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Car Masters: Rust to Riches: Hit the Gas (2023)
Season 5, Episode 2
Not their best work
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After all was said and done the Dodge Daytona replica had no headlights. All it had was outlines where the headlights would be if it actually had headlights. The original Dodge Daytonas had pop-up headlights that came up out of the nose cone.

One of the guys spoke about the fiberglass nose cone on the original Dodge Daytonas; but that was an error on his part.

The original nose cones on the Dodge Daytonas and Plymouth Superbirds was built out of aluminum, not fiberglass. There are virtually no Dodge Daytonas in existence which still have the original aluminum nose cone. So many people, unused to the extreme overhang, would bang the nose cone into objects, etc. And the nose cone would be replaced with an aftermarket fiberglass cone. The same was true of the Plymputh Superbirds.
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Wish I had that time back
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I told my wife that while this wasn't the dumbest movie I've ever seen it definitely was the worst one I've seen today. I can't believe how horrible this thing was. Even Audie Murphy couldn't save it with his 4 minute appearance.
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Worst superhero movie ever
30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here's my wish. I wish I had that 2.5 hours back. So many plot holes, bad stunts, impossibilities compounded by improbabilities, chaos where none should exist. Fiction taken to astronomically fictional heights. The one wish no one considered? "I wish things were back to what they were before Maxwell Lord made his wish."
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Least likeable lead character in a decade
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A barely functional alcoholic whose everyday living proves consistently that she is her own worst enemy. If she didn't make bad decisions she wouldn't make any decisions at all. Even her incessant hallucinations, which she knows are hallucinations, don't give her a clue. She does, slooowly, start to come to grips with her involvement in the disintegration of her family and her father's role in her chemical dependence. Dropping friends along the way, she doesn't even know that she is the reason they have grown to hate her or admit that she is an alcoholic. She is so bad that she no longer realizes she is drunk when she IS drunk. The three H's Helpless, Hopeless, and Hapless.
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Undercover Boss: Loehmann's (2013)
Season 5, Episode 2
He's the problem, not the solution
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
He thinks the lady's attitude is bad but that attitude is born of his not giving her the tools to properly do her job. Five mannequins for an entire store is terrible.

It was nice he gave her $10k but the store refurb is apparently a bit late. Maybe she will finally get the tools she needs.
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