
3 Reviews
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I actually saw the film at a screening yesterday.
26 February 2015
Where to begin... Let's start with the Bible thumpers who've already written. This I find the most hilarious particularly after seeing the film. The lead character is in fact, surprise surprise, a Christian. So before you go all haywire with the "why are we glorifying evil comments" you might... I don't know... want to see what happens in the movie, because in many ways your arguments about death and should we mess with it are addressed. Moving on.... I have yet to find a horror film that really just does it for me. My biggest issues are the "Why the heck is that character doing that" sort of thing. This film, I found, was better than many at covering gaps- but it still had them. It followed a lot of the traditional horror genre camp but actors turned in an okay performance and I thought it had decent potential... it just didn't use it. The most consistently horrifying thing is just how much Zoe needs a chapstick... I guess the undead have super dry lips... But I digress. (although seriously it's that distracting, which is a shame because Olivia Wilde is actually half way decent- if someone gave her actual material to work with she'd probably ace it as she usually does) Often with this producer team I find that they have really clever horror film concepts, they just fall apart on the follow through. This film, more than any other they've made in my opinion, was basically just a set up for a franchise. It's fine- but you expect it, and in that respect it lacks any redeeming qualities to make it a good movie just on it's own. Mark Duplass is one of my favorite actors since "Safety Not Guaranteed" but he really feels like he's being forced to phone it in on this one. It doesn't feel like it's his fault, it just feels like poor writing. I'm giving it 3 stars for the occasional jump,some pretty nice visuals, and an interesting concept (even if the pay off wasn't there for me).
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Whiplash (2014)
Absolutely the best film of the year and perhaps the past 10
26 February 2015
Birdman is the pretentious heap that this film blows out of the water. As an artist, playwright, film maker, and writer I went into Birdman WANTING to love it. But alas, where the acting was good, the writing was not.

Finally when it came Oscar time, I got to see Whiplash.

This. This. This. is a film about art and about struggle. JK Simmons is absolutely incredible (although his acting career has already proved he can do anything.) Yes, he plays a hard arse teacher... and there is the debate that this film pushes that mentality that the only way to push your students is to demean them... but I see another side to it. For me at least, it was about the struggle we have as artists even just to accept ourselves as good enough. JK Simmons is the embodiment of the demons all artists struggle with.

The entire film you are on the edge of your seat. It's a beautifully simple story while still being a very complex film. I've seen all the nominees and this film absolutely should have been best picture. Anyone that has seen it and "gets it" knows what we are talking about when we say that. It has such passion and fever that it is a classic already. I rarely say I have favorite films... but this one certainly jumped to my top 5.

It's a testament to great acting, writing, directing and story. You'd be amiss to deny yourself the chance to see it.
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Birdman (or The Unexpected Remake of Black Swan: Male Edition)
26 February 2015
I went into this film wanting to ADORE it. "I love it" they said. "It will change your life" they said. "It will mean so much to you" they said.

Oh just stop.

Do you want to be impressed by a single camera gimmick for 2 hours taking Best Picture? Than by all means- you've found your film. Bask in the glow of knowing all you need to do is a single long shot to get an Oscar.

Let's start with the good. Emma Stone is wonderful.

Okay, onto the bad- Michael Keaton, by maybe no fault of his own, spends two hours yelling self-indulgent spew. I mean that's what New York actors are like right?! Ugh.

The script has maybe one or two lines that are decently written... but other than that it's just clunky garbage that talks a lot but says nothing.

Honestly, if you've seen Black Swan you've seen the relatively better source material. I feel like the more people go on about Birdman's excellence the more things I find I absolutely can't stand about it.

If you want a film about art, moreover the film that should have ACTUALLY won best picture... go see Whiplash, seriously. It's everything this film WISHES it was.
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