jane fights and the classic lines i still remember.

Rat creature: *struggling against Jane over the artifact that gives him power* You are not strong enough to beat me* Jane: Yes.I am! *Overpowers and executes him* The scene was very clear and is proof that the series knows how to surprise people and actually ended with a ending though slightly sad with the sea captain's death.

I still search hoping to find video or DVD as this was a classic to me.

11 out of 10!
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