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Documentary built on a faulty premise based on the pieties of a certain political class.
1 February 2024
I watched this to see if they had anything new to say about the subject, my skepticism wasn't disappointed. The idea that books are banned is a modern progressive piety when the boomer "banned books" reading list is required syllabus reading, and even that has under their influenced waned to the point where it is more likely a kid has read Harry Potter than 1984, never mind anything harder like Solzhenitsyn.

The books in the documentary are all found in big box stores, "my 2 gay penguin dads", they are so not banned they are corporate approved, we are long past the point where Tipper Gore was putting warnings on rap music in Walmarts. It boils down to this, they are not afraid that children won't be exposed to the distilled thoughts of great thinkers through the ages, they are afraid they won't be exposed to what is little more than dumbed down coomer self affirmation ideology, selfie culture grade affirmation literature of crass self obsession and nothing higher.

None of this is about teaching kids how to think, but its the idea of the kid who reads, the kid who repeats the correct opinions for the pleasure of their librarians or teachers.

It was too much to hope this would have some critical examination, at 26 minutes it just flips from quote to quote from their book selection like a chain of tiktoks no depth at all, a low bar for agitprop in 2023.
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Arbitrary magic of no consequence.
13 September 2022
As the magic in the marvel world compounds the arbitrary power levels become a never ending Deus ex machina, the rules of power merely plot convenience, and the result is a cartoon.

Add the fact of the main character being unmanned at every level and the goatee should have been replaced with a Jack Murphy beard.

The TV show tie in character again, just bland charisma free insert attempt to add freshness in the most predictable way possible.

There have been too many dimensions and too many thin motivations to save the world.

These new films just prove one can have all the CG in the world, but none of it matters if the story doesn't make you care. In fact the action is now boring, characters waving their hands around as things happen, the mandatory set piece has become a monotonous chore.
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Leave your brain at the door, it is what it says, a Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
16 March 2022
Like many horror movies this isn't complicated, you have characters you aren't meant to like, and they are killed off one by one in entertaining ways. Not sure what people are upset about, it is a monster with a chainsaw, an Ed Gein Leather face character that can't be reasoned with and doesn't stop coming. The kills come early and fast, and there is very little "dumb for the plot", people behave naturally and there are few moments such as the usual turning the back on the monster.

It is what it says on the tin, a Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Potential wasted, A character ripe for satire turns into bland cape fluff fare
16 March 2022
Potential wasted for a potentially subversive exploration character who murders at the drop of a hat for "liberty", classic American "bomb you into freedom", maybe there was a depth to the cartoon they could explore, and it did start off strong, but it quickly turns back into standard Marvel fare of "punch a Nazi" black and white villain and hero characters.

Then it's just bad white sheets and aliens, and arbitrary power levels and padding. The characters go from superhuman to just normal people with equipment, no consistency so the fights don't matter, its comedy and plot armor, and the motivation of a cartoon bad father is just tiresome and one dimensional. This isn't the power level you saw from the movie, and the motivations are incredibly small.

Gunn might get away with this kind of things over 2 hours, but a series, it just drags as there is just no depth there.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Rashômon knights but flawed from pulled punches
2 February 2022
Wonderfully shot and acted, dealing with issues which were never limited to just now, but as expected with the modern agenda, they couldn't risk ambiguousness or complexity, and so the multiple perspectives fail as they can only hammer home the point of a woman wronged, that there was only ever one answer, multiple perspectives redundant as they could not risk doubt.

Battles and brutality are shot with a level of realism that will make HEMA(historical european martial arts) followers happy that is for sure. And sad to say I found it striking that it wasn't filled with thumb in the eye diversity casting so common today. If you want to see more of this just watch Ridley Scott's first outing, the Duellists 1977 which is more than the equal of this film, dealing with grievances between men based on class distinctions of their day, the structure of that film is perfect, without this films flaws.
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Walking Dead of Apocalypse filler, not that it ever had a chance.
11 January 2022
The problem with this show is it lacks the courage of its convictions to show what would really happen in such a situation. Some are expressing disbelief at even its half acknowledgement of what systems would fail because they have bought the lie about difference being the same. Day one would face the loss of the power grid, then what, the cascade of failures after that point would lead to the apocalypse. The sheer enormity of the human capital lost is something the moderns can't acknowledge, it isn't something that can be replaced or retrained for before everything breaks down, we are talking decades of knowledge and experience in all fields requiring certain kinds of minds, not something quickly learned from books if at all. How long before a nuclear plant goes wrong, all those nuclear ships and submarines are Fukushima's waiting to happen in the show only mentioned in passing. Day one the transportation infrastructure just goes down. This isn't hypothetical, when the NHS educational system began to favor production of female doctors it ended up with a labor shortage for reasons they won't comprehend. Such a future isn't about the power fantasy of barking bureaucrats having empowered dialogues, it matters that people can do actual things. It doesn't matter how many exceptions exist as the bell curve means there won't be enough to keep anything running. They have a conveniently weak lead and pointless drama because they can't really explore what they refuse to understand.

To be honest I just wanted to see what they would do with a bad premise, one or even a few wouldn't be enough to do anything, let alone him. There was never any hope, they couldn't tell that story. Should be even easier to understand now when a few percent airline hold outs were enough to cause the system to back up. Instead of dealing with the issues the show devolves into the Walking Dead, flashbacks, Costco cults, wandering and drama and endless talking.
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Dopesick (2021)
"Thank You for Smoking" does it better in 92 minutes, no need to waste 8 hours.
10 January 2022
It's a simple story spread thin over 8 hours, a black and white morality tale, it's just easy indulgence in moral righteousness for an audience that craves it. The story is only exists to create a mythology, no one knows what happened behind closed doors with these people, the characters are fabrications, the drama, the interpersonal conflicts, all made up but given a pretense of reality by association to the real story. It lacks the cynical wit of Thank You for Smoking, and ends up just bludgeoning its message with a cast of cartoon characters, the virtuous and the villainous. They even shoehorned in the usual rainbow agenda.

The characters aren't real, check for yourself. There is a Reason article on how wrong they are on the drugs and studies as well.

It is dressed up as edutainment when it is Indulgence in indignation, propaganda as hatred pornography, and as said, its final crime is that it does not respect your time.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Satire is worthless from those with a complete lack of self awareness.
5 January 2022
Whatever point it was trying to make drawing parallels from climate change or the pandemic just don't ring true when they are the ones buying beach front property while trusting experts who are constantly wrong.

The star-studded cast simply distracts, Hollywood loves talk of diversity, but we see an ever-smaller pool of the same faces which creates the opposite of immersion.

Simply looking at the top 14 cast members of this movie reveals they have a fertility rate of 0.85, just underlining the fact that these are the last people who would be conscious about anything involving sustainability.
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Old (2021)
Interesting premise undermined by pulled punches
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's the usual M. Night structure we've come to expect, the mystery ending, but this time the spoiler is half cocked. The villains are made into bumbling fools which undermines the stakes of the story, they don't guard what could undo them, and lack the institutional power and resources implied from such a grand scale project. The favor bank alone for saving powerful peoples lives alone would make Epstein's efforts look trivial. They missed a chance to double twist, offer the escapees a devils bargain, a perhaps custom cure for one of their own, with the threat that people outside wouldn't believe them and would face the loony bin.

Instead the twist is simple minded and unsatisfying and assumes a level of emotional investment in the characters that M. Night has consistently failed at in recent times.
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Slick documentary made by those who are behind the problem and so miss the point
25 November 2021
The easy message of class warfare is built into this story when the reality of over credentialization was pushed entirely by the left, where a false correlation was created where higher education somehow magically made people smart when that was never the case. Diversity is inequality so we ended up with a diploma mill of debt. Class and self selection mattered, and who were the people behind the undermining of merit other than the same complainers. Extra time for test taking for "special needs" opened doors for abuse by the same people who are now pushing to end standardized tests altogether with so admissions can truly be arbitrary, as seen by the recent UC decision. They couldn't even be honest with the test portion, claiming tutoring helped way more than it does when anyone knows you can't train the lazy to do anything, and as the doc shows regardless they had to corrupt the proctor. Most of these students would have been better served by iq tests for employment, again, an easy avenue made illegal by the left.
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Artful and compelling, but you have to read between the lines.
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first two thirds of this documentary tells a story of intrigue fit for a movie complete with twists, betrayal and villain's, but the final third ends with a rushed ending mirroring the probable motivations which forced the study into a vault as the real conclusions are simply unspeakable.

Why hide a study?

You don't hide the good news.

This has precedence with the Putnam studies.

The first portion of the film proves nature to a degree which is undeniable, raised in different socio-economic environments each child developed similar preferences and interests to a remarkable degree. The one outlier had a more severe case of mental illness being manic depressive, but it is well known that even twins raised together rarely come down with the same mental illness together. So the attempt to lay the blame at the foot of the strict father in order to deny nature was not only unfair, but it fails to prove nurture because parental environment is itself rooted in nature to fit their natural children.

The twin sisters in the documentary also do not support the conclusion, having found out their birth mother had mental issues which hint at their own, lives similar in so many ways, and without a dramatic estrangement to mention.

The film tells a story valuable enough that the truth comes through regardless of the intent of the author.

Put it simply, if the researchers conclusions were that it were a simple fix, the study would have come out long ago. Nothing would be more popular, all would be forgiven, history made and Nobel's would be given.

I give this movie a recommendation, its not hard to read between the lines, and that may have even been intentional considering the current environment, no other conclusion would have been allowed to be made.
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The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards (2021 TV Special)
Boring circus is a perfect reflection of the bankrupt political class that backs it
21 March 2021
Past generations musicians may have also had degenerate values, but at least they produced good music, music that could create joy and touch the soul. Now all you have is pure mediocrity and establishment political positions so safe they are the opposite of rebellion, they now literally bend the knee.

You have these female rappers lacking any talent other than the attempt to shock, but we were all shocked out long ago, now we live in an age where grandma Madonna shakes her behind at the camera, and with the Cardi and Stallion crew it is just the same cringe, and all there is left is sad.

Simply look at the Beyonce song "Brown Skin Girl" that won a Grammy "Brown skin girl, ya skin just like pearls Your back against the world I never trade you for anybody else, say Brown skin girl, ya skin just like pearls The best thing about the world I never trade you for anybody else, say"

That took 9 people to write.

This is an elite without legitimacy.
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iHuman (2019)
The usual establishment narrative, aka propaganda about propaganda
29 December 2020
Disappointed but not surprised that it was the usual nyt type scare propaganda narrative, the kind with zero self awareness and built upon a mountain of unspoken presumptions. Blaming polarization on social media, assuming that everyone would be ok with the neoliberal globalist agenda otherwise, that the cracks in the narrative haven't led to what we see now. As if the massive infrastructure of media and institutional programming had no part in division or the reaction against it.

What little content actually dealing with AI are the usual vague platitudes and speculations backed by a collage of server farm and random clip visuals, "science is cool" music video noise with very little substance. If you read through the script there wouldn't be much there.

There's the usual snippet of the "algorithmic fairness" talking head in denial as their A.I.'s inconveniently notice that diversity IS inequality. The excuse of claiming that policing would only be self reinforcing just isn't true. Just because some vocal vegans are secret meat eaters doesn't mean it is just as common the other way around, you can only reinforce what is really there.

The lack of insight is summed up by the absurdity of the cathedral holding every lever of influential power in society from education to the algorithms that run social media and the internet turning around and claiming that some facebook ads that were so influential no one can even cite an example were the cause of mass social strife. So the usual talking points of bit players like cambridge analytica and palantir are brought up when it's clear all these people have swallowed whole the story of Emmanuel Trumpenstein. There is no insight when the blind spot of all those involved is so clear.
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Hard Kill (2020)
Bruce cashes a paycheck for a "Producers" day of work
14 September 2020
Don't let the poster fool you, he's barely in it and barely does anything, they could have shot all his scenes in a day. It feels like the minimum effort to take some investors money based on Bruces name, a thin McGuffin never explained in any satisfying way is the basis of this movie, generic baddies all in identical gear to cover up the fact that they are using the same couple stunt guys over and over again are sent in waves to die for the sake of the plot, and to keep that budget money in their paychecks. The main cast are unconvincing super soldiers. This is a bad generic tv movie with inexplicable star casting, not worth your time.
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Hamfisted reboot ruined by those with the usual fashionable opinions.
14 September 2020
What was once a subtle origin story of an alien fighting for his adopted home becomes a lecture on "aliens" and xenophobia. From the opening scene on its just hammering the message, Sups has to "come out of the closet" his way. Its all so insulting and cartoonish when superman's story is actually about total assimilation in a way that is actually incompatible with modern fashionable notions. You have the usual "sassy girl power reporter" version of Lois who is just one note obnoxious, and the appearance of over powered monsters with very thin justification for their existence and an alien doppelganger written in just to further amplify the ham-fisted theme. Its set in a future world for no real reason at all, most things are inexplicable, its like they just swapped out the setting just because they could, not because it meant anything at all, Clarks farm doesn't change at all, just the cities become the jetsons world. The movie is just thin gruel to hang the messaging on, this didn't need to be made, and if you value your time, you shouldn't watch it at all.
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Well made propaganda justifying bad decisions and a distorted understanding of the world which has kept us in that conflict to this very day
18 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Technically the film is well made, everyone raves about the video game like realism of the raid, squad tactics and modern go pro first person reality blurs the line between video game and film. But at the end of the day this film is propaganda as the idea that this was worth it is based on a horrible misunderstanding of how your opponent thinks. Killing terrorist leaders feels like justice to westerners, but to them they signed away their lives for Jihad, it was part of their plan, and considering the mayhem they caused, it was entirely worth it to them. In fact just look up the "2011 Afghanistan Boeing Chinook shootdown" incident which happened just months later when they tried to pull the same stunt to take out another leader in Afganistan, they lost the entire seal squad, including the dog and copter crew, all taken out by a RPG. This incident was swept under the rug by a compliant press slobbering over their favored president. The Taliban were more than even at that point, and the big lie has kept us in this conflict for another 9 years, all for the sake of political self aggrandizement and moral posturing, we can't end a war. The correct action would have been to teach the lesson of just how little we disregard such people, the compound should have been taken out with minimal press, minimal human involvement, it should have been taken out by a simple missile, and never acknowledged. Only a deliberate cultural ignorance of your enemy would allow such propaganda to be made to pretend this was any way to win at all.
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
Classic 90s romp, a simple story done well
19 April 2020
Taken without the "i'm a secret agent" over kill, an ordinary man faces danger in a simple and grounded story that ratchets up the tension for an hour and a half. The baddies aren't made deliberately stupid and its all semi plausible, if a bit cartoonishly southern but its all part of the fun.

Its well acted, well shot, stunts are real, no CG, nothing too excessively violent or raunchy, a good time for all to be had.
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The usual bias now pushed to revisionism
18 April 2020
Interviews with democrats and selective clips of fox news as if the entire media wasn't fixated on nothing but impeachment during January when it could have been stopped. Uncritical interview with a WHO spokesperson when we have their tweets from January carrying water for the CCP. "World Health Organization (WHO)✔ @WHO Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳." January 14 2020

"DO - talk about the new #coronavirus disease (#COVID19)

DON'T - attach locations or ethnicity to the disease, this is not a "Wuhan Virus", "Chinese Virus" or "Asian Virus"." March 02 2020

This is just the usual shameless propaganda from vice proving there is no level of tragedy they won't exploit to push an agenda..
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Interesting premise, some beautiful footage, Discordant narration, wasted opportunity
15 April 2020
Nature docs continue to benefit from the massive increases in camera sensor technology, now able to see in the dark. Unfortunately this new ability is squandered, this series could have easily been cut down to half its length and would have been better for it as the narratives are forced, and the footage is toned down to disney levels of "reality", and every moment watching the animals is interrupted with cuts to pointless babbling by the crew and narrator as they skip across the planet in an attention deficit fashion.

As mentioned by others, the depressive tones of the droning female narration just grates on your nerves, it matters as the documentary is many hours long, and so this one choice mars the rest of the effort, it simply continuously pulls you out of the immersion. It isn't an accent, it is an affectation, "denise" was born and raised in washington DC.
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They laughed until they became the fools they warned of
11 April 2020
You can sum this up as "other people aren't smart like me, I get my news and opinions from comedy news shows".

After the era of Bush and easy evangelical targets the left lost all self awareness as they became effectively uncontested in media and the instutions. All the corporate comedians fail to hold the establishment to account as they are the representatives of establishment "orange man bad" haha! Comedy comes from taboo and unspeakable truths, and these people now enforce the code of the new liberal blasphemies and are funny as north korean propaganda. This is a man who used to do a bit on how he was tired of "making women nod", he knows better, which makes it all the worse.

Worst of all the show is obsolete. In an era where podcasts can deep dive into subjects for hours, this is a frenetic show segmented for attention deficit disorder, 10 minute hack monologue, 10 minute interview, 20 minute panel of 5, then finish with "new rules". Divide up the time not spent on bad liberal talking point pseudo jokes and each guest only has time for a few sound bites. Its a 10 minute interview with 7 minutes of Maher talking over the guest. 20 minute panel of 5 lefties and sometimes a token rino leaves each guest with 2 minutes of to talk with Maher once again talking over them.

The show is an anachronism in a time where positions have flipped. I still remembered when they used to bring up evolution to laugh at the creationists, but they are the creationists now, their ideology of equality requires it, so its never mentioned anymore.

As others have noted, this mix of laughing at politics has led the left to simply assume a position they do not hold, why think, you are so much better its assumed you laugh, this is tv programming at its more base psychological level, a conditioned response to propaganda, you don't even need the applause sign, "just laugh".
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Underwater (2020)
Second rate horror "Abyss" with endless panic in place of a plot
8 April 2020
Shakey cam darkness and boring, its like a low budget netflix movie, endless closeups in dark water with heavy breathing and panic faces of generic characters who behave as stupidly as required for a lazy plot writer. Its hard to believe the world of the film, the purpose of the characters nothing is fleshed out, so it feels like nothing, it feels like bad abyss cosplay.
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The forced zaniness hasn't aged well
6 April 2020
The end of the world with celebrities with the usual kind of forced Seth Rogan humor feels so tacky now, it all rode on the assumption of their appeal which was always questionable, but with time the obviousness of their manufactured fame is too much and the comedy simply doesn't work. Its that kind of film they claim they had so much fun making it, as if it didn't matter that you don't have any fun watching it. Its like they got high one night and thought "wouldn't it be cool if hermione had an axe", and didn't have any idea what to do after that.
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David Cross: Oh Come On (2019 TV Special)
Only value is documenting how ugly the heart of the left has become
1 April 2020
It started off ok, thought the comedians had begun to learn something, get back to universal human understandings and the comedy that arises out of those observations, but then it takes a dark turn and you see just how dark the heart of the left has become, that they have become so self unaware that they don't even know to hide it.

but this should have been obvious since Kathy Griffin held up that severed head, "its ok when I do it" said the moralist, 4 years later, nothings changed.
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Orwellian "documentary" on disinformation only furthers a dishonest narrative.
1 April 2020
What you have here is the usual HBO narrative, "our truth", ignoring the lies that are inconvenient. Disinformation through selective "fact checking" and omission, the usual concern over supposed red state untruths, no self awareness, no self examination. The usual clips of Alex Jones are seen and never is it mentioned that after 4 years of Russia conspiracy people like Rachel Maddow admitted that they were also playing a character and should not be held to any truth standard for what they were saying during a lawsuit.

Talking about pizzagate when the lies started way before, now we are finding out that the Trayvon case was media and justice system hoax, the prosecutor put up woman with a 4th grade reading level to make the false claim that she was Trayvons girlfriend on the phone with him during his last moments, when it was entirely a lie, wrong woman, false witness, and that's just the start of it, but it led to years of protests and burning cities, never mind clock boy.

This is the usual slanted propaganda, nothing is new nothing is there to be learned. Conspiracy theory? Feminism doesn't pass a fact check, patriarchy theory IS a conspiracy theory, replace men with jews and the game becomes obvious, so obvious that the game is. The "men kampf" browser extension was removed for making the truth too apparent.

This is establishment propaganda, instead of holding their feet to the fire over obvious frauds like the Covington kids frame up, its the usual "trust the corporate journalist" spiel from corporate HBO. The man who revealed the Covington american indian "vet" was stolen valor and little more than a fridge technician who stayed state side had his youtube channel shut down, these are the inconvenient truths that these people work to keep hidden while they point at "Alex Jones".
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Have to revise my glowing rating, Season 1 was great, all things are lost after that
26 March 2020
The mystery and question of what it means to be human was a great first season, they could explore their little experiment in an artificial world made for the purpose.

Everything after that proves they had no plan after that point, the story drags its feet with filler and false mystery as it can't conclude in order to leave room for the next seasons paychecks. The world that would make this technology possible isn't believable, the impact of such advancement wouldn't be limited to a theme park, and so the world feels empty, it feels hollow, and so it renders any deeper philosophical questions a farce as it becomes clear nothing about the world has been thought through.

And so they've fallen back on the lazy fashionable hollywood tropes, bad men and angry feminist women and the dumbing down of everything. They've even managed to shoe horn ww2 germans into this season, the woke can't stop themselves, whatever creative spark they had during the first season is gone now, it is dead.
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