
19 Reviews
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It was pretty good
14 March 2024
Good historical context, quality documentary, jumps around in time are clear and purposeful. Definitely a quality, well thought out production that was well researched and has interviews that provide first hand accounts or with individuals that typically provide high quality information. Provides a large amount of factual information and I most cases does well to provide both sides on matters of opinion. The information gets somewhat less reliable in the last 2 episodes when getting more into current events but that's expected from modern large media productions. But at least they're not covering up and excusing the crimes of communism anymore.
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Blew it's load early...
1 April 2023
Started off strong with multiple funny and entertaining skits but there was only one really good recurring skit through the whole second half of the season. Made for quite a let down.

The Wanda Sykes skit was dumb and dull, not dumb funny, just dumb and felt as though it went on forever (in the worst way).

Was cool to have Mel Brooks narrating it but maybe swap out some writers/producers if there is a season two; make it more History of the World, and less 'every almost funny skit show we've been let down by from the last ten years'.

All in all it wasn't terrible but definitely could have been much much better...
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Smooth brained journalists abound...
21 March 2023
This is a gross over dramatization that delves into conspiracy theories from "journalists" that have massive holes and all ignore some sort of solid evidence. This "documentary" also reuses so much footage and commentary multiple times that I thought I was watching a crappy History channel reality show. If you watch this just skip to episode three, the first two are just drama, speculation and conspiracy; not that episode three isn't just slightly less than the first two episodes. Of course if you know about this plane you know this "documentary" ends without a real or solid conclusion........
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Blonde (2022)
Slow going yet riveting and emotional
2 October 2022
A tale of the glamor and darkness in the life of a troubled young starlet with incredible acting and a good not great storyline.

Seems most reviewers are upset that this wasn't a puff piece just glamorizing Marilyn and are looking past the incredible story within.

There are some issues and some scenes that could have been done better but all in all this movie hit the spot. This is deep, emotional and unlike most movies being made today. It is well executed and as someone who is not a Marylin Monroe fan per se and didn't know much about her, this functional telling of her life was entertaining and attention grabbing to the extent that I will be doing some more digging into her story.
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Pine Gap (2018)
Off to a good start then fell apart...
19 August 2022
I watched on Netflix and this show definitely has more of a big TV network feel, where it would be given the bad time slot. That said it's pretty well done has an intriguing plot and good acting but the last episode or two of S1 are just awful.
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This is 💩-tier dramatic twist central
15 July 2022
Starts off decently in the first episode or two then a barrage of unbelievable coincidence collides with an ambiguous accusation and far too many fuzzy flashbacks.

The ending (&the show as a whole) is soap opera level ridiculousness, legitimately just revenge porn. Not worth watching.
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So little substance...
8 July 2022
There's so much repetition and over dramatization it felt as though I was watching a crap cable show where they repeat everything that just happened when they come back from commercial.

Also only the last two episodes (on the same topic) are worth watching, the rest are just dramatizations of well known issues with little to no new or substantive information.
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Pretty Good, worth the watch
25 May 2022
Well shot and visually appealing (besides the small amount of CGI) Good script, acting and plot.

The writing and props could use improvement, some impractical scenes and guns/kit decisions.

All in all a pretty good fiction war movie with a good message about awareness of PTSD and unlike many movies that try to bring light to PTSD it avoids being cheesy and using worn out clichés.
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Panama (I) (2022)
Nicely shot unimaginative story with terrible audio
26 March 2022
The scenes, camera work & script are good.

The story is a somewhat tired central America drugs, guns and money story that lacks something to make this telling unique.

The Audio is terrible, it sounds like the entire track was created in post, the script sounds like it was all recorded in a sound booth with no natural feel to conversations. The audio effects and background noises (or lack thereof) all sound like they're lacking or out of place.
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The Hyperions (2022)
Unique start, decent in the middle, fantastic ending
11 March 2022
Well done movie set in the 70s, the best superhero movie in years. It's clean with just a little blood & some guns and it's nice that it isn't completely centered around the superpowers.

Woth the watch for sure!
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Pursuit (I) (2022)
Could have been good.
23 February 2022
Good plot/story, decent acting & filming, poor production quality (even for a low budget) and God awful action scenes.

In fight scenes they use the whack/pow sound effects you'd hear in an old batman film, not a single cops plate carrier is even close to fitting properly and the gun mechanics are awful.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
Excellent Independent Film!
11 February 2022
Thrilling, focused and on point.

A riveting come up story that doesn't disappoint with a pleasing and attention grabbing blend of drama, action and suspense.

Overall good plot.

Great script, screenplay, acting and production value.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
More preachy woke garbage that no one asked for.
6 December 2021
Who would have thought that a Christmas show made by people who hate Christmas would turn into Hollywood's newest painfully horrible, preachy, politics infused, hack job of a "Christmas" show. Despite it's cast of comedians it fails to garner even isolated chuckles... Not even worth watching.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
It's not a horror and it's not a comedy but it is terrible
6 December 2021
Impossible to get into, hard to watch and utterly pointless. The script was decent besides being a bit too on the nose with certain contemporary comments but for the most part the actors had no chemistry which killed it. The plot is nonsense which could be excusable because it's a movie after all but it's poor, preachy (climate alarmism) and poorly done & that's from someone who loved The Day After Tomorrow. 2 stars only because the production value is good and I did make it all the way through it without moving on.
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Hell Hath No Fury (II) (2021)
What did I just watch
12 November 2021
It's low budget I get it (so you get 1 free star) however none of the characters are likeable and the writing is so so, the script and character interactions are decent besides the action scenes. It's wrought with medium-low quality blood and for the type of movie the somewhat over the top gore seemed misplaced. Also the shooting scenes, let's just say there are problems. In conclusion, I almost seem like it was wasted time even watching this, almost. Watch it if you like WW2 movies, lots of blood, movies with a lot of twists and turns, and if it's free with a streaming service (wouldn't pay much for this one, sorry)
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Awesome movie.
20 October 2021
Very well made film, pretty good acting for a mostly unknown cast, awesome story, well written and very few technical errors.

Worth the watch for sure!
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2/10, +1 for acting & +1 for production value
5 July 2021
The plot & writing of this show is so shallow & transparent it's painful to watch. Everything that you think is going to happen after episode 1 or 2 is exactly what happens in subsequent episodes; which is made all the more painful by them laying on political correctness, race baiting & globalist BS thicker & heavier with each episode.
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Who Killed Sara? (2021–2022)
Awesome story & acting but......
21 May 2021
The story & superb acting from somewhat unknown actors & actresses pulls you in but the English dub gives it a daytime soap opera feel. The plot holes, inconsistencies & some unbelievable situations (especially in season 2) reek of poor writing &/or directing.
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Antebellum (2020)
Worth a watch but keep your expectations in check.
8 October 2020
Great acting, good premise but weak script, loads of technical errors, & doesn't make good use of time.
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