Save Your money, Stay home and stream it
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody at the movie studio forgot to tell Scorcesee "CUT!" because this movie is so frigging long. 4 hours! We need an intermission, it's so long.

Some scenes drag on and on and on and I wanted to yell, "hurry it up". It's a story that needed to be told but perhaps in a docudrama and not a fictionalized movie. And certainly with a better director. Better yet, maybe Scorcesee should have made this a 2-part series for Netflix.

DiCaprio (Ernest) and DeNiro (King) compete to chew up scenes. They both are capable actors but for some reason I only saw one emotion from both of them.

The story is about a true incident that happened to the OSAGE Indian tribe in Okla. I'm sure liberties were taken with the story. The Osage lived and owned land that was rich with oil. To assure that the oil land would be passed onto White citizens, white men married Indian women and coincidentally the wives died (prematurely by murder or fire) leaving the husbands the estate.

That same plan is what Ernest is urged to do by his uncle King. And one by one we watch Indian women die; Ernest even poisons his wife.

The story ONLY perks up and gets engaging when the wife goes to Washington and asks the President to intervene to find out why these women are dying. That's when the FBI comes in the picture and it becomes a crime drama. Much more interesting and more engaging.

But with that we are dragged through long long scenes between DiCaprio and the FBI and witnesses and Deniro (the uncle) and the wife and they go back and forth, and you just want to scream "Get on with it." This could be called typical Scorcesee. He's known to make long belabored movies. He won best director for the Departed, but that was such a snappy fast moving movies with all types of twists I didn't mind the 3-1/2 hour sit-through.

But this Killers Movie is laborious.

It's going to get a bunch of awards because the hype has already started and Scorcesee is promoting it all over the internet and TV. The only person deserving of a nomination is the lead actress. I don't think DiCaprio did anything unexpect from him, nor Deniro.

I still say save your money, stay home and stream it so you can take potty breaks.
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