
14 Reviews
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Interstellar (2014)
Nolan's masterpiece
29 October 2023
Fantastic premise, script, acting, production, effects, soundtrack... this film had me hooked for its entire (long) duration. A slow burner for most of its length, Interstellar gave me a feeling I don't think I've had from a film before. Simultaneously hopeless and hopeful. Sad and uplifted. The entire time I was tense, and yet couldn't tear myself from the screen.

For fairness, the first time I watched this film, when it was new, I was disinterested. The difficulty I had hearing a lot of the dialogue annoyed me, and I found the whole thing to be quite pretentious. However, watching the film again later and with a fresh mind it clicked in a new way and moved me in ways I wasn't expecting.
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Life (I) (2017)
Wasted an evening
29 October 2023
For a film that is ostensibly about an intelligent alien life form, this story is mostly made possible by unintelligent humans. I had some hopes for the film, given its interesting (if unoriginal) premise and not-so-bad cast, but sadly I was to be disappointed.

The script isn't strong, and mostly serves to drive the plot between one terrible decision and the next. The cast do a good job regardless and there are some good performances here, but ultimately they can't carry this story.

The one interesting factor is the alien creature itself. Its design is successful at creating an increasingly hopeless situation for the astronauts as they try everything they can think of to eradicate it. Intelligent and strong like our favourite scary aliens, it just needed a film that could do it justice.
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Super Mario Bros. Wonder (2023 Video Game)
Lives up to its name
29 October 2023
I had so much fun with this game. It genuinely excited me in a way that recent Mario games have not, and it did it with an infectious soundtrack, inventive gameplay, and gorgeous graphics. The animation is something new to the series and having gone back to NSMBU that game now feels lacking in feel. Levels and are short and sweet, and a little light on challenge at times. Some levels feel like they could have been rooms down a pipe in another level, but each one showcases a new idea or power up in a fun way. There is a special world that can be found through your travels, and the challenge there increases and will test your skills, particularly the last couple of levels which throw you into every power up and modifier in the rest of the game. The game successfully lives up to the series' past glory, and we can only hope they keep this magic alive in an inevitable sequel.
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Cocoon (2023 Video Game)
A pleasant surprise
3 October 2023
I'd not heard of this one coming up, but when I saw it was created by folks from Inside and Limbo I had to try it. I'm glad I did. Gameplay is very simple - left stick to move, A for actions. The game ramps up the puzzles as you progress, with some of them bending the mind as you jump between the worlds. There's no real peril - the worst that can happen is running about wondering what to do - the challenge lies in solving puzzles that fold in on themselves. There were times I felt like a genius as a solution became apparent. There are a handful of boss fights too, which employ tactics that you've learned as you approach. All in all this is a well made and very enjoyable game.
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Derek: Episode #2.5 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
Absolutely the best episode of the series
8 August 2015
Utterly moving.

This episode shows more than any other the sweetness in Derek's character - his honesty, compassion, and love. In one particular scene I gained a whole new respect for Gervais' acting, he conveys the sadness of and his impotence in the situation at hand with such sensitivity, you cannot fail to be moved. In a series that contains at least one such scene in each episode, this particular one stands out above all others.

No spoilers here, you WILL know which scene I mean as soon as you have seen this.

The secondary actors all perform their parts with the usual skill, presenting a real world setting in the most beautiful way. You will see the strain on Tom and Hannah's relationship as he seeks his place in the world (namely a steady income) and also Hannah's relationship with Kev, who is causing trouble in the nursing home.

As far as this episode goes, it covers a particularly dark day for many of the characters within, yet therein lies its sweetness.
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8 August 2015
My favourite British film. Sure, at times the acting is clunky (particularly amongst the child actors - who without exception improve in the TV sequels) but the ambiance, the setting are pure nostalgic genius. The story hits home as a true part of Thatcher's legacy, with Stephen Graham's Combo bringing amazing insight and emotional power to his character, who is caught up in anti-Pakistani sentiment of the time. Thomas Turgoose's acting is also worthy of note - unfortunately he has since failed to live up to his career's beginnings, however here he takes us with him as he struggles to find his place amongst the other characters in the story. The real shame is that Joe Gilgun doesn't have more screen time. His character, Woody, provides the perfect foil to Combo, but it isn't a relationship that is explored in any depth until the sequels.

The relationship between Smell (a 15 year old girl) and Shawn (an 11 year old boy) has drawn some criticism, but that stuff happened, and probably still happens today. It was presented in a wholly realistic, if awkwardly acted, manner.

As a political allegory it serves to remind us that once upon a time, not all that long ago, our perceived "enemies" were different to those today. Replacing anger towards "pakis" today with Eastern Europeans and Muslims.

Shane Meadows has stated that the story unfolds as a reflection of his own childhood. This comes across in the film, which reminds me also of the dark times in my childhood in that period. I knew people like those depicted in the film, both those that embraced the racist rhetoric of the National Front, and those who saw past it and stayed out of the nonsense. Besides this, the clothing, the poor decoration in the homes, and the struggles of Shawn's mother against poverty are all spot on for the time.

Additionally this film has one of the greatest, and most fitting soundtracks ever. Apparently a couple of the popular songs were not actually released until a year after the film's setting, but regardless, the collection of songs evokes well the spirit of the early 80s. The piano and guitar instrumentals beautifully carry the emotion of certain scenes.
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Best concert video I have seen
11 April 2009
I first saw Metallica live in October 1996, when I was not-quite-sixteen, at Earls Court in London. Cunning Stunts is from the same tour, although filmed in Forth Worth, Texas, and therefore I already have a strong emotional tie to this DVD set.

Kicking off with So What, and into Creeping Death, you know they mean business right from the off. Songs including as One, Nothing Else Matters, Master of Puppets and Enter Sandman are spread out between songs from all of their albums up to Load, and include an early version of Fuel from the at-the-time-unreleased ReLoad.

Concert videos are a great way to remember your favourite gigs (Green Day's Bullet in the Bible for example was recorded while I was there), but not all of them accurately capture the raw emotion of the occasion. Cunning Stunts is not such a film - for me at least it brings back the emotions I felt way back then, and lets me replay them whenever I see fit.

Whilst the first three or four albums may be considered by many to be the golden age of Metallica's studio output, this collection goes to show that even eight years after the release of ...And Justice for All, the band still had what it takes.

In 1996 the band's still young, still full of the passion and energy that carried them to the top of their game. Their hair's shorter, but their playing is no less heavy or relevant.

A top watch for any fan - as far as the quality of the performance, it is up there with Nirvana's and Alice in Chains' MTV Unplugged performances. Anyone who's on the fence, this might be the live recording to tip you in favour of Metal's finest.
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August Rush (2007)
19 October 2008
I felt a strong urge to review this film having been intrigued by the trailer, and severely let down by the actual event.

The story itself is kind of cute - a young boy grows up in an orphanage, but knows his parents are still alive, and heads out "following the music" to find them. He decides that if he can just write a piece of music and get it played out, his parents will know how to find him.

Its the following of the music that really lets the film down. For many films you need to suspend your belief, but this one really takes the biscuit. That a young child who's been told all through his life to forget music can see a guitar for the first time and play it is difficult enough to swallow, but even worse are the constantly corny lines.

Its almost as if the scriptwriters have filled a hat with corny phrases, pulled them out in random order, and made a script from it. Even repeating some of their favourites.
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Brilliant brilliant film
15 April 2008
I put this in my player with more than a hint of hesitation. My other half had added it to my online rentals list without my knowledge, and when it came, I thought it was some kind of childish fairy tale film. I couldn't have been more wrong. This film has jumped straight into my favourite movies of all time, and in fact I can't wait to see it again to see what bits I might have missed this time round.

The characters are believable through and through, all the actors doing a commendable job of bringing the world to life. The story, whilst following a familiar fairy tale template, has a dark twist. Think Tim Burton, and then pile on a little more dark.

Two "worlds" exist in the story - one is the real world of young Ofelia, whose mother takes her to the mountains to live with her husband, a nasty Nazi type army captain, fighting a war against the rebels. The other is the fantasy world, in which she must undertake 3 trials to see if she is the long-lost princess of the underworld. As is traditional fairy tale fare, the real world certainly does not reflect the idea that Ofelia may be royalty, and she faces many hardships in her life.

The fantasy sequences (which are never confirmed to be real or imagined through the film) carry the bulk of the atmosphere, seeped in weirdness as they are. Some real imagination has gone into the creatures that are encountered, with excellent makeup coupled with excellent sfx topping it all off.

A must-see for everyone (except nervous people and young kids - it has a 15 rating in the UK, and deserves it). I just can't see why anyone would not be moved by this film.
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Stunt Race FX (1994 Video Game)
The best SNES game
31 March 2008
Easily the best SNES game, this game introduced the world to polygonal 3D race tracks, something a couple of years previously hadn't been even thought possible on 16 bit hardware.

Whilst slow down did exist (as it did in many console games of the time), it rarely detracted from the enjoyment of this experience, and trying to best your own lap times was a joy second to none - even Mario Kart.

I would suggest that anyone with a SNES to play it on tracks down a copy of this fine game. If you don't have the hardware, get it emulated.
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Unplugged: Nirvana (1993)
Season 4, Episode 13
The best of MTV Unplugged
18 November 2007
Who would believe that I'm only just sitting down to watch this show for the first time ever! I've had the CD since it came out all those years ago, and its got to be one of my most listened CDs.

Watching the live show now, it just adds an extra dimension to the music I already loved to death.

I write songs, and I've always been a believer in "if it doesn't sound good on an acoustic guitar, its not good at all". I write punk and hard rock songs... and this film shows exactly why that statement is true.

A must for all fans of music, especially those who denounced grunge (and most other rock for that matter)as "just a load of noise".
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Toy Soldiers (1991)
One of my favourites growing up
14 October 2006
I recently rented this movie as part of a nostalgic phase I'm going through. I was born in 1980, and so film from mid-80s to mid-90s has quite an important place in my growing up.

This particular movie was one of my favourites, and so I was thrilled when it became available in the UK. It hasn't become worse with time, it is still a great fun film, with plenty of excitement in its own way. Sure, it pales in the shadow of bigger, larger budget films, but don't let that stop you enjoying this.

Worth a rent, or even a purchase at the discount prices you'll find it for.
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American Dad! (2005– )
Racist, sexist? Nah, just hilariously observant
25 September 2006
I took my time to see this show, having only started on season 1 about a week ago. Knowing it was by the same guys that made Family Guy, I wasn't convinced that I'd enjoy it, as I was never a big fan of Family Guy's excessive use of flashbacks.

However, I am enjoying this series a whole lot more - quite possibly because it hits a real note, having a stab at all the things that really affect modern life.

There are bound to be detractors of this show, as it touches on some controversial topics - such as terrorism, sexism, and such, but what those people don't realise is that that is the whole point, Stan is a macho guy, with his own macho views on protecting his country, and this is where the true comedic value of the show follows.

The observations made of life are easily on a par with the genius of The Simpsons, and there are plenty of examples I could give (but they'd be spoilers) of things that are said that if we were honest are things we're all just afraid to say.

I suggest everyone, no matter what your views, watch at least one episode of this, and if you don't like it, no-one's gonna make you watch it again.
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Hostel (2005)
Not bad, but I shoulda rented it
26 August 2006
I do wish I hadn't paid full price for this film. Thats not to say its all that bad, but its certainly not worth owning. The film starts off in that typical way in which all teen films start, everyone laughing and joking, and then works its way at a very well calculated pace toward the inevitable bloodshed.

There's a fair amount of tension in the movie, most of which is at the beginning where the general mood does not fit with the promises made on the box.

This is definitely a must see for fans of the horror genre, but please give it a chance. If you start the film thinking its gonna be awful, that is all you'll see of it, but actually there is something deeply disturbing about the whole concept.

That said, there is an over abundance of nudity and sex in the first half, but then that just serves to provide a reason for the events of the second half.

All in all the cast isn't bad at all, the plot is no more gratuitous than any other horror film, and the production is good.

Give it a go if you like this kind of thing, I think you'll enjoy it.
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