
35 Reviews
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Call My Agent! (2015–2020)
Refrehing French Series.
17 April 2024
The European TV and film industry is really outrunning its American counterpart.

This is a refreshing French comedy series about the inner wokings of actor -agency relationships. Although the story lines are not particularly ground breaking the French 'scene' and guest appearances of some of France's most well known actors playing themselves is an interesting take.

Laure Calamy stands out and justly sees her role expanding in the series as the quirky assistant. Thibault de Montalembert manages to get you to dislike, pity and be attracted to him all at the same time. Philippine Leroy Bealieu although a delight to see as always has a similar role to her role in Emily In Paris.
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Thin Ice (2020– )
Truly Excellent Amazing Cinematography Very Underrated
18 February 2024
The setting of the film alone is enough to keep you glued to the screen. The arctic landscape is breath-taking. A political thriller very much up to date with world current affairs.

The Swedes really know what they're doing when it comes to mysteries and suspense. The very real threat of the melting of the Arctic is at the centre of the series and for those still unaware of this issue an eye-opener.

Episodes average 44 minutes so you're kept at the edge of your seat the whole time. There are quite a few plot twists which will keep even the most experienced viewers of the thriller genre on their toes.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
2 May 2023
Current take on global affairs looking at the intrigue in diplomacy. Along the lines of Madam Secretary but this series looks at diplomacy not only from a US point of view.

.Kate Wyler is very convincing. Rufus Sewell plays the American here so I for one miss his British accent.

Settings in the lavish estate in Britain add to the ambience of the series and testify to 'the hard life' that politicians and diplomats must endure.

After many series giving us a back door view into politics it is unfathomable how the political scene remains the same as it has been for the last sixty years. Can't wait for season 2.
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1899 (2022)
Much Ado About Nothing?
26 November 2022
The question in the title is given because as a statement it would be too harsh. After watching the first couple of episodes I hoped that there would be a point to the suspense. There wasn't. Suspense builds up to a certain point once you get passed that it flatlines.

By the 6th episode I had begun to suspect the ending. To characterise the series would be to reveal the ending. The actors are apt in their roles but for anyone who has played the 1990s computer game "Titanic" it seemed familiar.

Given the success of the series I suspect there will be a second series which may prove more promising !
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Surface (2022– )
Keeps you hanging.
19 August 2022
No doubt that this was a good story and the first episodes keep you interested. Unfortunately it appears as if the writers worried about a predictable ending and didn't know what to do for a finale.

The final episode makes no sense and leaves a lot of loose ends. So it leaves you with a sense of having watched to go to a dead end.
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Elvis (2022)
Elvis without Elvis
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Austin Butler really puts on a brilliant performance and it's obvious that he studied Elvis extensively. If you shut your eyes you can hear Elvis. Unfortunately he looks nothing like Elvis. If you can get past this, and if you're a real Elvis fan it's almost impossible to do, the film has a lot to say.

The real Pricilla Presley sang Olivia De Jonge's praises as having portrayed her with such emotion and although she should know better I am not convinced. Again the actress does not resemble the real person at all. Hair and make up in the movie are a failure with the exception of Tom Hanks.

Pricilla Presley has given many interviews revealing her first encounter with the King saying what an innocent she was at 14. She has claimed that Elvis was attracted to shy girls and especially virgins .The movie shows Pricilla at 14 in Berlin as quite opinionated and forthcoming.

The success of the movie is that it gives an idea about how Elvis was influenced from Gospel and early African American music but although it is long is it is missing many pieces such as Elvis relationship with Anne Margaret and the details of his relationship with Pricilla. Probably because these are known, but for the film to really work it was necessary to see more about this.

The footage of Elvis' last performance of Unchained Melody is horrific. Having never seen it before I was shocked. It is unbelievable how unnaturally obese and bloated he had become and. What is more shocking is why no one was able to prevent this slow deterioration.

One thing is a fact. 44 years after his death he remains the one and only.
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The Lost City (2022)
If you have NOTHING TO watch!
4 July 2022
How lucky these actors are as they get paid millions to act in total senseless rubbish. Basically it's a tacky Indiana Jones parody but you can spend the time commenting on how great Sandra Bullock looks.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
Same old silly Mr. Bean.
25 June 2022
Nothing new. This new tiny series made up of 9 episodes lasting 12 minutes seems to be an after thought to Mr Bean The movie. More interest is generated by the smart house than the actual attempt by Rowan Atkinson to recreate humour based of the gaffes of Mr. Bean.
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
Too crude.
4 June 2022
I first came across Ricky Gervais watching his series After Life which I found very original and humane. To quote him "I did not find most of this funny."

If you find other people's pain funny you will laugh, I don't.
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Wonderful! Far far more superior than the first movie.
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story line of the sequel is clever and so much more interesting than the first movie which plot wise really had nothing to say. Once again Dame Maggie Smiths' lines are hilarious. Just seeing her expression leaves me with a permanent smile on my face.

Hugh Bonneville is noticeably much thinner but his make up is off. He seems to have an artificial tan as if he's just been sprayed on a Californian beach.

The ending left me thinking that this is the best and most dignified way for someone to go, in their own bed, surrounded by loved ones.

I will miss this series greatly!
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Julia (2022–2023)
Warm and funny
10 April 2022
Having seen the movie with Meryl Streep I started to watch half heartedly thinking what more was there to say about Julia Child? But I am a great fan of Sarah Lancashire and have enjoyed many of her performances.

The series really is wonderful if you are a fan of the 1960s. It is very encouraging to watch a woman of the time who through her good nature, perseverance and humour succeeded in a male chauvinist society.

David Hyde Pierce is also a great choice as her husband as they appear much like the real Julia and Paul Child. I also greatly admire Bebe Neuwirth . Despite today's abundance of cook books and chefs the show still makes you want to go out and buy Julia Child's cookbook.
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Slow Pace but mirrors the reality.
6 March 2022
Very interesting true story about the exploration of Greenland in the early 20th century that confirmed the US had no claim to the area.

The movie is very slow going but this probably reflects the truth about what the real Ejnar Mikkelsen and Iver Iversen endured. It is worth watching for the end.
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Why the accent?
27 February 2022
A lot of hype surrounded this movie concerning Lady Gaga's diligence in getting the accent just right. While her performance meets expectations after her unexpectedly great portrayal in A star is born I do not see the point for the accent. Throughout the movie knowing that these people are Italian and would have spoken in Italian and not in English with an Italian accent it was all a little surreal.

As a movie it holds very little interest if any. Much too long at over 2 and a half hours to no purpose at all. It touches on the relationship of Maurizio and Patrizia on too superficial a level Unfortunately Al Pacino is a caricature of an Italian mobster. Jeremy Irons is more persuasive a role as Maurizio Gucci's father.
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12 February 2022
This series is a must watch for an insight into the US and American foreign policy in the first decade of the 21st century. It provides further knowledge for those who have kept up with foreign affairs during that time and is an eyeopener for those who haven't.
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Women in Love (2011)
DH Lawrence felt throughout the film
8 January 2022
The vote of 10 stars is given having read and studied the author. The feeling of limbo and not belonging in a time when Britain especially would be changed by the First World War is conveyed well. The futility felt by the few men who returned from the front.

The cast are superb in their roles!
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Patience does not reward you in the end.
1 January 2022
Had it not been for the title and a personal interest in Greece and the island of Spetses I would not have finished viewing the film. From the start you have in feeling that it is a film that will never climax and you keeping hoping that the story will go somewhere but it doesn't.
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Two Nazi Fathers Seen through the eyes of their sons.
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary following on Philippe Sands book. East West Street. I read the book first which I found extremely interesting and saw the documentary afterwards.

Philippe Sands an international lawyer meets with the sons of one of the two highest ranking Nazi Officer Hans Frank and Otto Wächter. Their perspective is completely different from one another regarding the crimes their fathers committed. As they revisit Poland it is fascinating to see how all three react to the murder ground of their father in front of Sands whose entire family was wiped out during the war as they were Jews.
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Shetland (2013– )
One of the best crime series you will see.
30 June 2021
I had never heard of Shetland before this and was unaware that it is a group of islands in Scotland. The trailer appealed to me because of the unique atmosphere which prevails on the islands and permeates to the series.

Although I love a good mystery I am not a fan of blood and gore so this series is made for crime intrigue without the use of unnecessary violence. The role of D. I Jimmy Perez very well portrayed by Douglas Henshall who seems 'normal' if you can forgive the expression in contrast to other series cops who are always so macho and prone to explosion.

Very good mostly Scottish cast which is one of the factors that make this series unique. Also every season so far, and I have seen 5, is better than the previous one. You may struggle with the Scottish accents at times but it adds to the overall Shetland atmosphere.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
A Dystopia Not That Far Fetched
6 June 2021
My idea of watching movies is The Sound of Music and Marry Poppins. This I say as I refuse to watch horror movies and films which show violence. The exception being historical accounts. It took me several days to get through an episode of Season 1 as I couldn't stomach the the violence and horror. At the end of Season 1 I was in such shock that I thought of writing to ask the producers of this show "Is it really necessary to show so much horror?": I

I still have not answered this question. However what is so potent about this series is that what we as viewers perceive to be an unthinkable Dystopia is actually a reality for many women living in countries where they are not considered human or are in relationships of abuse. Every time we see this series we should think about the human trafficking that goes on in the world and try to do everything we can to ensure that this remains fiction and not fact.
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Barely watchable!
6 June 2021
I only bothered to watch the movie from a historic interest and because of Al Pacino. Meadow Williams is for the most part unconvincing in the part while Pacino acts as if a gun was held to his head to play the role. (Pun intended.) The story is an interesting one and has a lot to say about individual accountability in a time of war and freedom of speech, and a remake with a better script and actors better suited to the parts could even make this Academy Award material.
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Irresistible (I) (2020)
Must watch in election year
1 July 2020
The concept is brilliant and although the movie is slow throughout it really is worth watching just for the ending. 2020 being election year for the US, all Americans should view this movie.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Better than expected.
29 February 2020
Helen Mirren and Ian Mckellen are favourites of mine but the script far surpassed my expectations. More publicity should have been created about his film as it doen have unexpected twists and turns.
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True Story well told with brillliant acting.
19 January 2020
The Dreyfuss affair brilliantly told. For those interested in history this movie holds your attention throughout. The suspense builds appropriately through the portrayls and even if you know the story your interest does not wane at any point

Jean Dujardin is amazing, Grégory Gadebois brilliant and Louis Garrel bears an uncanny resemblance to the real Dreyfuss.

This movie should have oscar nominations and wins. A movie as it should be with real acting, direction and cinematography.
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The Two Popes (2019)
Good movie but basically PR for the last two Popes and Catholicism
1 January 2020
It is a movie worth watching as both protagonists are excellent in their roles. However I cannot help but think that the film goes out of its way to 'humanise' the last two popes and excuse the horrors that priests have commited throughout history.
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Historically Inaccurate
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When Catherine the Great came to the throne she was in her early thirties which is when the series begins. However in the series she is portrayed as being an older woman in her sixties. Helen Mirren is an very good actress but she should have been cast as the older Catherine later in the series.

It is historically inaccurate to show Catherine with the Orlovs and Potemkin at such an age. How will they explain that she had a child with Potemkin?
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