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Outlander: I Am Not Alone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
19 April 2023
Soooo....this is the last episode of the season and the writers decided it was a great idea to spend a numerous amount of time on 2 elongated sex scenes and a very loooooong boring conversation scene between Jamie and Claire?? (Honestly I fast forwarded all of it, just wanted this season to be over with!) Like I said in my review on the previous episide: Outlander has been turned into a soap opera instead of a proper series this season. Unfortunately lacked all the excitement most of the other seasons had. Why did they keep babling about the revolutionary war being at their doorstep when none of it actually happened this season?? Please just let next season be better so it won't have the same fate as Game of Thrones!
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Outlander: Sticks and Stones (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Underwhelming...Outlander turned into a soap opera
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What happened with this show?? I keep watching because I hope something exciting will happen but it never does. Even the murder of that Christie girl didn't do it for me. It was pretty obvious she was up to something and was being dishonest. Didn't make her very likable, so honestly don't really care for her death. The entire season they keep talking about the upcoming war being at their doorstep, but it never happens! I feel like I'm watching a soap opera instead of a proper Outlander season. Also one that is completely not credible considering the time they were living in. A girl having a threesome with some twins?? In reality she would have been chased off their property if not worse. A girl messing around with several men and then getting pregnant? No one would give her words any credibility I'm afraid! She would have most likely been sent away as well as she tainted her family's reputation. I'm not saying I agree with any of that, but that would have been historically way more likely than what is happening in this show right now!
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Weird, but not in a good way
9 November 2022
Well...this one surely left me with a feeling of "wtf have I just been watching??" Sometimes that's a good thing. Unfortunately this time it most definitely wasn't! The end was simply weird AF and the inbetween was boring as hell. I fastforwarded about half of it just to get through this episode! It could have been told in half an hour instead of an hour, that's for sure! Wish they would have given that half an hour airtime (mostly existing of excess scenes where she wasn't doing much else than continuously scratching her face) to the first episode so that one didn't have to end so abruptly. And I'll just add another sentence to meet IMDB's ridiculous minimum amount of character requirement!
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Dull and disappointing..unfortunately
12 October 2022
I was hoping this would be a 'real Flanagan' but it almost feels like I've been watching something from a totally different director. Maybe this series wasn't framed right and is meant for teens only or something, but then they should have called it what it is: just a teen drama for a teenage public. I mean I get this series is made based on a book from a writer that writes for teens, but if you frame it as 'another Flanagan fright series' then at least alter it so that adults enjoy it as well!

Apart from that, the stories were boring and didn't add anything to the main story so after about 2 of them I kind of got the feeling of "why am I watching this exactly? What's the point??". Well, apparently there wasn't any! Also the main story fell flat after a while. Probably also because there was no pace in it with at least 30 minutes on and off breaks when another pointless, not exciting story had to be told again! I mean seriously, even the stories of the teen series 'Are you Afraid of the Dark?' were much better than this!

I also felt the 'terminally ill' thing was not credible whatsoever. These teens looked healthy AF and acted like that as well! Flanagan apparently has never seen a terminally ill patient before! The only one who looked even remotely ill was Anya, but the only reason was because she sat in a wheelchair. And being in a wheelchair can be caused by a lot of things obviously.

So yeah, this one was one big disappointment unfortunately. I hope Flanagan will turn to series/movies for grown ups again after this, cause teen drama is just really not his thing!
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Blonde (2022)
3 hours of half made up misery didn't do this movie any good
5 October 2022
You know, I get it. Her life wasn't just glamour and fame. A big part of her life was indeed tragic. When I first read about her life I did feel sorry for her. She was indeed used and exploited by producers and men many times in her life. But the thing with this movie is, if you mix up fiction with reality to this extend then the message isn't genuine anymore. This script goes way further than some 'creative interpretation for the sake of the story' like they did with the series Dahmer. Also, shoving almost 3 hours of misery down the audience's throats doesn't make a movie more likable or admirable. It jus flattens you down to the point where in the end you just think "finally the misery is over, now rest in peace!" If they would have just stuck to the things that did really happen in her life instead of making half of it up (her real life was already dramatic enough!), plus would have shown some nuance in her life story and not just 3 hours of misery, this could have been a way better movie! Instead it just fell flat and makes you feel that Norma Jean was once again exploited...this time for the sake of 'shock value'.

Now I have to add I truly feel bad for Ana. Cause she really did her best in this movie and she played very convincingly imo. It's the script and the artsy fartsy editing that ruined it. Plus the other characters felt like cardboard characters to me. They completely lacked any depth. Like they were just brief passengers that came into her life, abused her and then left again.
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Great homage but unfortunately a bit rushed at the end
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just to keep it short: the storyline was a bit thin and unfortunately felt quite rushed at the end. I would have liked to have seen a bigger role for the original actors (including Sigourney Weaver!), though I get that at their age they're probably not keen on doing many action scenes anymore. They homage to Harold Ramis/Egon Spengler was great though! Initially I even thought wow they managed to find an actor who look so much like him! But now I read they digitally edited his (aged) face in. This time modern digital technology was used the right way luckily! I was even in tears during those end scenes, I can't imagine how emotional that must have been to see for his family and the original Ghostbusters actors (see it on screen I mean). I understand why they didn't let him speak as a spirit, since he would inevitably have sounded different than Harold, but how wonderful it would have been if they could have made that happen as well!
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Why all that fuss about one little thing??
29 June 2022
I really don't get why people are making such a big deal about this episode with Vanya transforming into Viktor. We all knew she became a he long before this season aired, so what did you expect? For him to play a girl the rest of the season?? Or for Vanya to just be Viktor from episode 1 and just not mentioning the transition at all?? Or for Elliot to be written out of the series just because he decided to change and some random snowflakes can't deal with that?? I mean with the obvious wig (terribly made btw) and the voice and facial features already being very boyish, him having to play a girl in the first episode personally gave me cringy feelings. I think they dealt with it well though. They dealt with the transition and pointed it out, without giving it too much attention for it to take away from the rest of the story. This has nothing to do with 'woke messaging', the fact that people perceive it that way says more about them than about the series writers really. The writers just had to deal with a change that needed to be dealt with to keep Elloit in this series. If that's really such an issue for you, then why are you still watching? You knew it was about to happen! 🤷‍♀️ My reason for giving this episode 'only' a 7 is because I felt most of it wasn't really going anywhere. The storylines felt a little random. As if the writers created something (a new 'supergroup') and now were at a point where they didn't really know where to go next with their storytelling.
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Clark (2022)
Takes some getting used to, but quite enjoyable!
13 May 2022
It took me about 2 to 3 episodes to really get into the flow and to appreciate the style of filming. It's a bit 'slapstick-ish' every now and then and it shows very clearly that the director has mostly directed videoclips (the fast pacing, sometimes 40 shots in one minute and so on). However once you get used to the way of filming, the humour and just go with the flow I think it's quite enjoyable! Bill Skarsgård (and all the other actors) seem(s) to have much fun in filming this and it really shows. Everytime I see Bill he just reminds me of a mixture between his older brother Alexander and...well the insane face he could pull while playing Pennywise the clown lol!

Seeing 2 actors from the movie Midsommar did snap me out of it for a moment or 2. Not because those actors aren't any good or anything, but that movie just stil haunts me :-s.
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Snowpiercer: Born to Bleed (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
So...Miles just shows up again out of nowhere??
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is no one going to talk about how this boy Miles just shows up again out of nowhere after 2 seasons, and everyone just acts like he has never suddenly disappeared?? The script writing is becoming wobbly at this point.. Also, didn't like how seemingly out of the blue Pike suddenly hated Layton and wanted to kill him, eventually killing himself with his stupid actions. I hope the season will get better after this point. Certainly ia the weakest season up till now. I want Melanie back!
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Texas chainsaw boredom
11 March 2022
Ok so if you like chainsaws and lots of blood, this is your movie! If you like a proper storyline (even when it's a slasher horror movie), this definitely is NOT your movie! I found myself fast forwarding around the last 20 minutes, cause I just got tired of it. The storyline made no sense, the characters were mostly disposable, so why should I care if they get killed off? The reason why Leatherface turns up and starts murdering again also makes no sense. Like what, he just lived there peacefully for years until his adoption 'mom' died and then suddenly decides to start murdering again? The movie set also looked like one of those old western movie sets. It literally looked like a movie set and most likely was one as well.
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Scream (I) (2022)
They were right about one thing: this franchise is dead
20 February 2022
Well what to say about this one... I don't even know why I watched it to be honest. I have no memory of Scream 3 and 4. Scream 3 I'm not sure of, but definitely haven't seen Scream 4 because I got bored with the franchise. But when I saw Sidney, Gale and Dewey would be part of it after such a long time, for some reason I decided I wanted to take a trip down memory lane.

Anyway, I do like how they made fun of franchises and thus basically of their own movie in this one. Though I'm afraid they were right. This franchise is dead. I got bored somewhere halfway. And by the time they entered that house I already figured out who the killers were. Nothing was really surprising in this script, apart from the fact that people who should have been dead or at least unconscious can still stand up and fight..over and over again, while others get killed with one stab or one gunshot... Plot armour much? What actually surprised me most is that Skeet Ulrich doesn't seem to have aged at all! Anyway, I do have to disagree with Tara though, I didn't really like the Babadook either. I guess I'm more of a Flanagan fan by now.
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Entertaining, great 60's atmosphere but a bit overdramatic
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, Olenna Tyrell... ehm I mean Diana Rigg struck again! I bet the casting directors were like "we need a bad ass elderly lady who is good at poisoning someone....oh I know who's just fit for the job!" 🤣 Sadly this was Diana's last role, since she died in 2020, but at least she went out with a bang!

The film itself was entertaining, yet a bit too overdramatic for my taste. Loved the 60's atmosphere and the music though. Anyway, I guess was hoping for a bigger horror element. This one wasn't really scary for me.
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Basically a horror spoof but unfortunately executed badly
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so basically this film is supposed to make you believe that there is an audience on 'Bloodflix' who prefer to consume real horror instead of fake movies (so basically snuff movies)...simply because they can or want to I suppose (? Isn't explained very well). And that a former mafia clan is providing those, cause "times have simply changed". Ok fair enough. I also get that the title of the movie refers to many horror movie cliché's and that this is exactly what they show: horror clichés from other movies and sort of spoofing the horror genre. That cóuld have worked out (it did work out perfectly imo in Cabin in the Woods for example), if only the storyline would have been more engaging and the actors wouldn't act so dramatically bad! Maybe it's a cultural difference but most of the acting was totally over the top and therefore just annoying to watch. Also there was hardly any character build up so it was really hard to even care about any of them. The ending of her suddenly walking on a beach didn't make any sense to me either. Too bad!
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Beautiful visuals but story fell flat
15 December 2021
The visuals are beautiful. Oscar Isaac is beautiful (but his role is smaller than you'd like). That's basically all I can say about it. Story is rather boring, characters are boring, there's plotholes and illogical behaviour all over the place, and the end takes about 15 very looooooong minutes! Too bad, I was hoping for more!
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Lack of continuity and a proper storyline
12 December 2021
I just don't know what to think of this film. I expected the character of Phil to be a serious bully. You know, the one that could drive anyone insane. That's how the story was depicted in the discription at least. And even though he was quite harsh towards Rose, annoying even, somehow I just couldn't stop myself from thinking, ok this it's it? This is driving her to become a drunk? Why didn't she stick up for herself? And mostly, why is her husband not sticking up for her? Instead he just willingly takes all the crap from his brother. Actually most of the time it felt like George was absent all together! Like litteraly, he didn't even have half the screentime that Phil or Rose's son had.

And how did they manage to make Keith Carradine and Frances Conroy, 2 excellent actors, show up all the way in New Zealand for just 2 scenes??

I think the biggest problem with this film though is lack of continuity and a proper storyline. I felt like I was watching some random snapshots from a much longer timeline that, edited together, just didn't add up to a proper story.
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Beautiful visuals and sceneries, but apart from that a badly written Ocean's Eleven wannabe
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so indeed the prequel no one asked for but since it's on Netflix everyone still watches it....just like me I'll admit.

Plus points: it's shot in Europe. As a European I'm always delighted when that happens. The scenery shots are beautiful and they put a lot of care and detail into the vaults. Also it's great to see Nathalie Emmanuel again. I loved her in GoT, although I still have a bit of a hard time shaking off her character Missandei.

Negative points: the amount of detail that went into the visuals obviously was not spent on writing a solid storyline. As I read before: this movie has more plot holes than an average Swiss cheese! Especially the ending made no sense whatsoever. First of all: why on earth would Interpol let him go? Secondly, why on earth would you voluntarily go to the US, of all places you can go to, when all you heard on the news recently is that there's a zombie apocalypse going on over there??? I almost had the feeling they wanted to make this story just so they could tell the story of Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen. The film feels like a badly written wannabe Oceans Eleven (or Five in this case) to me.. I said in the previous film: why use a German for the comic relief character? (As a Dutchie I feel I'm allowed to say that lol) I'm sorry but it just doesn't work.
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Started off promising, but ended up being very predictable
31 October 2021
So when it comes to the other PA movies, indeed it has nothing to do with the previous ones. In fact, I don't even get why they decided to attach that name to it. Probably in an attempt to attract viewers. In any way, it's more a found footage themed film than a PA film. This story evolves around a girl trying to find her family and trying to find out why her mother abandoned her as a baby. It actually started off promising, but soon I felt I could draw out the storyline, which unfortunately went more or less the way I predicted it. The ending was downright laughable. Anyway, I actually feel sorry for the Amish now, having their name and way of living drawn into a movie like this..
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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
Missed opportunity to write a decent season if they had finished Red Tide properly, instead of this mess!
29 October 2021
What the hell were they thinking? I really wonder! The first half of this season started out so good, but then for some reason they decided not to give it a proper ending but to make an entirely different story instead which felt uninspired and only half finished as well. I mean it felt like they just thought "let's rewrite history and pretend the aliens were behind it. Yeah that would be fun!" But that's basically all there is to it. Throw in some bad actors and there you have it: a hot mess of 4 episodes! Such a missed chance to actually create a decent season if only they had properly finished the Red Tide story!
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Focusing on both sides makes the story feel rushed and therefore failed to suck me in
24 October 2021
I actually saw Anthropoid a few days ago and this one just now. It's kind of hard not to compare obviously. Whereas in Anthropoid they focus the story solely on the perspective of the assassinators instead of Heydrich, in this movie they try to do both. And that is too bad, cause both parts therefore felt rushed. The first part focusing on Heydrich's history felt like a bunch of scenes highlighting his most important moments, but it failed to drag me into the story. The second part focusing on Jan Kubis and Jozef Gabcik felt equally rushed. Plus well, let's be honest, the actors just can't compete with Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan. I think they would have made a better movie if they had focused solely on Heydrich's story and point of view instead of trying to do both.
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American Horror Story: Blue Moon (2021)
Season 10, Episode 9
Where did the horror go in American Horror Story??
14 October 2021
Sooooo...why did they not just make an entire season around the storyline of Red Tide? I mean, AHS stands for American Horror Story, not American Humour Story, right? The scenes from the past are watchable, and well it is amusing how they're sort of rewriting history and incorporated the wellknown conspiracy theory that Kubrick directed a fake moon landing. But apart from that the present day part is just ridiculous. The actors are over the top in their acting and storyline is laughable. Where did the horror go in American Horror Story??
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Vikings: The Last Act (2020)
Season 6, Episode 20
Glad it's finally over!
11 October 2021
People saying "not like GoT"...well then apparently I'm the only one who got GoT vibes with these 2 final seasons! To me it felt like the (in this case) historical information was lacking so they had to make up their own storylines, which basically turned this series into a mess. This last season was so hard to get through! Storylines that went nowhere. Endless monologues or dialogues about virtually nothing. Boring new characters that did nothing for the story. I mean I remember the actor who played Othere as Titus Pullo in Rome. Now that was a character! In this series he plays a boring old man.. And the return of Floki was even more ridiculous. He had basically been turned into an extra with a few (meaningless) lines to say, Floki deserved more than that! Too bad this series had such bad last 2 seasons.. To me in hindsight I feel they should have stopped when Ragnar died.
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American Horror Story: Gaslight (2021)
Season 10, Episode 5
Alma makes Damien look like a model child lol
18 September 2021
Wow just when the story is starting to grow on me part 1 of this series already ends next week! 😕 Ryan Kiera Armstrong is the masterpiece this season, the way she plays evil Alma makes Damien of The Omen look like a model child! 🤣 I hope she'll also be in part 2 this season!
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American Horror Story: Pale (2021)
Season 10, Episode 2
Not sure about this season yet...
9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure about this season yet. It all seems a bit too predictable. Like you take the pills and you become hooked and become a vampire to satisfy your 'lifes needs' or whatever in turn for creativity. Except when you're not talented, then you turn into some meat eating/blood drinking vampire/zombie kind of creature. The thing is, with AHS I'm always kind of hoping for some shocking and surprising elements. I haven't seen anything like that just yet! If I want to see some meat eating zombies, I'd rather watch The Walking Dead. These zombies/vampires also act and look way too over the top to even remotely be scary to me. Plus we've already had a vampire themed season with AHS Hotel, except eternal youth now seems to have been replaced with eternal creativity.. Anyway, I'm hoping there'll be some more original plot twists to come!

On another note: I'm very happy to see Macaulay Culkin in a big acting role again after all that he's been through!
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Spiral (2021)
1,5 hours of Chris Rock yelling at people..
16 June 2021
I don't even know why I bothered watching this, but mea culpa, I did! Well what should I say? If you want to see 1,5 hours of Chris Rock yelling at people combined with at least half an hour of flashback scenes (in case you really didn't get the plotline 🙄) and a weak and véry predictable plot, then this is your movie!

There's a few actors that can both nail comedy and more serious movies. Chris Rock is not one of them! 😐 This movie could have just as well been named "Chris Rock and Sam Jackson needed a some money" if you'd ask me... I also don't get how Max Minghella, after his role The Handmaid's Tale, thought it was a good idea to take on this role. If you want a serious career in Hollywood, this isn't the way Max!
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Crossing (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with a lot of reviewers who say things are getting a bit unbelievable by now. June has more plot armour than is good for the continuation of this story. Basically she should have been hanged at least 10 times already considering Gilead law. Also, how did Nick get promoted as a commander anyway? And how do they trust him with her? He seems to be the only logical reason why she's still alive.. But also: he's that one that captured her, and he at least consented in using her daughter against her to make her rat out the other handmaids. And he also knew she would get tortured in that place.. Why would she still love him anyway? He basically betrayed her! Then again, I know it's twisted, but at the same time I was like "this kiss better not be their only love scene of this entire season!" I also start to feel like they don't know what to do with the characters who escaped Gillead and are now in Canada. It's like they want to show they still exist but they don't really have a meaningful storyline left for them.. I hope the rest of the season will make a bit more sense.
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