
7 Reviews
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Beyond (III) (2014)
Super DICK
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cole is a real dick in this film - doesn't want to be a Father., etc. Bla bla bla. Be great if he got killed by a falling rock or something - world would be a better place.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Life in LA (Hollywood)
7 February 2021
So this must be what it is like to live in LA - where good is bad and bad is good. A paradox within a paradox. IT was not a pleasant experience.
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The Answer (III) (2015)
Whaaaaat? Alien Geek?
2 February 2021
Do you like overacting? This has got it. Or, hotwiring a late model Mercedes w/o a key - just strip a couple of wires and spark them together until the car ignition starts... Weird huh? Get ready for fun with a share of 'Dance-Fighting'.
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Valentine (2017)
Not good
31 January 2021
Okay, I'm up to 35 minutes - so far the characters are totally bad. So sad.
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The Runners (2020)
Wish I had read the reviews BEFORE I watched movie
29 January 2021
The Bad Guy had skills - NO ONE else had skills. SWAT command was a joke. Soldiers seemed to be very easy to head fake. The legion of bad guys forming the kill box had more rounds than accuracy - must have had 5000 round magazines !! With that much lead flying you would have expected the fight to be over in 15 seconds - but it drug on, and on, and on... I'd say the movie was FRUSTRATING times 10.
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Jr High Quality - gav it a 1, but changed it to a sympathy 2.
10 January 2021
Sorry guys, but this is junk. Hope your next project is better. BTW, none of you can act.
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
So far - Not Funny :-(
1 April 2015
I'm trying to find something funny about this show. Phil (The shows' namesake) does stuff that makes me want to turn OFF the show, and now it is too late to redeem his character - he is too self centered, conniving, petty, lazy, thieving, and just plain stupid (with no apparent skills or talents). It is frustrating to watch.

Carol is my last hope to bring this series out of the poop pool. At this point I'm hoping another female shows up and Phil dies (in a funny way - of course).

Suggestions for Phils departure:

1. Phil is siphoning gas from the local station, and his head catches fire?? That would be funny.

2. Phil fails to yield at a train crossing, and a train runs over him.

3. Phil is washed away by a flash flood.

4. Phil drives away in his motor home after everyone votes him off the island.
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