
7 Reviews
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19 March 2009
It is like the Mahler 9 of films. A masterpiece, bottomless in it's preferences and filled with great acting like no other movie. But best of all, like in all the greatest work of art- it really is very simple. The performance of Ewa Frôling is so captivating, so beliaveble.

In my opinion, one of the very greatest character studies in film. Ever:

Alan Edwall, Known to us young(er) scandinavians as a rather cartoon-cut character from kids TV.. Such an intense portrayal of the vulnerable artist facing the realities of the world outside. Just wishing the real world would reflect his little world of theatre. Any artist will recognize this, and the movie gains painful relevance in Scandinavias current political climate.

It goes beyond words, just see it-again and again.
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Marple: Sleeping Murder (2006)
Season 2, Episode 1
I like it, and i have read the book..
13 July 2008
Here's a thought. In filmed adaption of crime novels, more often than not-the plot is changed. Often radically. Does it spoil the story ? If you expect the film to be like a book summary, yes. But an adaption is a film, a totally different medium, BASED on the book. Now does this justify the changes made to Dame Agathas novel ? Does it make the story more suitable for film ?That is for anyone to comment, but please. Do not slaughter the movie for not being accurate to every novel detail. In my humble opinion, the changes does make the story more interesting. I love Agatha Christies books, but I always found her Poirot-stories more suitable for film adaption. At least if one wants the adaption to be faithful to the novel. I agree with most commentators here, the Hickson Marple is far more accurate with the novels in mind. But the changed Marple like this one is more colorful, more vivid and hence more entertaining. The acting is excellent, the filming is stunning and the mystery is certainly adequate. There are little holes in the plot, but there is nothing new in that. All in all, well done- and a brave adaption to put some freshness into the sometimes-please forgive me all you faithful-slightly boring Marplestories.
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stunning judy parfitt
27 November 2005
This King novel is so different from his other work (uptil then). Adapting it for screen was interesting, as the novel is told with Dolores voice.

How successful it did turn out ! Fully justice to the novel, and beautifully setting the right feel for the story. Still, the real credit is due to the cast. We know Bates is good, and she is very good here. But for me, Judy Parfitt is simply sensational as Vera Donovan. Her performance is acting of the highest class, and her not getting an academy award for it::Well, says what you need to know about the awards.. Also David Strathairn gives a great performance, and Chris Plummer is a good choice as the intense detective. I can not say that Jennifer Lason-Leigh is bad as Selena. She is not. But her interpretation gets to stereotypical in my opinion. In her defense, she is up against the very best.

A great movie, a good story and superb acting.
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beautifully composed masterpiece
30 August 2005
This is as good as it gets, a true piece of art. It is composed so that not one part could be left out, and it is deeply tragic and absorbing. The story is so much about the cultural gaps that really is the key to a major part of the worlds issues today. Wonderful acting all around-and in particular Ben Kingsley. Maybe THE great actor of modern time, and an Oscar performance if there ever was one. Observe the racist police officer, blinded by his own locked-up codes of justice. There lies the human tragedy in the film that is less visible than that of the other characters. An inspirational and intelligent work of art. As another commenter so correctly put it: This is a film, not a movie. 10 out of 10 indeed.
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Cold Case (2003–2010)
best TV show for years
14 August 2005
This is brilliant ! In a time where "best shows"are simply physically exhausting to watch-this is a revelation. Each episode leaves you in deep thought-and you get insight in the feelings of both victim and criminal. And indeed others involved. Some wonderful touches, like "then and now" footage adds to the brilliance. I am still young myself (well, ok...31..) but I dislike the mtv-style of filming in many American series. Cold case gives you an opportunity to think for yourself, unlike an other popular show- where a hero with one facial expression saves the world from the bad guys over and over again. I will not name this show-seems I am the only one hating it:) But-cold case-yes, bravo. More of this please !
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Maelstrom (1985)
brilliant thriller, chilling mood. BBC: DVD please !
5 July 2005
I watched this on TV back in 85, and later on when they did a re-run in the early nineties. I can safely say, no other thriller has made such an impact on me. The matters that are dealt with seems at first to be super-natural, but moves towards a scary insight of the disturbed human mind. The house on the island, the dolls and the woman in white standing at the balcony has burnt itself on my mind. However, the most chilling memory from the series is a very small but important moment in the first episode. The first appearance of Freya Jordahl on the coastal steamer. Creepy indeed. As a Norwegian, I do get annoyed by the moments of "visit-norway" footage, and Tusse Sliberg is at best stiff as Catherine Durell. But the basic mood of the series is so disturbing that it crawls under your skin. It is a thriller so intense you will never forget it, and with very little visual horror. What you don't see is the frightening part.. Special mentioning to the performances of Ann Todd and Susan Gilmore. Brilliant ! And there is of course Edita Brychta. Certainly among the most beautiful actresses ever, really ! ! BBC- we need this on DVD, please, please !!!
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light-hearted mystery with that British edge !
5 July 2005
My recent discovery of the old Rutherford-Marple films has been sort of a revelation to me. Joan Hickson (who interestingly appears in this film) does a more accurate Marple if you read the novels, but I feel Rutherfords interpretation gives the part the edge needed for the screen. Light hearted and managing to combine some dry British humor with suspense. Sort of a forgotten art nowadays. So far I have seen three Rutherford Marple-films, this one, murder a the gallop and murder ahoy. I do rate Murder she said as the best, it seems slightly more inspired than the others, though they are all enjoyable. There are of course a few complaints. Mrs. Rutherfords husband is obviously included in the film for no other reason than being her husband. The character of young Alexander is simply annoying, and the ending is a bit of a disappointment. Still, do see this movie if you enjoy the typical British dry wit, and watch out for the stunning appearance of James Robertson Justice !
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