14 Reviews
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Get Out (I) (2017)
One thing didn't get
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers

It's revealed that transplanting into their bodies. Ok. But then the servants don't make sense. Who was transplanted into them and why do so to be servant? Suppose to assume do both? Just turn some into servants and others are used to be bodies for those who purchase this option?

Sorry, I just couldn't understand that part once came to the point of unveiling what was going on; the stealing of their bodies for others purpose Overall, good movie. Unique. Good acting, great story line and humor and subtle commentary. Holds your interest throughout.

The grandfather stated started with his family. Does this mean that although Rose is bringing the victims to the house she was programmed to do so?
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Not bad
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was happy found a movie able to keep watching as many have ridiculous openings. I did get bored with it though. Wanted to know what a ten year old could possible have done that an adult spits on her over a decade later. And why was she able to remove the alien pod from her throat? If so easy why didn't others. May be a small thing but annoying.

And she gets up courage to go police station but she the parents just happen to be there I know small town but the staff don't offer help to a citizen due to some incident in the past? I understand showing this as to why no help but still and heads into her trying to escape on bus. But wait aliens on bus driver not one but just gloss over that.

I think main character did great acting job. Overall movie decent but maybe some of the interactions with alien a bit monotonous. Oh, and her thinking putting a bedspread over door frame really going to keep them out ridiculous.
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After first few minutes stopped
14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know take some liberties so can set up story but irksome when make something so ridiculous part of story. The woman goes out into tornado with newborn and young boy, putting them in extreme danger So the writer decided this was the way to show how the man is blown away into tornado? Come on. Hundreds of other, better, ways could have accomplished this. So inane I am not going to even bother watching the movie after that.

Ok 174 more characters. This is why I hardly do review on this platform. They make it that can't leave review unless use 400 characters. 400!!!!! Who de died on that? I have seen some great movies and want to review More to say than just it was good 🤣 but don't need 400 characters to do so.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Decent show
10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like the show and knie actions need to occur to further the story, but making Gus that stupid is annoying. He keeps making same mistake. I am sure he would be afraid and stop calling attention to himself and calling the bad guys in.
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Insight into awful situation
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The father is despicable, obviously. What father films their daughters ass and says nice and I got my eye on you. The mother was just as complicit, making the children recant the abuse confession and bringing them back to that man. She still won't own her responsibility in the documentary she lies, she's disgusting.
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The Dead Wives Club: The Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
So messed up
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think Robert Wagner killed Natalie but this guy Dennis could've done more. When RJ and Natalie were fighting, he says he sees her not moving on the deck of the boat and does nothing. She might've already been dead at that time and then was thrown overboard. But once again a man gets away with killing a woman.
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Decent show
2 February 2021
I watch a lot of real crime shows. This series had several murders because I had never heard of. So it was entertaining. There's nothing to do with the quality of the show by episode for it pisses me off when people all the wild animals. If you have half a brain, even if you want them, you should know that this is wrong.
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Valiant (2019)
Great documentary
2 February 2021
I really liked this doc, and I watch a lot of documentaries. I wish I could get a list of the songs that were played. If any or know of a way to do that it would be appreciated if you share.
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Losers: Judgement (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Two sides
1 February 2021
I'm glad I read the previous review. It's difficult because you never know when something is biased. I think there was racism, especially in the beginning of her career. But there are certain rules in figure skating and you do need the artistry and a good attitude. And taking off a metal is just almost unforgivable I mean to take off a metal because you didn't get gold is deplorable. it wasn't necessarily because she is black but maybe she didn't deserve to win. I don't know there's no way to know the truth of it all.
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Killer Motive: A Killer Upstairs (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Could have saved her?
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where was Savannah the whole time? Twice the police went there. if they killed her and removed the baby in that apartment then she was there the whole time. Did they really look for her? I am confounded by this.
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Hide and Seek (2005)
Far fetched
14 December 2020
So before you even get into the movie you have to believe a therapist moved his young daughter, not just away from everything she knows and after seeing her mother commit suicide, but out to the country where there is nothing around her.
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Weightless (I) (2017)
24 June 2020
I agree with the comment I saw; trying to be too artsy so wonder what is the point of the film. If you're trying to be so creative that you actually don't even get the point. What does the ending mean? they were having fun together but he still going to get taken away? I don't agree with the comment that make him seem so dumb compared to others. I don't think he seems dumb, he just has issues and some people are dumber, why bring up race? And they kept you in the dark. With his girlfriend they have a talk which you can't hear and then they break up, why? Because he went to work and left his son on his birthday
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Hungry Hearts (2014)
He should have done more
24 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie it was very well acted. I found it very disturbing; it took him way too long to do some thing about it and he was complicit saying she convinced him, no the baby was suffering and he let it go on. It was disturbing that he went from letting her do everything she wanted to hitting her. But if you're feeding your baby in a church obviously there's something wrong. He could've just said no I'm taking the baby to the doctor but he didn't. Then they would've been plenty of documentation that the baby should not be with her
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NCIS: Monsters and Men (2014)
Season 11, Episode 14
28 February 2015
I don't get it. Bishop studied Parsa for six years, but she is not suspicious at all when he falls off the chair. She opens the door and causes the death of the two guards, and Gibbs offers her a job as reward??? This show is slipping.

And I know they all "get" Tony and he suppose to have a good side, but he is annoying. I am not sure if he is overwritten or overacted. No way Ziva would have fallen in love with him.

I like the show for the most part, obvious, since I watch it. Harmon is great as Gibbs.

I want to leave a review and I am being told how long I need to make it?
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