
12 Reviews
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A Classic From my Childhood
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where the Red Fern Grows is an amazingly sweet and passionate film that will put a tear in the driest of eyes.

Most Cynical adults of today are not going to like it as much as those that have experienced it in the past. Not enough anger, sex or violence.

Hard to find something sweeter than a child's love for his dogs and in the end, the dogs love for a child.

Well cast, good acting, old school values. To see a young man work so hard under a strict family to make the money to get his dream dogs is inspiring and heartwarming.

Then after not one but two tragedies, to find out so young that life isn't fair sometimes. But in the end, to be shown how special his dogs were and how amazing their relationship was, is an amazing tale. Hard to beat classics like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows.
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Another Bindi Irwin vehicle to make her a star
15 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The 2008 version of Nims Island with Jodie Foster and Abigail Breslin playing the young girl, wasn't great but it was watchable. Return to Nim's Island isn't.

I love the Irwins; but Bindi Irwin cannot act. Her over the top performance was straight out of a middle school talent show. Her trying to be tough and feisty against her over the top bubbly image is a little creepy. She isn't an actress.

Her father was paving the way for her to stardom having her star in several TV shows when he passed away. Without him though, this is just another vehicle for her to get famous.

Her acting is horrific and phony and the rest of the cast should get double the pay for being in this. The book Nim at Sea by Wendy Orr in which this was based on is a charming book; this movie isn't.

The lack of chemistry between Bindi and competent young actor Toby Wallace (who is her crush in the movie) is uncomfortable to watch sometimes. Matthew Lillard who is a long time solid and hard working actor must have wondered what was he doing in this film.

Using real and trained animals is always a crowd pleaser; especially with kids; but the sets are so phony that it's hard to take anything serious. The "bad guys" are straight out of the Home Alone series and it's a huge disappointment.

In ending, this movie was one of the worst I've seen in a while and Bindi's acting is really bad. It will be interesting to see how far her father's fame and popularity will take her.

I just wish the adults in her life would get super stardom out of her head, and get her back to where she belongs. Teaching people about animals, and conservation.
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The Runaways (2010)
Kristen Stewart and Michael Shannon were fantastic; Dakota? Not sexy, not believable.
21 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What bothers me with young Hollywood is that every young girl must do an edgy, sexy movie when they are in their teens to prove they are no longer kids. This is the classic situation in regards to casting Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie. She wasn't sexy, wasn't charismatic and wasn't' believable.

My friends and I sometimes even laughed at her performance. It seemed like a little girl trying to be a big girl.

The Twilight series is beyond terrible for me and I'm not a Kristen Stewart fan, but her performance was electric. She was spot on and even her mannerisms of Joan Jett were amazing. In some parts it was hard to distinguish her from Joan. She's kind of the tomboy type in itself but she showed a lot in this performance.

I've read a lot about Kim Fowley from friends that knew him and he was eclectic, strange, and very flamboyant. Michael Shannon was great in the role and really brought a fine element to the film showing how crazy and insane it can be when you are an overnight sensation. It also showed how many groups made a killing in Japan even if they didn't' make super stardom in the U.S.

I'm not a huge Runaways fan but I remember them and Cherie Currie. She was sexual, fun and wild and every rocker bad boy wanted her. Joan Jett was edgy, determined and passionate about her music and that's why she was the most successful of the group. This movie shows their struggles personally, sexually, and professionally, and how hard it was to grow up while trying to be rock stars.

The movie was OK but they really needed someone better to play Cherie. Dakota did the best she could be just wasn't' believable.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Wow; If this is scary, the standards are extremely low
17 July 2011
I watched this movie with my niece and sister and we were excited to watch it. We are long time horror fans and love scary movies.

Unfortunately it took so long for the movie to start to unfold that we got bored. It didn't take 90 minutes to tell this story and then 10 minutes of semi excitement.

It was also very easy to see what was going to happen. We practically predicted every scene before it happened. It was very predictable.

Every once in a while a loud sound would occur and I guess this was the "scary" parts.

It almost seemed like one of those spoof movies because it took a part of many other recent films and put it all together. Then in the end for the last 10 minutes we laughed and said how will they set this up for a sequel.

I will not see this movie again. It was downright boring at times and the story took forever to tell. You wanted something to happen and it just never did until the end, and even that wasn't exactly life changing.

In todays movie world where horror/scary movies are as rare as it gets, Insidious is just in the long line of flops. The standards are so low. I can't believe any grown person being scared with this movie. There are reasons this never wowed anyone at the box office.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Wow; this was one of the worst super hero movies; sequel? I hope not
26 June 2011
Out of all the super hero's the Green Lantern's story is probably the most basic.

The problem I had with the movie was that even though the story isn't exactly brain surgery, the acting was over the top bad and uninspired.

Ryan Reynolds acts like he's having beers with his buddies on a weekend, and that this Green Lantern thing happens to him every week.

Blake Lively has never been a great actress but she sleep walks through this. I think she changed expressions twice during the entire movie. I'm sure she's a nice person but I really don't get her. I don't think any Oscar nominations are in order.

The rest of the cast isn't bad with Tim Robbins and Angela Bassett giving their usual good performances, but it's hard to get excited about it.

If you have 2 hours to waste; and I mean waste; then you can see this. If you don't then wait for the video. This is one movie that I hope a sequel isn't in the works.
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The King of Queens (1998–2007)
One of the most enjoyable and underrated sitcom of all time.
29 May 2011
I remember coming upon this show one night. After a couple of episodes I was hooked.

Kevin James is as funny and natural as it gets. I truly don't get Seinfeld, and really don't get Everybody Love's Raymond, but this series I got.

Kevin James once said in an interview that he would have never done the show without Jerry Stiller. Stiller is the head of one of the most talented supporting casts including Patton Oswald, Victor Sullivan, Gary Valentine (the real brother of Kevin James) and Nicole Sullivan.

Lou Ferrigno is priceless in this as the famous neighbor, playing himself.

What makes this show is the impeccable timing of the actors. James and Leah Remini are amazing in their interaction. They are incredibly real, and the chemistry between all of the actors is incredible. You can tell they genuinely care about each other and it shows in the acting.

Almost all people can relate to this show, with it's everyday plots and scenes. Of course it's over the top at times, but someone will remind you of people you know in real life.

I think the show went on one more year than it should but it's one of the type of shows where you never get tired of the reruns.

It may take you a couple of shows, but once you watch it, you will be hooked. A great 1/2 hour to forget your day and get great laughs.
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Thor (2011)
Seemed very shallow and sophomoric at times; not bad but more for teens.
11 May 2011
I won't give out any spoilers or plots but I was semi bored at times with this movie. Natalie Portman looked and acted like she was a sophomore in college and it just didn't work for me.

As with most movies in this genre, the most interesting characters are the "bad guys". Tom Hiddleston was great as Loki and Anthony Hopkins can do no wrong in most every part he plays.

The acting just seemed shallow and simple and I really don't get why some like this movie so much. I think teens will enjoy this movie a lot more than adults. The movie is only 104 minutes long and it shows there could have been a lot more to the story.
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One of the all time great horror series;
25 December 2010
My mom and I were very much into horror films. As a little kid I loved being scared and Kolchak: the Night Stalker was more than happy to oblige me.

The creators of X-files constantly gave credit to this series as being their foundation. They even wanted the Kolchak character to be a part of the series.

The stories are smart and fun and keep you thinking. A handful of the stories are a little campy like the Sentry which uses a walking reptile like creature, but for most of the stories they deal with evil entities based on the supernatural, folklore, and legends.

I love the Tony Vincenzo character; Carls' angry and often yelling editor in chief who is always fighting, but also always supporting Kolchak.

From the actors to the great music, this series is a must have for any true horror fan. If you are looking for a slasher series, then this isn't it. For a fun, smart, and often scary and interesting ride, it doesn't get any better than the Night Stalker.

I have the DVD series and I watch it often.
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An amazing story about an amazing young lady.
20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Amy was a devout Christian teenage girl that seemed to excel in anything she did. She touched others with a positive personality that could melt any heart.

She had begun going on mission trips and was overjoyed at how people reacted to the kindness that was shown to them.

She longed to show others the love of God and cared about everyone she met.

Once stricken with cancer, she fought it with a hopeful and positive attitude that touched thousands. The entire state of Texas and beyond began praying for her.

Even when all hope was lost, she continued to touch others in a way that was a sign of what God really is; love.

She befriended one student who was the outcast of the school, and eventually brought him into the fold and opened him up to gain friends and acceptance.

Her family and friends were amazed at how many people she had touched and her room was filled with cards and letters of encouragement and appreciation from all over the state.

An amazing story and film which well melt even the coldest of hearts.
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One of the great all time Disney Gems; a must see!
13 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am in my 30's and I never heard of this film but after a night out I came home and watched it on television. How lucky I was. What a great cast.

James MacArthur is as solid as it gets in the history of Disney films. He plays Rudy Matt, the son of the famous mountain climber Joseph Matt who tragically lost his life while climbing the famed Citadel mountain. Rudy's father sacrificed his own life to save the climber that he was responsible for as his guide.

People talk about Harry Potter's character Hermoine, but she cant' hold a candle to the great Janet Munro playing Rudy's love interest Lizbeth.

Janet Munro could melt any mans heart. She is sweet, fun, spunky and outgoing. A beautiful ball of energy. It's easy to realize why Walt Disney saw so much in her.

The great Micheal Rennie as the famous climber captain Winter helps Rudy with his support when his uncle, played by James Donald, does not want him to be a guide and meet with the same fate as his father.

Laurence Naismith as always gives a great performance as Teo; the older friend and climber of Rudy's father who was there when he died. Teo's bark is worse than his bite and his warmth and love for both Lizbeth and Rudy is seen in many ways. There chemistry is fun and sweet.

The acting is amazing, the cinematography is breathtaking. As is said this was filmed on location in Zermatt Switzerland where the 14,000 foot Matterhorn stands. Walt Disney named the famous ride after the Matterhorn.

It still remains one of the most beautiful climbing films of all time.

If you are a fan of Walt Disney, this is a must see film. Rarely is there a film that I never tire of, and this one is it. If you have even half a heart, you will love this film.

This is the way movies should be made. It's sad Hollywood does not do it like this anymore.
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Heavy Metal (1981)
A great memory from my youth;
19 October 2008
I was a teen watching this movie and at the time it was amazing. The soundtrack was very diverse with bands from across the board. The stories were also very cool and funny. This movie has tons of funny moments and if you are of this generation, you need to have this in your collection. Every once in a while during guy times we put this on in the background and it always ends the night with a smile on our faces. Before its time, and now its timeless. With the pathetic garbage out there now like high school musical, and the Britney Spears, Paris Hilton gang, I have no problem lauding about this movie of my youth. Long live Heavy Metal!
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One of the great DVD's in my collection
8 December 2006
There have never been greater ambassadors to the cooking industry than Julia Child and Jacques Pepin. For those that are home cooks, the great teaching skills and talents of Jacques Pepin are unmatched, and he is still one of the most skilled and knowledgeable chefs in the world. He's still a teaching professor at one of the best cooking schools in the U.S. His humble, laid back and respectful personality mixes like a great wine to french bread to Julia's large and jovial personality. They have a fantastic chemistry that makes you think you are there enjoying them.

No one has done more for cooking than Julia Child. This DVD allows us to see the best in her passion and knowledge of cooking which makes even you and me want to try her great recipes.

They cook on this show like we should; with proper techniques, and a straight forward way which is rarely seen in todays TV shows. They use no real recipes; they are just so talented that they show us that we shouldn't be hindered to recipes as long as we use basic and proper techniques, and they encourage us to be adventurous.

With today's avg. at best chefs on the food network getting popular more due to catch phrases and cute smiles and bubbly personalities, Julia and Jacques prove that any of us can have fun and share our passion for cooking. If you like to cook, then this is a must have DVD. I always watch it. Bon Appetit, and happy cooking!
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