
9 Reviews
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Those that cannot remember the past are bound to repeat it.
18 March 2024
I lived this Cold War as a child in the US who learned to duck and cover, and now living as an adult in east Berlin, and as father to a Berlin child whose mother is from the DDR. I have heard the family stories directly, from Oma explaining propaganda in WW2 through the resistance against the STASI by my family and friends here in Germany.

This is a documentary masterpiece of complicated truth and history.

Every American and European must watch this series and as one who knows Ukrainians, I am a better person to now understand this complicated would view leading up to this very misguided and unjust war in Ukraine.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.
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A student from Poe Elementary
18 October 2023
Poe's work has been familiar to me since my single digits while attending Poe Elementary School in Houston (Which, now in my mid-50s I am still not sure why)

This modern take on the classic(s) from Poe, beyond the ok-timed jump-scares, is brilliant. It's my hope that the intertwined references and poetic-snippets provide sufficient intrigue to the work of Poe, but even without these elements, this modern adaptation stands firm on its merits in screenplay and cinematic character, while resurrecting Poe's greatest works.

Rated 18, perhaps slightly too restrictive for interested and literary-aware teens.

Bravo and Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
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Sad - an ignorant man being paid to go to places
28 February 2023
This is a tried and proven failure to put travel ignorant old men into places they really don't want to be. Why not try a new formula to put curious people into unknown surroundings?

Playing dumb and old does Mr. Levy no compliment and having the American stereotype again played out for the world to laugh at is also exhausted. Finland is amazing (been there), as is Venice (got engaged there and know the Gritti intimately including PL) (really? "Grumpy" Doge with Hemingway, Liberace and Chaplin?) Yes, Mr. Levy, and Apple, you have definitely lowered the bar.

Traveling is the antidote to ignorance - Trevor Noah.
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Invasion: First Day (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Wow, fell off a cliff
11 December 2021
Did they fire the writers after EP6?

If not they should.

Or were given the instruction to string it out?

Either way, the series has just stopped being interesting or good.
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Tehran (2020– )
1 December 2021
Loved it. First passed on it for fear of stereotypes but was immediately engaged and binged in 2 days. Great acknowledgment of human nature, shared common core and wonderful plot twists. As someone who has spent LOTS of time in the region, very fair play to geopolitics.

Bring on more Netflix!
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Possibly the greatest family movie ever made
10 April 2021
A wonderful message of diversity, inclusion, and perseverance, combined with music that stays.

Turn it up LOUD and dance with your kids.

Well done to the case, producers, writers and music writers.

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Who is watching who?
30 December 2018
Bandersnatch: 10/10 Bandersnatch is a strangely engaging, discomforting, yet not surprising experience. It's retro feel and not shocking use of technology given today's AI/Big Data platforms, makes the experience approachable, familiar, yet it concurrently creates a new class of innovative entertainment and a vision of what's to come. What I am astonished at is the very clever way Netflix has upped their data acquisition capabilities on exactly what type of entertainment the watcher is open to consider - a treasure trove and coup for them. Don't stop at the credits - back up and choose a different path. And then do it again.

Who is watching who?

Bravo, yet deeply disturbing vision of the future.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Modern-day Twilight Zone
12 May 2017
Excellent near-time Futurama of tech intersecting everyday society. Think original Twilight Zone with the thought-provoking ambiguity replaced by existing or near-future technology. Immediately alarming and insightful. As a technologist and father myself, the series easily captures your attention with solid acting and directing through intriguing story-telling that will stay with you beyond the episode's end.
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Big Fish (2003)
Enjoyed it
30 June 2005
Not usually a Tim Burton fan, although I can never really complain. I thought the Big Fish was original and told a warm story that will connect with anyone who has loved a parent as any child does and then lost them.

Big Fish will remain with me for a very long time- a true keeper.

Now, if we could get Follywood to endorse/produce similar art, then perhaps their movie attendance would creep back up.

(Apologies for the soap box)

(Can anyone tell me why a comment must have 10 lines? seems a little verbose to me- especially if you just want to submit a "comment"- but forgive me, I'm a newbie register)
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