
22 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
10 June 2024
I have no words. The fact that this was funded beggars belief. Hats off to the actual special effects guys but even they failed to redeem this movie.

Poor acting, zero plot and embarrassing final product. Can't believe anyone liked this drivel.

A primary school show could have delivered s better production. It is incredulous that such high calibre actors put their names to this.

Whatever is happening in America should stop. Cease these pointless remakes or reinterpretations of classic films and tv shows. Surely someone has the capacity to write a basic plot instead of this puerile mush.

I lost interest within half an hour and nothing could salvage the film for me.
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Bodies (2023)
31 October 2023
It's been a long time since we have had such an original piece of drama that has kept my attention.

The trailer initially piqued my interest and I was curious about the implied storyline. When the series landed, I binge watched all but the final episode. It was a very clever story.

What can I say? I loved all the twists and turns that made me guess, to try and figure out the next episode. The characters and plots were well planned and acted.

Great cast and well written scripts. I have just watched the final episode and was not let down by the conclusion. It's a pity it is now over.

I hope we get more original series in this genre.
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Breeders (2020–2023)
Can't believe it is ending!
23 October 2023
This hasn't always been a favourite show of mine, it was initially just something to watch late at night. However it is truly a darkly comedic series that has gone from being a slow burner and has grown to be an excellent and engaging programme.

It looks at the family dynamics in the Worsley household with lots of typical family dramas. Their characters have built up and they are immensely watchable and endearing.

The series feels more real than most soap opera families. It's such a shame that this is the final series.

I hope that is wins awards and gets the recognition for the writing and acting that it deserves.
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Keeping faithful to the original format
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed the film and it was in keeping with others in the series.

Great action-based car chases that were credible with actual collisions with other road vehicles. It was a somewhat predictable story line but it was entertaining. A bit obvious CGI but that's to be expected nowadays.

The characters were as expected but a little tired looking. Where were hair and makeup?! Who chose the poor hair-dye that Tom struggled to hide.

I felt that there wasn't as much edge-of-the-seat tension this time with fight scenes or chases.

There was a long motorbike journey that covered miles on little fuel. And somehow they also forgot to leave someone to stoke the coal-run engine on a high speed train.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
It started out strong
19 July 2023
It was a modern take on Pret-a-Porter and it was fun, trendy and modern.

It quickly became another show where an American shows the world how to do their job.

Characters were slowly built up to be more than one-dimensional. However by season 3 it has floundered.

There is a lack of tension, conflict and depth.

Emily's fashion sense is ridiculous. Her ability to use her phone to spin everything has been done to death. Why does no one in the actual fashion industry know how to make changes to survive? It has become all too one sided and lacks credibility. It lacks direction.

Such a shame it has lost its escapism.
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Glamorous (2023)
I'm embarrassed for Kim
19 July 2023
A poor remake of similar shows - it is not Pret-a-Porter or Emily in Paris. There are leanings towards Mannequin - the son seems to want to sabotage the company in order to sell to a rival firm. Then he doesn't.

It isn't a comedy. It isn't a lot of anything. There is no real story, nor strong characters or role models.

Before Marco it seems no one in the trade had any skill, talent or ideas of how to survive in corporate America.

What smart ideas or modern twist does he bring? None.

Anything goes - you don't see any boundaries from relationships in the workplace or evidence of safe sex. I don't get it.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Sorry not a fan.
4 February 2023
Unfortunately everyone else is raving about this series. I found myself thinking of better disaster / post-apocalyptic movies and tv series (28 Days, I am Legend, Outbreak, Andromeda Strain, Walking Dead, The Faculty, etc) and it isn't all that it claims to be.

The scenery and storylines are very reminiscent of (Vanessa) Van Helsing but definitely not in the same league. It lacks pace, suspense and just isn't scary and doesn't keep me gripped and wanting more.

Nothing feels new to what we have seen before, apart from the fungal parasite, and the pandemic infection has a very weird incubation rate depending on where you are infected.

I'll give it a miss.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Unexpected success
13 January 2023
Stumbled upon this series on Netflix and it has taken all my strength not to binge watch it. It is cleverly written, well paced and outshines many similar dramas.

I can't believe this wasn't better advertised. The series was split into 8 episodes and demonstrated really interesting storylines.

I really like all the characters but Owen and Max are well matched and play well off one another. The supporting characters really help sell the story.

I look forward to more series and to see how the characters develop and the next complex case Owen is involved in.

It would be good for Owen to undergo spy training and keep his lawyer job as a cover.
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Smiley (II) (2022)
Excellent show
17 December 2022
I was expecting another empty series interspersed with sex scenes. How wrong was I?

It was set in Barcelona in and around a gay bar with really interesting characters.

I really enjoyed this show which made different couples examine themselves, their relationships and finally look introspectively at their love lives. The central relationship between Alex and Bruno was great. They tripped themselves up at each stage and eventually stopped denying their true feelings.

The other characters added extra tension and entertainment. It us a pity they didn't show more sights of Barcelona as it looks like a great place to visit.

Can't believe it is over in 8 shorts episodes.
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Good find
3 November 2022
It's a great show with lots of twists and turns. It's almost comical at times.

Their 'powers' could have been a bit more useful in fighting off attackers than pheromones, acute hearing and chupacabra.

Dr Sarkov's is great, with a a voice like nails down a blackboard but arrogantly beguiling. We need more background on him and the other characters.

You find yourself siding with the misfits. They complement one-another and pull together to problem-solve. Let's hope they introduce some more variety that they don't get rid off (Doug, Owen, etc).

I like the script and story telling and look forward to another season. Hopefully Flux will show more ingenuity in capturing the imperfects.
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The Batman (2022)
They should stop trying to reinvent Batman
12 March 2022
Stop. It is a hugely uninteresting film. It is dark, dull and badly acted.

Save your money and leave the vampire to his twilight trilogy.

I could not watch it past 20 minutes. Why do they think we need yet another remake? It was an insult to previous Batman actors.
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It's a real struggle to believe in this show
25 February 2022
It's either a badly scripted show or poorly edited. The 'stars' seem pompous and self-indulgent, giving themselves expensive treats when people are struggling to pay for food. I find it hard to believe the producer has watched any other reality tv show in the series or similar.

Arguments feel petty and like schoolyard behaviour. At least once per argument, someone says they are done but then revisit the same thing next time.

The camera work does little to showcase the island. It's a wasted opportunity as they quickly pan past historic and beautiful sights but instead highlight designer brands. It's tiring to see this in every episode. We know they are rich.

I struggle to see a third season.
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Red Notice (2021)
Great robbery action
20 November 2021
It didn't let me down. Brilliant story with twists and turns and face paced action. Loved the humour and interplay between the main characters and interpol. Well worth watching.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
Surprised this show isn't getting rave reviews
15 August 2021
Full of action, latest tech and great fight scenes. Queen Latifah is plausible, eminently watchable, intelligent and articulate.

A little bit like Person Of Interest but lacking in basic spy work - e.g. Covering of her digital tracks. If she is such a great Spook, or her tech buddies, why does everyone have her photo and description?

Perhaps the writers need to watch POI?
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How is this in the Law and Order brand?
15 August 2021
Sorry but it is weak, predictable and the characters are not believable. I don't think it should be SVU or Criminal Intent. It has been too long to bring back Stabler. It is just not that good. The opening voice over is boring.

I'll stick to the other shows.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Not as anticipated
16 January 2021
Sadly the second series lacks intrigue, energy and pace to keep watching. It has become a costume drama with a storyline of mythological creatures so visible to everyone it makes the witch hunts pointless. I have kept watching more out of a desire to see the passion and intrigue of series one return
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25 December 2020
Sadly disappointing. This sequel lacked any storyline. It is the antithesis to the first film. There is too much cgi. What was the film studio thinking? The first film was entertaining and in keeping with the brand. This time it lacked purpose. There were inconsistencies in who got more than one 'wish'. Whoever dreamt up the story is obviously now sober and regretting the wasted opportunity to have a hit movie.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Watch if there's nothing else on
12 September 2020
Its an old theme but from a father-son point of view. However it lacks thriller tension - no edge of the seat moments or episode endings leaving you wanting more. Characters lack credibility. Almost a comedy parody of Silence of the Lambs.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
Good watch
17 June 2020
Another series that should have been a film. Enjoyed it but there was a lack of tension between episodes. I then watched the film Stormbreaker and felt gave a clear background to the characters.
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Diablero (2018–2020)
Excellent show
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Love the storyline, legend, scenery and best of all the whole cast who make this show worthwhile. Looking forward again to another season.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Hang in there
8 February 2020
Yes it smacks of Twilight but that's probably to appeal to a younger audience. Stick with it. The series was too short and struggled to uncover the plot. Loved the final episode and looking forward to series two
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Treadstone (2019)
Has potential
2 February 2020
Binge watched the series. I felt it was a mix of Bourne and Sense 8. Some strong and weak episodes and slow burn to get you up to speed with Treadstone. They really should review future episodes against the last one as it was the best. Looking forward to season two.
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