17 Reviews
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Bad for children.
11 May 2022
The movie starts with Sonic making a brief description of his home island where he mentions that there's no school and says it like it's the best thing in the world.

Cartoons bashing the educational system is a sure way of directing the youth away from KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM and LATER they grow up into dead beat adults and so leading to the decay of society.

I'm sure Jim Carrey nailed his part but I'm just so disgusted with that one bit of dialogue from Sonic at the start of the movie that I'll just pass on the rest of it.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
It's well done but...
1 March 2022
Watched the first episode and stopped.

Animation is fine, voice acting is fine but the story follows a sad man who gives the impression that he hates the life he is living. In conflict with his oldest son who openly said he hates him, i guess ill never find out why. It's just hard to watch, for me. It's got some drama going on and i dislike drama.
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22 July 2021
You cant make a good movie with just good animation.

Story was trash, acting was trash. Lebron is trash for pandering to the CCP going as far as to say that free speech is bad.
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Family Guy: Trump Guy (2019)
Season 17, Episode 11
maybe THE worse episode.
5 October 2020
Why would you favor one audience ( liberals ) over another (conservatives). It's just a bad marketing practice.

Politics is ugly and we get enough of it on other TV programs, so much of it that it makes us sick and that's why we watch cartoons and comedy.

I disliked this episode so much that i bothered to write this review, fanning the flames of social division is never funny. Wise up before you end up on the wrong side of history.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
A joke
21 August 2020
Seems like fanfiction written by feminists.

Old Star Trek presented dilemmas and made us think. New star trek tells us what to think, and often it is a completely wrong, immoral message.
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The Witcher (2019– )
A good show.
3 May 2020
It has everything you want: drama, comedy, screaming witches, nudity, horny wizards, magic, sorcery, wizardry, funny moments, bad writing, stupid decisions, spontaneous orgies, monsters, simps, chads, wenches.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
The start was too cringe
2 May 2020
100 years into the future and they put children in "space prison". I wouldn't even joke about stuff like this. Trash.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Watching it now. It's very good.
24 April 2020
No spoilers. I highly recommend the show if you're a fan of Breaking Bad or Dexter.

A very underrated and brilliant show.
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Bleach (2004–2023)
Action, sword fights, magic, fiction.
6 January 2020
Has more action than Naruto and One Piece put together. An iconic classic and one of the best anime's of all time. Even the fillers were good.

If you like sword fights, weapon lore, early Japan law and order style of scenarios, magic and fiction then this anime is right for you.

The universe is very rich with interesting characters. Voice acting, sound effects and animation were good and consistent.
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Not for me.
23 December 2019
Starts with a spoiled brat mistreating the family dog. Who wants to see that?
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Acting was great as usual, writing was bad as usual.
20 May 2019
The scene where Tyrion was just moving chairs will be the testament to D&D's limit on talent and imagination. They actually shot footage of something that could be done by the prep team before shooting. What's the message behind Tyrion moving chairs around? All hail Tyrion Lannister mover of chairs.

D&D can't tell a good story or even finish one, this was just a money grab, they wanted to end it. The pressure of coming up with something ORIGINAL and GOOD was too much for these pricks. The way they handled this was extremely juvenile. They pretty much sealed their careers as writers or producers.

Acting was amazing as usual, sound was good. I don't blame the actors for those stale scenes, they proved themselves over a 8 year period. Cheers to them.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
What went wrong
16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Acting was excellent. CGI was very good. PLOT ( writing ) - abysmal.

Daenerys Targaryen :

Seven seasons worth of character development all to culminate with an unexpected twist that feels like torture for the viewer, one of the main characters (players) in the Game of Thrones turns evil. We knew that this was a possibility but the way it was executed with such viciousness and brutality directed towards the innocent.... it just felt terribly wrong.


One of the main players and one of my favorites, dies by dragon fire. A noble man with noble intentions, the only character with the highest devotion to the greater good. He didn't have much character development, he was always the same - devoted to the greater good of the realm, wise and cunning. His death was out of character. He exposed his true intentions to Tyrion knowing full well that he's devoted to Daenerys, he didn't have an escape plan, he just waited for the dragon fire to come down upon him. Varys should have lived and be counsel to the next king or queen. His death was meaningless, just murder.

Jon Snow

Had almost nothing to do.... everyone expected more from him, he was powerless to stop the massacre.


A main player, if we look back on his character development over the series he is supposed to be intelligent, this was his main feature and he lost it all in just two episodes. Tyrion is also set up for an execution for his recent failed plan to save the city by releasing Jamie.


The odds were even but somehow she suffered a crushing defeat. Very anticlimactic. Died in rubble, meaningless death. For all they know she got away.

I feel like the writers in their quest to write an unpredictable story threw the fanbase under the bus. Their aim should be to satisfy the public not to be unpredictable. Viewer predictions are just that... predictions and speculation. Nobody cares if they were right or not. Validated fan theories are not bad for the show, they are good as long as they were not too obvious.
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Regular Show (2010–2017)
18 March 2019
Just finished watching this. The ending was so satisfying.
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This is not a documentary
20 October 2018
This video is not a documentary, it's just a bunch of snowflakes with weak arguments clinging to a thick accent but APU is so much more than his accent. To watter down such a complex character to the way he speaks is doing all Indians a great disfavor. The character of APU has so many wonderful qualities that i think all humans should have. Anyone who is a true fan of the show will agree that the APU presented in this "documentary" is very different from the APU in the series.

To be Indian and offended by the way APU speaks is to be ashamed of your heritage.

So what if a white guy does his accent? Phil Lamar did Samurai Jack and he got only praise for it.

I've been watching The Simpsons for over 20 years, Apu is one of my favorite characters. It's his thick accent that i love so much, but that's not to say that it's his only quality.
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Samurai Jack: Episode L - Tale of X-49 (2004)
Season 4, Episode 11
A sad episode
13 May 2018
One of the saddest episodes in the series, dog owners will know why. I can't say much without giving away plot but i can say that the viewer is left asking questions at the end of the episode, it's an episode about sacrifice and devotion.

The music in this episode and the sound effects are flawless. An amazing episode that left a void in my soul.
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Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018)
I highly recommend this show!
5 April 2018
Just finished watching the show and i felt the need to write a review for anyone that is considering to watch it.

Story-line 7/10 - somewhat predictable for a veteran DB fan, for anyone else watching DB for the first time it will be a thrill.

Animation 8/10 - i have seen great animation, this is what i call "good enough" animation. Details where and when it counts, fluid movements, lively colors as we expect from the DB franchise, good overall perspective.

Action 10/10 - DB is known for being packed with amazing action and adventure, for those of you who love fighting and martial arts this will never disappoint.

Morals and spiritual guidance 10/10 - The show is about martial arts which is a combination of strength and wisdom, we get plenty of both in this show. Great displays of strength and wisdom.

Music and voice acting 10/10 - Soundtrack is amazing, great sound effects and top-level voice acting.

Ridiculousness 10/10 - Destruction powers that go beyond universe level ................. a bit overkill. Struggle and pushing past limits like why do we even have limits if they can be overcome. All that talk about limits when in fact there are no limits.

Character development 10/10 - Well, i am now a Vegeta fanboy.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Fetal Kick Catalyst (2016)
Season 10, Episode 6
Show is going bad.
7 June 2017
I feel like they threw Romania under the bus with that extremely bad bit the "Romanian" lady did, everything about it was bad, she acted awkward, and said things nobody ever said or will say, any normal Romanian person wouldn't say those things even if you held a gun to his/her face.

The jokes in general have become unfunny and the show is focusing mostly on relationships, story line is stationary... i feel like it's not going anywhere.
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