7 Reviews
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Hellraiser (2022)
2 hours i'll never get back...
29 October 2022
After reading a bit of it and seeing who was playing Pinhead, I was hoping this to be bad, but it had a 6/10 rating on IMDB, so couldn't be all that bad. 10 minutes in and I'm already regretting, now female Pinhead, gay couple... Seriously, why? Why the urge to change what isn't broken and turn it into something horrible. I should have just read the reviews before and not trust the damn ratting, it's two hours of my life I'll never get back. There isn't a likeable character in this, the acting is annoying at times, in the end I wish everyone should just die and get it over with. Why not create something new instead of this useless remake?
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Barbarian (2022)
Not bad at all!
28 October 2022
I read some reviews here and don't get some of the hate, are people really picking on everything and saying it couldn't happen? Because you can do this with ANY movie. The movie was quite creepy, fans of the horror genre for sure will enjoy. I just wish the story about the Barbarian (seems like some didn't get who's supposed to the barbarian, probably texting during the whole movie...) could have had more depth. All in all, I think it's a solid 7/10 movie, it had potencial to be better but in the end I think it was definitely one of the best horror movies of the year. And it's definitely the kind of movie it's better to see without knowing what you're getting into!
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Disappointing ending for Daniel Craig
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big James Bond fan and even though there are some of the usual 007 gimmicks that should appeal to the fans, I find it one of the worst James Bond movies of the series, and definitely the worst for Daniel Craig. A lot of plot holes with the story, I just don't see the motives for the villain for his actions. Also, hinting Q as being gay was just ridiculous. And I don't mean as him being gay or not, but how they just shoved it in there for no reason, bringing nothing to the story or the character. And same goes for the new 007. James Bond was also not his usual self, finding this new love of his life, coming off as a family man, found myself rolling my eyes quite a few times.
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Midsommar (2019)
How are the ratings so high?
25 June 2021
I watched this with an open mind and I can't really say it's all bad, but this was way too long, first of all, and some tragic parts feel like they were forced on the viewer without any purpose or sense for the story. And I wouldn't even bother myself to right a review but this thing is one hour longer than it should be!
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I Care a Lot (2020)
26 February 2021
I watched this without checking the reviews and the rating was actually OK. But this movie made me sick throughout, just the last 30 seconds made it worth it. And after I couldn't believe the rating and finally checked the reviews, never have I seen such a movie getting so many bad reviews but after watching I can understand why! Pure nonsense, I wouldn't even know where to start, if what the movie exploits or this super woman who apparently can't take a Russian boss herself and come out on top.
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Could have been much better...
13 February 2021
I was really looking forward for this one after watching the trailer, the concept of the movie is very cool but I felt it could have been much better than it was. I agree that the girl is a bit annoying too, but maybe that was implied.
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Time Trap (2017)
What's with all the 1 ratings?
21 August 2020
I don't get people giving this a 1 rating, seriously? Sure, the movie could have been done better, some parts could be polished and improved with better acting, but throughout the movie I felt it was entertaining and a good Sci-fi story.
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