
19 Reviews
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27 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is story of a careless woman. A woman misses her train because she drops her luggage and picks it up. She seems to be so sad. After missing her train, she buy salad at cafe in the station. She has to kill time. She leaves her seat to get a fork. However, she returns to find a man who eat salad. The woman is so charming. She is careless from the beginning to the end, but I feel an affinity with that. In addition, the image of a man that I had was turned over at the end. It's very heartful short movie. Black and white screen is also a good point of this movie, I think. That makes movie interesting. I like its atmosphere. I want to see the movie in color.
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27 July 2016
I watched this movie before I know its title, so I didn't know its genre. I did watch this movie, thinking that "what is its genre? Comedy? SF? or Love story?" I think that theme of this movie is not time travel. I guess time travel is metaphor in the movie. Characters of this movie have any regrets or troubles in their past. However, all of them get over those regrets or troubles. I think that Darius and Kenneth also will do so. This movie seems to say "Don't stuck past, we can get over troubles in the past." Also, I think that the end of movie represents that, "we can change the future." I felt that the story deployment passed little fast, but generally it was interesting.
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27 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie is composed pf only six lines. However, story is great. Some little boys wear like uniform and they maybe exploring. In a deserted house, they hear strange noise from the shelf. All of them are afraid of the noise and escape from there expect one. A boy who stay in the house opens the shelf and find a little girl. She seems to be as old as him in it. Only six lines make this movie, but beautiful and mysterious picture shows us the sentimental story completely. I think that lines are not all. The images have great power in a movie or TV program. Movie without dialogue is enough fun. I want to watch other such movies.
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Lifted (2006)
27 July 2016
Though I don't remember when it is, L had watched this short movie. Maybe I was a junior high school student. I found this movie was funny when I watched it the first time. Now, I can enjoy watching it enough. In the movie, at first, a swing shakes by itself. I thought "Is this movie a horror movie?" at first. However, it is wrong. This movie is comedy. It is presented by Pixar. The whole movie is made by 3D animation and characters are so cute and attractive. They are very friendly. And the story is humorous. There are many comical scenes in only 5 minutes. i didn't get tried of it. It is a quintessential Pixar movie. Also, what I think funny is the last scene. I think, usually, in a movie, animation and TV program, the credit roll runs at the end of the movie when all programs finish. However, in this movie, credit roll is used effectively as part of the story. It is my favorite point of this movie.
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E.T. (1982)
27 July 2016
This is one of the most famous movies in the world. I was afraid of E.T. at first when I watched the movie. However, now, I think that E.T. is so cute. I don't so much watch the SF movie, but E.T. remains in my memory. Moreover, John Towner Williams is a famous composer and my favorite composer. His songs are all good. He composes many theme song and back ground musics of Harry Potter series, Jurassic Park series and even Jaws. His song match the movie, which is good effect. In addition, E.T. is not CG animation. It is amazing point of this movie. We can enjoy any number of times. And also from children to the elderly can enjoy with this movie. It is a very masterpiece. It's movie.
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Enchanted (2007)
27 July 2016
I like this movie's style. This movie use both animation and live filming styles. When I watched this movie at first, I was so exciting. This is one of the Disney movies. Especially, it is high quality. I think that Amy Adams who acts Giselle is a great actress. She completely expresses a view of the Disney's world. Of course, other actors and actresses express that, but Giselle is the best. I was impressed when see her hand motion. That is the real Disney's character. I want those who watch the movie to focus of that point. The story is also great. I recommend to watch this movie at least once. It takes us to Disney world.
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27 July 2016
I watched this movie only two week ago in the class. I knew the title and author's name of this. However, I don't know the details of the story until I watched this movie. It was made based on the novel which is same title. This is so famous title, so I'm interested in this. I'm glad to see this movie. Fathermore, I want to see this movie more early time in my life. This is a good movie. I want to read original novel. I like Elizabeth and her father. Elizabeth is so cool and I like her out of all the woman in the movie. I yearned for her while watching the movie. Her father seems to be a cold person, but it is wrong. At last, I almost cried because of his. I watched it again.
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27 July 2016
I knew this movie when I was a high school student. I belonged to wind orchestra club in high school, and I played the songs medley of this movie. Malcom Arnold who compose the musics of this movie is one of the great composers in the world. Then, we wanted to know details of the story and backgrounds, so we watched it together. This is the old movie, but image is clear and story is easy to understand. Of course, songs are good and suits the each scenes, but also the story is good. It is so moving story. Characters are attractive. It is made based on a novel, so it has reality. I think that The Sixth Happiness is a good theme.
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Babe (1995)
So cute
27 July 2016
This movie is one of the most my favorite movies. I watched this movie when I was young, but I remember Babe's cute voice and character. I was so excited and thrilled in front of TV. In the movie, real animals acted their each roll. I just watched the movie without thinking at that time, but now, I think it is amazing. This movie was made in 1995, and I was born in same year, so I have an affinity with this movie. Babe is very cute. This movie will make us so happy and give us extraordinary. We can have an adventure with Babe and his friends in this movie. A sequel of this movie is also interesting. I recommend this series for those who are tired.
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27 July 2016
This is the last part of High School Musical series. This is the most my favorite part in the series. Graduate is a theme of this movie. Characters grow up through past movies. I can see their bonds in the movie. I love High School Musical which plays in this season. It is one of the best song of High School Musical series. It is very theme song of the series. The best scene in this season is characters' dance scene at last. I think that this movie is masterpiece of live-action film of Disney. Story, songs, dances and casts are the best. This series makes me happy. I think that it also can be an opportunity for student to study English.
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High School Musical (2006 TV Movie)
27 July 2016
I love high school musical series so much. This is first season of the series. All characters in this movie are very attractive. I like all characters, but especially, I like Ryan. He is so cute and has a good character. he is one of the best characters in the movie, I think. In the movie, there are many elements. For example, love story, comedy and musical. All actors and actresses dance and sing many great songs. This is a good point of this movie, I think. With that point, we surely don't get tired of seeing the movie. I like all songs of its. i want many high school students to see the movie. I think that it will change their life. This is one of the best movies in the world.
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
27 July 2016
This is the second season of High School musical series. Summer vacation is big theme in the movie. In this season, all attractive characters sing, dance and be in love. Summer is the best season for their, I think. I think that songs and dances of this season are the best than all High School Musical series. I had danced to What Time Is It in sports day when I was a junior high school student. So, especially, I like this song in the movie. In this season, there are many gloom scenes, but I think that this season need for High School Musical series. With those quarrels or conflicts make the characters grow, I think. It is essential part.
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27 July 2016
I like music. Crassics, pops, rocks and more. I also like playing the instruments and singing song. Anyways, I love music! So I like this movie so much. story is good, of course, but I think that good points of this movie are music. In this movie, many famous musics plays. I think the movie is masterpiece. I like Sixteen Going On Seventeen. This song is so cute and it is the best of songs in the movie. I watched this movie when I was a high school student at first time. I played Sound of Music Medley in regular concert of my club activity(wind orchestra) in high school. Music make the world to peace. This movie will makes us happy. I want to see this movie again,now.
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Ghost (1990)
27 July 2016
I love this movie. I think that it is one of the best of movies in the world. Its story is common love story, but it has some comical or funny scenes. I couldn't seen this movie without crying. I have seen this movie three times, I cried all time. This movie was remade in 2010, but I like original version. I can see this movie any number of times. I also like a theme song of the movie. This song plays beginning and end of the movie. In the end of the movie, this song plays, then, I always cry. It is so moving story. I saw the movie recently. I have a boyfriend now, so perhaps I empathize with the movie easily. I want many people to see this movie.
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The Errand (2010)
Conflict of a little girl
15 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A young girl who is an elementary school student buy cigarettes on her way home, because... The girl's name is Sara. Her father is dying and he always is in bed, but he can't stop smoking. He has Sara buy cigarettes. The young girl knows cigarettes is bad for her father's health. Sara's mother scolds her when Sara has cigarettes. She is in conflict. But still, one day, father asks Sara to buy cigarettes. He says "this is last time."

I think cigarettes are a bad thing for the family, and also, cigarettes are bad symbol of the family. When father reject smoking, the family becomes happy.

I like mood of this movie. Its nostalgic atmosphere and simplicity piano match well.
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Sentimental but warm
15 June 2016
I watch family love in this short movie. The characters of this story are attractive and mysterious, so I'm completely drawn into the story. Also, I like mood of this movie. It has simplicity and is a little sentimental. The landscape and atmosphere of Kamakura match beautiful background music well, which makes my mind sentimental. The story is little gloomy, but finally, L'm impressed with the calm landscape of Kamakura, beautiful piano and warm atmosphere that characters make. David and Keiko seem to be not getting along well, but they are involved in the extraordinary. The little boy, suddenly, appears before them. A train accident happens. In such days, David and Keiko's minds change.

By the way, in this story, there are many mysteries.I wonder where Mr. Yamada is. What did Jay's father do until he shows up? Generally speaking, I thought this movie is emotional and sentimental, and I like its atmosphere.
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Kind person is a lose
31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is a man who work in a city. His home is in a village and he commutes with his small boat every morning. He enjoys his way to office, which is comfortable. However, one day, a problem happens. Rush hour in the city is very crowded everywhere. I don't know how he thought up this way to office, but it's a very unique idea. He always carries oars and he is so standing out with those. It's his mistake. Also, he is a very kind person. People who want to ride his boat gather around him. At first, only a woman come to him, but the number of those increase. His elegant time of commuting is lost. At last, he chooses an amazing way to commute. He is a very kind man, but he loses. However, actually, he seems to enjoy his way to the office at last. I smiled when I watch he is swimming.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
15 May 2016
There is a man, who works in a golf course. His job is cleaning up the golf course. He seems to feel stress or is bored in his job. Meanwhile, in the town, people face danger. He plays golf to change his tired mind. However, it is just a beginning of accidents. Nobody knows that, even him.

He plays golf and seems very happy or refreshed, but in the town... He mistook to select a place for golf. He just want to work off daily stress, but his action causes terrible disasters. What an ironic result this is! His action is certainly going a little too far.. However, I can understand his mind. People in the town don't do any bad thing, but I think they are the stress that he felt. In other words, they are personifications of the stress that he felt. It's a funny short film when I watch in the third person. It's bad to accumulate stress, and when we refresh our mind, we should do in moderation.
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Painful 8 minutes.
10 May 2016
A father suddenly goes to somewhere. His young daughter is left there. She seems to believe her father will come back someday and longs to see him again. She always rides her bicycle. At first, both she and her bicycle were small, but both of them grew up together. The more she was old, the more the bicycle are connected. Bicycle is vehicle, so if she ride and pedal, it will go forward, and she will be old. I think her bicycle showed her lifespan or youth. I loved my father when I was an elementary school student. Of course now, II love him, so I can understand well her feeling. She probably missed her father and couldn't forget him. And I found the importance of continuation. She thought about her father always, which made her happy at last.
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