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The Fall Guy (2024)
A dumpster fire
31 August 2024
What is this movie? What is it about? Is it supposed to be funny? It's not. Is it supposed to be a movie? It is not. A love story? Not. A mystery? Not. I am a huge fan of Gosling and I liked Bullet Train, Emily Blunt is always great... but I have no idea what happened with this movie. It is not funny, or entertaining, does not have strong performances, I think the direction is very weak. Total waste of time.

Just repeating the above to finish word count: What is this movie? What is it about? Is it supposed to be funny? It's not. Is it supposed to be a movie? It is not. A love story? Not. A mystery? Not. I am a huge fan of Gosling and I liked Bullet Train, Emily Blunt is always great... but I have no idea what happened with this movie. It is not funny, or entertaining, does not have strong performances, I think the direction is very weak. Total waste of time.
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A Commercial Success without the OGs soul
28 August 2024
Stree 2 was about 45 minutes too long. Stree 2 was funny in the first half of the movie. It had great call backs to the OG Stree. The actors did a really good job reviving their characters. One of the newer characters played by a famous actor felt out of place because it made the film less grounded. The characters from other films that were on the movie felt shoehorned in and not in any way organic and faithful to the world building of the film. The effects of Sarkata were pretty well done.

Compared to first Stree as an allegory, Stree 2 pales in comparison.

The climax was too drawn out and did not follow the rules of the works that it had established.
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A frustrating watch.
21 March 2024
This movie has awesome production design, VFX and cinematography- these 3 departments are just stand-out in this movie. So, it definitely worth a 1-time watch. It is also really well cast, especially the young kid. Where the film lacks mostly is in it direction. Second most is its screenplay. And third most is it under-utilized cast.

1. Direction: Frustrating to say the least. The script gives several opportunities where we as the audience can feel dread and terror. The film doesn't even have a PG rating so idk why they held back. While more competently directed than most, it falls short of what is a really cool concept on paper.

2. Screenplay: Frustrating again- the screenplay has several opportunities to be a better version of itself. So many plot holes, so many nonsensical character decisions, so many missed opportunities for interesting scenes. It's like a great lay-up with no slam dunk.

3. Under-utilized actors: The film is really well cast and the actors are doing the best with what is given to them. But boy-oh-boy could each of them have been memorable like the characters in Ridley Scott's Alien.

I am giving it 6 instead of 5 because even though it still falls within IP craze, the concept is actually quite original.

I wish they had executed it better. Good 1-time watch.
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Enjoyable, a little slow in the middle, original
23 August 2023
Landscape with Invisible Hand is quite enjoyable. Tiffany Haddish is just really awesome in the movie. She holds it all together really well. Overall, the film is well directed, well acted, has a original concept and voice. Not sure if it is a crowd pleaser, but if you like cinema, I would recommend go check it out just to have a fun different movie to watch. The music is really well done. The effects are interesting. The aspect ratio and choice of film stock are very well thought out. The first half of the film is probably slightly better paced, but overall I would recommend it through and through.
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The Funnest movie I have watched in 2023
18 July 2023
D&D Honor Amongst Thieves is absolutely the funnest movie I have watched in 2023. I would compare the fun factor to Spider-Man Far From Home which was an incredibly fun film. Chris Pine shines as a reliable leading man. Michelle Rodriguez surprises in a character perfectly written to her talents. All the supporting cast is wonderful. Hugh Grant steals the show. A really well written script supported by excellent directing, acting, stunts, visual effects, wardrobe and production design makes it a delightful film to watch. I can't believe I missed it on the big screen. Great to watch with family. Fun fun fun!
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As good as MI-2 by John Woo
18 July 2023
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning is a very different movie than the past 4 entires. For one, it doesn't have a well defined awesome villain. 2- the film leans hard into Dutch angles and Closeups of actors. There's hardly moments where you can take in the scenery or get yourself used to the geography of the locations. This was never the case in previous entries. 3- What are the motivations of the characters to do the dangerous things they are getting themselves into? It's on thin ice motivations-wise. 4- There's a lot of Tell, not a lot of show going on. Things are being described to us as opposed to being shown in a clever way. 5- Other than the climactic train stunts, there are no memorable action sequences as compared to previous entries. 6. The film is too long. The content in this movie could have been 2 hrs. It is a really bloated movie. 7. The hand to hand combat is not that great in the film when compared to other great action scenes that have n presented in other films this year.

The good stuff: 1. Ethan Hunt character is great overall.

2. Some of the effects work is really great.

Cut the movie down to 2 hours and I would think it's a 6 or 7.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Very Enjoyable Film
7 July 2023
I never thought I would call Ashton Kutcher a great actor but he is actually pretty great in this film. The film is a very well written story with a cast that perfectly inhabits the characters they are portraying. It's a very intricately written story and honors the medium of podcasts and the phenomenon of human recording in this day and age in a very succinct way. It starts funny and turns thriller in the last act. Had a great time watching the movie. 7/10 plus to 8 for originality, plus to 9 for fast pace and not very long runtime.

Just repeating the words above to meet IMDbs requirements for 600 characters-

I never thought I would call Ashton Kutcher a great actor but he is actually pretty great in this film. The film is a very well written story with a cast that perfectly inhabits the characters they are portraying. It's a very intricately written story and honors the medium of podcasts and the phenomenon of human recording in this day and age in a very succinct way. It starts funny and turns thriller in the last act. Had a great time watching the movie. 7/10 plus to 8 for originality, plus to 9 for fast pace and not very long runtime.
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A really good Indiana Jones after that Crystal Skull Disaster
7 July 2023
I really enjoyed Dial of Destiny. James Mangold is an exciting filmmaker because he is able to combine the tastes of a new millenia with the filmmaking aesthetics of greats like Spielberg and the bunch.

The movie has excellent De-Aging effects. The Uncanny Valley Curve has been crossed and the de-aging doesn't look weird anymore. There are a couple of noticeable flaws still, but overall it was very impressive.

The movie moves fast and checks off a lot of stylistic elements from the original trilogy. James Mangold is excellent at keeping a balance between keeping the mood of the original trilogy without making it a scene for scene ripoff. The newer characters are overall good- just falling short of charismatic- but good enough to warrant a good time with them. I like that the film doesn't refrain from fatally harming a few characters- because it keeps the stakes real and high. I hate it when in modern movies no one gets hurt- and so there are no real stakes. So, Dial of Destiny definitely delivers on the hurt.

After the massive disaster that was Crystal Skull, Dial of Destiny is refreshing. The climactic battle I thought was the best part of the movie. It felt fitting for the character and I wish they had made more of a moment out of it.

This movie was a lot of fun. Drags at some of the action-less scenes but not too much. I'm not sure why people are disliking it. For me its a 8/10 Minus 1 point for a Long Runtime. Make your movies 2 hrs or less guys if you want that extra point. Cheers.
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Sequel or not, just a boring horror movie
29 June 2023
Evil Dead Rise did nothing for me. I didn't think any of the scares were great. Movie relies heavily on tropes like screechy sound effects, jump scares, shocking the audience etc. But it all falls flat because not once did I feel that I needed to care for any of these characters. The only cool thing about the movie was the creature design near the climax. It wants to be clever at times, but it is simply not. It's just a gory bloodfest with shock value substituting for "horror" and it's not very good at either. It's hard to believe it is part of the Evil Dead franchise because it simply doesn't live up to what makes the original 3 films awesome. Hollywood Studios need to learn to first make original content and if they decide to keep making sequels or reboots, at least do a good job at it. A great example of an awesome reboot is The Invisible Man (2020). That movie truly stand on its own and other than bearing the name of the original- it is a standalone masterpiece in horror cinema.
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A good time at the movies. Original Idea. Short runtime
28 June 2023
The Blackening has an awesome and very likable cast. The idea, while not unique to cabin in the woods type of horror, is unique from having an all-black cast. It fits best in the genre of horror-comedy. While it doesn't have the best horror elements or the best comedy elements, it just somehow works! The cast's chemistry is excellent. They work off each other's energy. The film's writing or directing is nothing special. But the film shines in acting and the ensemble working together. There is no one protagonist- it is truly an ensemble piece. Special mention to both Dewayne Perkins and Jermaine Fowler- they are very memorable and fun. I would normally give this movie a 7. Adding an 8th star for originality, 9th for unique experience, and a 10th star for short runtime. A fun time.
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Cool Film
12 June 2023
This film is a great example of excellent craftsmanship. The Director of Photography, Production Designer, Composer, Director combine their skills very effectively. Scoot McNairy is an excellent actor who delivers the role of cliff with Nuance and Care. Kit Harrington surprises with playing against type. Other cast members do a splendid job with complimenting each other effectively. Montana shines as a gorgeous location and character. Some of the landscape photography is spectacular. Some of the violence is depicted quite stylishly and occasionally with a pleasant surprise. As an indie film, Blood for Dust really stands out to show how so much can be accomplished with so little. The ending was very unexpected and quite well done .
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A fun movie with many awesome scenes
7 June 2023
AL:VH doesn't take itself too seriously. It is a really well produced A-List level B Movie. It is way better than it has any right to be especially because of its ridiculous premise. But the movie got me- despite its silliness, it handles serious topics well and uses its strengths in performances and cinematography along with some awesome cgi to create a memorable and unique experience. It surprises and delights in the most unexpected ways. So, saddle up and pop this one in for a watch because this is a surprisingly great time at the movies. It is way better than what it has any right to be. Cheers!
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Action, Fun, Good time at the movies
19 May 2023
This movie has all the ingredients of a B-Movie but with an A-List Cast and A-List visual effects work. The direction is lean, and to the point. It's a good old fashioned fun time at the movies- you know when they used to be fun- do you remember that. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the surprises and fun time with Gerard Butler doing a different than his usual roles, and Gary Oldman dialing it in. The movie moves fast, can be not the smartest at times, but honest to the holy, it is a great time at the movies. They don't make them like this anymore. Is it brainless? Maybe. Is it fun? Definitely Yes!!
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5/10 plus 1 for originality and runtime
17 May 2023
Fool's Paradise launches itself off on Charlie Day's charm and comedic timing. The launch's trajectory seems promising but soon the gravitational pull of audience's desires for more brings it to the ground. At best, the film can be described as a commentary on Hollywood's absurdity and the speed at which stars rise and fall- where the only thing that matters is the friends you make along the way. But the film doesn't sell us on the friendships or any substantial relationships. It's as surface level as the Hollywood it purports to comment on. Charlie Day is a very gifted comedian and writer. As a director, it's an okay first outing. But there's much room for growth. A lot of fun cameos makes the movie enjoyable at times. But ultimately it is missing something to root for. The short runtime, originality, and tons of cameos brings it to a 6.
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About 45 minutes too long. Fun?
17 May 2023
G3 checks out all the boxes to make an entertaining movie. Bunch of things and characters get jammed in, but in the most predictable Marvel way. There are a few interesting things like an organically grown facility and all the shenanigans that take place there. But ultimately, it's more of the "theme park ride" that Marvel fans expect. Movie becomes a bit draggy in runtime. The best parts are often undercut with needless comedy in typical Marvel fashion. The cgi-environments designs are quite interesting and perhaps the best part of the movie to watch on the big screen. There is a glorious fight scene which some people might love. There are a few non-sensical things that are I guess very typical in Marvel these days. Is it a bore fest? No. But it's more of the lowest common denominator of Marvel movies.
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Sisu (2022)
5 for Story, +1 for originality, +1 for short runtime
4 May 2023
Sisu is a intense action film with very little humor. Sisu gives away a lot of its most entertaining and shocking moments in its trailer- they should have withheld that for the moviegoing experience. Sisu also takes us to take a lot of unbelievable leaps of faith repeatedly- which downgrades the experience substantially. Sisu's combat is not that unique or superbly choreographed. Sisu has too way too much landscape photography. Sisu doesn't benefit from a bigger screen like IMAX- regular theater screen is fine. Sisu's protagonist is not that compelling- what is driving him other than Gold? They mention his family- I never see a moment where that is the force driving him. For all those reasons it is a 5/10 for me. But it is original and has a short runtime- so I am bumping it up to 7 for those reasons.
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Renfield (2023)
A solid 8 plus 1 for Originality
15 April 2023
Renfield is a great time at the movies. Nicholas Cage comes out swinging as Dracula in a completely entertaining and fun performance that in many ways only Nick Cage can do. Add to that an entertaining story that is super well written with humor, horror, gangster-movie, police drama, and gratuitous action deserving of its R rating, and the movie is a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously but adequately addresses the notion of narcissism and relationships to narcissists. Awkwafina's trademark straight-faced comedy style complements her character. Nicholas Hoult as Renfield does a fine albeit forgettable job. Bel Schwartz is quite funny in his Mafia-role. And the delight of the entire movie is the undeniable Cage and his complete commitment to the character of Dracula. This is a fun time at the movies with lots of well choreographed and funny gore.
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Burn (III) (2019)
A character driven, well acted, well written film
26 March 2023
Tilda Cobham-Hervey is excellent as the lead of the film. The film is a slow burn but is steeped in character. The film is unpredictable. It takes its time with moving forward. The directing and cinematography doesn't draw attention to itself in a very good way. The supporting cast does a great job as well. In a time where low budget undies are mostly misses and usually you have to turn to blumhouse productions for entertainment, this non-blumhouse entry comes in strong. I've I was afraid that it was going to be the usual predictable not well put together messes. But on the contrary, this film was very well put together and was unpredictable. We need more indie and lower budget films to learn from this.
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Solid Addition to the Franchise
24 March 2023
Parabellum (part 3) was my favorite and as is the case in many sequels, hard to keep topping your last go- not in the case of the John Wick team. They keep figuring out ways to keep the story interesting, delivering on the action set pieces and adding to the lore in a very effective and stylish way. John Wick 4 was an absolute pleasure to watch. It was full of entertainment. Despite being almost 3 hours long, it does not have boring sections. The non-action scenes have interesting characters, drama and incredible production design. John Wick continues to raise its own bar. As in the previous entries, each action set piece is distinguished and powerful. This is one of those movies that must be watched on the big screen.
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65 (2023)
5/10 plus 6 for Originality and 7 for Short Runtime
24 March 2023
I miss the days of 90 minute movies. I miss the days of original movies. 65 checks off both those boxes. 65 is also a 45 Million budget movie- these movies I miss, the 20-60 Million budget movies that have been swallowed up by Netflix and Amazon.

65 is original, Adam Driver stands here to prove if he can carry a movie by himself- I am not so sure. There are logical lapses and continuity issues throughout the movie. The dinosaur effects are pretty great. The scenes are okay- but could have been more suspenseful and intriguing under a different filmmaker. The story is interesting but could be better told. So, it's an inoffensive original SciFi film starring Adam Driver, it's only 90 minutes- I would recommend check it out.
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What's the Message?
15 February 2023
Look, I didn't read the book and I support Gay marriage and couples. I am also a fan of M. Night. I enjoyed Old which I believe was his last film. Knock at the Cabin starts off masterfully. Bautista continues to show his range in different roles and he plays this character quite well. M. Night's signature storytelling style is front and center. The camera and cinematography are doing wonderful things. The premise is intriguing. And yet, the film builds and builds wonderfully into act 2, and then completely deflates in Act 3. The emotional release that we needed never comes. I understand that it s hard to write a great ending especially in the horror/thriller genre- but this film doesn't even land it close for my taste. Some of the flashback scenes are beautiful. The two main actors really shine as a loving and caring couple with a cute performance from the daughter. But, despite the great cinematography, performances and even direction- the story just doesn't add up for me as an audience.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Not as good as Searching
6 February 2023
Missing is trying to cash in on the genius of Searching, but key differences makes it not nearly as good as Searching (10/10).

The best thing about Missing is the acting by Storm Reid. The next best thing about Missing is the "Direction" and editing by Will Merrick and Nick Johnson. Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian figured out how to "direct" the eye on the screen in Searching while making the gimmick of staying on a screen very believable. Missing does the "directing" of the eye quite well for at least the first half of the movie. The "twist" however can be seen coming from a mile away. And a to be college student knowing as much about getting things done in a computer screen is very unbelievable. In Searching, Cho's character had the skillset to find things on the computer. In Missing, Reed's character knowing so much about how to find someone to help her in a foreign land and also hacking into surveillance is kind of unbelievable. She's a high school student and I don't know if they ever explained that she has any type of computer expertise.

Lastly, the bad guys are so good at computers?! I didn't buy it.

Movie is fun but not as well grounded as Searching.
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Amazing Visuals make it a must watch- very thin on story
18 December 2022
The VFX in Avatar WOW are just stunning. As with the first Avatar, the facial effects on the Navi creatures are just impeccable. Whereas most movies have effects work that you can find in any video game, Avatar sets itself apart by a mile because of the detailed effects work. To build these blue-creatures who flawlessly move and emote, interact with water- they are fully realized beings. The effects of these creatures is just wow.

Then you come to the story- boy oh boy- It's far weaker story than the first Avatar. I don't know who the protagonist is supposed to be. Is it Sully, is it his kids, is it the other kid? Whose story is this?

It's very scattered and at 3 hour of runtime, they could have easily cut it down to make a more focused story about 1 protagonist.

Finally, the 3D- the James Cameron Team and Lightstorm just knows how to make 3D work. Like in the first Avatar, Avatar WOW is really well designed to play as a IMAX 3D experience.

This is also truly a movie where you could easily get up to take a pee break whenever and you really wouldn't miss anything. Seriously, this is the one great thing about the movie- you can get up and leave anytime to take a leak or just go do something else. It doesn't need to be 3 hours.

The Weak story and the long runtime knocks it down for me. The effects work are worth watching on the biggest 3D screen.
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Bhediya (2022)
Need more movies like this
26 November 2022
Amar Kaushik's Bhediya is an entertaining watch. It is a heavy handed with the environmental messaging at times, but other things going on in the story take more importance. Abhishek Banerjee is the source of most of the humor in the story and delivers a pretty good performance- although a bit one-track.

The locations and effects work of the film are quite good. Some things in the story are ungrounded like having a super-awesome dance number with waving spotlights in what is supposedly a remote area. I wish they had chosen more real locations than CGI when demonstrating the awesomeness of nature.

The plot twist in the film is surprising and well-earned, it certainly explains a lot of previously inexplicable moments.

Varun Dhawan's performance is "okay" - he is a product of nepotism and it is what it is- but a better actor could have elevated the film significantly.

Dinesh Vijan, the producer, must be applauded for continuing to make films that matter and the type of stories that he brings forth to the masses. Remember his name.

Amar Kaushik, in Stree, was much more precise with his direction and effects work - less is more. His direction is not as razor sharp focused in Bhediya. I would have liked a leaner, tighter story and edit.

6/10 and an extra star for Originality- so 7/10.
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Memorable Scenes and Great Acting
26 November 2022
It was a real joy to watch Monica O My Darling. Sikandar Kher was absolutely incredible in it. With packed performances across the Board, Vasan Bala's Monica OMD is full of great scenes and interesting storylines. We have rewatched it 3 times. The Bollywood Pod (@thebollywoodpod) did an episode on it. Really fun watch. It would have been nice to see more AI and robot themed Moral quandaries as the poster made us expect, but it was more straight forward comedy thriller. Rajkummar Rao delivers another great performance showing once again that he is a very versatile actor. Some pleasant cameos in the film and a very nice soundtrack.
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