
7 Reviews
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Nightlight (I) (2015)
As far as found footage goes, it's average
2 January 2016
Looking for a movie that makes you jump or keeps you on your toes? Probably not going to find that here. Throughout the movie I found myself wondering "Why would you think that's the smart thing to do right now?". The countless cliché horror movie situations that occur are nearly as dense as the forest itself. That being said, I'm not entirely critical of the film. There's decent eye candy for a film with no nudity minus a shot of guy butt. It appears that the creator still took pride in the film as far as picture quality is concerned. Especially for a found footage flick. All of the other things aside, I find it a rare occurrence when I enjoy a movie about people being stalked in the woods and, at best, you only get a few half-second glimpses of the nemesis. Not enough to leave you with the haunting image. Just enough to allude to what might be going on. If you're a fan of the found footage genre then you could definitely make a worse selection. You could also make much better ones.
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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)
Season 4, Episode 0
Largely entertaining
1 January 2016
Very different from the episodes that precede it but still very enjoyable and well worth watching. I was looking forward to this episode for a full year and I was not disappointed. Now only another year plus until the 4th season...if I overdose now I should be able to sleep until then. Don't go into this expecting to be blown away. The cinematic intensity of the 9 episodes its elder is not present. The depth and complexity of the plot are less structured. However, even though it's not quite up to par with Sherlock episodes of days past, it is still superior to the majority of television programs and I would say enjoyable enough to watch more than once.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
It's better than great. Super much good!
26 December 2015
While I do enjoy the American production Elementary, I am infinitely more captivated by the BBC series. I might be biased having been a fan of Doyle's character prior to watching the series but even before I was aware of it's existence I wondered what it would be like if Holmes and Watson were investigating modern day crimes so I gave it a Google and found the first 2 seasons on Netflix. I was hooked. The heroes of the story are absolutely on point and Andrew Scott as Moriarty paints the perfect picture of what an iconic villain should be. Now as we're approaching the Christmas special airing Jan 1 I can hardly contain myself. Unfortunately, I know very few people in my circles that have seen the show. I assume it's because I live in the South and more people are attracted to shows like Duck Dynasty and Swamp People. If you haven't seen it, stop depriving yourself. It's worth checking out. Even if you don't enjoy it, it's only 3 seasons with 3 episodes each. Granted the episodes run 90 minutes each but many people waste more time than that everyday looking up adorable cat videos on YouTube.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Don't judge a movie on it's premise
26 December 2015
I found myself enjoying this flick much more than I originally expected. It's raunchy, edgy and in some ways it has similar elements of the NLP Vacation movies before it. Back when those films were in production they were controversial and this film is nothing if not that. However, for those who like to see movies that exploit the offensive topics our news media obsesses over, the kind of thing that would ruffle the feathers of old fashioned folk, this one is for you. I usually hate child actors as a general rule. They nearly always find a way to screw up something I may have otherwise enjoyed. But the kids in this movie are hilarious. Ed Helms and Christina Applegate play well off each other but Ed Helms really brings it home with his awkward humor and even more awkward facial expressions that at times make you think of a serial killer. All in all, I would recommend it. I'll probably find myself watching again sooner rather than later.
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Maniac (2012)
We're not in the Shire anymore
26 December 2015
This is the first film I've seen where the vantage point is 99.9% through the eyes of the main character. Thankfully this is accomplished without being more of that found footage garbage where the camera gets dropped 12 times and the other characters just so happen to stumble across it in the middle of a 1,000 acre forest and just carry on filming. This film chronicles a bit of the life of a mannequin repairman who becomes fixated on this stunning blonde and his pursuit to impress her while engaging in some dubious hobbies. Gory, creepy, obsessive. It would seem that the ring finally drove Frodo to madness. The acting is well carried out and there's some decent music. I would recommend this for someone that has an interest in peeking into a few days in the life of the criminally insane.
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The Hoarder (2015)
It was...well, this is what I think
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with what I liked about the movie: 1. The filming quality was better than B-rated. 2. The ending didn't leave it up to the viewer to determine what happened. 3. Mischa Barton finally gets what's coming to her for destroying the OC (I liked that show when I was 13)

Here's what I didn't like: 1. Robert Knepper deserved a better death. Constantly changing camera angles cheapens the experience. 2. The villain turns out to be a pudgy, out of shape guy with an obnoxious accent. Not sure how he managed to look chubby in a baggy shirt but he pulled it off. And somehow this love handle suffering fiend that looks to be suffering from muscular dystrophy is able to overpower EVERYONE, even to the point where apparently he holds a victim upside down by the feet. Even more impressive, considering the hilarious way that he runs, he's able to catch up to his prey even though they took an elevator that had more than enough time to climb 3 or more flights of stairs. But I could be wrong. He could just be a fat guy with an intense cardio routine. 3. For a storage facility that looks to be fairly new and technologically advanced, they have the most inconvenient lighting system. (You'll see what I mean if you watch)

All in all, I didn't think it was completely dreadful but I wouldn't watch it again or ever recommend it to a friend.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this flick
19 November 2015
Not without its ups and downs, this is a quirky little piece that is accompanied by both laughs and occasionally poses philosophical consideration. In the end, this movie comes down to dealing with twin brothers who are complete polar opposites but still display the proverbial brotherly bond that most parents instill in us at birth. If you've never seen someone attempt to use a menorah as a weapon or grow pot in PVC pipe, this is your chance. Edward Norton does a remarkable job transitioning from playing roles as a well received professor/author and in duality playing the part of his drug dealing kinfolk. There may be conflicting opinions on this picture but I remain satisfied with the performances and the story. Take the time to decide for yourself and I doubt you'll be disappointed.
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