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A fine show
15 May 2023
TF Earthspark is sure not a totally perfect show, but it's different, a good different to show a whole other story with interesting new characters rather just the old ones (and they're still good too). I can immediately tell by the first episode that family is a big theme in the show which really makes some parts emotional which I love. Because no matter what and who you are or where you came from, you are family.

I have read alot of the TF comics (MTMTE and so forth like Lost Light) and watch alot of the animated shows/movies of the TF franchise. And I think this one would fit right into with the others.
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Stalked by My Mother (2016 TV Movie)
Guess Stalker Mom will always be Stalker Mom
27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, saw this little film on Lifetime hours ago and knew I had to immediately rant off here on how frustrating this movie was, but I did like the little twist in the middle of it.

First off, the mother. Oho boy. The mother. Of course right off the bat in this movie the mother shows how overbearing she is towards her daughter Maddy, even to a point where she follows her around.

Now the movie did show how the mother does care, which I was going "aw" a little, but that went away fast as soon as they showed the twist, and I was just rooting for the bad guy all the way. Why?

Because the mother made a false claim against the bad guy's loved one in the past and screwed up their life. Yeah. And in near the end of the movie when the showdown between the bad guy and mother (like any lifetime movie shows) came on, the mother did not once apologized for her past action, nope. And guess what? In the end mom never learned a thing in the end, and I got to watch Maddy's mother follow her to a party... AGAIN.

Guess this mom will always be a stalker overbearing mother.
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A delightful comedy
9 December 2016
I'm always wary of comedy movies now these days as most of the recent ones I've seen this year weren't the best or made me laugh out loud (maybe a giggle or two but that's basically it like Mike and Dave, eh).

However, once I saw the trailer for this film and the cast in it, I thought: "Maybe this one will be better." And I was better much right.

Right off the bet the movie had me bursting out many laughs in the first hour. Very witty jokes, nothing cringey at all actually. And the characters? They're not forgettable, like most others are in comedy movies. I remember their every joke and action and I found them hilarious. And yeah, the plot is pretty much simple and seemingly short but everyone's shenanigans are worth seeing.
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Ben 10 (2016–2021)
Few things of what a reboot should NOT be
7 December 2016
Oh boy, where to start? First off, I don't mind comedy, but when a show that 's about a boy fighting villains/aliens there should be more action like in the original or squeals, not just meme faces or trying to hip constantly.

Okay on to my next thing, when you hear the word reboot you expect a show to be new but still kind of sticking to the original story and characters right (like Thunder Cats and Looney Tune show)? Like take for example, Gwen. You know in the original Gwen and Ben's relationship didn't start off sunshine and flowers; but for some odd reason they made Gwen in the reboot seem too much of a doormat towards Ben? It's boring to see them just agreeing with each other without really seeing how their relationship mend from being two bickering cousins to good friends.

Then finally... the lazy design. I get it, they probably want to save money, but it's just so ugly looking. Even made me think it was that Scooby Doo reboot show.
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Much cringe
12 July 2016
Me and my father saw this just last week and to me..? It's cringe worthy. Now, there were some funny parts (tiny though) in this movie but what killed my mood and just made me and my father both cringe so much was the brothers. I felt like the movie was trying too hard to be like Step Brothers but instead we got Dumb and Dumber 3. At least the Dave brother was tolerable, but Mike? No. He was that one person you want to shut up.

I could not laugh at the parts where he was shown. I just could not. Heck, the side characters were more laughable than him (I.E. the cousin and the bride).
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Single cringe-worthy women who are trying not to be single
29 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As a woman myself, I find this movie to be... eh and actually cringe worthy.

So, the movie starts off with the basically the main character Alice breaking up with her four year boyfriend cause she wanted to see what it was like being single (the hell, really? What a moron are you for leaving a boyfriend who wanted to stay with you and then come back thinking you guys can get together after sleeping with someone). Then most of the time of the movie she or the other women are trying to get guys (or really sleep with them) and not really being single at all.

It's a very typical drama New York movie that we see almost every other chick flick movie. Nothing new. Nothing special.
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Dark Touch (2013)
Interesting enough
19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this little film and thought I should watch it again.

The story opens to a young girl named Niamh who's parents died on a horrid night by some unknown force. But when really.. it was Niamh all along.

What I thought was interesting about this film was the girl and how the people handle her after her parents death.

The only two people who were doing things right with her, are of course the welfare woman and her baby's daddy- not forcing her to touch them or anything. The other parents, however.. were forcing her to do things that weren't making her comfortable, not making her trust them enough (i.e. barging in the bathroom, forcing hugs and touches on her), which you are not suppose to do with a child who has been abused.

And I will say; the children killing part was confusing at first-- But I believe Niamh killed them because she thought she was "saving" them from their "abusive" parents.
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Because I said so = Psycho mother said so
3 August 2015
So today, this little movie was playing on HBO, and since I have never seen it, I was like: "Huh, let's check this out."

I regretted watching this. Not only did the cheesy and awful writing made me gag, but so did the actions of the characters. For an example, Milly.. who thought dating TWO guys at once was acceptable and can never stand up against her mother. But she wasn't the worst, oh nooo.

The mother. Is. Psychotic and immature. Whenever she showed up on screen, trying to butt in her daughter's life, I yell: "Goooooo away, you stalker!"

The title of this movie should have be named: Psycho mother said so.
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We Bare Bears (2014–2019)
Very Cute
29 July 2015
I didn't know what to expect when I first saw the trailer, but once I watched the first two episodes, I was giggling continuously.

The humor wasn't boring nor vulgar, and the three bears are a joy to watch (especially Panda, and Ice Bear with his one liners). The show doesn't immediately push these bears in-front of your faces (like a certain GO! show) and go: Haha! Look at them, aren't they funny?? No. They use their jokes, etc., at the right times.

I am looking forward to see more of these bears silliness, and maybe perhaps a little flashback of their past. I'm curious of how they found their home. Can't wait for more this week!
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Bad Behavior (2013)
Parents: Always tell the babysitter what's up
5 July 2015
Saw this film being advertised on Lifetime yesterday, and I thought: "Huh, this could be a interesting movie."

And boy was I wrong. What made me hate this already was the poor common sense and the creepy teenage kid who was no help whatsoever (complaining and being a freaking pervert in front of his kid sister).

Throughout the film I thought the kids were going to tell the babysitter what's up with their brother, but they keep on saying: "We're not suppose to talk about it." WELL, maybe you should since your brother is trying to HURT or KILL you.

And let's not forget the parents. Oho~ They didn't even bother to tell the babysitter about the insane brother. Nope.

So if you guys want to watch a film where there's less suspense, annoying teenage boys, and poor actions? Then this is the film for you, folks.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
So much bashing, tsk tsk
30 June 2015
I've been seeing some of the reviews here, half of you people saying it's "depressing" and half hating it because it's getting popular, and I have to say... I'm really annoyed by all this.

Of course there's going to be some sadness in it, cause it's mainly about a kid's emotions. Emotions trying to help a kid to adjust her new life.

Have you all forgotten how you felt when you had to move away? From the place you've grown up at and made such good friends? Going to a new school? Possibly be a outcast?

I personally think this film is good for both kids AND adults. There is silliness for the kids, but also showing stuff that parents could learn from this film. I think today's society is being too hard on films like this lovely one because it's basically showing real life problems from a realistic family/child.
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Would have been an okay movie, if it weren't for the annoying wife
17 June 2015
The title says it all.

The other characters were fine though (well acted), and even one of them with the most common sense with breaking away from the cheating husband as soon as she found out about his wife. But.. the wife? No.

They try to make us feel sorry for this woman but really we kinda see why the husband would have started cheating on her. She's annoying (and creepy due to following one of the mistresses to her apartment) to the point you want her to shut up and let the other women talk!

And to be honest? The wife just reminds me of the other wife Debbie in This is 40 (same actress). No differences. Same annoying talk.
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Runaway Bride (1999)
I'm raging
12 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this film today on my HBO channel, and I just had to write review about it since it was driving me crazy!

One of the things I truly have to complain about this is the character Maggie that Roberts play as. The movie makes it seem we have to feel /bad/ for her because she doesn't know what she wants. Wrong. To me I felt frustrated, angry, of how selfish and how dumb this woman was for leaving these poor groomsmen at the alter. Not once did I see this woman feel bad about them because the next scene we see her doing her daily thing like nothing happened.

If someone doesn't know what they want, then don't. get. married. right. away.

And then she gets angry if someone points it out, like the editor who wrote something true about her and she throws a grumpy fit. How mature, lady.

I also don't like how her and the editor suddenly /fall in love/. It just seemed too rushed.

Arggh, this movie raged me too much. I need some tea now.
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
Kiddie Titans
21 February 2015
When I learned that Teen Titans were coming back, I was quite excited. But sadly, as soon as I watched maybe three episodes of this "kindergartner show", I was disappointed.

The plot is so childish and one-sided, that makes you wonder who was dumb enough to come up with it. And the humor?

The majority of the humor in this show are entirely random without context, unbelievably immature or just downright mean spirited. It's kinda sad to see the characters you like (like say Robin) be so unusually mean. I think the only good characters who aren't completely like this, are.. well just Starfire.
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Fifty shades of cringe
18 February 2015
How can anyone say this is a sexy film, is behind me. I cringed so hard during the sex scenes and the lines.

Let's not forget the lack of knowledge of BDSM during this film. God. In a HEALTHY BDSM relationship, BOTH partners must be consent and agree to a certain activity they wish to engage (bondage rope, whipping, spanking, etc.). In this film? The girl is uncomfortable with it, but the guy doesn't stop and say: "Oh, that's alright, we can stop and you can tell me if you feel like you can continue this or not." No.

He pressures her. Pressures.

If I could, I would give this film a negative 1.
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Steven Universe (2013–2019)
Love it, love it!
19 January 2015
At first, I was a bit judgmental over this show when they started airing their first few episodes (due to mostly the random humor). But as I watch more and more, I begin to love the characters, their personalities, their own struggles.

Heck, I even love the side characters like Sadie and Lars.

I like how the show can be innocent one minute, but later on can turn dark.

Also the score music is amazing, it makes me imagine that show is an actual video game. I have to say CN, you have yourself a quite surprising good show.
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