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Live by Night (2016)
Underrated Crime Epic
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly if critics had read the book maybe the reviews for this film would not have been as scathing. However at over 2 hrs this is not the 3 hr version that Ben Affleck was hyping up even before filming began. If he would have given us the 3 hr version then this would have been his magnum opus!

That said, the film is still very solid and 90% faithful which is a brilliant book written by Dennis Lehane who also wrote Mystic River.

I read the book after seeing the film and was very surprised how faithful this film was to the source material. The beginning of the book has Joe Coughlin's feet cemented in stone ready to be thrown in the sea (this was not in the film, as this is also the climax of the book and the film's climax is different)

The prison sequence in the book after Joe's arrest after the bank robbery takes up about 3 chapters in the book. This is where he meets the Italian Mob Boss (In the film he meets him when he gets out of jail). In the film after his arrest his prison time is explained in voice over. And then there is sequence in the book when he helps the cubans seize weapons form a cargo ship. Besides this and the ending where the shootout in the book takes place outside, in the film it takes in the hotel the rest of the film is very faithful to the book. Even the dialogue in the film is taken straight from the words from the book. The car chase after the bank robbery literally is exactly how it is explained in the book so to are scenes with The KKK leader at the cafe. That scene plays out exactly how it is described in the book.

So even though it is a flawed film I do believe that the Director's Cut would have had at least another 15 mins of the extended prison sequence from the book. However, this remains an underrated crime film!
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Sublime Biopic with a Performance for the Ages
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film truly did set the standard for other actors to follow in musical biopics. This film is a showcase for Sissy Spacek's incredible performance as Loretta Lynn. To ask an actress of any talent to play a real life person from the age of 13 to 40 is difficult for the most talented performer. But when you consider that Sissy Spacek was 30 at the time she pulls this off amazingly as if she is literally aging though the years as her image and hairstyles change not to mention that she absolutely nails the vocals of Loretta Lynn that she sang. No miming here!

The brilliant writing of how Loretta Lynn had a poverty upbringing to her marriage, to going around the country trying to get DJ's to play her music, to the Grand Ole Opry, her friendship with Patsy Cline, how stardom and being overworked led to exhaustion and collapse on stage is all brilliantly recreated. It also doesn't shy away from the fact that she was also struck by her husband who would display a short temper!!

So many biopics only have a wikipedia type storyline where the actor just sings the songs and full picture of their life is largely ignored like in Respect, Bohemian Rhapsody or the truly awful I Wanna Dance with Somebody.

This film truly did set the standard with musical biopics. Easily one of the best along with Amadeus and What's Love Got To Do With It!
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Very Unsure of Itself
26 February 2024
Going into this Sam Mendes had come off the back of the brilliant 1917. Unfortunately there is none of that magic in this damp squid of a film. This movie apart from Olivia Coleman's performance and the cinematography has nothing much else to recommend it! This film fills like it has a lot to say but no real time to say it which is why the movie's themes are only snapshots but lack real depth and any sort of direction. The film deals with the love of cinema, racism and mental health. Firstly the love of cinema element in this film is so hap-hazard and doesn't really add anything. It lacks the complete emotional depth of say 'Cinema Paradiso' The racism element is there to show that the black man had to deal with skinheads and then the mental heath element shows Olivia Coleman's character being taken away after an outburst and then in the next scene she is totally recovered.

Also, the scene in Dreamland is completely inaccurate. In Dreamland in the 80's this looked nothing like the modern day dreamland that the movie filmed it's scenes in. In the 80's you had the looping star and the Mary Rose. This scene in the movie is just the Dreamland if you were to visit it now.

Also, I didn't buy into the relationship between the two leads. Sam Mendes is a great director with the likes of American Beauty, Revolutionary Road and 1917 and can also co-write a screenplay but he should never be aloud to write solo again. When you realise that he wrote this during the Covid lockdown, that makes a lot of sense.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Are you people serious!!
20 February 2024
I cannot understand for the life of me how this season finale is so low. Like another user stated who is male and loves this season I too am in the bracket. The hate for this finale is beyond stupid. The pure stupidity of people is beyond me. This season was hated even before it started and when people didn't get another Season 1 the hate machine started. People can't seem to get over the fact that this season is written and directed by a woman and has 2 female leads. Now don't get me wrong. If the show is really bad like The Last Jedi or The Marvels then fine, but we are no where near that level of terrible here.

I found this ending to have a brilliant payoff and to be hugely satisfying. Not only did we find out who the killer was but also how the scientists came to be frozen. On top of this, the mood of this final season was generally excellent and was unpredictable until the end. This was easily the best season since the show's first. How this is rated a 5.7 is just ridiculous. These are most likely the same morons who voted 1/10 for the Better Call Saul finale. I have never understood the hate for this season and really hope they move forward with a season 5.
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King Richard (2021)
Do Not Believe Their Lies!
9 February 2024
Contrary to what the film makers and Hollywood will make you believe, this is not who Richard Williams was. The film will make you believe that he was a saint and a great husband and an even better father! Utter Lies!!

The real Richard Williams already had a family prior to fathering Venus and Serena. He abandoned his previous family and didn't pay any child support to his first wife. He was a wife beater who put Serena and Venus' Mother in Hospital with 3 broken ribs and when the Police went to the Hospital on that night she didn't want to press charges as she felt that it would destroy her daughter's tennis careers. None of this is shown in the film. There is also a scene where a white neighbour calls the police on him for keeping the children out late. To keep a lie like this in the film and not show that Richard Williams was a thug, simply wanting to highlight white racism that didn't even exist in the way the film highlights it. What a surprise!! The film even leaves out when Richard Williams told school children to shout racial slurs at his daughters. I mean, what kind of father would do that??

To top it all let me cast your mind back to 2002 when Russell Crowe pinned a BAFTA producer to the wall and shouted at him for cutting his BAFTA Best Actor speech and in response to that the Academy Voters did not give him Best Actor. But when Will Smith physically hit Chris Rock in the face at the Oscars they awarded him the Best Actor Oscar. Hollywood is just spineless on mass!!! As brilliantly put by Jim Carrey. A lie of a film. Avoid at all costs if you appreciate great cinema!
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The Anatomy of Boredom
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Never have I seen a movie that critics drool over that I feel asleep in watching not once but twice. Poor acting and utterly unrealistic. This was one of the most boring courtroom films that I have ever had the displeasure to watch. How this could win the golden globe for best foreign language film over Godzilla: Minus One tells you everything about these old fart award voters. It is also no surprise that Mark Kermode lauded this film comparing it to Hitchcock's work. One minute the film is in English then it changes to French. I found the pacing boring and the ending stupid. The women who is on trial is acquitted without any explanation of who killed her husband. Just another French film that thinks it's clever but just comes off as annoying as it tries to have an ending open to interpretation.

All testimony and pointless resolution that resolves nothing. Was it murder, suicide or mischance. Not even the director knows. Utter rubbish. 2 and half hours with no resolution. The film is like reading a book with the last 5 chapters missing.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
Overrated Biopic of a Great Composer
6 January 2024
What a disappointment this film was. After critics praising this to the high heavens and the film being produced by Scorsese and Spielberg this film falls massively short of what should be expected. Prepare to be disappointed if you are expecting a biopic about what fuelled Leonard Bernstein's passion for composing music. What we get is a boring and often confusing timeframe of mismatched and boring scenes of him and his wife that's less about music composing and more about a soap opera marriage. The performances are both excellent by both Mulligan and Cooper but the film falls massively short of expectations. If you can imagine the film Amadeus not being about his genius and his conducting but a 3 hour film about him and his wife's marriage then this is what you get with Maestro. Yet again another overrated film from critics. Very surprising that awards nominations have shortlisted this as best picture of the year.
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Carnivàle (2003–2005)
One of HBO's Greatest Shows
9 November 2023
Carnivale is without doubt one of the best shows that HBO have ever produced. 2 seasons that completely changed the landscape of big budget TV and unique story telling that is unmatched to this day.

The show's creator Daniel Knauf envisioned a 6 season plan for the show where 2 seasons would cover a single book and that there would be 3 books that covered the full six seasons. The show was cancelled after two seasons due to the cost of the show and a drop in viewership early into season 2. This is a massive shame that we will never get the full 6 seasons because the show ends on a cliff hanger and even though we get the book ending at the end of season 2 we don't get the series ending that has been foreseen in dreams and visions throughout the 2 seasons.

That said you can still view the series as an end to the book covered in these 2 seasons. Watching this show is like Stephen King by way of Donnie Darko. Every time you see the show the symbology can have different meanings. The visual brilliance of the show is unmatched, so to is the unique mythology that the show brilliantly captures not to mention the best title sequence I have ever seen for any TV show.

The battle of two avatars representing good and evil with the 1930's dust bowl as the back drop is so engaging and unforgettable. The show packs more into it's 2 seasons than what most shows pack into 6 or 7. The writing is shockingly good. This is no more evident in the episodes 'Pick a Number' from season 1 and 'Creed, OK' from season 2 aka the death mask episode that sends a chill down your spine! One of the most incredible episodes I have ever seen not to mention the chilling visions and dream sequences that connect through the shows symbolism that can mean different things to different viewers who can interpret things in different ways.

A masterpiece that is unmatched and with incredible performances especially from Clancy Brown and Amy Madigan. It's one of those shows were the casting is just perfect. Have seen this show 3 times and has such a brilliant re-watch value.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Massive Dip in Quality
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For 4 seasons this show was on par with Boardwalk Empire, but unlike that show Peaky Blinders is completely undone by a terrible final season that has no focus and wastes potential storylines and resolutions that had been set up in previous seasons.

Now the general consensus is that Season 4 of this show is the best as this had a great storyline involving the mafia and really hit it's stride at this moment in the show.

Season 5 then set up a duel between Tommy and Michael and introduced Oswald Mosely as a menacing villain for this to continue into the final season and yet after a 3 year wait Steven Knight decided to go all Game of Thrones on us.

The final Season of this show is so unfocused and became so unrecognisable from previous seasons as Steven Knight decided to juggle sub plots that were either boring or just destroy loved characters. In some cases both at the same time.

The reason the final season does not work is because:

Why set up Mosely as the potential Season 6 villiain from Season 5 only to waste and side line him for Jack Nelson who was neither menacing nor cunning.

Why have Tommy go on a wild goose chase with Esme who tells him about a stupid gypsy curse that takes up an entire episode only to have Tommy kill the gypsy who created the curse after his Daughter dies. What is the point of Esme in this season. She left the family after her husband died in season 4 just to return for this stupid episode.

Why was the subplot about about Tommy daughter even exist. We spend no time with Tommy or his Daughter prior to this only for her to get ill, be fine and the get ill again and then die which had no emotional impact what so ever and then to have Tommy's Wife cry for the next 3 episodes continuously.

Why did Arthur go all the way to Liverpool to meet Hayden Stagg only for him to cry like a baby when he belittled him and then Arthur just leave and not even conclude what he was in Liverpool to do in the first. I mean FFS!! Is Steven Knight purposefully trying to piss people off!! And then for Tommy to do what Arthur was supposed to do in the meeting 2 episodes later.

Why did we have the promise of a duel between Tommy and Michael only for Michael to be in prison all season and have only 2 scenes when he is was visited by his wife and then come out of prison at the end of episode 5 only to have Tommy despatch of him so quickly. There was no build up except when Michael went back to the pub and wait for the explosion but it was so obvious that the bomb had been switched to the other car.

What the hell was with all the music this final season. The show had always had music but it was overused with terrible music that was just a noise.

Why have Laura McKee, the IRA Captain tell Tommy that she killed Polly and have her do nothing until the final episode just to have her killed off quickly without any conflict, just anti climatic.

The ending was terrible. It resolves nothing and has a 1, 2 combo of complete convenience. First Tommy who should have shot himself in the head hears the voice of his dead Daughter at that exact moment in time, then she tells him to keep the fire going and you must live as she tells him he's not sick. And then Tommy comes across a newspaper that just happens to have photo on it of Mosely's wedding with the doctor next to him and realises that this was all set up about his illness. That's just lazy writing and cries desperation to give the audience a twist.

Why introduce The Billy Boys in Season 5 and then just drop then completely in the final season.

Now, some of these questions may be answered in the film but that is just a cop out. When you look at the greatest shows of all time, their legacy is secured by whether a final season and in particular the finale can stick the landing. This was the case with Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, The Americans.

This final season should have come out all guns blazing like Gomorrah or Boardwalk Empire. It should have been all out war between the Peaky Blinders and the Billy Boys and resolved the Oswald Mosely storyline started in season 5. Steve Knight really dropped the ball with a terrible season finale in a utterly unfocused and disappointing finale season.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Hated Every Minute
7 June 2023
I really cannot understand the appeal of this awful, awful show. How so called viewers and critics can call this tripe one of the best shows ever is completely beyond me. This is nothing like the Wire, The Sopranos or Breaking Bad which is the greatest show ever made.

The show just consists of Logan Roy's kids insulting each other or everyone else and the show's writers having characters swearing at each other every 5 seconds. The acting especially from Sarah Snook and Kieran Culkan are terrible. The show has no character development what so ever.

The character of Greg is the most annoying and stupid character that I have ever seen in any TV show. At least Game of Thrones had 7 great seasons of character development. This show has nothing. Every character is unlikeable and the show is just unwatchable.

People stated this this is one of the greatest TV shows ever. Clearly people's taste is very low if you think swearing and vulgar jokes is good writing. Sarah Snook just pulls faces before and after talking and swears as if she thinks she's clever or funny. I wanted her character killed off of 20 minutes. And as for Connor the other son who didn't want anything to do with the family business, his beard goes through more development than his character. His character is basically someone who doesn't work but then decides to want to run for president with his awfully acted girl friend/ex-call girl. People do not talk the way or act in the way that this show writes them.

This is without doubt one of the worst shows I have ever seen. How this won best outstanding drama over Better Call Saul is a complete mystery. Watch The Wire, The Sopranos or Mad Men if you appreciate great writing. Avoid this tripe at all costs. Terrible.
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Dumb handling of a piece of history
17 May 2023
This is not good. The creators of this show took one of the most notorious scandals in American Politics and turned in into Benny Hill. The show offers nothing new. This has already been covered countless times and better in films like Nixon and All The Presidents Men. Even the similar toned Gaslit did this better which also tried to be funny but failed. 5 episodes was no where near long enough, the performances were goofy like out of a sketch show. This show should have been at least 10 episodes and should have showed the backgrounds of the burglars and actual historic documents from Nixon that detailed the break in. Very dull and extremely disappointing.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Damien Chazelle's Masterpiece
22 March 2023
First things first, this is Damien Chazelle's masterpiece. The mixed response for the film will be completely based on how much you love films and understand Hollywood.. This was always going to touch a nerve with critics who believe that Hollywood is lovely place!! There have been movies made about Hollywood in the past like Maps to The Stars and The Artist but this is the dark, seedy side of Hollywood and how it can make you a star and then spit you out! The 3 characters that the film follows played by Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Diego Calva show their fall from grace over 3 hours with the backdrop of the parties, drinking and hard drugs that may or may not went on films sets and evenings in Hollywood.

The film is dark, funny, crude, dramatic, sad, disgusting in equal measure. The first 25 minutes is an extended party sequence of drugs, drinking, orgies and a large elephant unlike any opening to a film I have ever seen. I have seen so many negative reviews for this. Over it's 3 hour run time I was never bored as the run time just flew by. This is also a love letter to cinema that shows how quickly things can change when moved over from the silent era to talkies and this film did that part better than Signing in The Rain which is one of the most overrated films ever.

Margot Robbie should have won the oscar for this film. She is absolutely captivating and cannot take your eyes off her. One of the best films of the year by far!! Insanely funny and massively entertaining.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Unappreciated Masterpiece
13 October 2022
Cloud Atlas is simply one of the greatest independent films ever made.

6 storylines told over 6 different timelines where actions of one existence echoes in the next. The book written by David Mitchell was an incredible read and the film does justice to the source material. The sheer scope and planning in how the film edits scenes together with the timelines and how one story is echoed in another.

The acting and make up too is amazing. Especially at the end of the film when you see what actors played multiple roles.

This is an underrated and underappreciated masterpiece that was way ahead of its time for audiences who were still clinging to crap like marvel and whose intelligence level is that of dumb action movies who do not posses a unique view of how great a film can be!

On multiple viewings you look at certain elements and storylines in different ways. As classic as Donnie Darko. There is also an extended 4 hour version that was made that just needs to be released.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Incredible Series
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having not read the books and going into this series with no actual indication of how characters die or where they end up, the series is just amazing with amazing performances, incredible writing and just so many great episodes to re-watch. Not to mention the amazing world building and jaw dropping CGI and action sequences.

Firstly, I loved the entire series including 'yes' season 8 and I'll tell why the fan babies who have no jobs need to get a grip: 1. The soundtrack is incredible 2. The visuals and battles in season 8 were just off the charts 3. As the show overtook the books this season was unpredictable as no-one knew how this was going to end.

4. Dany's end was always foreshadowed so when I hear about when she flipped a switch to mad queen, this was always the intention. We just got there too quickly. But the destruction of King's Landing was one of the most jaw dropping scenes in the entire show.

5. Theon's redemption arc was brilliantly handled so when people cry about how the show destroyed 8 years of character development need to look at Theon's redemption arc as they are too busy crying of Jamie Lannister's arc.

6. The Cleganebowl Pit fight between The Hound and The Mountain in one final brawl was the most personal fight in the entire series and the most satisfying scene in the final season.

7. All storylines were wrapped up and the wheel was broken which is what Dany said she was going to do way back in season 6.

So for everyone complaining about Jon's imprisonment and Dany's mad Queen turn and Bran as King need to get a grip as DB Weiss and David Benioff did have information from George R. R. Martin of how he intends to end the book series and they are murmurs that Bran does indeed become King.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Incredible Finale
18 August 2022
What a great finale to a truly masterful series. Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan deserve all the accolades possible for given us one of the all time great series. It will be along time before we see a prequel that measures the excellence of character development t and brilliant writing that this show had.

A truly great show for the ages.
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No Danger At All
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never has a film's title been so misleading. This should have been called The Year of Taking Photos. Great journalist movies alays get to the heart and consequences of the story that is being covered whether it is The Pentagon Papers in 'The Post' or Watergate in 'All The President's Men' but crucially the film that you will compare this to is Oliver Stone's Masterpiece Salvador that showed 2 jouranlists documenting the El Salvador Civil War and the audience are given an upfront view of the atrocities. That is what I thought I was getting with this film but the movie takes so long to get going you realise that you have been watching the movie for an hour and nothing has happened.

The film shows absolutely no mass killings during the 1965-66 period that it is depicting or the aftermath and crucially nothing from the politically point of view. During this period nearly 1 million people were killed. Why then do we get Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver 's boring love story that neither felt believable or relevant. It fells like it belonged in another film.

A massive disappointment!
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True Detective (2014– )
Brilliant Anthology Series
30 March 2022
This has got to be the best anthology series ever created. Season 1 is a masterpiece. The like of which I have not seen. It really gets under skin in the same way Seven and Silence of The Lambs did.

Season 2 was disliked but you really need to get passed the excellence of Season 1 when watching Season 2 because this season is still very good. It has the most complex storyline out of all 3 seasons and has great acting, especially from Colin Farrell who is brilliant in this season. It also has the best shootout scene since Michael Mann's Heat.

Season 3 returns to a similar setting of Season 1 and centres around the disappearance of a child and shares the same likeness as Mare of Easttown with red herrings and an unpredicable ending.

The narrative structure is also brilliant as it shows 3 different timelines.

This really is a brilliant series where all 3 seasons are different and utterly compelling.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
How Wrong We All Were!!
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After revisiting season 8 after the awful ending of 'Dexter: New Blood' this finale now seems to fit Dexter's character. The Dexter we knew would be riddled with guilt and abandon his son and girlfriend to save his own skin or he would have been caught.

From the code that Harry taught him, he would have saved his own skin to fake his death and assume a new identity.

I want to remember my Dexter as living in hiding under another identity and evading capture. I will take this closure any day over him being killed by his son from the absolute abomination that was 'New Blood'

This finale will be revisited and looked in a completely new light now!!
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
How do you f##ck up the ending TWICE!!
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start with this one. We were told that this would right the wrongs of the season 8 finale. Michael C. Hall told us that the ending was great and that Clyde Phillips said it was the best thing he had ever written. To hype this up and to make true Dexter fans believe that this was going to fix everything and restore the shows legacy to have an ending like this is actually worse than season 8. That season ending was good in theory that Dexter faked his death and consumed a new identity, it was just the execution that was bad. Here however, this ending is just plain bad and dumb!!

There is no way that Angela would have tied Dexter to the Bay Harbor Butcher killings from a couple of Google searches and evidence conveniently falling into her lap when you consider that Dexer had evading capture for years and wasn't caught by alot more clever detectives. Sorry but I'm not buying into this!!

Dexter escaping jail and then asking his son to meet him in the woods and for the writers to have his son kill him is the worse ending they could have come up with considering all of the killers that Dexter had caught and killed in previous seasons especially The Ice Truck Killer and The Trinity Killer. If you are telling me that this is the way one of the greatest anti-heroes of TV goes out then sorry but I'm not buying it!!

Dexter stopped being great after the excellence of the first 4 seasons. The original plan was to have Dexter caught and put to death by lethal injection and Dexter seeing all the people he had killed. This would have been the ending we the true fans of Dexter deserved but Showtime wanted to turn Dexter into someone who would always evaded capture and give the show stupid and more unrealistic storylines like Deb having feelings for Dexter, kill rooms being set up in a hotel, recycling the same storylines from previous seasons and having Dexter act completely out of character.

What a complete waste of time. Seasons 1 to 4 were brilliant and they should have stopped there when the show peaked with The Trinity Killer that had one of the best season finales ever. How can you mess up an ending not once but twice. This is the stain that will be forever left with the Dexter legacy. I cannot put into words how much this finale has angered me.

Thanks for nothing Showtime!!
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Thanks for Nothing Showtime
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How in the world do you botch the ending twice. All the wrongs from season 8 could have been fixed but they have failed to stick the landing for a second time. How is that even possible.

Character decisions make no sense, Dexter does things that are totally out of character just to have him killed by his son. Harrison is not even a killer. It's like the writers got together with Showtime and said 'let's give the audience the middle finger and give them an ending worse than season 8' At least Season 8 had Dexter faking his death with an open ended continuation.

Clyde Phillips stated that this ending would stick the landing and that it was the best thing he has ever written.

Dexter should have ended with the original idea with Dexter being caught and killed by lethal injection in a season 5 that was different than the one we got. I never thought in a million years this would be this bad. I am absolutely fuming that this was the ending they chose!
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
1 - 5 Brilliant, 6 Awful
24 September 2020
House of Cards is up there for it's first 5 seasons as some of the best tv I have seen. Season 6 however is an absolute disaster. Terrible writing, no dramatic weight, the unpredictability of previous seasons was gone and the absense of it's key star was the show's downfall. If Netflix fired Kevin Spacey for the show then they shoud have recast his character with another actor. This never hurt The Crown where Olivia Coleman is actually better than Claire Foy.

Ignore S6 and watch season 1-5 instead.
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Tenet (2020)
Sci-Fi Bending Brilliance
22 August 2020
Christopher Nolan has done it again. Like Denis Villeneuve and Kubrick, when Christopher Nolan makes a new movie attention needs to be paid. Not since Inception has a film been so brilliantly written. Ignore the negative reviews stating the film is awful. These morons clearly need to stick with crap from Marvel and Disney as they clearly have no intelligence or brain capacity. These morons probably thought Parasite was good! If however you want a film that gets better with every viewing due to its puzzle box script like Donnie Darko or Mulholland Drive then this is one of best films you will see all year.

Only Dune will get anywhere near this, this year!
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Pointless Beyond Season 1
13 July 2020
How this show has continuosly been renewed year after year is one of TV's great mysteries. After 1 great season that ended the mystery of whether Brody had turned terrorist while in captivity kept you guessing until the very last episode. But like Westworld, once the season had ended there was no place for the other seasons to go.

The character of Carrie played terribly by Claire Danes from season 2 onwards is the most annoying female character in the history of TV. As the seasons get worse she becomes more and more unbearable. They should have killed her off in season 3 instead of Brody. From Season 4 onwards the shows creators who also did 24 tried to turn Carrie into Jack Bauer but this is a trick that could only be pulled off once and Claire Danes is no Keither Sutherland. Where 24 grabs you with it's tension and superb action sequences, Homeland just comes off as a rip-off just like 24: Legacy did.

This show also has stupid subplots and season 2 has the most ridiculous story about a hit and run involving Brody's Daughter that goes absolutely nowhere and is completely pointless.

Thankfully they have put this rubbish to bed once and for all!
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Lazy Sci-Fi Series
7 July 2020
Can't understand the following that this has. This show has not got an original idea in it's head. It's like watching The Force Awakens 3 times in a row! The set up of character and story is exactly the same with every season, with annoying characters and stupid sub-plots thrown in for good measure.

Season 1 IS NOT brilliant television which some people will tell you it is. This is not The Wire or The Sopranos. This show isn't in the same Galaxy as those classic TV Shows.

The first season copies everything from The X-Files to Stephen King to nostalgia Spielberg films from the 80's. It also plays on the 'there's a government conspiracy cover up'. Because we haven't seen that before have we.

Season 2 has the same set up about a place called the upside down where a monster comes from so the kids get together (like they did in S1) They have to fight a monster (like they did in S1) Eleven has to defeat the monster (like she did in S1) Season 2 is actually worse because this has a 7th episode that has absolutely nothing to do with the episode prior or after it and can be ignorned completely. They only put this in because Milly Bobbie Brown wasn't getting enought screen time and clearly her agent was upset about this!! If you have seen any of her press conferences with her co-stars she clearly has to be the centre of attention and everything has to be about her!!

Season 3 starts with yet another monster coming over from another dimension and yep you guessed it the gang get back together and Eleven saves the day yet again. At no point during this overlong and tired series do you fell that any of these kids are going to be in danger. Season 3 is by far the worse however as they fell the need to force left wing politics into it's storytelling just like the trash Disney films are doing. There is also a ridiculous subplot between Winona Ryder and David Harbour that fells that is should be in another show. It's just them arguing that fells like an episode out of Eastenders.

Non of these characters have progressed over three seasons. Eleven is as powerful in Season 3 as she was in Season 1. The character arcs are terrible that have no development. They are there to serve a creature feature. The effects are ok but you've seen all this before. The kids are average but nothing special even though they are clearly written as The Goonies.

Season 4 threatens to do the exact same predictable and boring set up with no emotional pay-off. At this stage I am completely uninvested in any of these characters because S4 will follow the same predicable and safe formula.

Hugely overrated!!
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Little Women (2019)
Utter Garbage
8 June 2020
Another year, another terrible Greta Gerwig film. After 2 tv series and 3 films why does Hollywood fell we need another version of this awful and syrupy story about a bunch of women standing around and complaining how they should stand on their own two feet.

Bad acting and badly directed. Greta Gerwig is the most overrated Director ever!! Lady Bird was bad enough but this tripe is even worse. They should have just renamed the film 'The Me Too Movement Club'. Avoid at all costs. How this crap was nominated for best film over A Hidden Life and Ad Astra is a mystery. Oh that's right, because we have to nominate films directed by women because apparantly female directors make great films. Take Note: There has not been a great film directed by a woman since Zero Dark Thirty and that was 8 years ago!!
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