
2 Reviews
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Spy Game (2001)
1 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Is there anyone from China writing reviews about how nonsense details they have in the movie? the script writer and even the whole crew need much much more homeworks to do.

I mean geographical details at least. I knew that the script writer wanna to set the coincidental maps between Bahamas shore and east China coast shore. but you'd better put the Amrican military base in Okinawa, Japan. there is no base in Penghu, Taiwan, and Okinawa is shorter flying to Shanghai. and they need to set the prison site at Tilanqiao prison in Shanghai, the Suzhou pirson is far inland of China, I do not think that the helicopters can fly over the Shanghai air-defense zone unless you cut all the power grid of eastern China rather than only Suzhou city.

it's the year of 1991, why there are so many cultural revolution slogan on the prison wall. which had taken place in 60s-70s. do you think it's the graffiti wall in a bar. and the accent of those Chinese actor are cantonese ,not standard mandarin. it might be not easy to find a group of Chinese actors who from mainland China to speak the local accent or mandarin as I guess. I believe that there might be no one knows about it, to the western audiences and the movie crews, they are all the same. and those uniform of prison guards is big farce, the crew might not know the details too. I do not want elaborate more on this.

The van used in the film in Suzhou prison, then used the same van in Beirut, Lebanon. I do not think you are short of budget, which then you can rent several helicopters to film. and the scence that all prisoners knock their rice bowl on the cell fence togehter, that only will happen in american movie, it doesn't look like China at all.

Despite those weakness which I do not want list them all, I also want to say it's standard and good hollywood movies though, no big mistakes on other elements of the film. from this point of view, the only way can explain all this is that the u. s. film industry or amrican hoi polloi have little knowledge about China, even they want to work hard on it. so I also begin to doubt about American movie that depicts Middle East, Russia and Africa then, it's all your own imagary pictures of them.
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Sequel of Empire of the Sun
19 January 2018
When the boy grew up, he realized it's an atrocity that the war brought about by the Japanese army. he felt repentance about Chinese people and his past view of war.After he made friend with Christopher Nolan who is good at time and space maneuvering, he decided returning back to 1937 of Nanking, China, and wanted to change to process of the war, but without any reason he lost all his batman's powers, and no gears with him too. he tried his best to save dozens of children in local church by his make-up skills which he learned from The Prestige's face disguise. and then director Zhang Yimou depicted in the movie Jin ling shi san chai, a.k.a. The Flowers of War.
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