
36 Reviews
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Guilt (2019–2023)
Turned it off after 30 minutes
29 April 2024
In all fairness, I found the first season strangely funny. But, there has been a long time passing between the showing of the first and second season. I don't know what they're talking about and find the accents a bit hard to understand. The reason that I didn't stay around as I usually do with pbs (this is my third time lately of turning my Sunday night pbs line up off) because it's too gruesome. I don't know the plot line, can't understand the conversation all that well, but it's too gruesome. So, I pass. It must have been depressing shooting this thing. Good actors, though. Seventeen characters to go.
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Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
Would not watch this if not for time slot
8 April 2024
I really hate this show. It's against everything that I believe in. It's based on a sexual encounter with a very mentally ill, tortured, nasty, and offensive lady who breaks up a marriage and then goes sweet with an extremely annoying smug look on her face all the way through. I find it offensive. His daughter gets close to her. When the daughter comes to find out why her mother hates him (which is because of his cheating with this lady) she arrogantly turns herself into her ballet teacher. Does the film industry have love confused with borderline personality disorder mixed with narcissism? This woman, Alice, is disgusting. I find her smug face throughout hard to look at. Her "love" for his daughter, when she shows so very clearly that she doesn't know love is, also hard to look at. I hate this show and watch it only because it's in my Sunday night line up.

Episode 5-writer thinks he's got a best seller copying off of the biggest love story of the 70's and doesn't cut it at all. The more I look at this lady the more I gag. The more tricks this writer's using the more obnoxious I find it. He's tried to turn her into a different character than he built. It simply gags me.
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Funny Woman (2023– )
From a rating of 2 to 9
15 January 2024
Changed rating from 2 to 9. I decided to give the show a chance. I actually skipped the third episode but, for lack of anything else to do watched the 4th and 5th., The show is fantastic. It took time to come round to the actress. The jokes weren't funny and she overacts, but you get used to it and it doesn't bother you. It is a brilliant representation of the times-clothing, scenery, music, theme. The plot a great, too. The lead woman's acting is, admittedly, uncomfortable to watch, that's why the rating of 9 but one comes around. I really am enjoying being brought back to the 60s era. I'm American and UK is where it was at. This is a fantastic, brilliant, realistic, depiction of what it probably was like. Very good.
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RFDS (2021– )
Really angry from what I see tonight
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, a doctor who says an addict shouldn't be using, and when he calls out a therapist for kissing same drug addict client, doctor is the bad guy. His other therapist says it's okay for said client to take drugs if he takes them mindfully. Yeah, I'm angry. I'm a recovering person. Incidentally, one of these two therapists stood and watched client take drug as they parted together. In the end, therapist who was with her own client when he took the drug, who kissed him if the one who walked out angry at doctor, taking the high ground. This, while they normalize drags. What a way to ruin a show. It SUCKS. It's Australia-much is behind this kind of programming-it's not by mistake.
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Our House (2022)
Very good
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very good, acting perfect, mystery draws one in. So good, in fact that I was going to give a poorer rating for wife being so passive with her "frenemy" who sleeps with her husband AND being quiet not telling her other friends. That makes me feel so angry. That's how good the show is, though. That I have feelings like this over the actions of a fictional character speaks well of the show, the acting, the writing. Plot draws you in immediately. Both main actors are good, all characters hold up well. The house is gorgeous, by the way. So, setting is perfect. Looking forward to seeing what happens.
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
Leonore Elliot
27 March 2023
If Leonie wants off the show so badly why not do something realistic? Her personality is a 100% turn around. So, it's going to drag on and she's going to leave and not come back. That's just weird. Only yesterday she was happy as a clam and just got married. End her chances of coming back. This is painful. I adore anything British but don't care much for this show. I find it depressing, the physical homes of many are sad and pregnancy is not my thing. I just don't care for it much. The stories are sad and now I'm trying to use up letters. Trixie and her over the top confidence is no fun either.
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Taskmaster: He Was a Different Man (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Love Taskmaster, in spite of...
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Liza Tarbuck was great in Upstart Crow. Didn't like her much here though. I'm not into nasty humor. Never got it. Really enjoyed the others, some I didn't know. I love getting to know new comedians and British surpass ours easily. . I'm American, I don't think that's why I don't care for Liza. She seems brazen or something, just don't care for her. I don't care for Sally Phillips either. She wasn't funny like every other person I've seen so far. She's probably okay on other program but she just seemed somewhat smart and serious. At least Liza had the comedy edge, a comedy I don't care for, but many do. Was Greg told to favor women? Idk.
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Beecham House (2019)
Written after entire season 1
9 January 2023
Lousy show. India is so beautiful, the Indian characters were good. The lead actor takes himself very very seriously but I see no depth. He's supposed to be very important but I can't figure out how he got the part unless it's his typically handsome looks, which don't impress me. He falls in love with someone who is supposed to be beautiful but she's just so evident in her acting. She isn't natural. None of the British acting is. I adore Brits, this is no dislike of the people I just think this series doesn't have the characters to carry a big production show. The setting is beautiful, the Indian work is beautiful, the British acting is a letdown. The plot is typical.
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Annika (2021– )
Love Nicola, but...
14 November 2022
I love Nicola, and would love to have a mother as gentle and understanding as she plays. However, there are things about the mother-daughter-boyfriend-girlfriend relationship that bother me. You could NEVER date a therapist who treated your daughter and this lack of professionalism bothers me a lot. Secondly, does every teen have to be non-hetero now? Does every show have to have this? It has really been overplayed. Third, when I was in high school my parents would have had a fit over the thought of my having sex, certainly not with their blessing. I might be behind on that one, I know. Fourth, I doubt a police chief (or whatever she is) would not put a stop to her daughter texting one of their team, particularly when the teen is troubled. The daughter relationship detracts from the show. I don't dig it.

I'm not bothered by the main character breaking through the fourth wall, but the stories that she tells us are too scholarly. Yeah, I said it. I'm trying to concentrate on who did it. I'm trying to formulate who the characters are and how they fit with each other. These facts or lessons she gives take me of what I want to think about. Maybe if they were simpler I wouldn't mind.

The mysteries are good. It is interesting. You don't get the feel of Scotland. I thought they were in Amsterdam for the first two shows. Actors are good, I find the teenager difficult and she's supposed to be.

Nicola is always great but, tbh, this disappoints me in her.
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Annika: Episode #1.2 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
24 October 2022
Too cute. Copies off of every American detective show I've ever seen. On the team, always the cute young woman who is hip (gets along with her daughter), the female sergeant (yawn), our detective Annika, and the unimportant men. They've taken from Nicole's last detective show the same music and added her talking to the viewer (which is totally unnecessary). That daughter-why? She is only annoying-nothing else. She isn't likable or even understandable. I like Nicola. That's the only thing I like. But, I like her in anything. It says I have to make this longer.35 more characters to go, 9,8,7,6,5,4.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
23 October 2022
Plot line is superb, keeps me on my toes. Setting is perfect. Characters are believable. All is good. Will eagerly be watching. It's exciting seeing the cast that they have assembled, each one, especially Lesley and very interesting seeing some of them playing two roles. Look forward to seeing further episodes.

Came back to edit my original comment. I had criticized the show for trying too hard to make Lesley, Susan Ryeland, hip. I take it back. They've done a great job. She's the successful 60-some year old I wish I were. There's nothing stopping any of us from living our best lives at any age. Everything about this show is superb-everything. Such a fan of Lesley's and am inspired.
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Hotel Portofino (2022– )
17 July 2022
Absolutely am not enjoying this. No enjoyment for the characters, just everyone has a knife out with their own angle. I don't like the characters and I don't like most of the actors. Am endeared to no one except the doctor, perhaps, he may have an interesting story. Not sure. I like stories where, if there's corruption, there's hope. Here, every single person (well, not EVERY) is out playing it for him/herself. I'm attracted to no good guys, it just all seems sinister. Sad that Sunday nights are my PBS night and I'm left with this. I don't even like the hairdo of the female hotel owner and that ridiculous thing she puts on her head. The character creates no good feeling in me. One big YUK. I have noticed that often, the director who chooses actors has a certain taste. Usually, I like the group that s/he creates. This group, I feel zero liking for.
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Sanditon (2019–2023)
I am forced to watch. I don't miss pbs Sunday night line up, otherwise would avoid this show entirely
24 April 2022
There are some good things about this show, but there are some things I wonder about.

How did this actress get the part of Charlotte? It escapes me. As we see the dominant, handsome, romantic men in the story fall all over her, I just do not get it. The only thing, really, that she does is state how strong she is in character. But, I'm not drawn to her at all. I bothered by the actress or the character? I'm not sure. I would think that her part would really draw me. It doesn't. She's just not likable. Angry, the first season, now happy. I get confused when shows like this apply today's hard win racial freedom to time long ago. If we fought so hard in the 60s for basic rights, would Georgina really have had the positive attention she gets? I'm American, maybe British were far far ahead of us. SMH

I wish I could remember names. The parts of Lord Babbington's wife, the one who wants a child, the part of the half brother, the part of the town's creator, the mysterious lord of the manor for which she's obviously going to fall in love-all of these are played so well, these people have played parts in other productions and are so impressive. They are very good, they are BBC quality. And then, there's the wonderful Anne Reid who would have to work on not being brilliant. Well, actually, with exception to the two whom I first mentioned, it is an excellent cast.

We know where it's all going. The "wonderful, perfect " Charlotte and the brooding lord of the manor will fall in love. (Eyeroll.) I am worried about Lord(?) Babington's wife (can't remember her name.) At the moment she is being poisoned.

Yes, it's a good production. A different actress would have changed my opinion, I think. In the first season, I found her obnoxious. She curbed that brilliantly. I think she could play the parts of average women who accomplish big things or women with issues well. I just don't see her as being the female who walks in and attracts people just by being there.

Later... Oh please, Georgiana is now happy and joyous. A total reversal from a miserable, nasty personality?
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
It lost me
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went around telling everyone they needed to watch Ted Lasso. I was obsessed with it. I'm going on memory, writing this months after the last episode. Why did he have to ruin it? Why does the club manager have to be naked in front of her, mother with a guy, as if it's nothing. It's the attitude, not the event. Why does Keeley have to become absolutely and totally obnoxious? I adore the players, every single one of them. Danny really needs some air time, he is awesome. The player that the club owner is obviously going to settle with is adorable. Ted is great. I am going on memory, but some of the characters had to have Hollywood instilled into them and it really turned me off. It's too bad because it has some absolutely fantastic things about it. At any rate, I canceled my Apple. It isn't worth it.
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14 January 2022
Disgusting, vile murderers. We can grow things to take the place of meat, India has shown us that. Thank you for your extremely hard work in giving us vegtables. We need you for survival. Stop with the animal killing.
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The Last Pig (2017)
14 January 2022
I wrote the following comment, but this first paragraph is after having slept on it. This was a big disappointment. They missed out on how special pigs are. The personality of a pig is delightful, hysterical, heartbreaking, heartwarming. They are big puppies. This film missed out. I rated it 8, but an changing it to 2.

I looked forward to it for a week, and appreciate greatly the groups that funded it but felt more compassion and feeling in the last segment with the sanctuary than in any other part. His final comment did show that he has regrets and would like to bring one back, but we missed out on feelings. I worked at a farm sanctuary. Every animal had personality and a story. The few pigs were so wonderful. One was in love, it seemed, with a partner whom she was so jealous of that they had to be separated from another female. Her partner died and she grieved horrendously. They had temper tantrums, LOVED being massaged. We missed out on these stories. He seemed detached and to say he has wondered if he did the right thing when I was crying at the slaughterhouse scenes. How can you have a realization that they are special yet do that. I thank him for letting us see this, he probably has received criticism for making his decision and speaking out. He is a male, perhaps I'm expecting reaction like my female self. Very very brave of him to do this. Very brave. I thank him and congratulate him. He actually was brave enough to take us through his process of awakening. Pigs do everything we love dogs for. They all do...turkeys, ducks...all of them. Thank you, sir. I pray your vegetable farm goes well.
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The Visual Bible: Acts (1994 Video)
Not a good depiction of Paul
12 December 2021
It's an old film, I'm watching it in 2021, maybe that's why I find it so poor. Luke has an audience on the boat who smile knowingly, lovingly, fondly at strange times. And the end, especially, seems arrogant. I hope not to think of Paul, in the future, in the memory of this Paul. I am appreciative of this effort, I love being able to follow the Bible, to have it enacted. But, the story is beautiful. It could have been done with better acting.
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Way to Ruin Bond!
12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really? He's married? Really? He has a daughter? Well, we know who the next James Bond is, Mathilde Bond, daughter, of course. This destroys the entire Bond history. The wife, the daughter? They did not compel me to like them AT ALL. Show destroyed. What the heck were they doing with a black, female ineffectual 007, what was that about? And then cancel it? What?!?
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My first rating of ONE
27 September 2021
I didn't know if that little actress annoyed me because of my mood or if it was her. I hate smirks and I dislike it even more when they're planted on a character's face and don't leave. This was not interesting, nothing about it. I didn't like the setting, I didn't like the characters, I didn't like the unfolding of the plot. I DID like the dog. The dog was beautiful. Oh...kind of weird for that time period for a woman to sleep with a guy right off and not suffer a reputation or judgment by the man- just something I noticed.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Emperor wore no clothes
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to say it. I have NEVER met an autistic person who talked or acted anything like this character. The only thing this actor has accomplished is creating a strange persona. In no way does he act like an autistic person. That girlfriend/fiancée should be on the list of top ranking annoying fictional characters ever to be presented in media. She is nothing but annoying. Now, why would a character marry a man who is as strange (not autistic in any way) but as strange as this guy? This show reeks...REEKS. Someone tell him that he isn't doing autistic, he's just doing strange, PLEASE. I stopped when they got all Covid. I will not get political messages in fictional presentations, you will not force it down my throat. Is this another Shonda Rhimes creation? Her stuff reeks, too. Once you catch onto her pattern you can't unseen it, they're all alike and not enjoyable. Rhimes creations need to be stopped in their second seasons. This show needs to be stopped, It sucks. Any actor who jumps off of the show does so to his credit.
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Professor T (2021– )
9 August 2021
Lisa Donkers handles letting a guy down by sending in a strange woman? How absolutely arrogant, thoughtless, lazy and cowardly. That's disgusting. They're trying so hard to make her the modern feminist they're taking her humaneness away. I don't like her. How ridiculous that because she's under stress ( for the plot tonight) she suddenly has an antagonistic attitude towards the professor. They were copying other characters seen on other tv shows but the character do isn't fit with her history. It was ridiculous. I don't like her. Just be a woman doing your job, you don't have to prove anything or make the statement that you're a big brave girl. Just do it. Been Miller is fantastic, such a pleasure to watch, his mother is played by a great actress, plots are good, other characters are good, developing well.
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Ted Lasso: Lavender (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Brilliant, Superb show, just not my favorite episodes.
31 July 2021
I've told everybody and their brother about this show since finding it two weeks ago and binge watching. Why was I let down today? Maybe I made too much of it. I'm tired of Keeley. I know that the uneducated are the wise ones sometimes, but I'm tired of her. I adore every single character. It has always been packed with inferences and jokes that you have to catch quickly. I have to replay because I have a hard time understanding what is said sometimes. I love that it throws in fast jokes. Every single character is top-notch brilliant. I hope they take Danny Rojas and build him, he's another that seems packed with potential. I mean, you've got so many outstanding characters. I don't care for jokes about Free Mason stuff or the Meghan Markle a few back. Please no politics, please. I'm afraid I made this much bigger then it is since finding it. It is a brilliant show.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Going down hill...
28 July 2021
I told everyone I knew to watch season one. I adored Ted. I loved every character, thought it was magic. Now? I can't stand (I'm terrible at fictional names) team owner lady and Keeley and Sassy drive me nuts. Keeley tries very hard to shock with her profanity and saying sexual things. Team owner loves Kelley's irreverence too much. Sassy drives me as nuts as Keeley does. I'm a woman, I'm not impressed by brash in-your- face stuff. Sorry if I sound old fashioned but the three of them bother me. Naked guy standing in front of your mother and not, sorry. Ted's character is developing. I like the psychiatrist, she plays the part well. The players are all excellent. I wish Kelley's boyfriend, Brent(?) would dump her, he's too sensitive and good of a guy for her. I pray Ted doesn't end up with Sassy, I'll quit watching. Player characters are developing, Jamie is becoming a decent guy. Please please please develop Dani Rojas(?) I never get his name right. He is so good and cute. Sam is too sweet and pure for this lady who is turning me off more with each show. It's funny how they've make such good male characters but the female are awful. Are they the dream of what males want? I don't like them, seri bringing down the show. I want the sweet Sam back...
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
I don't generally give good reviews, but
3 January 2021
It isn't fair that men get better with age. Seriously, Rob Lowe is excellent in this. He is low key, but holds the lead excellently. All players in this show are good as are the plots. It is a very good show.
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Over the Top Angela Bassett
3 January 2021
Good show, good plot line, good episodic plots, good actors, good characters, but Angela Bassett.🙄🙄🙄 Please!! Does she really have to be little miss perfect? Brings down the show. Let her be human, it's tiresome this way. And that fake humility. Come on!
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