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Don't Look Up (2021)
Much Better Than His Titanic!
6 February 2022
I will end up watching this movie over Leonardo di Caprio in "Titanic" and that is probably based mostly on runtime. This movie asks the burning question, "What if the world ended, but nobody came to see it?".

There are a lot of funny moments in this social comedy-drama disaster film. They poke fun at people being overtly positive and overtly negative, they make fun of the far left and the far right. It is a show with balance in the humor. The movie starts out somewhat serious in nature but then the cheese starts to slide off the cracker.

The majority of the film focuses on the US and I would like to have seen some humor in other nations around the globe. In all reality, the US is not the only nation on the planet, and I would have shown other leaders just as powerless or useless to help.

The movie leans back into a serious drama near the end, then we get a last laugh in the end credits. Although I didn't need or want to see old naked people. Over all Leonardo di Caprio has done two epic disaster movies in his career, Don't Look Up is much better than his Titanic!
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Free Guy (2021)
Another VR Movie, Just Well Performed
24 January 2022
There are tons of movies out there, that philosophically asks, several questions that only someone existing outside our universe could answer. Such as; How much control do you really have over yourself?

Should we blindly accept reality?

If something isn't real, does it mean it is necessarily false or fictional?

Is everything that happens predetermined?

Is there free will?

Movies have explored this notion of layered universes inside a virtual computer universe, with titles such as; Tron (1982), The Thirteenth Floor (1999), and The Matrix (1999). Not all of them tackle the topic using a computer as the format, like in Stranger Than Fiction (2006). So what is different about "Free Guy"? Not much, it is another discovery character movie, where a common person finds out they are a work of fiction.

Ryan Reynolds is a not just a good name, to be in such a movie, he is also a fine character actor. The supporting cast worked well with him, big effects budget always adds flavor but don't carry the show. I only hope they know one is enough. For example, I enjoyed the Matrix, but they don't seem to know when to stop beating the dead horse.

Another reason for the film's success is the venue of today's online games. We spent a lot of time playing them in lock down. The format was done before but never on this scale. The "Epic NPC Man" web series can be viewed for free since 2016, and continues to entertain.

Free Guy is yet another VR movie, just well performed. As for all those thought provoking questions none will be answered. We are here to enjoy a good movie. In the end, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Could have been it's own show.
15 January 2022
Although I have watched the anime and read the book, I am not here to compare any of them.

The acting was solid and the characters were lovable. The effects and action was awesome. So the question is, why did NetFlix decide to cancel the show? The answer is meta data. They run all their series based on how long they "survive" on the top ten list. Apparently it doesn't matter who their competition was upon release. There was only two stinker episodes. Ten was the worst and followed by six. From what I can tell you, the sex scene in #6 was completely unnecessary and there wasn't any action. The prior episodes all came out of the gate strong and six fell flat. It felt like they forced the sex scene in the episode because the rest was a snooze. The last 15 to 20 minutes of the last episode throws everything for a loop and then the writers just ended it. They literally wrote the closure on almost all the open and interesting subplots. Kind of left me wondering if they knew the series was going to be just 10 episodes.

I give this a solid 8 and while it did not end the same as the original, I still say, it didn't deserve to be cancelled for bad writers or meta data. NetFlix computers don't predict people thinking, "That looks interesting, I will watch later when I have the time.". Personally I was too busy and I think I watched the Ryan Reynolds movie that came out around the same time. I still haven't watch season 2 of The Witcher yet. Are they really going to cancel shows based on how fast we view them?

Doesn't matter about live action or anime, this could have been it's own show.
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Family comedy is not suppose to inflict mental and physical pain.
20 September 2021
I really need to stop watching Tubi TV at night.. or any other time for that matter. This is suppose to be a "family comedy" about a young man attempting to impress his girl by helping her with the two children.

I enjoyed Dennis the Menace, but the big difference with these two children, they actually intend to harm the man. The phrase keeps repeating, "What's wrong with you kids!?" from Nick (Ice Cube). At one point the children and Nick are placed in serious danger, by truck drivers in a lame attempt to save the kids from what they believe is a child predator.

The improper behavior isn't funny at all and worse yet sends the wrong message to the audience. My son asked, when does he plans to drop those kids off at a police station and just cut his losses? I think that is a great question. I married his mother when he was 10, we never had the issues getting along. If I were Nick, I would question the parenting of these two children. Do I really want to get with a woman, who can't raise her own kids better than this?

Family comedy is suppose to be funny and warm, not inflict mental and physical pain.
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No... it was saved by a helicopter!
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just found myself up with insomnia and decided to watch this turkey on Tubi TV. At present, it is "technically" free, if you don't mind sacrificing your time. Strong emphasis on the word sacrifice, you will feel like some cultist plunged a dagger in your chest and kept missing your heart.

Spoilers? Start Here ---- The narration at the start of this movie is basically read out of some science book. After the narration ends we get introduce to characters that are NOT part of this movie. There are a total of 5 people in the next 2 minutes of film, that are not important at all. I have to suspect someone had a promise to a relative that their son or daughter deserved to be in the movie. Maybe this was footage to adjust camera lighting, sound, and check equipment? The only 2 people to get credit for this scene is Paige McGarvin and Alex LaBonte. Maybe we will never know the answer. Alex LaBonte's character is the most confusing person in the shot has a badge, dressed like a forest ranger, a patch on the right reads "SECURITY", and he drives a common four door mini-van SUV. His dialog is confusing as he acts like he knows the other 4 people but they don't know him.

After the title card, those people and all their dialog is pointless. Now some more pointless and confusing dialog follows. Meredith Fisher (Jhey Castles) is having a heated discussion with another nerd on her laptop. She is irate about CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) from the sun causing abnormal weather, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and other disasters we as humans have no control over. The nerd on her laptop tells her he agrees the unknown variables are scary. What does she want done about it? She wants the Mayor to see this data immediately..... the Mayor?

Yes, not like we have better people to analyze scientific data, like FEMA or NASA. She wants a city politician to review it. She might as well had said the governor, senator, or President. At least FEMA could get people prepared for the "End of the World". What is the Mayor supposed to do? Does he have superpowers that can defeat the evil sun or prevent the natural disasters?

We are introduced to her family, while talking to her husband, she says we need to think about "the safety of our family" but insists the Mayor needs to sound the alarm and panic the city into turmoil and chaos. Let's face it, Meredith has no plan and thinks the Mayor is a superhero. Her husband suggests he might check with his military contacts.

Shortly after Meredith arrives at the Mayor's office the city is hit with a major CGI earthquake. Since the Mayor isn't there, Meredith saves the dull witted assistant. Who is about as pointless as the people we saw at the beginning of this movie.

Meanwhile Meredith's husband, Sullivan (Joseph Michael Harris) is at work and gives first-aid to a cowoerker with glass in his leg. He gets a cellphone alert about a tsunami and rushes off to save his daughter... from a tsunami. Meredith rushes home and finds her son there. At this point he asks, if this means the "End of the World" and she tells him no the solar storm will pass in just 5 hours by her calculations.

At this point we are only 23 minutes into the picture and being told the title is a lie. The remainder of this movie is more bad CGI, more bad acting, and more bad dialog. The title might as well have been "End of the City" or "How My Family Almost Died".

After Sullivan and his daughter are trapped by lava flows near the end of the movie, Meredith and her son fly a helicopter to rescue them. The rope ladder she drops to them is too short or her son can't hover a few inches lower. Sullivan tries in vain to boost his simpleton daughter to the ladder. Mom climbs down and somehow that seems to do the trick? Once the family is safe and the city is on fire, the worse delivery, of the most horrid dialog in the movie is said when the son asks, "So what do we do now?" and Meredith replies, "Start over I guess.".

This is NOT the end of the world because it survived, this whole movie makes this look like a localized city event. End of the World? No... it was saved by a helicopter!
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Not the worst zombie action flick
8 August 2021
While many of the reviewers, seem to point out the errors in reality, might I remind you, zombies are NOT real. Time to turn off the logic portion of your brain and enjoy the action movie.

Pros: Great effects and tons of action, there is few dull moments in the +2 hours.

Cons: Massive errors in reality, physics, and logic.

The overall plot is simple and the premise is sound. But it all falls flat very quickly. When a super soldier project is accidentally released on the city of Las Vegas, the military immediately walls off the city using cargo containers. Survivors of Vegas are asked by Japanese billionaire to fetch his 100 million dollars for a 50% cut. They have 3 days to go in get the cash and fly out.

The motives of these people range from idiotic to lame for even attempting this task, but they do it anyway. Once again, don't think, just enjoy the action. The premise of super soldier virus is very good sci-fi plot, but then the zombie super soldiers can survive the impossible, such as being turned into jerky and reanimated should it rain. Once again, I remind you don't think, just enjoy the action.

It is my opinion, anyone who survived watching World War Z, should absolutely see this as zombie gold. It is by far, not the worst zombie action flick... not the best either.
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The Witches (2020)
Where are my puppets?
10 November 2020
I realize HBO/Stars has run very low on creative juices since Game of Thrones ended. Being a great fan of old school Hollywood use of puppets and animatronics, I really didn't like the use of CGI in this remake. The movie does have some moments and it has an ending closer to that of the novel. Beyond that, the CGI really kills this movie. I much prefer the Jim Henson crew with their puppets any day for live characters. CGI is better put to use on inorganic subjects, such as spaceships or other inanimate objects.

I don't think anyone did a poor job of acting, I don't mind the relocation, I am not going to say it was the worst movie adaptation either. But I have to ask, where are my puppets?
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Next (2020)
Throw out Siri, lock Alexa in the closet, and shoot Cortana!
29 October 2020
Although the premise is a very old one in the manner of man creating machine in his own image, this underrated science fiction/suspense drama, though arguably dated in terms of technology, is still a frightening allegory about humans allowing our technological creations to rule us.

This series presents a story in the psychological and political arenas. The show is not too extensive, yet the characters and their futility to stop the unstoppable is clearly in the process of developing.

Charming yet simple-minded, can summarize everything that happens in this series. Collectively, the series is tormented by horrible cliched one-dimensional characters, spouting catch-phrases that will make you roll your eyes or maybe even choke on your food. I cannot recommend eating while you view this with an open mind.

I'm a big fan of science, computers, and refrigerator magnets, so obviously I can see how shoddy the technical foundation of some of the material. However that has no effect on my enjoyment of this series. The show virtually acknowledges its unrealistic use of special effects with various Easter eggs dropped throughout the series that should be lost on the simplistic viewers.

This series has a pretty good grasp on science, so don't be too skeptical. Next is using visual metaphors to depict the intricacies of the "serious dangers" of rogue Artificial Intelligence to people who wouldn't be able to understand them otherwise, and it does it in a fun, ostentatious way.

This isn't another fear mongering series from Fox TV. Throw out Siri, lock Alexa in the closet, and shoot Cortana between the eyes! After all you know how she betrayed you in the last Halo game?
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Cursed (2020)
Witch! Burn it!
1 September 2020
I have seen and read the reviews about female empowerment and forcing diversity, this review is not about those topics. This part of the review is about historical inaccuracy. You ask, how can a "fantasy film" be held to historical accuracy? Well some of the English believe Arthur legends are based in fact, as they have a lineage tracking the Queen back to King Arthur. Fey folk would never call one of their own a "witch" in a derogatory fashion, as we seen only a scant few minutes into this film. The term witch was derived from "wicca" or "wycca" in Old English and came from the Germanic root meaning craft of the wise. The catholic monks are called paladins and are dressed in red like cardinals of the era. I can only guess they were rushing the Spanish Inquisition? Meanwhile the Paladins were 12 members of Charlemagne's court in the 8th century. All of this in mere minutes of the show's first episode. It was Constantine and the Roman invasion that drove out the old religions from England and inserted Christianity as the core. These don't appear to be any type of Roman soldiers at all.

Now this section is about bad casting, direction, and acting. Arthur was but a child when he pulled the sword Excalibur from the stone and became the boy King. The actor playing Arthur is far too old (28 years old) for this part. Also they introduced him as a street musician (bard). Meanwhile Merlin is portrayed as a drunk and acts more like Jack Sparrow than a wise sage of King Uther Pendragon. The actor playing King Uther Pendragon is too young (38 years old) for his part as he is suppose to be Arthur's biological father. He would have been 10 years old when he fathered Arthur!

This series is no better or worse than the countless others that fail to pull off the Arthur legend. Keyword here is this too has "failed". I don't expect it to be perfect but this is so far from being entertaining at all. I would question anyone who can enjoy watching this and call it fun, thrilling, or thought provoking. I found it completely unwatchable.
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Black (2017)
Don't Watch the Last Episode!
26 December 2019
Black is a great detective show with a supernatural twist, but the last episode trashes the whole plot. Worse yet it is the last 15 minutes of the last episode that ruins the whole show. I would gladly gave this a 9 but for the badly done wrap up at the end. Not only did it seem like a last minute rush to give the tale a happy ending, it also made no logical sense.

Black follows the main character Kang Ha-ram with her ability to see people marked for death, and with contact, she can see how they will die. Three main mysteries develope within the series. A 20 year old homicide linked to child prostitution, an escaped mental patient, and a missing grim reaper. All things seem contected to Detective Han Moo-gang who loses all memory, when shot in the head, during a hostage situation.

As I said, I really enjoyed watching the first 17 episodes, although I found the subtitles were wrong most of the time, and even added lines never spoken by the actors. The story is still good, just the last part could never be explained away in such a fashion even using supernatural powers at work, it was just dumb. I won't spoil it, just do yourself a favor and either stop at the end of #17 or stop before the last 15 minutes of the last episode.
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Has Me Asking for More Please
29 September 2019
In an alternate history of the Napoleonic era, two magicians meet with the same agenda. Put an end to the war between England and France and raise magic up to be respected by one and all. Norrell however desires to keep magic to himself as he hoards all the magic books he can find. Strange want to explore all facets of magic he can discover. A rivalry between the two begins and unseen forces has friends pitted against each other.

This show has the best sets, acting, design, direction, and effects. Acting by Eddie Marsan and Bertie Carvel were just great but I have to say it was Marc Warren who stole the show as their adversary. Costumes looked natural and hair and makeup kept with the times, it felt very immersive, as if I was seeing back in time.

While I never read the book by Susanna Clarke, she spins a much better tale about magic than any other. This should have been made into theatrical release. However, I am glad they took the time to make a seven hour mini series. The mini series is seven episodes (currently on Netflix) and will have you wanting more, it has me asking for more please.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Sure hope they DON'T plan a season 2!
23 August 2019
I just got done watching the 10 episodes. It almost melted my brain. If you hate this series, here are the reasons why; Psychotic Crew members are sent to space, after an alien artifact lands on Earth. No one aboard the ship knows anything about science. They know how to kill each other and get killed. They are suppose to be the best we have and they have no clue. I was about to vomit when they said they could fly through a cloud of dark matter. Later I did vomit during the disco rave aboard the ship because the crew got stoned. The ship is suppose to have a FTL drive and yet seems to have no issues with time dilation. Note: This is not a spoof or comedy. It is suppose to be for us nerds, geeks, and neckbbeards.

If you enjoyed watching this series, here is why; You got your jollies watching the PG-13 sex scenes of 3 people, a gay couple, and a human with an AI. Maybe you loved all the father and daughter bonding moments back on Earth? Wait that never happened... You probably liked all the action or the lack thereof. You are too easy to entertain.

I really wish Netflix wouldn't waste time and money on this and get season 2 "Altered Carbon" out to us. This show is a real brain draining snooze fest. I sure hope they don't plan a season two.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A wonderful epic tale from beginning to end
24 May 2019
This masterpiece will be a fantasy favorite for ages to come. The story of world where winter lasts several years, starts with the betrayal on a multitude of fronts. Eddard Stark is sent to be "Hand of the King" leaving his family in the North. The land of Westeros is plunged into war, as the Night's Watch finds evidence of undead heading to the wall from the North. This epic spans years of classic work and includes dragons, witches, seers, magic, and so much more. The Game of Thrones will hold a special place in the hearts and minds in all who watch it. It is a wonderful tale from beginning to end.
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The Titan (2018)
It is a drama, wrapped in poor science fiction.
4 May 2019
The drama is fair to average but the story makes very little sense. The writer forgets to explore "science facts" prior to writing the fiction. The premise is the Earth being over populated and having to explore space. The moon Titan has a much smaller surface of the Earth. In fact, only 16% the surface of Earth. So how does moving to Titan make room? The next factor, Earth is starving and resources will be depleted. Since Titan is a dead moon, what do the billions of people you put there eat? Along with the genetically altered people, you better be sending up plants and animals. I looked up information on Titan and it took me 5 to 10 minutes to realize the moon is too small. While it has a nitrogen atmosphere, there would be nothing to eat and new people would starve. Mars would be closer, has atmosphere, and much larger with double the surface of Titan.

This is just another writer telling us that the Earth is a disposable planet. Our survival in the next 100 years depends on us to settle other worlds and let Earth rot. This movie fails to inspire anyone to reach for the stars. This movie is dark, bleak, and shows no hope for any future. I found the medical ethics questionable and deplorable.

The better story would be about a human astronaut having to leave his wife and child to colonize a new base on Titan. Showing how they deal with the struggle of not seeing each other for a few decades. This movie glossed over the time it takes to reach Titan. His son would have been a teen or young adult by the time he set foot on the moon. I am no expert, but I know it takes over 3 years to reach Saturn. But they failed to pull off even a decent drama.
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Culture and Mature Forbidden Love Story
23 March 2019
This movie's demographic is basically 12-year-old school girl, but in the interests of vampire cinema, I watched this film and actually enjoyed it. I was tenderly moved by what I saw, which is more than any angsty teen romance that tries, and fails, to be a hip vampire movie. Vampire movies have long contained simmering sexuality - Christopher Lee positively exuded it in his movies. The theme is advanced to a new level in this film, as vampirism is yet another problem to deal with - like wrist cutting clubs and the gang in-crowd - for our young lovers.

When young Monami enters the life of Jyugon Mizushima she was like any other young girl he was likely to meet in highschool in Tokyo. She was unlike anyone he was likely to meet just about anywhere.

Yukie Kawamura plays Monami a girl vampire. And Takumi Saitoh's character of Jyugon and Monami have become cult heroes for this younger generation. Needless to say both older students and teachers aren't crazy about these two kids going out. Still as another popular film of a decade ago remarked, somehow these two complete each other.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Klingon Rape, Thank You CBS
2 December 2018
I finally got time to sit and watch this whole series. At least I am hoping the series gets dropped into a giant EMP field. This is unwatchable science fiction and is only "branded" as even being Star Trek by the copyright holders. Years ago as a teen, I grew up watching Star Trek the Next Generation with my mother on the sofa beside me. It was a great show that gave one hope for the future. I went off to college and my mother would call me about Star Trek. We would talk about old episodes and I would tell here about new DS9 episodes. Today, I thank God my mother is back in Japan and doesn't stream this pornographic web crap! This is beyond bad. You took my childhood and raped it CBS. This isn't even good sci-fi, it is some other show altogether milking off a brand. I am now married with a son, I plan to sit on my sofa and watch the Next Generation and DS9 on DVD with him. You would have to be a sick individual to subject anyone else to this depraved webcast.
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Not a Horror Series, A Ten Part Drama
21 October 2018
Part 5 was about as entertaining as it got. At that point, I decided to finish the remaining 5 parts and review it. This is just a mediocre movie with tons of filler. It could have been reduced to a 2 hour movie and the plot would still be intact. The Crain family move into Hill House with plans to flip the house for profit and build their dream home. The first 5 parts are all about the 5 children, but not all at once. The first is just about the oldest child Steven and down to the 5th part about the youngest child Nell. Each of the stories take place in the "Then" and "Now", which "Then" is just flashbacks. The issue with massive amounts of flashbacks, the viewers get whiplash pretty quick. After the first episode, they repeat the same scenes over and over from another person's perspective. All the while tossing in 5 to 10 minutes of suspense per episode. The rest of the episode is personal drama relating to social hangups, drugs, alcohol, sex, and marriage. I for one don't care for tame PG horror with the MA label slapped on because of bad language. If you don't believe me, take a look at the reasons listed on the IMDB for the MA label. Such as episode 1 showed a nipple! I don't watch horror to be bored to death, it is suppose to scare me. The plot was thin and there wasn't much there either. If you want to revisit a much better ghost story about haunted houses, there are two adaptations of Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House". The oldest was 1963 B&W "The Haunting" and a 1999 "The Haunting" both are much better than wading through 10 parts of this monster. But my favorite is the old 1973 "Legend of Hell House" based on a novel by Richard Matheson. While the horror in this might be tame they don't pretend it is by misrepresentation. I don't know why NetFlix has this listed as "Season 1"? If you watch it, there cannot be another season, it would never make sense.
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Xtro (1982)
Critically Acclaimed Renowned Cult Classic Sci-Fi Horror
9 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a mechanistic metaphor, technology as biological life, and obviously is lost in the underlying subplot. The plot is meant to obscure and conceal the deep meaning of the socialistic concept of mankind's place in the universe. The level of complexity is shown as Sam's rebirth into the world is seen like an enigma; Sam emerges from the womb of the macrocosm. The concept that Tony then propagates with his babysitter, Analise, to create life anew and greater than before. The cycle of the Father, the Son, and the Mother of creation is akin to the greatest works of Judith Butler, in the efforts put forth to suppress the political ramifications of the facts. In brief, clowns are just creepy and so is this movie.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
SyFy Kills Great Shows
19 November 2017
Dark Matter is no different, than the other great science fiction dramas, viewers have watched, loved, and get eliminated due to budget and nothing more. One positive note is this; in the final season of episode 4 "All the Time in the World" we got a possible glimpse into the end of the show.

While in the first season, many viewers would question the scenario, the show scenario changes with the development of characters, new crew members, and the course of events. This keeps the viewer interested, wondering (and concerned) who might leave the series next. Space operas are meant to evolve and not just be the same episodes we watched recycled from last season. This is why Dark Matter was a great space opera.

After a total of 36 episodes, Dark Matter was canceled and no wrap up movie or season granted. I hope to see the actors of this series get some parts on the big screen. I also recommend watching it on NetFlix, as I plan to buy the disks myself as NetFlix will not keep it forever.

Ve con Dios Raza!
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Chappie (2015)
You think you're real?
19 November 2017
A wonderful movie about humanity and what we define as existence. The movie is placed in 2016, South Africa as crime has increased a local weapons manufacturer replaces the human police enforcers with droids. However the lead designer of these droids is working on making sentient AI program. After being turned down by his supervisor, he proceeds on his own and his work abducted during a car jacking.

Chappie has some comical real world elements, but is a very serious look at human nature. It shows there is no true line between what we call good and evil. It questions the meaning of existence and explores the definition of the soul. Most characters are all motivated by impending death, either physical or financial, and sometimes both.

All the work on this film was done with excellent care to details. The dialog, the acting, the effects, and direction are all great work. My only complaint would be the blurb at the beginning of the film talking about events ahead of the movie was nonessential. If you skip to the CNN anchor talking, it would have been a 10/10. So 1 point for editing?

Action packed and an ending that has you begging for a sequel.
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Little Evil (2017)
Much Better Than I Expected
26 September 2017
About the only thing, I dislike the most in any movie, is a glimpse ahead at the beginning of the movie. It works in very rare cases, but the look into future events at the beginning of this movie holds no relevance. It offers no subtle or vague idea but slaps you in the face that this will occur at some point in the film.

With that said, this movie is a satire (e.g. Little Nicky) about the belief in an apocalypse brought on by the son of Satan or the Antichrist. If you are strongly religious and cannot take a joke, you won't enjoy it. Adam Scott plays Gary, a man who marries a woman without getting to know her or her son very well. Owen Atlas does a remarkable job playing Lucas and that is rare to have talent at such a young age.

If you were expecting to see more horror than comedy, this is also not for you. This also pokes fun at self help groups and society's need to force other people issues onto you. You are the new dad, so this must be all your fault. If you need a mild comedy-horror-spoof this Halloween then this could be the warm up act for better movies.

As for the apocalypse, it was much better than I expected.
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The Defenders (2017)
Did we all watch the same series??
31 August 2017
From the reviews that I read out of the "Best Reviews" I am wondering how people can call this mini-series/8 part movie slop then rate it 7 stars?

I watched all four of the prior Defenders build up series. To the best of my knowledge there is no "season 2" for Defenders. However they plan to make another Jessica Jones season. I felt like Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were the cream of these four. I can't blame the actor for playing his part as written in Iron Fist. I understand it is not in character with the original comics. I couldn't stand Dare Devil as all that happened with his series was, he basically took a beating and went to work making excuses calling it a win. The only positives about the Dare Devil series was Fisk and Stick.

But I am not here to review those shows. This 8 episode movie could have been much shorter. They took too long talking and getting them together with the first 3 episodes alone. There was established connects through side characters already, Jessica knew Luke and Clare knew everyone. Instead they used a convoluted method to put the four together in the same place by fate.

Danny Rand was still being violent and not the glue that fans expected him to be. He made stupid choices for someone trained by monks to be rational. However as crazy as this sound, his series could be saved. How? If they show this event has changed his demeanor, his new positive mental image, personality, and rationality could save the Iron Fist. I doubt the writers will do that.

Dare Devil didn't get beat up in every episode... what a shocker. They didn't need the last 3 minutes at the end, we know how the superhero world works. I won't spoil the last 3 minutes but if you have watched it, you know what I mean.

Jessica, Luke and Stick held more interest to me and kept the image alive as they didn't fall out of character. Madame Gao was awesome, I also applaud the +70 year old actress, Wai Ching Ho who portrayed her in the role. Actress Sigourney Weaver fell flat as she failed to show any evil intent.

The build up to the "big reveal" was a let down. The ending climaxed too early and the battle theme was unexpected and poorly chosen. The conclusion a bit too long. The only reason this movie is getting a four star from me, is Madame Gao, Jessica, Luke, and Stick otherwise it would have been a total loss. The overall plot is thin and could have used more villains than just The Hand.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
This is what the FANS asked for...
26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Take away the previous remakes of the manga and anime you still have a poorly made horror movie without any motivation. In short, this version of Deathnote is a poor horror/psychological thriller, even if there wasn't an original story. So with that said, the movie, acting, dialog, all just fell flat.

Now let's discuss what did work;

Casting William Dafoe was probably the best thing this movie did right. However, there wasn't enough scenes or interaction with Ryuk. Instead they had a mere handful.

The rest of the movie was a rushed teen romance, full of random rampages. There was no moral quandary, no thick plot of how to outwit the adversary, and it would have been better to sticking with criminal victims at first but the first victim is just a bully nothing more.

About the vast difference of this version or retelling of Deathnote to the others. Do you know how many times I have heard fans say how awesome it would be to spend a lot of money on a Hollywood budget movie? Yes, I have been around the conventions circuits and I would know better than to make a reboot of anything with such an oddball fan base. The fans of the genre can't agree on anything just starting with watching something dubbed or subbed. It gets real messy when you start asking if they like anime or live action.

As for NetFlix who produced this flop and fizzle. Well I cannot blame them 100%, the viewer reviews on many of the Asian movies are rated low just because they didn't "speak American". I have watched many quality Chinese, Korean, and Japanese movies rated 2 stars just because you need to turn on the subtitles. Oh, you poor baby, now you have to learn to read English.

This is what the FANS asked for... at least some of the lazy ones.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Shred the Comic Boooks, this show is BAD enough without them.
25 May 2017
Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210, and Dawson's Creek is basically what they made with a candy coated wrapper of Archie Comics. Back when I was a teenager I saw Archie Comics and never read them. So I based my review solely on show itself.

Let's first talk about ages; Archie is a 10th grader played by and 19 year-old Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa. His friends also sophomores in high school are; Betty (age 20), Veronica (age 22), Jughead (age 24), and Cheryl (age 40?). I have to guess since I cannot find Madelaine Petsch's date of birth but she doesn't look a day over 35 honestly. It really IRKS me that so many TV shows use adults way beyond their years to portray kids 15 to 17 years in age.

They said this show was "dark and edgy" instead they went "vile and disgusting" actually the "kids" do things no Sith Lord on his best day would attempt to do. I didn't expect it to be about kids having teen romance in Pop's malt shop, but I didn't expect to see Veronica and Betty to open mouth kiss in the first episode either. Reminder here they are suppose to be about 15 to 17 years old. This is too creepy, but I bet they have all the child molesters attention.

I was thinking about looking up those old comic books to see exactly what the stories where about. But I am too cheap so I went to the Wikipedia and found the stories and biographies very different. I imagine there is a lot of fans ranting, but I can't since I never read this comic. I basically tuned in to see the pilot, that was enough to know it is a basic cookie cutter teen angst drama.

Shred the Comics, this show is BAD enough without them.
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Sausage Party (2016)
It Smells Like a Dirty Diaper
26 February 2017
This turd floated onto NetFlix this week, that in itself says volumes. Great movies don't show up quickly or at all on NetFlix. But I gave it a look because while I don't have kids, I do have friends with children and they do not need to be exposed to this crap. Kids will ask to watch something and if you didn't know better, you might let them and have the legal system after you.

The animated movie started by all the food singing about their various beliefs in religion. This is obviously anti-religion films to get a variety of groups upset and boost the hype. Sadly the only moral you come away with is; "God or Gods don't exist. Have sex now with anyone, age, race, gender, or consent don't matter. Please yourself and get an orgy going because you are going to die and there is no reward except life itself. Do anything you want."

The idea that some nut has a religion trying to cram it down my throat sure doesn't appeal to me. Why does the creators of this crap think cramming atheism (another belief system) up my colon is going to be better?

They did a bunch more stuff that was incredibly stupid and might I say irresponsible to promote as being "cool". Rape, bath salts, cannibalism, etc.. If I was a law enforcement officer after viewing this film, I would be keeping a close eye on those who took part in the making of this film. There is a criminal element here and it smells like a dirty diaper.
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