
4 Reviews
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Knocked Up (2007)
Decent, but doesn't live up to the hype
13 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I fail to see why critics gushed over this flick. So much was made of the plot concept, Seth Rogen's charm, and certain "shocking" birthing scenes (which were actually only risqué if you consider simulations of the birthing process shocking) that the movie's flaws seem to have been overlooked.

The most major flaw was the failed realization of the Pete & Debbie relationship. Their marriage was supposed to be the vehicle through which Ben & Alison could see themselves in 10 years, and also to provide examples of issues faced in a mature marriage. The concept failed completely due to miscasting the Debbie role and writing her as an irrational and whiny control freak. Rather than providing a balanced and stimulating study of a mature marriage, the Debbie character came across as so annoying that I had absolutely no sympathy for her. In fact, I literally almost turned off the movie during one of her more irritating diatribes.

Second, Rogen's roommates were moderately amusing at best. I applaud the use of relative unknowns in these roles, but none of them exuded quite enough personality to make their individual character stand out. I realize Apatow was going more for realism than cartoonish characterizations, but seeing as how the roommates were the main source of comic relief, a little more "Animal House" here would have been welcome.

I didn't have a real problem with other aspects of the film. Rogen was indeed the standout of the movie, and Heigl also delivered an excellent performance. Paul Rudd was sympathetic and amusing.

Was it the "comedy event of the year?" No. Were there enough chuckles to make it worthwhile? Yes. Does Apatow deserve his "young genius" reputation? Not based solely on this flick.
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Triggermen (2002)
Surprisingly good sleeper comedy
15 December 2006
I rented this one the other day and was pleasantly surprised. It's unfortunate it didn't get better distribution; it would have made a great short-term summer release.

In general, the flick is nicely-paced, the storyline is interesting enough to hold your attention, and the characters are for the most part fun to watch. The interplay between Wahlberg and Rapaport doesn't always hit the mark, but it works more often than not. Morrissey and Dunbar work well together; they have the same argument a number of different times, but it doesn't really get tedious. Postlethwaite is his usual impeccable self. The biggest revelation to me, though, was Forlani. IMO, she either plays the "sympathetic woman always on the verge of crying," or the "strong, independent, sexy love interest." This role is thankfully one of the latter. I must say she looks the best I've ever seen her look in this flick, to the point where she went up a few notches on my hotness scale.

The other reviews cover the plot well enough, so I'll wrap up by recommending this to anyone looking for an amusing, easy-to-digest gangster flick. The surprisingly hot Claire Forlani is the icing on the cake.
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Not as Good as Everyone Says
5 December 2005
After reading the gushingly-positive reviews here, and also getting a lot of good feedback from my usually-trustworthy friends, I braved a snowy night and finally checked this one out.

I simply have to say, "meh." It's Steve Carrell's best *acting performance*, but it's certainly not his best *comedic work*. His more mediocre bits on the Jon Stewart Show are much funnier than his performance in this movie.

I won't say I didn't enjoy the flick. It's a good date movie, and there are a few genuine laughs. But the life was edited out of it in order to keep in solidly in the "cute" category. A few of the secondary characters, for example, had the potential to provide more laughs than they were allowed. And there were a few sparks of subplots that didn't turn into anything. Finally, the gorgeous Elizabeth Banks was sorely underutilized.

I'm glad to see Carrell pull off the acting thing, but I just wish he could stay away from this mainstream stuff.
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Not bad if you forget everything you know about the TV series
7 August 2005
The flick isn't too bad if you forget all your preconceptions about how you think the characters "should" behave. Most of the characters are taken to extremes - Roscoe, for example, is genuinely mean and not inept at all. I found Simpson's take on Daisy somewhat interesting; instead of being one-dimensional as some have opined, she's instead fed up with having to always use her cleavage to get her cousins out of trouble. She also doesn't "enjoy" flirting with the cops to get her way, etc.

Most of the Broken Lizard troupe have roles, most successfully Kevin Heffernan (Farva in "Super Troopers").

I can see why Ben Jones has a problem with the flick... it's certainly not true to the original concept. But if you consider the flick on its own, it's not a bad mindless comedy.
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