
9 Reviews
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The Killer (2023)
Just another bland Netflix move.
14 November 2023
This might have worked better without the voice over, slow and bland as it is, the narration makes it even duller. There's no saving the ending but I can only think, perhaps without the constant droning exposition dump of the main characters inner monologue there might be enough, even superficial, mystery to make this a more engaging view. Blade Runner benefited from gagging Harrison Ford, so maybe that could work here too, although there's no 'tears in the rain' moments that are going to propel this to the top of anyones best movies list in 20 years time, no mater how many different cuts they release.
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Titane (2021)
Buy an electric car...
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While the performances and effects/make-up in this movie were great the plot line of getting impregnated by a car was both unnecessary and ultimately ruinous to the film, The story of a pregnant serial killer who disguises herself as a missing child to escape a manhunt but ultimately finds the parental love she always desired just as her pregnancy threatens to be revealed and bring the whole thing crashing down, would have been interesting and compelling enough on it's own... the cyborg baby plot can only be in there as a metaphor for the damage gas cars will do to our children if we don't all switch to electric immediately.

A 9 minute ovation at Canne tells me that if I every need to get higher the web space telescope then I know where to go to source the finest snake rider dragon puff.
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Azumi (2003)
Not for movie fans
29 October 2006
I do not wish to offend those who take a particular interest in this type of entertainment but for those of a broader interest in world movies this is one to avoid.

This film looks and feels like an overlong episode of Xena Warrior Princess.

It's hard to describe how poorly directed this film is, given the budget I could have made a better film. The Story has more holes than a sieve, the acting is amateurish and the dialog (subtitles) was almost childish at times.

Also for an action film it moves along at a slow enough pace i.e. Boring.

This film doesn't deserve anywhere near the 7 rating it gets. I feel it is probably up there because of it's cult following.

There are only 2 things memorable to mention in favour of this film.

1 = Aya Ueto, breathtakingly beautiful and the camera loves looking at her, save your time though and download her screen saver as she is utterly hopeless in the role of action heroine.

2 = During one of the fight scenes there is a very impressive camera shot where the camera rotates several times 360 degrees over and under a one on one fight with Azumi but you can see this on the trailer so there is no need to waste time on the film.
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The Sea Inside (I) (2004)
Won't see many better films.
21 October 2006
This film certainly deserves all the praise heaped upon it and gets a 10 out of 10 in my book. Wonderfully acted, scored and shot. I also think it deals very gracefully with the central issue of euthanasia.

This film is very personal in that it doesn't push a point of view on the viewer but instead asks us to make up our own minds on the subject.

The director could easily have gone much further in showing the suffering and hardship of Ramón's life as a quadriplegic to reinforce the reasoning of his choice but the decision not to go down this road added an extra sense of credibility in my opinion.

All we are asked to do is respect Ramón Sampedro's right to make his own informed decision in spite of our personal views. We are not asked to judge if a decision like this is right or wrong.

A wonderful wonderful film, highly recommended.
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Wasabi (2001)
Entertaining and surprisingly funny in places
15 October 2006
I never know how to rate these types of films. OK it's no masterpiece to bring some sort of existential meaning to your life and yes it is deeply flawed in many ways even by the standard at which it aims for but nonetheless, I found some endearing quality in its light hearted humour and entertaining style.

Any film with Jean Reno in the lead and Luc Besson behind the script is going to entertain and this does just that. Thankfully the film is kept short enough for none of the flaws to start to irritate and the kick ass French cop goes to Japan theme is done well enough to warrant a viewing.

My DVD had the option for French with English subtitles or English dubbed. Even though Jean Reno does his own over dubbing in the English version, I found the overall effect was a little stale. I restarted the film in French with subtitles and the energy and humour of the performances just shone through a lot better.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Leaves you wanting more
15 October 2006
I really liked this film.

It gives us an intimate glimpse inside three different stories/lives co-existing but unconnected at the same time.

The film is wonderfully shot and with great cinematography which really brings the lives of the people and the city into your front room.

This film feels so natural to watch as if you are seeing real events unfold and the clever way in which the three stories interconnect at different points only goes to re-enforce that feeling.

A lot of films like this get bogged down in trying to deliver some great life message but this film gets it spot on by just giving us enough to let our own minds and imaginations finish the story.

If you are not a fan of foreign language films you should still give this a try as it's a great starting point to develop an interest in world cinema. The first thing you will notice is how great the acting is, with the performer never intruding on the role, like is currently happening in Hollywood films.
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A slice of Brilliance
15 October 2006
I give this film full marks because it is hugely entertaining from start to finish.

Even if you are not a fan of old b&w films you should not miss this. The script is a masterpiece of wit and black humour and has a wonderful ironic twist at the end.

The performances from Alec Guinness (8 roles) and Dennis Price are also fantastic as are those of the supporting cast.

I don't want to get into plot or details of the film as I don't think any amount of description could prepare you for how thoroughly enjoyable this film really is.

I came across it by accident on a lazy Sunday and was hooked. I even bought the DVD to lend to friends.

A must see film in my book.
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Tenebrae (1982)
Overacted & Looks Dated
8 October 2006
This movie reminds me of a bad porno flick without the sex.

First thing you will notice is the schlock 1980's synth soundtrack that is pushed to maximum volume every time a dramatic scene approaches so you can be in no doubt that impending danger looms.

The acting is overplayed too as if it was all rather unrehearsed, or perhaps time constraints were such that the fist cut had to be taken from each scene.

Another thing that bugged me was the cinematography. Cinematography can change the whole experience of a film when done well and from some of the scenes in this film you can tell that the director had great intentions but it just seems to have been executed poorly. Stutter crane shots just don't cut it.

The violence at first is only glimpsed at in a way that modern movies have learned to use in a less is more kind of way to allow the mind to imagine far worse than could ever be portrayed on screen. Then suddenly in the final scenes the special effects budget seems to get a sudden boost and we have full-on graphic mutilations that play out like some sort of gratification for those who need that sort of thing, i.e. The money shot.

All in all a disappointment. I understand the era this film came from but surely that is no excuse, a masterpiece should be timeless and this defiantly isn't.
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The must not see movie of the year.
30 August 2006
Saw this film yesterday, was a bit tired but don't think that was the only reason I found it hard to stay awake. Stay awake, I did though on the off chance that the plot might lead somewhere interesting and then it was over.

Anyone who wasn't high themselves watching it, must have been able to see the plot twist/so called revelations coming from a mile off.

Rubbish is how I would rate this movie, the drug addled paranoia thing has been done before and much better (think 'Spun' for one) and I felt the animation ruined what could have been some good ensemble performances.

Wouldn't rent it, wouldn't rate it, wouldn't recommend it.... what more can I say.

-I forecast a clean sweep at the Rotten Tomatoes-
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