
11 Reviews
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Tre kronor (1994–1999)
The darkest Soap-Opera that combined warm humor with grace
27 October 2011
Swedish TV4 most long-lived Soap that bring the most controversies. Even if most of it at that time where more or less laughable. But still, let the truth be known that this was a heck of a unpleasant show at its most disturbing parts. Everyone could die or get in serious trouble. Most when we feared the worst it was also in fact always turned out to be the case. But as a perfect relief for comedy it humorous parts where truly hilarious. Many plots came and went for each season. Including a desperate father that gets desperate, a homecoming U.N.-Soldier from Bosnia, Biker-gang, Ufos(!), a Psychopath, a religious cult and a pure politician that wants to give criminals a second chance etc. Days after the outstanding and to this day discussed climax (that may be the best in the history of its sub-genre) to the show the Channel decided to cancel the show. There where talkings of a Film being made about the aftermath to whats happened, but never to be mentioned again. Tina Leijonborg that got tired of the character after in her opinion silly proceeding of her character have said in a interview there was a Book that continued her characters story.
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Sahara (1995 TV Movie)
Unknown but amazingly surprisingly great Action War-exploitation
26 October 2011
Developed after a long series of re-dones. At start with a Soviet Film from the early 30's. A complete collection of all sorts of different characters from all around the World. All with their own personalities, beliefs and perspectives. James Belushi makes one of hes life-time performances for sure i dare to say. He really owns the screen and I'm so in love with hes character. But as mentioned ALL of the more main- characters are unforgivable and all have their deep to explore. The plot where we are supposed to believe that 9 men can stand against 500 with all-round superior firepower... is a bit much for me though. Even if its add to the Drama and the Film is made basically for entertainment. But its the only problem i have with the film. The dialog and humor are world class. When each of them die it feels empty. Also love the fact how they have to spare ammunition,Water and fight practically with small measures. The conclusion is so brilliant. Also a sweet touching message for the fallen soldiers that gives a sad farewell to the film. My personal favorite War-movie of all time.
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A brilliant end to a classic trilogy.
26 October 2011
The last film about the Demon-slashing hero breaks free from the previous genre-rules and just do as it wants. Bruce Campbell is a milestone of an actor and could carry most movies by hes own. This film is one of hes most qualitative. Tons of legendary lines and funny classic scenes that doesn't need to excuse themselves. Some creepy-looking monsters but this is a Actioncomedy Adventure in the lands of evil. The chemistry with clashes between time-cultures are one of the funniest there is. Something that was quite popular at that time. For laughs and entertainment-consideration Army of Darkness is a very solid classic. That fascinatingly enough came from a very serious Horror-film at first.
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Angel Cop (1989–1994)
Amazingly amusingly and uncompromisingly violent gore-fest.
26 October 2011
Angel Cop isn't quality in the political correct sense of high culture, perhaps a bit depending on the audio-track. In the west its "known" for its cursing. Im not a fan of it normally. I would even say i dislike it. But even i have to admit its done in special combinations in release from the ordinary ordeals. Its not political correct in any way, for that matter. Our "Angel" is a really ruthless agent and doesn't even cry to many rivers if one of her own men gets hurt. The unusual stile is to my knowledge closest to "I come in peace" with Dolph Lundgren. Its starts out as a Police-typo story with heavy firefights against natural bad-guys. But later a new threat is on the menu. Its up there with the most violent animated features ever. But its well made. There is also a political sidetrack which makes it hold together a bit better. For me personally a very entertaining classic.
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Silver Fang (1986)
A mission is a Puppy
26 October 2011
Known in different titles and perhaps a Nordic affair mostly. Since it was sort of a hit in Finland and Sweden at least. Never heard of a English version, which in that case would be a terrible shame. This is a life-time achievement in the genre of Drama trough the eyes of the Dogs. The portrayal of how we exploits the Dogs for our needs feels spot on. One of the female leads owner showed hes true colors when desperation called. When the grown-ups are sloppy, its up to a little boy and a legendary Puppy to stop a psychotic Bear from terrorizing their land. The old hunter has hes guilt and a demon to fight in the gigantic Bear Akakaboto (Red Helmet). A teary-eyed show about growing up, responsibility and honor. Some scenes are very heartbreaking. An instant and powerful classic.
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Resident Evil (1996 Video Game)
Funhouse of Horror
26 October 2011
A Rescue Team is send out to the Countryside to rescue another Rescuteam... Boxed in a House for safety comes a new struggle. For its platform its completely genius. Done with a imagination like never before. Its amazing how every Room match so perfectly together throughout the Game. The kind of low-budget acting just adds to its unique charm. Albert Wesker and Barry Burton are in their own true right unforgettable characters. The idea with Zombies came from George A. Romeros Dawn of the Dead and Lucio Fulcis Zombie Flesheaters. But included are different kinds of monsters and places that only a brilliant mind like Shinji Mikami would even dare to come up with. Some of the Soundtracks are truly horrific in a sharp old fashion stile. For extra tension during all the loading time the Door is semi-slow opened to add the feeling of unknowings that awaits beyond every new sights. Groundbreaked and popularized the Survival Horror-genre.
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Berserk (1997–1998)
An emotional and gripping bloodbath with amazing storytelling
26 October 2011
Its a privilege to witness such a great script and not more than rare to be swallowed by a Drama like Berserk. Berserk is violent and very dark. Many people die and War is hell. A mysterious Swordsman seeks revenge on someone. The story that explains why is deeply fundamental. The incredible Soundtrack adds magic to this brutal world. The characters are very dimensional each one, not the least Guts who is raised by the Sword and battle is all he know. One could see a little crusader in him who dreams of another World. A genius and god-like worshiped leader is driven by a Dream. Hes conscience makes him doubt as people dies for it. Heartgripping turn of events all the way trough like a Rollercauster. Unpredictable and chocking. Berserk is something that no one wants to miss.
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Desperado (1995)
A perfect ride doesn't need a good story. Neither one at all.
26 October 2011
In a Bar a sort of legend is told. The Mariachi who no longer plays a Guitar. You get to know hes old side as a amazing Guitarrist performing a live-show unlike anyone i heard of before and after. But hes life gets ruined completely. The tragic hero is told to be on hes quest after someone called Bucho. Which never makes true sense to be perfectly honest. But the love for the genre and perfection to all ideas fills Desperado as a ultimate fun action-film. Its never told to be anything more. Almost every scene and every joke are worthy of your time. All the characters are color-full as any could ever possibly be. The tale of the tragic hero is still sensitive. He goes from a clean, nice and peaceful. When forced to violence, a new look appear almost magically on him. The meeting with a kid from the new generation of Mariachis gives it all a deeper dimension. Mostly a fun straight-forward film, done in its own stile. Quentin Tarantino must be doing one of hes greatest achievements right here. The man seem to love jokes, and he perform my personal favorite of all time. Its correct that a movie cant possibly be perfect without a perfect story. But Desperado lets itself be in its own way.
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Ken the Fist of the North Star is put to be our savior
26 October 2011
It begins with a philosophical wiev on Ying and Yang. Two powers that are the basis of conflicts, metaphysics and all basis that are in existence of the favor of the other. Told by the wise man who have trained hes powerful sons who will step up to guidance in this new world. After a Nuclear War (the images is by the most disturbing in a animated feature ever produced) hes thoughts are questioned and chaos will prevail. Ken wants to settle down with hes wife. Unknowing that he will be forced to be on hes quest as a savior in this new world order. Where it is back to Nature-standards, where us, the now weak species are brutalized by the Nuclear waste formed big Mutants. Its extremest to extremely violent but in the same time assured as nothing you ever seen before. The dark humor is groundbreaking and shamefully entertainment. The story is told through all the point-characters with a important background for each. The opening is a beautiful contrast to all the horrible cruelty, tough-notch punishment and harrowing images done in the purest perfection. The masters voice of wisdom in the beginning can be heard later on as a voice blowing in the sky to a feeling of religious proportions. The movie in all its bloodshed reminds us in a pure way that there is always hope.
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George A. Romeros visionary masterpiece.
26 October 2011
With a unique perspective George A. Romero gives a story that deep you could see it in a billion different ways. As a Drama, or an Adventure where our protagonists trying to be Kings of the Mall, perhaps a Horror epic where humans brink of destruction clearly takes away our humanity that lowers us even below the Zombies. The undead are used as a tool to bring up what Romero wants to say. Only that is creative beyond all brilliance. Humans battles and arguments for fighting goes on while these creatures tries to be a part of the rich hierarchy. Sometimes we could bring some of the issues home to our reality and the underlying fears are powerful. The fact that this movie is very easy to ovaranalyze just makes it more interesting. The characters are mostly very memorable and all the wishes for them to survive trough the ordeal are there. The movies tone is also special and sarcastic but dealth with such a masterfully hand that knows what its doing. The line "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth" was that great that it also was used to represent the Movies Tagline. Which is a wonderful touch i never seen before. Not a perfect movie, since i don't believe in them.
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New Dominion Tank Police (1993–1994)
One Girl Show.
4 April 2010
The follow up to Dominion Tank Police. Sort of a reconstruction with a little different tone. One reason to call it "New". With better animation, from the golden age of animé. Even tough its really bizarre in a logical sense, its well made and the dialogue is at times top class. But somewhere i still wish the creators didn't had want to want so much. A simple depiction of a Tankpolice units everyday life, is interesting enough. The gallery of characters is not the strongest. But Leona Osaki is my favorite female character of all time. She carries almost single-handedly the entire TV-series. Strangely enough i love her, despite i wouldn't call her a very nice person.

Its not Shakespeare, but a fun over-the-top satire with quite nasty humor. Did i mention Leona Osaki?
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