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I'm halfway through - it's a snoozefest
4 May 2024
I have Amazon Prime and I'm halfway through this slogfest. It's very sloggy. Snoozey. I don't get the chemistry between the two stars. And Anne Hathaway has never IMO been sexy on screen so she doesn't emote "passion". And the British guy, what's his name, is monotone-ly talking.

I don't feel anything for these characters or where they're headed. I can almost predict the next few scenes in this movie, which is straight to Streaming - and for a reason. No way would this movie have made box office.

Do I care if these two end up together or that the ex-husband is meddling in their relationship (my prediction)? Nope.
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Challengers (2024)
A movie for GEN-Z not for me
28 April 2024
I was all in with Challengers until the last 20 minutes when it totally lost me. In the end it wasn't much of a story or it didn't make sense. But I realized it's not a movie for my (Old school) generation. Zendaya, IMO, was not believable as a 31 yr old married woman with child who was manipulating two men in her life. She was believable as a 18 and 20 year old who was climbing the tennis ladder and had two guys who were in love with her. THAT I could believe. But in your 30s would she still be playing the two against each other? That part was hard to believe.

Zendaya got great acting chops and the camera loves her. But in the end it was hard for me to believe her in that role. The two actors were great in their parts, but that camera close-up of them everytime they had an encounter was annoying after a while. The Tennis action shots were fantastic and it brought you into the game, even though I don't know diddly about tennis. And that's another problem I had....who was winning that last game? They played three sets over 2 days and I always thought your complete 3 sets were played in one outing one day. And that's another problem I had. WHAT year was it? Because the timeline kept bouncing back and forth from the present to the past I got totally lost and couldn't keep up with it.
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I learned two words: Hollow Ground and Monsterverse
29 March 2024
I did not know there was a Monsterverse but that seems apropos for a movie about two gigantic prehistoric creature monsters that are always warring with something or somebody.

I went to this movie for mindless escape and that's what I got. A lot of loud sound effects and huge monsters filling up the screen.

The story -- what story? It meanders all over the sci-fi fantasy universe.

How did Godzilla and Kong get into the same space to duel over Europe? I dunno. But that's where you suspend disbelief and just laugh it off.

The kids will love it because it has loud and roaring noises and the special effects of the Hollow Ground are eye popping.
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Sly writing; great cast of actors
24 December 2023
The scriptwriting was very sly. But I don't understand how it's nom'd for best "comedy" when it's really a dramedy. There's enough drama and great dramatic acting in this movie to melt your heart and make you think about family. We all probably have that sibling(s) who can't contribute when the family hits a crisis. And I know all too well that the girl sibling is the one who takes care of an aging mom.

Jeffrey Wright is Monk, an educated well written author who doesn't write low-class ghetto books. But as a joke and in order to make money he does write a ghetto book using every bad stereotype about black people that he can. The book becomes a best seller,much to his dismay. But it helps pay the mounting bills.

This is that rare movie where you just settle in and take it all in because the writing and acting are superb.

There are some laugh out loud moments, but there are some serious heartbreaking moments too.

There was no standout actor for me, but Sterling K. Brown transcended into the gay brother who's going through is own life problems. And Tracee Ross is always good in everything she does. Jeffrey Wright, as always carries his weight.
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Save Your money, Stay home and stream it
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody at the movie studio forgot to tell Scorcesee "CUT!" because this movie is so frigging long. 4 hours! We need an intermission, it's so long.

Some scenes drag on and on and on and I wanted to yell, "hurry it up". It's a story that needed to be told but perhaps in a docudrama and not a fictionalized movie. And certainly with a better director. Better yet, maybe Scorcesee should have made this a 2-part series for Netflix.

DiCaprio (Ernest) and DeNiro (King) compete to chew up scenes. They both are capable actors but for some reason I only saw one emotion from both of them.

The story is about a true incident that happened to the OSAGE Indian tribe in Okla. I'm sure liberties were taken with the story. The Osage lived and owned land that was rich with oil. To assure that the oil land would be passed onto White citizens, white men married Indian women and coincidentally the wives died (prematurely by murder or fire) leaving the husbands the estate.

That same plan is what Ernest is urged to do by his uncle King. And one by one we watch Indian women die; Ernest even poisons his wife.

The story ONLY perks up and gets engaging when the wife goes to Washington and asks the President to intervene to find out why these women are dying. That's when the FBI comes in the picture and it becomes a crime drama. Much more interesting and more engaging.

But with that we are dragged through long long scenes between DiCaprio and the FBI and witnesses and Deniro (the uncle) and the wife and they go back and forth, and you just want to scream "Get on with it." This could be called typical Scorcesee. He's known to make long belabored movies. He won best director for the Departed, but that was such a snappy fast moving movies with all types of twists I didn't mind the 3-1/2 hour sit-through.

But this Killers Movie is laborious.

It's going to get a bunch of awards because the hype has already started and Scorcesee is promoting it all over the internet and TV. The only person deserving of a nomination is the lead actress. I don't think DiCaprio did anything unexpect from him, nor Deniro.

I still say save your money, stay home and stream it so you can take potty breaks.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Don't waste your money don't believe the hype
29 July 2023
The only reason I saw this movie is because I belong to a movie club.

I didn't want to see this movie because of Christopher Nolan. I hate his movies (except Batman).

I walked out of this movie with 30 minutes left. It's a 3 hour movie that drags and drags and drags near the end.

There were so many scientists and characters I couldn't keep them straight.

The inquisition by the Senate dragged and dragged and dragged.

Did I mention I hate Christopher Nolan movies?

The music score was horrible. I couldn't understand the dialogue between characters because the music was so distracting and when it crescendo'd, I couldn't hear what was being said.

Did I mention I hate Christopher nolan movies?

Did I mention the movie is 3 hours long? If it's a fast paced 3 hour movie and I don't "feel" the time length, I'm alright with it. Sometimes you go into a movie and you're so engaged you don't notice the time. But I kept looking at my watch at the 2:30 point. And then I had to leave.

The only reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because of Emily Blunt. She was the only character I cared about.

Wait for this movie to come on streaming. I wish I had seen the Barbie movie instead.
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Joy Ride (2023)
The Asian Girls' Trip
7 July 2023
If you liked Girls trip, just substitute Asian women. The twist in the movie is that one of them goes on the hunt for her birth mother after being raised by White American couple. There is a twist in that hunt, which I won't reveal, but it's a heck of a raunchy joy ride. Like Girls' Trip all of the women are resisting the urge to be horny, but let it loose after holding it back. There's the girlfriend who's lied to her fiance and the girl who's a corporate success but has lost her identity. I enjoyed this movie and laughed where I was supposed to. The funniest part was in the Chinese Train and meeting the American drug dealer. Whoever wrote that scene needs to be given the Mark Twain Comedy award.

I thought the acting and the direction was good and after seeing Beijing scenery (or was it China?) I wanted to go on a trip. There are so many hilarious scenes from the partying with the basketball team to the family reunion. It was so much fun.
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BlackBerry (2023)
Did it really happen this way?
16 May 2023
I don't know if the rise and downfall of Blackberry happened exactly as portrayed in the movie. But it sure convinced me it did. The Blackberry group was first named Research in Motion and it stayed that way until it found an investor in Jim Balsillie. Then it became a sexier name - Blackberry. I saw this movie with a 3/4 full audience and everyone was fixated on the story. I was too because I was watching a great company with a great invention (the cell phone) go down the tubes because of egos, incompetence, brilliance, manipulation and power struggles. Much like the Social Network, this movie showed us that nerdy engineers can be screw-ups too. Few of them are wired to be savvy cunning business men. The company relied on Balsillie to make the deals with leading providers like AT&T, and it worked until Steve Jobs invented the Apple smartphone.

The movie had snappy dialogue, great acting because I believed the nerds were nerds and the businessmen were manipulators.
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The best
7 May 2023
Wow! I've gone full circle with Tina Turner. Read the book, saw the movie, saw the Broadway play, and now this documentary. It held nothing back. Even though I knew the story from beginning to now, this documentary clearly simplified it all. She is the woman of the century. She shows women & people how to overcome and transform their lives. I do wish she had the health and strength to go on a motivational speaking tour. I think she would kill it. She was very lucky to find Ervin and together they have proven to be happy and resilient. Everybody should find their soul mate as Tina has. I'm also glad there's footage of her performances because we'll never see another like her.
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Air (I) (2023)
Sort of like Jerry Maguire but about Basketball
5 April 2023
Before I begin this review, Viola davis had the worst makeup job I've ever seen. I can't believe she signed off on that makeup. She didn't need to look darker than she is.

Now about the movie - it was enjoyable and well written. A simple story about how Michael Jordan (and Sonny Vaccaro) saved Nike and made it the #1 athletic company in the world. The depiction of Howard white by Chris Tucker is a bit over the top but comical. Tucker brings his own comic flavor to the role and really steals scenes from everybody else.

At the end of the movie I realized that Michael's mom is owed a big thanks by all the million dollar athletes who are getting contracts from Nike and royalty payments for shoe sales. The mom is the ONE who was the savior of the sneaker business.

(If you wait a month it will be released on Amazon Prime - free)
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It holds my attention
18 March 2023
I was surprised at how much I like this series. I'm on Ep 4 and it's holding my attention, unlike some other streaming shows. The cast has chemistry. Riley Keogh is a revelation as an actress. The music is JUST right. The costumes seem authentic, straight out of a thrift store. I'm guessing this is based on the relationship between Fleetwood Mac band but it could be any rock band.

I'm not a great critic of music, but because they sing just a small sample of the song, the songs are not overpowering. The songs are not my style of music but its listenable. Actually I don't have much to criticize about this show.

I like the documentary style. I feel as if these musicians are real people.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
I haven't laughed this hard in awhile
26 February 2023
Give Elizabeth Banks an award for bringing funny back to the movies. If Tom Cruise & Top Gun saved the movies last year, Elizabeth saved comedies this year. Don't go in looking for a drama. Go in and leave your brains at the door.

It takes a lot for me to laugh with tears, but I did with this movie. It was stupid, silly, fun, unbelievable and just plain laugh-out loud funny.

Now I don't know if cocaine can have that effect on a bear. But I really don't care. The funniest scene was when the bear fell on the guy and the "he" we thought the bear was, turned out to be a "she." And how did he know? Because the VayVay was sitting on his head. Whoever wrote that scene needs a writers award.
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Plane (2023)
Hold onto your passenger seat
15 January 2023
I wanted to give it 10 stars, but since I knew everybody would escape alive I gave it 9 stars. All I can say is grab the popcorn and hold onto your seat. The first 30 minutes of this movie watching the plane fly through the storm brought back my flying phobia. And the times I flew in turbulence.

The rest of the movie is pure action packed, and wondering - how the hel l are they going to get out of this mess. On an island with murderous rebel group who decapitate people. But it was the ending with Mike Colter doing what he did is what surprised me. That's the twist. And even now I keep wondering, where did Mike Colter go on that island?
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I almost cried at the end - ALMOST
31 December 2022
Well, that was a good as s movie. The lead, Naomi Ackie captured Whitney perfectly. It was hard not to look at her and not know you weren't seeing Whitney. I will remember her name. Stanley Tucci was magnificent as Clive. And I knew Whit and Clive were close, as Clive is close with all his artists. But he took a particular interest in Whitney. Anybody who's a music lover knows Whitney's story. It was a shock when she died in 2012 (has it been THAT long?), just as it was with Prince and so many others. But this movie actually gives you a sense of her relationship with the key people in her life from her father to mom to Bobby Brown. I think this movie needs more recognition than its getting and Kasi Lemmons is one of our premier, great Black female directors.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Enjoyable Perfect Casting
26 December 2022
I want to thank HBO for making the White Lotus available to purchase via Youtube because I don't have cable. I wish it were true of all the streaming services, like Paramount.

I had no idea what this show was about. I remember Jennifer Coolidge on Jimmy Kimmel and based on that I purchased the season.

Glad I did. The ensemble is perfect. The characters are memorable so much to the point that I keep wondering what happened to this or that character after the show so I will definitely be watching S2.

It was such a good show that I had a desire to find the hotel in Hawaii; is it real? I don't know.
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I don't know what to make of this version
19 December 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed the Animated "original" beauty and the beast. And just as I would settle in and watch, it was intercut with a "live" Broadway re-enaction. Which was quite distracting. The teacups just stood around and honestly, the SENIOR actors and actresses were way toooo old for this production (I'm talking about you Martin Short).

The dancing was stiff and in one segment you had a Caucasian Beauty and in the next segment it was intercut with a POC Beauty. (If I write Black this comment may be taken down) I don't know why Disney just Didn't honor the original by showing us the original.
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Near Perfect Movie
18 December 2022
I didn't know what to expect going into this movie. I just knew it was winning a lot of awards and I'd better see it soon.

This was like watching the War of the Roses between two men friends. Not that extreme, but one of the men wants a divorce and the other doesn't.

When Brendan Gleeson tells Collin Farrell, I don't like you anymore. OMG, that hit home because I'm going through an analysis of my friendships. And realize there are some folk I don't like anymore and won't socialize with them. What happens when you tell someone who thought you were friends that it's over? And that person won't let you be.

Colin Farrell is probably giving the performance of his life because you can see the sadness and confusion in his face when his so-called best friend doesn't want to be around anymore. And there's nowhere these two can go. They live on a remote little Irish island where everybody knows everybody, sees everybody all day and knows your business. You would have to leave the island entirely.

This movie made me laugh, made me think about relationships and understand about loneliness and isolation. It was sad in a lot of ways.

Not to spoil anything, but the friend who won't let go goes to extremes with his anger and confusion.

I didn't understand some of the Irish brogue and words they spoke. You have to listen very carefully.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
It held my attention because of Stallone
26 November 2022
I don't think any other actor could have played this role. Sly is bigger than the small screen and he's given the best lines in this show. I only saw the 1st ep on YT, I don't have Paramount, but if there's more being released on YT I would definitely see it.

His supporting cast is no-name, I didn't recognize any other actors. And filming in Tulsa gives the show "flavor" vs filming on a backlot in Hollywood. I think Stallone has reached his peak with the Creed movies and this TV show. Age does him well. Glad he's away from those action movies, which I think he outgrew. This is the fit for him.
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Glass Onion (2022)
A waste of my time
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the first Knives out and was quite entertained. It seemed like an Old Fashion "Murder she wrote" or "Columbo" mystery movie. The acting in the 1st installment was superior and I was eager to see the 2nd installment. After about 2 hours (it's 3 hours long) I walked out. I was bored, I was confused, couldn't follow the story, and frankly didn't care for the characters. And Hugh Grant made a 1 second cameo -- WHY? I so wanted this movie to work for me and for Benoit to be a character like Columbo I would come back to again and again. The writing was all over the place (and lazy) and whenever a story throws in twins and one of them is a co-detective with Benoit, you know the movie is in trouble. Kate Hudson was the most lively character as Birdie. There were 2 murders by the time I left and I didn't care to know who did it. Don't pay for it in the theatre but see it with your Netflix subscription.
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I quit watching at the gay menage a trois
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Amazon won't let you rate the movie until you see the complete movie and I just couldn't. I agree with all the 4 & 5 star comments. Good actors in a bad movie. I didn't believe any of the relationships. Or laugh one time. Daughter having sex with a stranger on the plane and with her boss. Daughters who squabbled because one didn't visit the other during a miscarriage. Son is easy to slide into a relationship with other men. Mom and ex-husband who haven't seen each other in 20 years fall into bed. TOOO much! It all seemed forced. And according to Amazon this is the #3 watched movie. I don't think everyone got through the whole movie. London, though, looks like a fun destination.
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Something Different
18 September 2022
I was expecting Wakanda #2, but instead I got a bit of history without the flying cars and spaceships.

The good: -Finally the admission that black African tribes collaborated with EU in the slave trade.

-Big old fight scenes reminescent of Braveheart
  • Viola Davis shared screen time equally with the other actors
  • Thuso is a genuine "IT" girl, she should be given more acting work. She stole scenes from Viola.

-the perfect part for Viola, and yes, she cried in the movie (as did the audience) -The story was fairly easy to follow.

The bad:
  • the changing hairstyles IMO were distracting. One day the hair (wigs) was Nappy Afro hair, the next it was braided, the next next it was tangled and kinky, the next next next it was garnished with jewels. Enough!!

-It became a bit confusing if the Dahomey were actual slave traders because we never saw them imprison anyone and trade with the EUs.

Oh well.

Viola Davis had equal time with other actors, which was a good thing. And who was that hunky mulatto actor (yummy). And do you agree with me that John Boyega bears a close resemblance to Denzel Washington.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Good Popcorn Hold onto your seat movie
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie wanting to see Idris more than anything because I don't see him in movies or TV. And I know he's a good actor and this movie didn't disappoint. He's a really good actor. The storyline is fascinating because of how it compares the Lion's "pride" with Nate's (Idris) character trying to protect his daughters.

At times you have to suspend disbelief, as with all good popcorn movies. For example (spoiler) how did the lion survive the crash? I feel the writer (or producers) needed about 15 minutes more of cinema footage and created an anti-climactic ending, because that animal should have died in the crash.

But movie had me on edge, and it's one of the best "how do we get out of this mess?" survival movies today.
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The Batman (2022)
WAYYY too long
4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a DC or Marvel follower. I hardly know the heroes. The only ones I know about are Spiderman and Batman, all the others I wouldn't know. I saw the Keaton, Slater batman movies and was entertained. Now there's Pattinson Batman and he's totally different from the others, which could be a good thing, if he continues the franchise for a long while. His Batman is Very broody, confused and a detective. The problem with the movie, which I enjoyed mostly, is that it's too long by about 30 minutes. There was one murder after another after another and the Batman on the trail to figure them all out. Movie should have ended with the Riddler going to jail (spoiler!) and talking to his jailmate, which it turns out to be the Joker. But the movie continues with more riddles and more running around trying to stop catastrophes. I enjoyed Zoe Kravitz as catwoman, she had "swag." But the actor that totally stunned me was Colin Farrell as the Penguin. MY GAWD the makeup was spot-on!
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Passing (I) (2021)
I couldn't get into the movie
11 November 2021
Nice try. I wanted to see this movie because I thought it would be an updated Queen which starred Halle Berry some years ago. I didn't understand the beginning when Renie walks into the cafe and tries hiding. Was she hiding because she had brown skin or because of her class? Was she not supposed to be in the cafe? Also, I couldn't decide if the time period was 1920s 1930s 1940s? The acting was very good, but the story hit a lull with me midway and I was napping. I saw the ending coming.
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Judy Justice (2021– )
I love the Old Judge Judy on network TV
4 November 2021
I had a helluva time trying to find IMDB TV. I don't know what the financial deal is with IMDB, maybe Judy couldn't make a deal with a network station. But she needs to go back on network TV. I consider this "dance" with IMDB to be experimental and hopefully temporary. The only "good" about being on IMDB is that it's a) connected to AMZ prime of which I'm a member and b) it's 24/7. But it's a fail to me. I'm still watching the old Judy on CBS.
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