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Wow get me more tissues
11 August 2024
I had not heard of the novel this is based on but I like ( a little more than like) Blake Lively as although she is stunningly beautiful she is a very fine actor.

I had also not heard of the lead/actor director and wow is he a good looking man who can also act.

I said to my partner after coming out who also thoroughly enjoyed it 'imagine going through life' looking like that ( him & her) a definite unfair advantage and then talent on top.

I guess if I had wanted too I could have guessed most of the plot and the meetings or re connections but I don't care. I went to a Cineworld in the UK who are struggling financially at the midday ish showing on a hot Sunday and I absolutely loved the movie and although sad and covering a difficult subject matter I left the cinema thinking yes that's what I want to see more of not robots that turn into cars or super heroes who can't die and then if they do they come back to life.

The very best movies are about stories and characters that you care about and I liked the story and loved the characters.

I thought the whole cast was excellent but the two lead actors were fantastic and totally made the movie a big box of tissues experience.

I have since read about infighting between the cast and the Director with Blake wanting to take the movie in a different direction with the author on her side but you couldn't tell from the intimate scenes and the chemistry on show but hey I guess that's good acting.

Anyway with cinema dying a little this is the type of movie I want to see like The Holdovers an absolute gem of a movie that moves you and makes you feel alive so congratulations to all involved and I hope if the rumours are true you can all start following each other again.
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If you want a brilliant drama with romance and sparkling dialogue then.....
21 May 2024
I have been a movie fan for over 60 years and yet I cannot remember a two handed piece with such scintillating real dialogue that absolutely blew me away.

I had heard of this trilogy but for reasons I can't answer I never got round to watching them.

I have always like Ethan Hawke a much underrated actor but this was a "tour de force" as it was for his French romantic lead Julie Delpy.

Having seen so many movies I should be able to write a screenplay or at least try but after seeing this dialogue fizz off the screen I'm not so sure.

So often filmmakers forget we have to be invested, interested and care about the characters and you instantly like both of these.

This film was just lovely, witty, clever, interesting, intelligent, poignant and the time flew by leaving you desperate to know more, so we quickly watched the follow up movie.

The writer director Richard Linklater had made movies since following the characters in later life using the same actors and when he does it, it works beautifully.

My partner and I absolutely loved everything about these movies but the script is a work of genius on how to write and act totally natural believable dialogue so 10* all the way.

Since finishing the 3rd and final instalment we have been telling friends to watch these movies as they will not be disappointed and I urge you to do the same.

I cannot wait to rewatch all 3 in a year or two to marvel at the sparkling interplay between the couple and to rejoice that things like this have happened and still can.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
What a missed opportunity!!!!
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched Game Of Thrones I was spellbound buy the story the acting the scenery the plot twists the costumes and the look and feel of a show that was so obviously "different".

We also knew this was not the usual show when they killed off one it's very best characters in Season 1.

As each season went by we saw episodes that were just outstanding and like nothing we had ever seen before.

The Red wedding episode was as good as it gets and left me speechless and saying " did that really happen" it was incredibly exciting and equally upsetting.

The show also gave us not only heroes like Jon Snow and the queen of dragons but some of the best villains we have ever seen that we hated even though it's just a TV show.

King Joffrey was despicable but then the show gave us an even more wicked villain in Ramsey and probably the best episode of all 8 seasons "Battle of the bastards" one of the most exciting and unpredictable television I have ever seen.

The Imp as he was known by his family and enemies was probably one of the greatest TV characters ever with the actor deservedly winning a myriad of awards, truly special acting and most people's favourite character.

The introduction of the "Whitewalkers" in the very first episode was genius and they became brilliant adversaries for all the characters.

But then instead of celebrating possibly the greatest TV show of all time even eclipsing The Sopranos they rushed it and ruined it with season 8 that was as poor as it was ridiculous. How can an army of the dead be so easily killed and the two main incestious lovers die under a pile of rubble like a damp squib.

How can after 7.5 seasons does the winner of The Game of Thrones be Brann? Silly and ridiculous ending rushed by the writers who it appeared couldn't wait to jump ship to Disney.
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Jodie Comer shines like a beacon as always
20 January 2024
We went to see this primarily because of Jodie Comer who we saw in Prima Facia on the screen as a film of her stage performance and were totally blown away. She is always brilliant but this was on another level and then some. We then decided to see her in this play live on Broadway and it was totally mesmerising.

This film and the recent one on Netflix with Julia Roberts about what might happen in the not too distant future are very different as this was an environmental disaster but both very believable and sadly more likely to happen than not.

This type of film is very different obviously to a thriller or action movie or romcom but like the Netflix one it has got me thinking and the more I think about both the more I think they are accurate representation of the possible things to come. Jodie Comer is totally believable as always as is her male partner who has come a long way from being I fool in a supermarket on Sky. I would recommend this film to anyone and even to use in schools for the appropriate age group as unless someone steps up the save the planet this is more likely to happen than not.

We are on an island and you only have to remember the panic for toilet rolls when the pandemic started to understand this is scarily true to life and show although most are good nice people, so many are not and would do anything to look after number one.

So I love a thriller like the next but I also like to be challenged and made to think and this film certainly did that and I think it will continue to do so for some time to come.

I also think Jodie Comer is a lovely person and one of the greatest actors of her generation and she is still early says into her career so can't wait to see what she does next.

It's also amazing to hear her natural Liverpool accent and then in Killing Eve as a totally believable Russian assassin, incredible.
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The Sphere and "Postcard from Earth" is a triumph
15 December 2023
We had booked to see this Sphere experience for quite a few months so were really looking forward to it.

Whilst waiting we started to read Trip Advisor reviews and I was disappointed in the level of negativity towards the Sphere and this movie. Is it a great movie to watch at your local cinema or even an IMAX, definitely no.

However I'm assuming it was made for the Sphere and in this location with the immersive screen and sound experience it was simply stunning.

Yes the tickets are not cheap and getting in presented a few challenges but was it worth it? 100% yes as my partner and I thought it was incredible and absolutely stunning and unlike anything we had ever experienced.

On a David Attenborough level the visuals were fantastic and at first we thought the image would only be on the huge screen, but the images covered the whole ceiling so seeing Giraffes look right over you or an Elephant stomp past you with your seat shaking under his huge feet was amazing.

We loved it and the films message is not preachy or patronising it is sadly reality and how anyone can deny it's message is beyond me.

I'd go again tomorrow if I could.
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A fascinating brilliant real life spy drama
2 November 2023
I wasn't sure about this initially but I love spy dramas so I started watching and got totally hooked. It was brilliantly acted by a great ensemble cast but.the two lead actors Damian & Guy were outstanding.

I would thoroughly recommend this show and I just wish there was a series 2. Maybe the Profumo and Keeler scandal can be the next series. Damian was brilliant in Homeland and he excelled here as always so keep up tired great work.

The locations, costumes and vintage cars really made me feel I Was back in the 1960's so it brought the story to life in the most realistic way possible.

It also shows the back door deals done to spare certain peoples reputations whilst keeping Joe Public in the dark as always.

There are so many shows on so many channels I often start something but don't finish as I lose interest. However with this slow I couldn't wait to start the next episode so it was a late night finish to see all 6 episodes.
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So realistic and why it must never happen again.
20 March 2023
I wanted to see this on the big screen and my decision was totally justified as it deserves a cinema viewing. Although hard to watch at times I thought it was brilliant and the cinematography and music and costumes were outstanding. The lead actor was amazing and was totally believable and I found myself rooting for a German to live.

The war scenes were scary and it was like you were actually viewing real images and the travesty is the number of lives lost were a pointless waste as they were fighting over a few yards of dirt.

Like Saving Private Ryan I hope this is also used as part of a soldiers training.
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I think J. R. R. Tolkien Would approve!!!
15 October 2022
I never read the books ( big mistake I know) as I have never seen a film that is better than the book but Hey Ho.

I loved the Peter Jackson movies in the early 2000's but having bought and watched the DVD's I have never revisited them.

I was intrigued by this new Amazon series as norm is to remake the originals and the investment was huge just to buy the rights.

I have to say I absolutely loved this in every way, the plot, the characters, the casting, the acting, the look, the sound, the respect shown to the author. The look is absolutely visually stunning and I cannot wait for season 2 to make looking forward to Friday an event and not just the precursor to the weekend.
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Rings of power is a total triump
15 October 2022
There are always haters and people who believe even making this series is sacrosanct and just not cricket. Well I loved it and thought the casting, the writing, the plot, the imagery, the music everything was brilliant and I couldn't wait for Friday to come so that says everything. Having been a huge Game of Thrones fan until the final season I currently have 4/5 unwatched episodes as not that fussed anymore. Long live the new Queen in Galadriel. I am now going to rewatch all the Peter. Jackson films I have on DVD that I haven't touched since I bought them all back in the early 2000's so this series will bring a whole new army of fans I hope of this incredible alternative world.
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The Batman (2022)
Wasn't a DC fan before!!!!
5 March 2022
I was pleasantly surprised by the film and really enjoyed it which had a good plot and was visually spectacular. The Batman himself was very impressive as always as a very underrated actor so a definite winner.
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Reacher (2022– )
Sorry Tom but this Reacher is way better
21 February 2022
This was so good I binge watched the whole show in one long evening and early morning. The new Reacher is brilliant and his female side kick equally as good in a top top series and the best remake so far.
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A must watch ( honestly)
21 February 2022
This was interesting, poignant, sad but most of all laugh out loud funny. Ben Wishaw is outstanding and totally believable as always and I watched all 7 episodes over 24 hours it was that good.
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