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31 May 2022
I'm a 60 year old Grandma now, but I remember, as a little girl, watching the cartoon this is based on most Saturday mornings with my Dad. He would laugh out loud at it. It's not badly done, and is entertaining for those of us who remember the cartoon. It brings back warm memories for me. My grandkids like it.
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Waking the Dead: Yahrzeit: Part 2 (2007)
Season 6, Episode 12
Twists and more twists.
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For those of us who are at least one generation removed from WW2, we might not think of the personal tragedies and atrocities that went on in Hitler's Europe. We know it was a horrible war, yes, but what was done to the Jews is beyond words. This episode shows just one small corner of it, and I had a stomach ache all the way through because of it. Kudos to both the acting and the writing!

As usual, the pieces were unraveled and the case was solved. It has a lovely surprise ending as well, so the viewer can look forward to that.

We had a much calmer, kinder Boyd, too. Grace is back, and there is some frostiness between them, but if he keeps on as he did in this episode, they'll soon be on firm footing again.
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Waking the Dead: Double Bind: Part 1 (2007)
Season 6, Episode 9
What a relief!
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this series so far one story after another almost as fast as I can. (still watching) I have to say, when Grace Finally Finally confronted Boyd over his inappropriate and untenable treatment of both her and the rest of the team, I have to say I myself felt huge relief! I kept wondering just how much abuse this strong, smart woman could stand! And she told him some hard home truths! I understand she was trying to give him some slack regarding the loss of Mel, as well as his ongoing worry about his missing son, but at last she told him to get some help. And she wisely walked away and he found he needed her for the exact case they were working. I am looking forward to see where it goes in the next episode.

This was a rather crazy case. Difficult to watch, to see how the mentally ill were treated and experimented on, and even used. It goes deep and I think we need to have that ongoing conversation to destigmatize and demystify mental illness and the people who suffer from them. They solved the cold case, but the ending wasn't very satisfying. Painful really.

Well told story and superb acting as usual!
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Walker: Don't Fence Me In (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Growing to be a solid show
20 March 2021
I just started watching today, and I've binged all the way through to this episode this afternoon. The first few episodes, the cast was finding their feet and learning to mesh. By this one, the acting seems rock solid. I was glad it wasn't a tear jerker about his wife again, although, I do feel that mystery will be solved. It's fun to see the relationships, both family and professional, developing and strengthening.
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The Unicorn: Swerve and Volley (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7
Show worth watching!
5 February 2021
This gem of a show is worth your time. It's about grown, successful adults with kids at home. Three couples were best friends for a long time and one of the men lost his wife to cancer. This is about the aftermath of that. About he and his daughters and their life after the devastating loss. With the love, help and support of the other two families, may I say "normal" families, how they move forward day by day. You will laugh and you will cry. We are so used to seeing Walton Goggins in other roles, I had my doubts, but he is so good as the bereaved husband and father. I highly recommend this show!
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Call Me Kat: Plus One (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Amusing and a bit crazy!
4 January 2021
Call Me Kat is supposed to be modeled on the British version titled "Miranda". And, Miranda it's not. Miranda Hart is quite well known and her quirky "wink to the audience" show was well received and well done. It made you feel as if you were in on the joke. There were many genuine laughs.

As much as I love Mayim Bialik, and I do, I feel like she broke the fourth wall far too often. Her clumsiness seemed contrived rather than natural. I mean, how many times can someone get a drink spilled on them? There is little to no chemistry between her and Cheyenne Jackson yet we are supposed to feel their unspoken mutual attraction. The fabulous Leslie Jordan is in it, but he seemed like the obligatory gay character. "Look at us, we're woke."

There were several moments of amusement and a chuckle or two, but I hope they'll tone some of it down and give us some genuine laughs. It could be really funny!
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I don't really understand...
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This entire season is titled "Trial of a Timelord". We are watching episodes we haven't seen before interspersed with trial scenes with the Valeyard accusing The Doctor with the crime of interference. He seems to have a real hatred for The Doctor and keeps insisting that when all his evidence is presented, the Council will want to execute The Doctor. Yet, way back in Arc of Infinity (Peter Davison)we learn that the execution of a Time Lord is a very rare thing indeed. I would think they'd sentence him to any number of their other "punishments" before executing him. There are quite a few episodes to go, so we'll see how it plays out, but I'm tired of the Valeyard constantly calling for the destruction of The Doctor.
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Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma: Part Two (1984)
Season 21, Episode 22
Surely he gets better...
24 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am hoping that Colin Baker's doctor becomes more "doctory" as his tenure continues. He's arrogant and rude to the point of unlikeability. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, watching through the classic episodes, seeing many for the first time, including this series. If I weren't already a fan, I'm afraid I'd never watch any of the others based on what we see here. Peri doesn't bring anything to the table with her whiny voice. I've given it a 5 because I am interested to see if he can rescue his old friend and the twin boys.
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New Tricks: Fresh Starts (2009)
Season 6, Episode 3
Emotional episode
2 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have greatly enjoyed this show, part cold case solving, part drama, and part comedy. They've had an excellent balance of all of it. I haven't been emotional over any of the episodes, but when the young girl found out how her mother had died and was sobbing, I had tears in my eyes. Very good acting by Georgina Leonidas as the teenager. This episode covers domestic abuse and illegal immigration without losing the plot.
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Mindhunter: Episode #2.7 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
So much pain
15 January 2020
I've been bingeing Mindhunter for the past couple of days. It's fascinating, seeing how the FBI developed current profiling practices by interviewing serial killers who had been caught. The actors playing the killers have been outstanding. This episode, however, was particularly difficult to watch, because they are investigating the child killings in Atlanta 1979-1981. The black community is in so much pain and they do a wonderful job of conveying that pain to us, the viewers. Give this series a watch. If you're interested in FBI, law enforcement, profiling, procedure, or serial killers, you'll binge it as fast as I am. A warning... some episodes contain nudity, as it delves into the agents' personal lives.
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Bob Hearts Abishola: Ralph Lauren and Fish (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Heartfelt and amusing
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't seen Bob Hearts Abishola yet, give it a try. It is a gentle funny comedy with heart. It treats the differences of black and white with humor and irony without being "preachy". Bob is the head of a crazy family, running a therapeutic sock business after his Dad's passing a few years before. He has a heart attack and meets nurse Abishola and falls for her. This is the story of his persistent, sweet wooing of her. The culture differences are quite funny at times. This week, his mother has a stroke, and we won't know how she is until next week, but Billy Gardell (Bob) does a beautiful job showing a middle aged man seriously worried about his mother. Give this sweet little show a try. Especially if you're tired of some of the more abrasive humor that seems to be all over the place these days. You'll be glad you did!
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The Coopers at their best!
3 May 2019
As much as I love The Big Bang Theory, I was skeptical about a spin off about Sheldon at all, much less "young" Sheldon. I have been increasingly entertained and happy as time goes by. In this episode, it is less "Sheldon-centric" and the rest of the family have a chance to shine. These are good people doing good things for others. Their care of, and for, Georgie's crush, Veronica touched me. Even George got in on the action. The side story of John and Meemaw's was touching as well. Wallace Shawn and Annie Potts are fine actors. If they keep giving us stories like this, I hope Young Sheldon stays with us for a long time.
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Death in Paradise: Spot the Difference (2011)
Season 1, Episode 5
Enjoyable series, enjoyable episode!
30 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I finished Midsomer Murders, I have been looking for an English detective series of comparable enjoyment. I tried several, and am very pleased to say Death In Paradise more than delivers! Ben Miller does a superb job of playing a staid, stodgy British police Inspector far out of his element on a gorgeous Caribbean island. Most notably he refuses to wear anything less than suit and tie in the 100 degree weather. There are just the right amount of funny moments along with some good mystery in each episode. Many familiar guest stars in each episode, with excellent acting all around, makes each one over too soon.

The running theme throughout Spot The Difference is DI Poole's birthday, which his team finds out about when they overhear a phone conversation with his parents. He is terrible at interpersonal relationships, and so dodges all attempts at celebration, while trying to solve the murder of a man who was killed while handcuffed to him. There are over 900 suspects to choose from.

The end is a double twist I didn't see coming. Enjoy!
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