
54 Reviews
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Star Trek: Picard (2020– )
turned off after 5 mins of season 2 episode 4
24 March 2022
So, season one was bad, but watchable, then season 2 came and it mega woke right away, i gave it a chance, since after watching and loving peacemaker, which was also a bit woke, but also was a very good show.

So as i said i gave picard season 2 a chance, now the normal bad stuff, like lazy writing, people dragging picard around because hes to old now, i can deal with that stuff, the the mega woke political correctness started which again, ive seen it before since this left wing ideology has infected almost everything, i can take a bit of climate change, a bit of 'facism bad', a bit of anti authority/police stuff, but in season 4 they directly attack ICE and call them assholes etc, i was genuinly quite shocked at it, they could of made up a diffrent name, and have a dig in a subtle way, but they chose to use the real world name, i dont care what your polictics are, these are law enforcment officers who are doing a job to protect and serve the country. This wokeness is destroying all our beloved entertainment franchises, get bent.
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i really enjoyed it
6 March 2022
Very fun film, i was very sceptical as usual with these chinese films with no other reviews, but my risk paid off!

The film basically follows a father and daughter + some military guys on a journey to complete their mission.

As we all know chinese cgi can sometimes be a bit ropey, that is somewhat true here but its more than serviceable, however some of it is really good and the scenery of the overgrown/postapocalyptic city is the star of the show, i was truley amazed at the visuals.

The plant/monster things were very cool.

The story and how things develop is very cliche and very hollywood which for me isnt a bad thing, why fix what isnt broke right.

Overal a solid action sci/fi post apocalypse film.
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24 February 2022
After really loving sputnik, i was super excited for this film.

The effects were good

But my god the acting and dialogue was so bad, i was actually quite suprised by it, there is better delivery in asylum films

They decided to have russian actors but speak in english and i think this was a huge problem, im not even sure they are the real voices, their lips move and look like they should speak english, but i think they are voiced over still, i could be wrong, but there is something off with their voices.

And sadly you only see the cool monster for like 3-4 secs in the whole film

This is just for hardcore fans of sci fi/horror, there is not much about these days so i will still take it but normies should look elsewere for a film.
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The Wasteland (2021)
as a creature film lover
7 January 2022
This was bad, just so slow, and what happens is just nonsensical

The mum is just shooting with a shotgun wildly (which as we all know have short ranges) from what seems like 100's of yards away, then a few scenes later, moans that shes only got 2 bullets left while the dumb kid runs around openeing all windows when something is running around the house

this is much more some kind of a artfilm with some deep message on something, but i dont care about that, so them types of people might like it,

but i just want to see monsters or aliens eating and killing ppl then some hero kicking its ass, and this film is not that.
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Goblin Slayer (2018–2023)
30 December 2021
As someone quite new to anime, but a life long fan of fantasy books, games, films, d&d, this absolutley blew me away with how good it was, i didnt expect to like it this much, its a mix of d&d, dark souls in the anime style.

It mixed comedy, brutal violence and emotion so well, while telling quite a simple story. One second im laughing, then next scene almost a tear in my eye

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Don't Look Up (2021)
as i suspected, woke garbage
29 December 2021
More political messaging, to beat home the climate change/questioning science/trump is bad narrative

It did have to odd funny moment

ofc its got all your typical far left liberal hollywood types in it, constant and obvious digs at trump and conservatives

its smug and woke.
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loved it
26 December 2021
I really loved this sci fi horror mystery

Great acting, great cast

story is out of a cheesy 80's b-movie (which i also love), but its done really well with a good budget.
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The matrix, copy/pasta
23 December 2021
This film was not for me, it is a sequel but I didnt like how much they reused old ideas and story elements, and made reusing stuff as part of the story, it got a bit better when they get out to the 'real world', some cool machine city imagery, but apart from that, it was so bland, new Morpheus actor was good but he felt like a pointless character, new agent Smith was a joke, absolutely no replacement for Hugo, a bit woke in some areas, very disappointed.
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Alpha Rift (2021)
it was ok
30 November 2021
It was pretty cheesy and some corny dialogue, the main char was a bit annoying, but it was kind of fun, didnt take itself to seriously, very cliche story thats been told tons of times, i would say its worth a watch, has got some funny moments, and always nice to see lance henriksen, he actually is in the film the whole way through and wasnt just bought in for 1 scene for advertising, then killed of lol.
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Black Friday (III) (2021)
Great fun!
22 November 2021
Super fun comedy/horror film, it just gave me exactly what i wanted out of a film like this, great cast, great acting, great effects was great to see bruce aswell.

Loved it.
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Thousand Fangs (2021– )
worth a watch
12 November 2021
Overall its worth a watch, but i have mixed fellings about this show, sometimes it borders on brilliance, other times its so confusing and almost surreal.

Its got great actors and acting, great location/scenery, some great moments of impending dread and some great action.

The pacing and story are a bit wierd tho, it showed some stuff i just didnt understand why it was there.

It also suffers from the characters making some really dumb tactiacal descisions.

The ending was very unsatisfying, it leaves you guessing alot, which some may like, i would of liked atleast some explanation on some stuff.

Defiantly deserves a watch if you like isolated location/ horror type stuff.
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Finch (2021)
eh was ok i guess
6 November 2021
It look nice, some nice post apocalyptic visuals, tom hanks acted like tom hanks, he was fine

robot jeff was abit annoying, but they had some nice moments

but for me, it was boooooring

id rather bad acting and bad effects but actually have a fun and or entertaining film

not much happens atall.
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Old Henry (2021)
Excellent film
30 October 2021
This film is not just a great western, its a great film in general, a small, simple story, but expertly told and paced, excellent acting, very much worth your time.
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was decent
25 October 2021
Quite enjoyed this underwater horror, a unusual spin on the haunted house thing

i think i liked it more because of the gimmick of it being underwater, well worth a watch.
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Night Teeth (2021)
pretty darn good
21 October 2021
Fun lil vampire film, its not going to break any boundries, but i had a fun time with it, good cast and acting,

shame though that alexander ludwig and megan fox were criminially underused, especially ludwig, he was awesome.
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Cyst (2020)
great fun!
5 October 2021
Oh man what a great little film, defiantly hits the nostalgia buttons

is genunily funny, the practical effects are good, the actors are good,

if you love cheesy 80's/90's horror comedys this is well worth a watch.
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Heatstroke (2008)
4 October 2021
I enjoyed it, its a good 'bad' film

hot babes, terrible cgi.
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3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Defiantly worth a watch if your into horror/thrillers

Not going to break much new ground

However, its got something really cool for fans of creatures at the end.
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Hunters (III) (2021)
its not that bad
18 September 2021
I quite enjoyed it, reminded me a bit of stalker (the game)

was a bit dull in some places

I really liked the 1st person mode action scenes.

It also reminded of a film called headhunter, quite a low stakes, contained story of a guy survivng.
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Royal Jelly (2021)
18 September 2021
I thought it was going to be some kind of fly type body horror sci fi film, but it wasnt.

Very weird choices, it starts out as a nerdy girl bullied at school kind of thing with a few diffrent characters like parents and bullys etc,

then all of a sudden they all dissapear and you never see them again and the rest of the film is in 1 location

you see some effects and 'transformation' (kind of) in the last 2 mins of the film, quite dissapointing.

Would of been alot better if she turned alot earlier then went back to get revenge on the bullys or something.
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Midsommar (2019)
lots of buildup, not much payoff
18 September 2021
Acting and scenery were great, but it was just too predictable, if you never seen a horror movie before then it might of been good for some twists, but the 'shocks' and 'twists' come and your like, ah yes, ive been expecting you.

After the first incident, i was just wondering, why the hell dont they just leave.

A bit dissapointing, but worth a 1 time watch.
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Old (2021)
it was ok i guess...
17 September 2021
The idea was good, it had a good start, then just fizzeled out by the mid point and there was almost no progression of the story/mystery until the end.

And yea as other reviews say, some silly and dumb things, which i dont mind to much, thats almost a staple in films now.

Some parts were unintentionaly quite funny aswell.
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good enough
16 September 2021
Its a fun little film, the 'gimmick'of the film, chompy is a great idea, then it kind of fizzles a bit, but i had a fun time with it, kind of horror/comedy but quite light on both aspects, acting was great!
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to wierd for me
16 September 2021
I like nic cage and most of the films hes done in recent years, but this film was just to wierd for me, its like it was trying so hard to be unique and different, it was to surreal, and i just couldnt make sense of it.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
good fun film!
12 September 2021
Well worth a watch, 1 minute its creepy, then i was laughing my butt off at how ridiculous some parts are (in a good way tho)

i was highly entertained.
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