
43 Reviews
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Resident Evil (2022)
19 July 2022
Unwatchable. Not RE worthy, does not deserve to use that name. Just garbage from production to, cinematography, to acting and worst of all story. And the music score stinks!
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
Wall > show
18 May 2021
Show itself is clunky, slapstick humor. Those that like the R&M comparison I understand why you want to, given the R&M co creator connection but please stop. Where R&M is clever and complex at times, this show has ZERO of that cleverness about it. None of the main characters are even appealing or generate any interest. They are all just clowns who scream and shout at each other and everything about them the majority of the time. And 99% of the time they are just unfunny.

The wall storyline is the only interesting thing about this show that keeps me coming back. Interesting characters - with character DEVELOPMENT unlike the aliens in this show - that makes me wonder what will happen.

Silvercops story line is also getting good and the new Korvo voice is terrible.
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I expected more
9 January 2021
I was hoping for a series that delved into the creation of each character from the comics side - who created it, first drew it, first appearance, etc.

This isn't it. This is just a collection of scenes and and voices from what's already been seen in the Marvel movies - things we've already seen and heard.

Maybe I expected to much, I was hoping for something fresh and new. Not a rehash of what I already know.

Feels more like a promotional tool then anything insightful or meaningful.
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It's about time
4 June 2020
Been waiting all season for an episode like this. This had everything a Rick and Morty episode should have consistently.

Instant classic as far as I'm concerned. Just a shame it took all season to pull a real R&M show out for us all. This is how it should be, hoping next season you keep up to this level and R&M will be back to being the great show the first three seasons were.
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Rick and Morty: Promortyus (2020)
Season 4, Episode 7
Finally, a reprieve for yourself
13 May 2020
It's about time.

Finally put out an episode worthy of Rick & Morty. Should have opened with this for a season opener.

Much better that the last few episodes, got to see the entire family this time. Summer was awesome, thanks for that.

Keep this level of quality going forward please.
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Rick and Morty: Never Ricking Morty (2020)
Season 4, Episode 6
What a garbage episode
6 May 2020
Five month hiatus and this is what you come back with? Seriously?

What a garbage episode, a confusing mess that was absolutely pointless.

Quite the drop-off in quality and substance from season three to this one, with this midseason opener falling flat out of the gate. It was a struggle to get through this one, and the first R&M episode I never laughed once. Not once, not even a chuckle.

Hard to believe this season is what we waited years for and its just a sad mess so far. Hope the last of this season gets R&M back on track. I seriously loved the first seasons but if this is what can be expected from now on, this show will get booted off the watch list.

Get it together.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
Another fake show
22 March 2020
Just another fake reality tv show in a long list of them.

Garbage tv for the simple minded, lead to believe this nonsense is real.

Unoriginal drivel just like all these kinds of shows. Cut the cord. Stop watching this idiotic cr@p and studios will spend the money on worthwhile tv shows.

You the viewer have the power to stop this. Stop watching it
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Rick and Morty: Rattlestar Ricklactica (2019)
Season 4, Episode 5
Good but seriously? A mid season break?
3 February 2020
5 episodes that taxing you guys need a mid season break?

Come on...

That's a lame Walking Dead move, you're better than that. Waited long enough for season 4 don't pull this c**p
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1917 (2019)
Good but not great
17 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The one-shot look of this movie was interesting. Wasn't sure if I was going to like that that approach to filming but it worked for this film.

The movie looked fantastic and the scenes and shots were breath taking. Sound and music score really helped a viewer on an emotional level as well.

While I was engrossed and drawn into this film from start to finish, after it was over and I had time to reflect on it, I found it not the profound masterpiece others have stated it as.

The plot in general was unrealistic - there are better ways to deliver a message than sending two soldiers across enemy lines and relying on luck and hope.

Some of the scenes dragged as well, which caused the movie to lose momentum for me. Felt the build up often yes, but then there would be scene that made me lose interest (truck ride. French woman & baby).

Acting wasn't spectacular either, from anyone in the film. You can have all the explosions and battle scenes you want that look great, but if the actors can't carry the script along it won't work as a whole. This is why the comparisons that mention Saving Private Ryan don't work for me - those actors drew you in with their performances. That didn't happen here, and between the acting and the momentum losing scenes, is why I cant rate this film any higher.

Close, but missed the mark for a perfect film, but a good watch none the less.
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I enjoyed it...
17 January 2020
...but its no T2. Because it can't be.

Go into this just being a fan of the franchise and it will be a fun watch. Go into it expecting the greatness that was the first two movies, and you're setting your expectations too high.

Forget the Hollywood nonsense, the race/gender forcing, the forced wokeness and all that garbage. It will drag you down and you won't enjoy this movie. Just go into it as a fan for what it is - a Terminator movie.

I thought Arnold and Linda were not too bad in this movie, the rest of the cast unfortunately are forgettable.
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Midway (2019)
Just ok
17 January 2020
Not as bad as some critics are trashing it, but not all that well done either.

I thought the action was way better than any of the acting - none of that was memorable.

Don't go in expecting to much and you wont be entirely disappointed.

Although from what they crammed into this from Pearl to Midway I was disappointed they skipped over the Battle of the Coral Sea entirely. That was an important sea battle before Midway and deserved to appear here in the film - more than that island raid they did.
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Titans: Nightwing (2019)
Season 2, Episode 13
What was that?
23 December 2019
Horrible ending, almost as bad as the season premier.

This show just cant seem to string together good episodes, and this finale was just awful.

Badly choreographed fight scenes, plots lines that are senseless, scripts that are shallow and boring.

This all comes down to the writing team no matter how you look at it. These actors can do better and there are some decent scenes in this season that show that. But the lines and plots have to be there continuously and they just aren't.

I really want to like this show. Honestly I do. So fire the writing team and as stated - get some writers in there that actually have read the source material and have a clue.

No way Donna Troy is dead either, really think watchers are gonna fall for that? C'mon man...
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Titans: E.L._.O. (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
A let down
18 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a series of really good and incredible episodes, this one was a let down for me.

Another Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne dream sequence. No reason for it, could have had Dick just replay the encounter with Slade in his head and figure the Jericho thing out himself.

No real explanation for the strange events that caused all the female Titans to gather at the diner. None at all. Seemed forced and pretty dumb.

Just seemed like a pointless, meandering episode that really went nowhere and did nothing. Just didn't care for it.

Hope the season wraps up the last two shows being great again like I am used to, because this episode was just ridiculous.
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Titans: Conner (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Nailed it
12 October 2019
Agree with the other raters, best episode so far.

Nailed Superboy. Good writing, good acting, just so well done.

Keep it going!
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Someone please pass me the mind bleach!
11 October 2019
No spoilers, because there is nothing to spoil. This show was already rotten!

A total disappointment from acting, to directing, to the writing, to production, to choreography of fight scenes, to... God the list is endless.

Everything about this show from top to bottom is just garbage. I had high hopes for this after dumping GA, Flash, etc. a few years back.

Totally let done by this piece of trash, its like they didn't even try. A fifth grader could write better stories than this swear to God.

Wish I could use Stewie Griffin's time machine and go back to the point where I never even HEARD of this show let alone go back to where I didn't even watch it...
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Poorly (_______) "fill the blank"
26 September 2019
Poorly cast Poorly produced Poorly scripted Poorly acted Poorly directed Poorly edited

I sense a theme...

Watch François Truffaut's version, at least he tries his best.

Better yet, read the book.
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Choke (2008)
Yep, another book better than movie review
19 September 2019
Just go read the book, or listen to the audiobook.

Movie just doesn't do the book justice, no way around it.

Actors are just ok in this, they've all been better in other roles in other movies. I don't know maybe Gregg Clark should stick to acting and not directing.

Sad really, there are so many of Chuck Palahniuk's works that could be great on screen - I personally think Survivor would be a GREAT movie.

Poor attempts at turning his novels into films like this would kill any future attempts. Hoping the next one will be much better
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Titans: Rose (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Makes you forget about episode 1 quick
15 September 2019
Decent character dialogue and development and an overall solid episode.

For me, Hawk and Dove steal the show once again - they are just perfect and I think have good chemistry in their scenes. They just click.

Lots of sub plots introduced in this episode, which I like gives the show and characters more depth.

Too much to comment on. Rose, Donna & Kori, the "sorry Princess" comment, Roy Harper. All good stuff.

Thanks for making up for a poor start to this season, makes me forget about how awful the first episode was. You made up for it big time.
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Titans: Trigon (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Not a good start
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? So after all that build up in season 1 for Trigon, he gets dispatched that easily in one episode? He's supposed to be a badass and this is what you come up with? Very lame.

That's lazy writing, no matter how you look at it. Very poor start for season two, hope this gets better I was really looking forward to this coming back.

Tone down the Jason Todd annoyance factor some while you're at it, it makes him totally unlikeable, and the scenes he's in unbearable to watch. At this point, I'm hoping Joker appears with a crowbar..

Get Donna Troy in uniform pronto. More Hawk & Dove.

And don't screw up Deathstroke..
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The Boys (2019– )
Great ensemble for this show
19 August 2019
Each actor really owns their respective roles in this series, and that's what makes this great for me.

Being a super hero genre fan, I have become picky with my ratings but I had to rank this so high because of the cast and the jobs they did acting.

Antony Starr is amazing in this as Homelander. Never disappoints and just owns the scenes he is in.

Looking forward to season two after that ending.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Season 5 and those kids...
19 July 2019
Total snooze fest this season. The entire thing seems so pointless and meandering towards nothing in particular.

I have held on every season in the hopes that it gets better and it never does.

Morgan and Dwight can't save this series I don't think.

And those kids... The whole plot with those kids is bringing this entire season down.

Maybe I'm the bad guy here but my God... in a matter of survival I would have left those rotten kids behind and moved on.

They are KILLING this show. Dump them all already!
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Jett (2019)
Came here for Carla Gugino. Staying here for the show
15 June 2019
I won't lie, Carla Gugino is the only reason I considered checking this show out.

Didn't come into this expecting too much but honestly after one episode, there is enough going on to hook me and keep me coming back.

Decent acting, good cast selection. Good story and the sets look very stylish and detailed. Wardrobe department deserves credit and the music score top notch.

Very well written with enough twists to keep me guessing, I only hope the season can keep up with this first episode and not have a let down.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Season 1 good, Season 2?..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
5 June 2019
Frist season was great. Well paced, well scripted and enough hints to keep you in the know of who was who, and what was going on.

Season 2?

Snoozefest.... GoT comparisons? Please... not even close.

Too boring, way to slow paced and dragged out. Half the time I didn't know wtf was going on or why. After 5 episodes I stopped caring but kept watching in the hopes it would end with a bang.

Never happened, finale was just lame and pointless

Wont stick around for season 3, this show ran out of gas for me.
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If you've been a fan since John Wick, you'll stay a fan
30 May 2019
If you're a fan, JW3 does not disappoint.

Action and violence. Many deaths

JW3 picks up right where JW2 left off and moves right along. Won't give anything away, but if you like watching John kill a whole lot of people than this will work for you.
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Strange Luck (1995–1996)
Needs a DVD release
30 May 2019
Great show, really loved it and miss it.

Needs a DVD release - long overdue
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