15 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
What was that?
3 February 2022
So many things wrong with this movie. Terrible story, Bad acting. As far as save the world movies go, this one is up there with the worst. Could also easily have shaved an hour off the run time.
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Daylight (1996)
Rewatched for the first time since its original release
15 October 2021
I remember enjoying this movie years ago but this time around i realised how stupidly annoying the characters were. Ended up hoping half of them would get knocked off.
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26 December 2020
Was waiting for this movie to come out for ages. Finally got to see it in the movies and sadly it was a dud. Its way too long n unexciting. Was looking forward to the 80s songs as it was set in 1984 but there wasnt one. Would not watch again
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
Good movie except
27 April 2020
Why did the guy at the start refer to the coach of the seahawks as Sir? Did hollywood forget they were making a sports movie n not a military movie? lol
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6 Underground (2019)
who edited the opening car chase
15 December 2019
Some of the worst editing i have ever seen on film. The green car scratched unscratched scratched unscratched, bullet holes, no bullet holes, bullet holes, no bullet holes, dents, no dents, dents, no dents. Spoilt what would have been an awesome opening sequence. On to the rest of the movie. Lets see what more terrible editing awaits .......
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First Man (2018)
Shaky cam Shaky cam and more Shaky cam
21 July 2019
Didnt know what was going on during the flights. Shaky cameras n flashing lights. Frustrating movie!!
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27 May 2019
Quite liked this weird movie Kept me n the wifey intrigued throughout Worth a watch
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Avengers Unexplained
26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My quick summary of Engame: How is Thanos so damn powerful all of a sudden? Why spend 10 years explaining the power of Caps Shield and Thors Hammer n Stormbreaker only for Thanos to show up with a random weapon that is unexplained and is way more powerful? How is Sam the new Cap when hes not a super soldier but a normal human, especially considering all the epic encounters Cap went through now we have to believe that Sam is of similar strength n stature? And my biggest question... Why the hell did the MCU introduce Captain Marvel at the end of Infinity War like she was going to be the saviour ( even giving her a solo movie ) then only using her for a total of 5 mins screentime in Endgame which ended with her struggling to beat Thanos n then getting blasted?? What was the point of that? Shouldve just saved her for phase 4! Shes basically the Superman of the MCU but cant match Thanos?

i scratch my head..??
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Action overload!!
26 May 2019
Loving the JW series. This one, although a bit too much fighting which got repetitive, but i still enjoyed it. The adjudicator character is fantastic and mark ducascos was great as the main rival. Looking forward to the next one.
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Real Good! No spoilers
26 April 2018
This movie is big with so much going on. I applaud the directors and everyone involved in making this movie. Im no movie maker myself but i can only imagine how difficult a task this was to bring so many characters together and make it work but somehow they did. Heaps of action, drama and comedy and a villain that surprised me. Finally, the humour and chemistry between characters was great and Drax! For me, Drax again was the funniest! Stay tuned for the after credits......its pretty cool!
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Just seen it for the third time
23 February 2018
Saw it the first time and was blown away Saw it the second time and its was much the same Saw it the third time and already looking forward to seeing it a fourth time Its good. Real good
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Black Panther (2018)
Solid movie but not great
23 February 2018
Gotta say that i am wondering whats up with the critics nowadays Theyve been raving about this movie but to be honest, its nothing special or nothing new. Its a solid marvel movie but nothing to get all hyped up about. Michael B jordan and t'challa's sister are the highlights but in terms of action, special fx and storyline, it really wasnt anything above any other marvel movie. Its success is half due to the ethnic background/history of the movie industry and half due to the critics overblown reviews. I wouldnt watch it again
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This latest episode is absolute crap
14 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie basically destroyed our childhood memories of what was once an epic story and cinematic experience. We grew up looking up to heroes like Luke and co. Always looking forward to what heroics our heroes would get up to during each movie. Star Wars was truly epic. Episodes 1 - 3 werent as good as 4 - 6 but they did what they needed to which was to tell the early story in the skywalker history. And for that, i still rated them well. Episode 7 was pretty good. Although it was hard to swallow seeing Han Solo getting killed off, it still had some great action, comedy and raised some interesting questions. The Last Jedi however, just threw everything out the door and undid the good platform that Ep7 laid and turned Luke into an idiot, Leia into flying Superwoman, Killed off snoke and added in a mumbo jumbo/pointless plotline. This movie sucks! Dont see it
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what the hell are the critics on about?
14 January 2018
Honestly, the critics are crap nowadays. Perfect example is Star Wars the last jedi. The critics mostly rated it highly and the users mostly rubbished it. And that movie really was rubbish. In the case of The Greatest Showman, its the exact opposite where the critics mostly rubbished it but the users mostly rated it highly. And to be honest, this movie was awesome. The story was great, the movie had alot of emotion, comedy and drama. The set pieces were very nice and the actors looked like they gave it their all especially during the dance choregraphy and songs. Speaking of the songs, most were really good and i liked how they continued the story though the singing which meant you werent just sitting there waiting for the songs to end to carry on with the movie, the lyrics continued to tell the story. Such a cool movie. If you havent seen it already, you should go and see it. Stuff the critics. They need to get the chopping board.
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Annie (2014)
Short Positive Review
24 December 2014
Im not sure what all the negativity is about? This was never going to be an Oscar winner or a James Cameron blockbuster. It was never intended to be the same as the original. Its a modern take on an old tale. Thats it. I had no problems with the acting, I thought Cameron Diaz was funny and Jamie Fox hilarious. People just need to pull the carrot out of their BEHINDS and learn to enjoy things. I've seen the past 2 Annie movies with my daughter and weve enjoyed both so we were looking forward to this one a lot but before we saw it we had already accepted that it wasn't going to be the same but we still loved it. The music was cool and the little actress that played the lead role was adorable. Don't listen to the haters, this is a goody!!
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