21 Reviews
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Much more than a ghoststory
30 March 2024
I almost didnt see this gem because of bad reviews. But I had a feeling it was worth a try anyway. And I was pleasantly surprised. Preferring paranormal stories to be plausible. It reminded me of the old movie the changeling. Snd the sixth sense. You never know what will happen next in the story, and it is not dull, it keeps you waiting for what is going to unfold, and the intertwined mystery. Thankfully not a horrorshow, as the spirit world is not so much about as people think. Subtle, poetic, with a continuous thread you want to follow. Slow pace that builds up a shivering mystery. And it did have an ending you wouldnt expect before getting there.
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The Patient (2022)
Oh my.
16 March 2023
A different kind of and unique cinematic experience, in all its intensity.

Emotional and intense, never knowing what will happen around the corner in this strong psychological drama where you feel you get into a real life situation of probable happenings of a serial killers mind.

A movie that can very well be put on stages as a play.

If it is not already. Really a strong emotional experience to watch this. It creeps into your fear centers in your mind, and I could feel it in my bones. Normally these kinds of themes are a lot more shallow and overdramatized. Because this is not it becomes credible and a watch well worth. Though it is scary at the same time.
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Kleo (2022– )
A German take on "Kill Bill". And a good one
27 February 2023
Loved this series.

Strong script, great visuals and strong actors performances.

Recommended for spending some good hours! Inventive and never a doll moment on this "road movie" of twists and turns. You never know exactly where you end, what's comes around the corner. As many not so creative series are full of.

Surprisingly good. Thank you creators for giving something fresh to the cinema !

Every episode is a good experience. Many writers and directors has something to learn from this. A great surprise. Great moments in time-reflecting story as well. In a European style. Great music. Time well spent.
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Respect to two extraordinary, wise people
10 December 2022
I am very happy for Harry & Meghan. They deserve this well made documentary that so far has focused on their love, ability to cope extremely difficult circumstances and not the least how it feels to be hunted by the English press pack that behaves like English fox - hunters ready to kill.

I am not surprised of the biased low rate though, as the world seem to become as crazy as those paparazzis destroying peoples lives for money and fame. Looking forward to the next episodes. Sorry for those who can't see they just reveal truths about their situation. Revealed in a perspective of their experience, not in the fashion their perpetrators do.
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Blonde (2022)
The first Marilyn movie where her presence is felt
5 October 2022
I heard much criticism on the movie and didnt expect much. But was touched by the way it was made in her vibe, with an actress that channeled her sensitivity and inner beauty to the point. I had read the book and the marilyn vibe is in it, but the movie was more real life connected. I have read and seen lots of dokumentaries on marilyn, and the end of her life, her death could have been more open for suggestions in the movie since a more brutal death is highly probable and likely according to much research. It feels sadly stuck under the carpet once more here. But the live Marilyn feel and performance was pleasantly surprising. Her Soul is felt thanks to the amazing actress performance and the movie makers. Rip Marilyn though this was not the whole story.
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Pleasant, special and a wonderful forest
28 July 2022
A calm, pleasant, quiet journey through present, past and what could be.

Deep, intriguing and different. Meditative, soulful and a breath of freshness.

Lovely watch, that at the same time has a nerve of where will this end up.
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Elvis (2022)
Loved Elvis since childhood, prior to his death, and loved the movie
20 July 2022
This movie was a beautiful surprise. It goes to the heart of Elvis. His big heart, innocence, importance in history and his lack of freedom that he had to fight for. Under the abuse from his "manager". Love the way the movie looks, the storyline, the build-up, scenes and the actors. Thank you, creators of the movie! Cant wait to see it again! A movie that has long been due. And is the best it could be.
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Catch and Release (2021– )
Hopeful, but disappointed
4 March 2022
I hoped this was a good series, but it took one episode to know it lacked a lot. Gave an impression to be made as a school project. With characters that had no energy. And where is the plot and story. Extremely sagging. It doesn't help to put sami some joik in it to make it interesting.

I reminds me of the series Wisting that has shown to be equally slow and with zombie like figures, where you are sorry you wasted time on it.

With catch and release I didn't waste more time than one episode, thankfully.
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Sad, horrifying but very important work for justice of victims of abuse
19 March 2021
A very important work for justice of victims of abuse. They have too few voices against mighty men.
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Unexpectedly strong and beautiful movie
4 August 2020
I did not have expectations to the movie, as I started reading the book once, and put it down after reading not too long, finding it not to my taste. It seems I should have continued reading. The movie is in any case rare in story and filming. Soft, thrilling, surprising, intriguing worth watching. A beautiful movie to watch. Reminds me of movies like the cider house rules, the emigrants (innvandrarna/utvandrarna) and Pelle Erobreren.
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Lawless (2012)
Put off by the opening killing scene
22 May 2020
Movies starting off by killing an animal for real is the worst kind of "real action" i can imagine. Next to opening a movie killing a human for real. So I shy away from this.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Wow. More of this!
18 April 2020
Wow. This series was just perfect. :-) I am not easily impressed. A demanding lover of movies. That search for the ultimate movie. But this had me at my toes. Smooth, sensual, visually strong. Thank you! I hope they continue to make more episodes. Love the actors and it is so classic made. I hope some day I will have forgotten enough of the stories to see it again:) Will look for more of the same director/producer.
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The Outsider (2020)
I liked the first episodes
5 April 2020
I liked the first episodes, they were really taking you in to an interesting intriguing story, but it turned out too bloody and weird as a monster horror movie. So they lost me in the last few episodes. And I felt a bit "cheated" for a more intelligent plot.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Too much of a violence orgie from the creators
21 February 2020
Some directors create movies to create violent scenes. In this case treating native americans as savages through and through. Hopefully racism isnt the reason it got such high critics. Too much blood bath for me to see it through to the end.
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Cave (2016)
Wish I hadnt seen it
14 February 2020
This was a really bad movie experience. With a meaningless brutal story as well as ending. What was the point?
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Twin (2019)
Intense, original and well worth watching. Glued to the screen!
14 February 2020
A lot more interesting and exciting than expected. Intriguing! Wish they could have one more season! Excellent actors!
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
10 December 2019
A breath of fresh air! Good energy. Female "know how" and boldness of expression. I hope for a continuation. Many threads in the air that makes one curious to know how things go further.
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Very important heartwrenching movie, with painful truths.
28 November 2019
Really heartbreaking to see the true story of the extreme conditions of child abuse in Indian Schools by christian priests. Children forced from their parents into hellish conditions under the false truth that they were to become better people, like their perpetrators thought themselves because of a faith they only misused for their own benefit. People should see this movie. With child abuse still happening all over the world. There should be a lot more focus on getting an end to violence and abuse from people with power over innocent children and people. Sad story. Though very well made.
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Thank you for a strong, touching movie
1 October 2019
Loved the movie. Brilliant leading roles. Awesome music, touching story. Well played!
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Wind River (2017)
Too violent
1 October 2019
Could have been interesting, but disappointed, as it becomes a violence orgie. Surprised by the high ratings, that led me to see it. Why this excess of violence?
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2020 Nostradamus (2017 Video)
What was this?
23 August 2019
Meaningsless confusing propaganda for what cause? It didn´t make any sense. As someone else said here, it is an attempt to debunk Nostradamus. With some agenda behind that the producers do not have the skills to make clear what is.Just leaving one as empty as the movie is. And why 2020 in the title? No explanation. A total waste of time.
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