
10 Reviews
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Sea Hunt: Killer Whale (1958)
Season 1, Episode 11
Unconscionabley inaccurate...
29 June 2023
That Mike Nelson actually asserted all killer whales should be destroyed because in his wrong headed judgment these amazing creatures were, in fact, ocean roaming serial killers! An absurdity in the extreme.

In fact, this episode should be expunged from the series, or at very least, have a disclaimer attached about its uneducated, nonsensical premise that any animal, let alone highly intelligent social animals like orcas, hunt down human beings for sport. Pretty sure it's long been the other way around.

An otherwise good series--with a lot of educational information about the early days of scuba diving--shouldn't be tainted by this grotesque episode.
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The Fugitive (2020)
So many 1, 2, and 3 star reviews...
20 May 2021
I'm instantly suspicious there's some kind of polarizing political takes driving the love it/hate it rants (aka reviews).


It's just that awful on every conceivable level.
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Amber (2014)
Read half a mystery, then toss book in a drawer
11 May 2021
Indefinitely. Started watching episode one. Typical opening of missing person story, but intriguing because of actors involved.

Thought I would check reviews.

When season two shows up 12 to 18 to who knows how many months from now, I MIGHT remember Amber, I might start again on episode one. Maybe.
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Yet another visit to Middle Earth...
18 January 2021
What stuns me to think of that it's been 19 YEARS since LOTR's theater release. Doesn't seem possible. Seeing it for the first time was one of those wide-eyed, jaw dropping movie experiences that becomes part of who you are ever after. As long as I'm still wandering the planet, I will watch LOTR once or twice a year and marvel at the wonder of this amazing work of cinematic art.
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Decoy: The Gentle Gun-Man (1958)
Season 1, Episode 30
Can anyone say entrapment...
12 January 2021
Had some very good moments in this episode, but I was seriously bothered by how fiercely Casey encouraged/harrassed/guilted Knish into committing a crime he so clearly didn't want any part of any more.
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Decoy: Stranglehold (1957)
Season 1, Episode 1
At least the show had a woman cop...
3 January 2021
My dad used to watch this show. It was on too late for me back then. He told me the criminal took Casey's gun away from her in every single episode. Only watched one so far. And so far dad was absolutely right! Looking forward to the takeaway count for the season. Surely, she'll hang onto her weapon for at least an episode or two!
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The Silence (2006 TV Movie)
Does no one have a comb??
3 December 2020
I've seen hundreds of movies in my life. As films go, this one had an interesting plot that unwound very slowly. Very. But there was also a peculiarity that once I noticed it, I couldn't unnotice it. No one, and I mean no one, in this movie ever made use of a comb or hairbrush. Every character's hair, male and female, looked like they just rolled out of bed. It was so weird, that I found myself distracted from the plot. Indifference to one's appearance can tell you something about a person. Not in this movie. Cop, killer, victim, doctor, et al, were all apparently caught in the same never ending windstorm.
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Deputy (2020)
Too political? Code for politics some viewers don't like...
8 January 2020
Ready for a TV series that doesn't do the group-think of the far right? Yep. That's me. I'm in!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Wanted so much more STORY!
13 December 2019
Episode one sold me I was in for a new Stars Wars universe adventure. Each succeeding episode has gotten less and less interesting.

Not showing our hero's face may make the marketing of the Mandalorian exponentially easier on a global scale--only requiring the helmeted protagonist to change languages from country to country. But where's the story? What drives him? What hurts still eat at him? What love has he lost? Who does he hate?

Land on planet. Laser blast battle. Protect baby Yoda. Learn nothing of the Mandalorian's backstory.

Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And...
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Father Brown: The Lair of the Libertines (2015)
Season 3, Episode 8
Stunningly awful...
8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Discovered Father Brown and have been binge watching religiously..ok, bad pun. However, THIS episode is like finding a hair in your soup. Grotesquely "different" just to be different. But not different good, different godawful.

My only hope for this episode's salvation (can't seem to help myself) would have been if Father Brown had awakened from some opium-cake induced hallucination. Sadly, he did not. Multiple vicious murders treated with complete indifference.
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