
3 Reviews
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Nobody Walks (2012)
Started out well enough, but didn't go anywhere.
6 November 2012
Just saw this movie today and was a little disappointed with it. The acting is decent enough, the dialogue is not terrible (except for one scene, which will be obvious), the characters were interesting. It was all enough to make me engrossed in the film, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I kept waiting for the sh** to hit the fan and it never did.

Sorry to say that the story seemed a little under-developed to me. The stakes never seemed high enough to make you really worried for any of the characters. And what was supposed to be the climax of the film is really just a tiny spurt of nothing.

I hope the writer continues to develop further, as she obviously has the ability to create unique and interesting characters, but she just needs to learn to do more with those characters. She certainly had the time to do so in this film, as the running time is short and there were definitely sub-plots that could've been cut out entirely (the Italian teacher for instance)
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Inception (2010)
It's like The Matrix, only for smart people.
18 July 2010
Christopher Nolan is one of the few filmmakers in the world today with the ability to make a big budget blockbuster that is truly original. Inception is like nothing you have ever seen before. The plot involves a world where the technology exists to allow people to invade the dreams of others. This technology has a practical use if you make your living stealing ideas, like Leonardo DiCaprio's character does.

Beyond that, I won't say anything about the plot because the less you know going in, the better. I will say that the story is nothing short of incredible. I can't imagine the amount of work it took to write such a complex script and still have it all come together neatly with zero plot holes. I have this image in my head of Nolan drawing these massive flow charts with a thousand bubbles on a giant dry-erase board.

This film will please every kind of moviegoer, from the average-joe who likes action and special effects to the hard core film nerd that likes to analyze every second of screen time, this movie works on enough levels to please them all.

Nolan does require of his audience the ability to pay very close attention for the entire 2.5 hours, but if you give him that, he'll take you on an incredible journey. Inception is truly one of the best films ever made.
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Highly overrated film
15 December 2008
I was so excited to see this film after reading about all the praise it has received, but man, was this ever a disappointment. The film is loaded with unnecessary and boring scenes. When the main character needs to walk across town, they actually show her walking across town. When she sits down to eat dinner, they show her at the table for the entire duration of the meal.

Had this film been properly edited, it would have made a nice short film. Maybe 20 minutes long or so. But instead, the director attempts to make the audience feel what his character is feeling. Namely, being frustrated with all the mundane obligations in her life while something so much more important is going on. I disagree with this methodology. I don't believe a director should ever attempt to make his audience into his victims.

I don't feel like I watched this movie. I feel like I suffered through it. And the director intentionally did that to me.
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