
11 Reviews
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Great, but why can't we
3 January 2019
I enjoyed this. Can anyone help? Why isn't this available for sale? Like, anywhere? I dare you to try to buy it. Please help, thanks. -a frustrated collector
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Good Bad Flicks (2010– )
The Best show on youtube. Bar none.
20 August 2018
This guy does this perfectly. It's not just a movie review. Sometimes, it's not even a review at all. Just watch it. After one episode, I had to watch his entire backlog, which I'm still working on doing. The guy was just meant to do this. Informative tidbits you've never known that he finds by deep research of a film, hilarious commentary, and honest reviews. Just don't forget the name
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Spoiler: Nothing Comes At Night
9 August 2018
Terrible movie. Absolutely nothing happens, and absolutely nothing comes at night, in the morning, for dinner. Nothing..... Just nothing.
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Don't Let the Title Fool You
6 May 2016
I put off seeing this movie simply because of the title. I figured that this was just another chick flick. It's not...

I have been told by many that I have to watch this film. I hear people throw out words like, "great", "classic", and "must see". Even my wife said to me, "You're a collector, and never seen the 'Princess Bride'?" So, I gave it a shot, and I loved it. I can't put my finger on the reason why though. I must say though, that there's something about this movie, it grows on you, and I do love it now. Let me tell you a bit about it:

Hard to talk about without giving away spoilers, so forgive me if there isn't much info here, but I hope this helps you. Let me start by saying that this is a great movie to watch whether you're alone, with your friends, or even with your girlfriend. There's action, though not intense like say, Bloodsport. There's A TON of comedy. There's a love story. A fantastic cast. Sword fights, monsters, poison, dungeons, castle sieges. What more could you ask for? Despite all of these things, this is not a very serious film. Which some people like. For me, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a serious medieval period piece like "Kingdom of Heaven", sometimes I'm in the mood for the opposite, like "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" I would say that, in terms of seriousness vs spoof, this film is sandwiched exactly between "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Men in Tights". Not too spoofy, but not one that stays with you and keeps you thinking all night either.
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6 May 2016
I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the genre. This is not a great film. It's not horrible by any means, but it isn't good either. I have enjoyed films like, "Curse of the Dragon Slayer", "In the Name of the King", and "Dragon Heart 3", all of which are usually rated around the 5 or 6 star level. I could not put this movie on the same level as those. That's why I gave it 4 stars.

Now, it does have some decent parts to it. The acting isn't terrible, and neither is the scenery. However, the film moves sooo slowly. It was hard to stay awake at certain times. I feel if there was some more to the story, some more emotion for the viewers to make them commit to the story more, and even more action, this film would've gotten a much better rating.

Would I buy this? Well, if you're a collector, yes. It's not horrible. Other than that, no don't buy it. Is it a must see? Definitely not. However, if you've seen many of the movies Netflix has to offer and you're looking for something new, and you have some free time with nothing to do, sure give it a watch.
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Classic Happy Madison Film
16 April 2016
I've noticed that there are quite a few people out there giving this movie a bad review. At first, I couldn't understand why. After thinking about it, I realized that these are not fans of Happy Madison Films. There are people that noticed names like, Harvey Keitel and Dan Patrick, and thought that this was some blockbuster film or something. Then, after watching it, they leave a bad review here because they found the film to be "goofy" or "stupid funny" and not much else.

HELLO! There are plenty of Happy Madison films out there, going back as early as the 90's! You didn't know this was going to be a goof fest?

For fans of Happy Madison Films, this movie is exactly what you'd expect. A ton of laughs and a good time, with a tiny bit of poking fun at the "Western Films" genre. Not too much though. I'm a fan of Westerns, and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Compared to other Happy Madison films, it's no Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison, but it's up there.

With that being said, it is what it is. It's a Happy Madison Film. Although I love these types of movies, they don't garner more than 6 stars...... unless they're Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison. In my opinion that is.

If you're looking for a good time and lots of laughs, you've found the right film. Who knew Taylor Lautner could play such a hilarious role?
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28 Days Later (2002)
Why did he rate this film so high? / NOT a zombie film!
16 April 2016
Currently, at the time of this writing, you could count on one hand the amount of movies I have rated as ten stars. Why such a high rating? There are many reasons why I rated this film as having ten star quality. Here's a few:

1) Never, at any moment during this film, did it become predictable.... I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of it's duration. Being a fan of horror movies, this is a big deal for me.

2) It's realistic: Diseases on our planet mutate. This is factual. There are some that mutate from being spread by physical contact, to being spread through the air. In other cases, diseases that once could only infect one species, mutate in order to be able to infect other species'. This happens on our planet. The writers of this movie dare to ask the question, "what happens if a truly terrible disease, like mad cow disease for example, jumps to the human species?" Don't worry, this is not a spoiler.

3) This movie will make you feel every type of emotion possible. You'll laugh during this film, cheer during this film, and cry during this film. It's not just a horror movie, it's a romantic comedy at times, an action flick at times, and even an adventure / road trip feel at times. I'm not familiar with many movies like this one. Which leads to my final point....

4) It's a unique film. Is it scary? Yes, uniquely though. Would you compare this film to many others? No, I definitely would not. It's in a league of it's own, and I CAN'T STAND when people call this a zombie film.

If you're not a fan of horror, I'd still give this one a shot. It's fantastic. If you ARE a fan of horror, it's icing on the cake. Don't pass this one up!
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Fantastic Fight Scenes
16 April 2016
WOW! Where to begin. Could the story have been a little better? Sure it could've. This is a martial arts film. With that being said, it was pretty awesome. Being a fan of martial arts films, of course I enjoyed this, but not just because it's a martial arts film. It's because compared to other films of this nature, this one has some pretty amazing fight scenes that, in my opinion, rival those of "Bloodsport". This is why I felt it was necessary to give this film an eight star rating. Keanu is a bonus, like icing on a cake.

On the other hand, if you're not a fan of martial arts movies, this is definitely not for you. As stated above, the story is slightly lacking compared to great movies of other genres. However, if you compare this film to other martial arts films, the story is better than average. That's why I believe that if you're a fan of martial arts films, DO NOT PASS THIS ONE UP. It was refreshing to see fight scenes of this quality again. Enjoy
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"Lord of the Rings" feel, with less of a budget, still good for die hard genre fans.
10 April 2016
Less of a budget than LOTR, and less of a story as well, is why this movie is only worth 5 stars. Yet, I still enjoyed this one. Although the story is slightly lacking, its not bad, and it's different enough to not feel like you're watching the same genre film rehashed. The action sequences aren't bad either. Some of these movies have bad acting to blame as their downfall, but I felt the acting was somewhat fair compared to other movies with this budget. Not too much else to say about this one without spoiling the story, except that fans of this genre will enjoy this film. I sure did.

P.S. The main character is beautiful, and can hold her own in a fight! 5 Stars
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Outcast (I) (2014)
What is life like for Templar Knights AFTER the Crusades?
10 April 2016
When looking at the cover, one can assume that this movie will be about Templar Knights during the crusades, due to Nick Cage and Hayden Christensen being dressed like Knights with giant Templar crosses on their chests. However, the setting of this movie is after the Crusades, and much further east. I can't tell you any more details about the story, as I DO NOT want to spoil it for you.

The average rating for this movie currently being 4.5, most people would consider my rating of 6 stars to be "high". However, I would defend my rating by saying that this is NOT your average Templar Knight/ Medieval Siege movie, and the story or plot is different enough to feel quite refreshing. If you enjoy movies of these types of settings, you will enjoy this movie.

Why did it not get a higher rating? The film felt like it was lacking in the small details department, maybe even the effects department, I assume due to an inadequate budget. Unlike most low budget movies, this does not affect the movie very much as a whole, as I still consider this a good watch. Then again, I am one who enjoys these types of films. When compared to other low budget films, as far as quality goes, you can barely tell that the budget is lacking. I thought the acting was better than most films of this budget. Yet, it's no "Kingdom of Heaven".

Overall, a good watch. Different, refreshing due to a unique enough story, yet not enough to garner more than 6 Stars
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Gets Better Every Time I Watch It
5 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No doubt, this is a guys movie. That's not to say your girlfriend won't like it too. Beneath the surface, this is a very intelligent film, with subtle nods to what our world can and might look like. This film has lots of action, a little nudity, love stories (Barely), space ships, guns, football, soldiers, and good old fashioned camaraderie.

About the depth of this film and how it's actually a very intelligent viewing: SPOILER ALERT!!!

For example, the nude shower scene. People say it was just added in to show some boobs and entertain an audience of men. Simply not true. This scene shows how in future world, one does not need to feel embarrassed about their body. Guy and girl can be in front of each other, nude, without any sexual emotions propping up. They had a job to do, got sweaty doing it, and needed to shower. So they did. They were even able to carry a group conversation while doing it, without sex coming up at all during the conversation.

Also, subtle hints at a fascist, communistic type of future. For example, the license necessary to have a baby, the need to serve in the military in order to obtain citizenship, and even foreshadows our media and political banter of today's world, especially in the scene where two politics debate whether or not there really is a "smart bug" on live t.v. The propaganda ads that pop up all throughout the movie. The list could go on and on.


Overall, this is a fantastic movie in many different aspects. I hope you enjoy. I give it 9 out of 10 stars. (I'm biased because I'm a 90's kid and this is clearly a 90's movie, so consider this when reading my review.)
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